Pokemon: Master of tactics-Chapter 358: Pokemon master of tactics -
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Chapter 358: Pokemon master of tactics: Chapter 358
1 month later. (Two months since we last saw the info from Alex's Pokemon.)
Pokรฉmon: Crobat
LV: 51 freew(e)bnovel.(c)om
Type: Poison / Flying
Abilities: Inner Focus
Gender: Male
Potential: Deep Gold
- Absorb, Supersonic, Astonish, Bite, Wing Attack, Confuse Ray [E], Swift, Haze, Leech Life [E], Mean Look [E], Venoshock [E], Air Slash
- (Innate Talent) Shadow Ball [E], (Innate Talent) Fly [E], (Innate Talent) Cross Poison [E],
- (TM) Protect, (TM) Toxic [E], (TM) Taunt [E], (TM) Sludge Bomb, (TM) Facade, (TM) Roost [E], (TM) Substitute, (TM) Thief, (TM) Double Team [E], (TM) Aerial Ace, (TM) Torment, (TM) Steel Wing (TM) Payback, (TM) X-Scissor, (TM) Giga Impact
Pokรฉmon: Scizor
LV: 51
Type: Bug / Steel
Abilities: Technician
Gender: Male
Potential: Deep Gold
- Leer, Quick Attack, Focus Energy [E], Double Team, Feint, Fury Cutter, Wing Attack, Agility [E], Slash, Razor Wind, Iron Defense, X-Scissor [E], Night Slash, Bullet punch, Double Hit, Iron Head
- (Innate Talent) Roost [E], (Innate Talent) Metal Claw [E], (Innate Talent) Brick Break [E],
- (TM) Protect, (TM) Swords Dance [E], (TM) Toxic, (TM) Thief, (TM) Facade, (TM) Giga Impact [E], (TM) U-turn [E], (TM) Sandstorm [E], (TM) Substitute, (TM) Safeguard, (TM) Light Screen, (TM) Return, (TM) Aerial Ace [E], (TM) Acrobatics,
Pokรฉmon: Gardevoir
LV: 51
Type: Psychic / Fairy
Abilities: Telepathy (hidden ability)
Gender: Female
Potential: Deep Gold
- Growl, Confusion, Double Team, Teleport [E], Disarming Voice, Lucky Chant, Magical Leaf, Heal Pulse [E], Draining Kiss [E], Psychic [E], Imprison, Future Sight, Captivate, Hypnosis [E]
- (Innate Talent) Disable [E], (Innate Talent) Calm Mind [E], (Innate Talent) Dazