Path of the Berserker-Chapter 61Book 2:

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“CONGRATULATIONS, IRON BULL,” the magistrate said. “It appears you are the victor.”

I could barely hear her as I stood over my handiwork, waiting for Lo Feng’s body to shift into boss fight phase three. But as I waited nothing happened. I closed my eyes briefly for another peek into the spiritual realm and sure enough there was no crack in the darkness of reality that was Lo Feng’s demonic core.

At least not one where I’xol’ukz’s tentacles were trying to squeeze through.

As the stadium staff arrived to cart his body away, it finally dawned on me.

Hong Feng and Hin Wu had both transformed due to being outside the effects of the dome. Hong Feng had been deep below ground and Hin Wu had been out in the wild. But here, on the surface and under the effect of the aetherite crystal hovering high above, I guessed I’xol’ukz’s influence just couldn’t cut the muster.

I smiled at that.

One less complication to worry about.

And one step closer to completing my ultimate plan.

“Indeed,” the Warden said as she stood, her face non-plussed as ever. “I honor you, Iron Bull, as Jurin Province’s new leader of the Fire Bird Clan.”

Although her face was neutral, there was resentment in her soul as the Warden performed a mid-tier bow to me—a gesture that signified us now as equals. It was a surreal experience, reminding me of when Threja had done the same. But while I knew it was genuine with Threja, for the Warden it was clearly only protocol. The woman no doubt despised the fact that I had somehow become equal to her as a sect leader, considering I was nowhere near her station in terms of true social ranking as a Warden.

“Thank you, Honorable Warden,” I said, returning her bow. I then turned to the magistrate. It was time for phase two. “I have need of your court yet again, High Magistrate. There is another long-standing matter that needs to be resolved today.”

She arched a brow. “What is it now, Iron Bull?”

“I shall have my barrister explain, your honor,” I said and then beckoned Jian Yi over to whisper into her ear.

Her eyes went wide once I finished explaining everything. “Master Chun, are you sure of this?”

“Go on,” I said, focusing on the ember smoldering in her soul. “It’ll be fine. Trust me.”

She took a deep breath and then addressed the court.

“Honorable High Magistrate, Madam Warden,” she said. “Now that the matter of the Fire Bird Clan versus the Dong family is fulsomely over due to the ascension of the Iron Bull to the status of Sect Leader, I now return to the original matter of the writ issued by the Dong family against the Terran Sect.”

Master Hei Dong snapped his head towards her. “What?”

“It was dropped because the Lady Silver Light was falsely convicted,” Jian Yi continued. “But now that she has been exonerated, thanks to the Iron Bull’s testimony, there is no reason why it should not be reinstated.”

I looked to Fia and finally removed my bull mask, giving her a wink.

Upon the dais, she smiled subtly, a smile that perhaps only I could see, but her soul swooned with lemonade.

“Let me understand this,” the magistrate said. “You wish to reinstate a writ that was dropped against you?”

“Indeed,” I said, flexing my Core and focusing on Hei Dong. “And I no longer wish to wait. I want the duel to happen right now.”

“What? No!” Hei Dong shouted. “The Lady Silver Light is in no condition to fight. She has not even had—”

“I’ll do it,” Fia said as she stood. “I will defend our family’s honor as first promised. I, Fia Dong, Royal Lady of the Silver Leaf Clan, do reinstate the writ against one Max Chun, also known as the Iron Bull, Warden of the Terran Sect and leader of the Fire Bird Clan!”

“Fia, you cannot!” her mother shouted. “This man just slew Lo Feng! He survived being subjected to an inner world! You’re no match for—”

“Order, Lady Silver Moon!” the magistrate chastised her, but she had spoken the truth.

Fia was outmatched and they all knew it.

The game was completely under my control now.

“If I perish, I perish,” Fia said with a smile on her face. “We cannot be seen to be weak in front of our rivals.” She then looked back to the Warden as if for some kind of confirmation. “Is that not right, honorable sect leader?”

The Warden eyed me warily, no doubt sensing the clear shift in power now, but Fia’s words had had the effect we had both hoped for. A loss of face was worth far more than the loss of a single Silver Leaf daughter.

“This is a private family matter,” the Warden said. “But you speak correctly, Lady Silver Light. The honor of the Silver Leaf Clan is at stake. Yet, think carefully in what you do, child. This is no game.”

But it was for us.

A game we were about to win.

“I will do our clan honor, sect leader,” Fia said with a bow.

“Very well,” the magistrate said. “Lady Silver Light, you may take position within the arena. The rules of normal combat shall apply.”

Fia’s mother suddenly fell to her knees. “Please, Master Iron Bull, have mercy! You spared my life and hers. Have you done so only to kill my daughter by your own hand?”

“It’s the same reason she gave me,” I said, nodding to Fia. “She wanted revenge for her brother’s chastisement and the destruction of your husband’s sword. Don’t tell me that now, only when knowing what strength you truly face, that the honor of those things no longer matter?”

Fear filled both of Fia’s parents as I flexed my Dantian.

“My family’s honor still matters to me,” Fia said, taking a combat stance. “Mother, please lend me your blades.”

Her mother shook her head feverishly. “Fia, please no.”

But she was crippled and powerless to stop Fia as she summoned them with a wave of her hand. They flew from her mother’s side and lined themselves behind her back in a triangle formation. We approached one another on the battlefield slowly, growing close enough to nearly kiss, and I would have given anything in the world to do so at that moment.

Read 𝓁at𝙚st chapters at ƒrē Only.

“Follow my lead,” I said to her in a whisper.

She smiled. “I’ll follow you anywhere.”

I broke away from her with retreat, brandishing my axe and glaive.

“For the honor of the Terran Sect!” I cried and charged at her again.

Without hesitation we instinctively went into one of our sparring routines, countering and parrying one another’s attacks. The timing was executed with such precision that even Fia’s mother gasped in fright. It was a good sign. It looked real at least. But Fia and I could barely contain our smiles as we engaged in—what was to us—more a choreographed dance than combat.

The months of preparation and training.

The long hours spent together day after day.

It all came back paying dividends now.

We knew each other’s move-sets so completely that we could predict each other’s actions two or three forms in advance. I kept the pace, intensifying with the addition of lightning techniques and Fia did the same with her luminescent Silver Leaf skills. I lost track of how the Warden or Magistrate were even reacting, so consumed in the joy of the victory lap we were both performing.

This was the reward for defeating all of my enemies. For defeating Hin Wu, I’xol’ukz and Lo Feng. And not to mention achieving my goals of advancement within the Brackets and even now assuming the rank of Sect Leader.

But the ultimate victory still lay ahead.

Fia becoming my wife.

Ten minutes later she was sweating profusely, still keeping pace, but I could tell it was mostly just an act. We could keep this up for hours if we wanted to. We flew at one another and then locked blades, drawing close enough to communicate again.

“I think it’s time,” Fia said. “This has gone on long enough. But what are you going to do?”

“You’ll see,” I said with a grin. “Just follow my lead again. Block this next move, it won’t be as bad as it sounds.”

I pushed Fia away unlocking our weapons and then called to the sky. “[Lightning Splits the Towering Oak!]”

I leapt into the air and Fia remained stationary as planned.

I brought my axe down on her three jian blades as she formed them in a triangular block and pulled my strength at the last second. I barely broke her technique, and as we stood face to face again, she stared back at me confused, her eyes shifting, unsure of what I was going to do next.

And then with a gentle shove of my hand, I pushed her on the shoulder, and she fell to the ground as if in a pantomime. I raised my axe as if for a killing blow and she immediately caught on and dropped her blades.

This was it, the moment of truth.

She raised both her hands and cried out.

“Mercy!” she said. “I have clearly been bested! I beg you! Spare my life!”

I grinned inwardly and then looked to her parents.

“It seems the life of your daughter is forfeit, Master Hei Dong. I have every right to take it, do you not agree?”

The man looked almost in tears, his wife already so. “I… we cannot deny your strength, Master Iron Bull.”

“Good,” I said. “Then I will claim your daughter’s life…and offer it back to you.” Hei Dong’s brow creased with confusion. “As a dowry.”

A collective gasp went through the court and the Warden stood to her feet.

“What madness is this?!” she shouted.

But I ignored her with [Indifference] and turned to Fia’s father instead. “Master Hei Dong, will you accept this dowry, that of your daughter’s life, for her hand in marriage?”

“I… what?” The man was flabbergasted, unable to respond. “What do you mean?”

“Yes!” Fia’s mother suddenly cried out. “Yes, we’ll do it!”

“Be silent, Lady Silver Moon!” the Warden screamed and in a flurry of Qi she [Flash Stepped] from the dais to appear before us in an instant. “What preposterous game is this?”

Even I was a little taken aback by the sudden movement. The Warden scowled at the both of us. Where her face was once placid and non-plussed before, now it was creased with incessant hate and rage.

“It is only lawful, most honorable Warden,” Jian Yi said from the sidelines. “My client has fairly claimed the life of Lady Silver Light after she claimed defeat.”

“More like feigned defeat!” the Warden said savagely. “That poor excuse for a duel might as well have been a damned proposal bout!”

“It was,” I said, not giving a shit anymore. “Fia…will you marry me?”

Fia shot up from the ground. “Yes! Yes, I’ll marry you!”

“Fia!” Hei Dong cried, but she had already leapt into my arms.

The look of loss and betrayal on his face was priceless, but I could sense the hurt in Fia’s soul as well.

“I love him, Father,” Fia said. “And you see now how strong he is. He can protect me!”

“This will not stand!” the Warden screamed, her soul erupting with rage. “I will not allow it. I will not allow a Fire Bird to enter into the Silver Leaf Clan!”

My Flame surged as I cultivated her sweet anger and pain.

“I’m not asking to join your clan, Lady Silver Tear,” I said to her with [Indifference]. “I’m asking Fia to join mine.”

Another huge bomb drop went off as the Warden digested it, looking like she was about to explode.

“I am now a leader of a martial sect. Equal to you in status in the martial realm.” I then looked to Hei Dong. “Surely a dowry from such a high-standing individual would not be refused for your daughter’s hand.”

Both her parents seemed shellshocked, but Fia’s father most of all. Eventually her mother pulled on his arm. “Husband, what choice do we have? This man saved Fia and I both. And now Fia confesses love for him. How, I do not know, but he has also bested Lo Feng. We are in no position to deny him!”

Hei Dong eyed me warily.

I thought I’d sense anger from him.

But inside him there was nothing but pain…

“Master Iron Bull,” he said solemnly. “You have entered our family and caused much disruption. You publicly chastised my son. Destroyed a priceless sword and now seek to steal my only daughter away from both her birthright and her home.” He paused and I was about to retort with a punchline, but then he continued. “Yet, you have also saved and returned my wife to me. You have spared my daughter’s life as well. And you have bested a foe that I could not dream to have protected my family from. And above it all, somehow, my daughter confesses her love for you.” His shoulders slumped and he fell to his knees, his soul producing the faintest hint of lemonade. “What else can I do, but agree to your dowry price. For the price of her life, my daughter’s hand in marriage... is yours.”

A joy filled me like none other, matched only by lemonade filling Fia’s soul.

“Thank you, Father! Thank you!”

She ran to her parents and hugged them, although they were still somewhat shellshocked it seemed, barely able to hug her back, their eyes still focused on me. I gave them a bow of deep respect.

“I will honor, cherish and protect your daughter as she now joins my family,” I said. “This I swear by the heaven–”


A boom went off as the Warden flew high into the air, breaking the sound barrier with how quickly she had moved. Her eyes flared with glowing white light as six jian blades materialized about her body. She focused on me and within her soul all I could sense was rage and hate.

“I will tolerate this charade no longer! Never will a royal daughter of my noble house, leave to marry a title-less, lowborn native who eats from the filthy troughs of the Fire Bird Clan!” She then turned to Fia. “And you! You ungrateful little wretch. You dare turn your back on your family? On your clan? On me?”

My Flame ignited with uncertainty.

I didn’t know what the Warden was about to do.

But it couldn’t be anything good.

I tensed, tempering my body with [Steel Skin].

“This unholy union shall not stand,” she said and raised her arms to the sky. “I shall destroy you both before even a rumor of your blasphemous charade touches a single royal ear outside this court!”

I barely had a chance to react as the Warden formed her six blades into a triangle pattern behind her.

“[Eighth Heaven! Radiant Soul Strike]!”

I knew that technique.

Fia’s disruptive attack!

I jumped in front of Fia just as the technique went off, blinding light shooting from the Warden’s palms. It struck me just as I raised my [Steel Lightning] technique, absorbing the brunt of the force, but still it felt like a jumbo jet had just crashed into my chest, causing my feet to skid across the arena as it pushed me back thirty feet or more.

Fia screamed behind me, clinging to my back as she no doubt sensed the tremendous power the Warden was employing against me as well. But that was merely the physical side. I quickly poured my Frenzy into my [Soul Shield] technique, fighting against the assault on my Flame. It flared brightly in response, pushing back against the radiant Qi that threatened to snuff it out.

I grimaced as her barrage of luminescence continued, feeling like I was down at the bottom of that hellscape again. The pressure was immense, my Frenzy draining by the second to maintain my spiritual defense technique.

But I stood firm.

No damn way was I backing down to this bitch.

Not after everything I’d just been through.

Not even if it killed me.

My Flame shifted gears, intensifying with my [Struggler’s Resolve].

“Why! Won’t! You! Fall!” she screamed, and her attack intensified.

I stared her dead in the face as childhood memories flashed through my mind. Her cruel indifference as she left my parents to die. I then thought of all the parents she had left to die that night. Leaving us orphans to fend for ourselves in a cruel world we didn’t understand. I tapped into the heart of [Everyone’s Pain] as I dwelled on it, reaching out to every Terran soul in the city.

Suddenly my Frenzy levels started to go up not down.

I brimmed with confidence as I stepped towards the Warden menacingly pushing into her technique, and the countenance on her face and in her heart began to change. Anger and hatred shifted towards uncertainty and fear. I grinned at her with a heathy dose of [Fear the Flame].

That’s right, you bitch, fear me…know what I am.

But outwardly I maintained a grim fa?ade of [Indifference].

“You about done yet, Warden?” I said casually. “Cause I can keep this up all day.”

I could as well, the air around me awash with so much Frenzy that I’d already filled my Dantian and was waiting for more. The Warden continued to stare down at me with disbelief and dismay and then finally she dropped to the ground exhausted, breathing heavily as she recovered her Qi.

“How?” she said staring at me incomprehensibly, contemptuously. “How are you still alive? It’s…It’s impossible!”

A sound of a banging gavel filled the air, and we all looked towards the magistrate who was now leaning towards Jian Yi as she whispered into her ear.

What the hell was going on? I thought, but the magistrate was already speaking.

“I am afraid that what has just occurred was impossible in more ways than one, Madam Warden,” she said.

The Warden glared at her. “What do you speak of?”

The magistrate frowned. “As the Iron Bull’s barrister has just rightly pointed out, the attack you have just made against him was also against the now leader of the Fire Bird Clan. I am afraid, Madam Warden, that you yourself are now guilty of violating imperial law through an unsanctioned attack on a fellow martial sect.”

The air stood still as the gravity of the statement took hold.

I couldn’t believe it.

I looked to Jian Yi and couldn’t contain my smile.

She gave me one of her patented chin lifts in return.

Hell yeah!

Damn it felt good to have people in my corner.

“That’s preposterous!” the Warden said.

“Yet it was witnessed by all,” the magistrate said. “And as baffled as I am as to how he survived such an attack, it is up to the plaintiff now if he will file a writ against you in that regard.”

All eyes turned to me.

The Warden glared at me smugly. “Then I apologize. This One takes back her misdirected assault. It was…unintentional.”

Anger stirred within me at her self-righteous entitlement. As if she were automatically above the law and could cancel everything with a simple empty apology. Every bone in my body wanted to take full advantage and grill her to the hilt.

But the Struggler eased the Demon back from the controls.

I’d just forced her into a chess move.

A checkmate even.

But I had to play my cards right if I wanted to take full advantage of it.

“I need a word with my barrister,” I said and summoned Jian Yi to my side again. I told her my plan and this time she didn’t even bat an eye, even though it was probably twice as crazy as the plan I had told her before.

Jian Yi cleared her throat. “The Iron Bull does not accept the apology. Your honor, clearly to have forgotten one’s station as a Warden to such a degree as to violate imperial law, no doubt puts into question the Lady Silver Tear’s competency to maintain her position.”

A flare of anger came from the Warden. “What is this now?”

“The Iron Bull, in his capacity as Leader of the Fire Bird Clan, a fellow martial sect leader, issues a vote of no confidence against the standing Warden, and challenges her for leadership as Seventh Warden and imperial leader of Jurin province.”

The Warden’s eyes grew so wide they all but fell out of her head.

“Are you insane!” the Warden shouted. “How dare you even make such a proposal? High Magistrate, clearly this up-start barrister is out of her mind with such a request of the courts.”

The magistrate narrowed her eyes. “Actually, Madam Warden, she is within her rights to file a vote of no confidence against a Warden found guilty of breaking imperial law. And seeing as I may be lenient enough to oversee prosecution of the matter itself in lieu of this new development, I suggest you consider it seriously.”

Jian Yi smiled and I gave her a wink.

“Look at the bright side,” I said with a laugh. “If I become Warden, then your grandniece wouldn’t be marrying into the family of a title-less scum bag, anymore right? Sounds like a win-win to me.”

But she only glared at me with disdain.

“How can this be?” she said.

She continued to stare and then slowly something new entered her eyes. Her expression changed from a scowl to a look of wonder and possibly even delight—lemonade suddenly mixing with her contempt and hate.

“I…I actually remember you now,” she said as she peered at me, and a leer spread across her lips, causing my pulse to race. She studied me, eyes flashing up and down. “You’ve come a long way since that night, boy.”

Holy shit, she did remember me… it felt almost like vindication in a way.

She finally knew who the hell she was dealing with.

“Don’t you worry,” I said with [Struggler’s Resolve]. “I intend to go a lot further as well.”

She let out a scoff, clearly amused.

“Still clever,” she said with a smile, but then the smile grew into a smirk. “But again, not very wise.”

I grew apprehensive at that and looked to Jian Yi, but she merely shrugged, looking as perplexed as I was.

“High Magistrate,” the Warden said. “I will accept the challenge to my leadership, but in accordance with the laws of martial combat, challengers must be of equal standing must they not?”

“Indeed, they must,” the magistrate said.

“They are of equal standing, your honor,” Jian Yi said. “The Iron Bull stands equal to the Lady Silver Tear as a sect leader.”

“That he is,” the Warden said. “But while the Iron Bull is now a sect leader, making us equal in that standing, he is also still within the Gold Bracket.” The Warden smiled at me again as her countermove became clear. “Unfortunately for the Iron Bull, my bracket happens to be Diamond.”

The floor fell out from under me again.

“Oh, shit!” Jian Yi cursed. “She’s diamond?”

“I never even knew that,” Fia said softly. “But she’s over two hundred years old, so it probably makes sense.”

I was beside myself for a moment, truly considering the challenge of facing the Warden now. I knew she was powerful, a High-Tier Sacred Soul Realm cultivator at least, but brackets were a different story. I was perhaps lucky she had only sought to fry me with a disruption technique instead of putting her blades to actual use.

“We request time for preparation, your honor!” Jian Yi said. “Three years!”

Damn, three years? I thought. But then who knew how long it might take for me to hit diamond? The difficulty between the brackets was not linear by any means. Perhaps three years might even be cutting it close.

“Objection,” the Warden said. “As the issuer of the challenge they cannot request preparation time. The challenger must be either fit to give the challenge or withdraw.”

“Wait,” I said, whispering to Fia and Jian Yi. “Fia, weren’t you able to grant me a year of preparation time, when you were the challenger?”

“Yes,” Fia said. “But that was time to allow you to prepare, not me.”

“She’s right,” Jian Yi said. “You have to be fully fit to issue a challenge. Damn it, I’m sorry, Max, I forgot to think about this aspect. We’ll need to withdraw, but who knows what the Warden will do to us now, knowing that you’d sought to make such a challenge. With being granted preparation time, we’d have had the protection of the courts at least. But now…?”

Shit… had I just stuck our collective necks out too far?

The targets on our backs had just grown to Warden size.

I sighed heavily, feeling the weight of the world again as I prepared to give the order.

“Your honor,” I said with chagrin. “I hereby withd—”


The powerful words boomed from the heavens themselves like thunder.

Everyone in the arena reacted to the same, ducking slightly as the words came from nowhere and no one. And then the air above the arena began to shimmer as a figure came into view.

It was at least two or three stories tall, elegant feminine features framed in flowing green and beige robes. Behind it were six enormous jade crystals that pulsated with an energy and light of their own. But most striking of all was the face that appeared. It was a face I’d seen countless times before on announcement boards and propaganda reels, but now, it looked even more stunning and surreal than ever. Her features were so perfect that they looked almost fake, not unlike that chain-bound succubus I fought in that nether realm. Her hair too, looked far too perfect. Shimmering gold and hanging loosely down her shoulders while her head itself was adorned with a massive jade and gold crown that looked like it could be a work of art.

“The princess…” Jian Yi mouthed and instantly fell to her knees.

Fia did the same and then suddenly Jian Yi was up on her feet again, running to grab Kelsey who was standing and staring up at the princess like she was being blinded by the sun. Jian Yi pulled her to her knees as well, and then everyone else did the same, the High Magistrate and Warden included.

I waited a second more before doing the same myself—the Struggler finally beating back the Demon with enough common sense to know when a challenge was not yet ripe or wise. As I bowed my head, I wondered just what the hell was going on though.

Why was she here? How even? Had she been watching the whole damn time?

I risked another glimpse and could see the rear of the stadium faintly through her translucent form. A spectral image or projection of her inner self perhaps, just like Lo Feng.

“Illustrious Third Princess!” the High Magistrate spoke with her head still facing the floor. “You honor this humble court with your divine presence.”

“Indeed, Third Princess,” the Warden said echoing her. “Your excellency does indeed honor us with your visit to this humble province of Jurin.”

“You may all rise,” was all she said in response, and we did so in unison.

My heart then raced as the surreal goddess in the sky focused her piercing jade eyes on me.

“Max Chun,” she said, her voice shaking the arena. “I will agree to exercise my divine authority and allow you three years to reach Diamond Bracket as requested, but on one condition.”

The Warden stared up at the princess with thinly veiled contempt, her heart filled with rage. I could only imagine what it was like to have your trump card trumped by the literal ruler of the planet.

But even I didn’t know where the hell this was coming from.

Or going even.

I waited for the other shoe to drop, fearing the worst.

“You shall act as tribute for the coming commencement year of the Legionnaire Academy to take place in five months’ time,” the princess said. “If you are successful in graduating from the academy and surviving but a single tour as a Legionnaire, you shall be granted the standing of Diamond Bracket. You would then be fit to face your challenge for leadership against the Lady Silver Tear, as Warden for Jurin Province.”

My jaw nearly hit the floor as the new path of opportunity rolled out before me like a red carpet. It was as if the Frenzied Flame itself had guided my every step. I couldn’t believe it. Direct access to something I thought would take me years to finally see and do, now handed to me on a silver platter.

“Well, Max Chun?” the princess said, and for an instant I swear I could sense a bit of lemonade in her soul. “Do you accept?”

I was just to open my mouth and shout “hell yes!” when Fia suddenly grabbed hold of my arm.

“Max, don’t do this! It must be some kind of trap.”

“I agree,” Jian Yi said. “People don’t come back from those tours or even the academy. Doing something like this just to become a Warden is insane! It doesn’t even make sense. A Legionnaire is ranked higher than a Warden. We’d be better off suffering the wrath of Lady Silver Tear while building your strength to challenge her some other way.”

Across the distance I could see the Warden smiling, perhaps thinking the very same thing. But then I looked across at my little sister Kelsey, her eyes beaming with conviction as her Flame burned brightly in her soul. I wasn’t sure if she was following exactly what was going on or not, but I knew she understood the word for legionnaire. We’d talked about it a few dozen times and now the opportunity seemed to be at hand.

But it wouldn’t be an easy road.

“Please, Max,” Fia said. “Our lives are just about to start. I can’t lose you to chase after something so dangerous.”

“Fia, you know how strong I am.”

“I don’t care. I just don’t want to lose you for three whole years or maybe forever.”

I blew out an exhale as the cost of my progression became clear.

The Struggler gave me a consoling pat on the back.

Nothing in the universe was free, it seemed.

Not even an all-expenses paid ticket to the Legionnaire Academy and the hell worlds beyond the stars. But my Flame had gotten me this far. I was still progressing along my path, and there was still much work left for me to do.

But first and foremost, I needed to protect my family.

I looked down at Fia as tears filled her eyes. “It’ll be alright, Fia. The bond of our fate is strong enough to withstand anything…even this.”

Before she could retort again, I lifted my face to the princess. “Honorable Princess, I will agree to act as this world’s tribute for the coming commencement year in five months’ time, but with a condition of my own.”

Fia and Jian Yi gasped at my insolence, along with the rest of the crowd.

“Master Iron Bull!” the Magistrate shouted. “You dare to question the grace of the princess with a condition of your own?”

I merely shrugged. “What can I say. A man has needs.”

Dead silence.

But subtly I sensed more lemonade coming from the princess herself.

She smiled and gave a little chuckle that rumbled across the stadium. “You intrigue me, Iron Bull. What is this condition of yours?”

“That our union be acknowledged,” I said looking into Fia’s eyes. “This whole thing started because the Warden objected to it. I want to ensure we can be married.”

The princess blinked back in shock, almost as if startled by the request.

It was an extreme reaction I didn’t expect.

Damn, I wasn’t asking for that much was I?

“Your majesty,” the Warden said. “The objection was on the grounds of the Iron Bull’s status. He is a sect leader, but nothing more. For a royal lady to marry into the house of a title- less cultivator is to force a loss of face for my clan that is unconscionable.”

The princess’s jade eyes shifted back and forth contemplating it and then an almost wicked smile came to her lips as she seemed to decide upon something.

“I agree with the Lady Silver Tear,” she said. “To marry a royal lady or princess takes a certain caliber of man indeed.” She then paused to give me an odd little smile. “For that reason, I could not consent to such a marriage, but I will allow acknowledgement of your engagement to the Lady Silver Light. You may even conduct a tea ceremony if you wish. But marriage will be your reward for achieving your higher status through the Academy and eventually the challenging of the Lady Silver Tear for Warden, if fate would have it.”

I was rocked back on my heels digesting everything she’d just said.

“Well,” the princess said. “Do we have an agreement?”

I looked to Fia. Everything we wanted was within in our reach.

“Do you trust me?”

Her eyes softened and she nodded. “You know the title means nothing to me, right?”

“I know,” I said. “But it means something to your family and the family I want us to become as well.” I smiled at her. “Besides, this is a stop well along the path I need to travel anyway. So it’s not like it’ll be any extra trouble.”

Fia smiled and then laughed. “Only you could say something like that.” She then took my hand and squeezed it while shaking her head. “I guess we’ll have to settle for a long engagement.”

“I hear those are best,” I said.

Finally, I looked up at the princess again.

“We have an agreement, your majesty,” I said. “In five months’ time, I will serve as your tribute and then return to challenge the Lady Silver Tear for Warden, assuming my success.”

The princess smiled.

“Let us all then, pray for your success.”

* * *

The heaviness in the air lifted as the huge image of the princess disappeared.

I jumped with elation, pulling Fia into my arms and giving her a kiss. Jian Yi and Kelsey then shared in the hug as well. I then hugged both of them individually, thanking them for everything they’d done to pull me through.

“You guys were amazing,” I said. “Jian Yi, you knocked this court case right out of the park!”

“I did what?” she said confused.

“He say you do good!” Kelsey said and then she shook her head at me while smiling. “This shit crazy.”

I laughed. “Yeah, you can say that again.”

“I’m Fia,” Fia said to Kelsey with a bow, and I realized they hadn’t officially met as yet.

“I know,” Kelsey said. “Me name Kel Zhi. Max sister. You big pretty. He love you long time.”

I cringed at the words and gave Kelsey a cut-the-mic gesture for her to stop talking.

I then sensed someone behind me and turned to see Master Hei Dong and Fia’s mother, Lady Silver Moon, approaching. I stiffened, unsure how they would react or respond. But Hei Dong took the lead giving me a deep bow as lemonade spilled from his soul.

“I can see my daughter has chosen wisely,” he said. “For a man to be so bold and challenge the grace of even a princess to her face and survive is a testament to his courage indeed.”

“Or his stupidity,” I said with a grin. “They don’t call me Max Chun for nothing.”

Hei Dong blinked, startled as I laughed and Fia laughed with me.

“It’s okay, Father,” she said. “He always speaks like this.”

Hei Dong gave a short chortle. “I see.”

“It is good to know he is humble as well,” Lady Silver Moon said and then gave me a deep bow. “I do not know you, my son, but you have proven both your honor and your strength. What you did to defeat Lo Feng and save the both of us was nothing short of a miracle. My precious daughter would do well to marry one as strong as you.”

Fia beamed and I blushed a little, embarrassed by all the lemonade. I honestly wasn’t expecting them to accept me so readily, but then again, they were both cultivators after all. The same thing that made them despise me initially, made them revere me now. They respected strength above all else and I’d just slain Lo Feng, an enemy stronger than the both of them combined.

“He truly is strong,” Fia said, before turning to Hei Dong. “But he’s also a lot like you, Father. You’ll see in time.”

Hei Dong raised his brow at that while Fia only laughed.

As the conversation continued around me, I looked across the distance to see the Warden staring at us. Her expression was hard to read. One of confusion but also curiosity. I lifted my chin at her Jian Yi style, and she eventually cut her eyes at me as anger and contempt filled her soul.

The game was on between us.

Three years until our showdown, but revenge could wait.

As I returned my attention to my growing family, the Warden eventually turned and walked away, but I couldn’t care.

There were far more important things in my life right now.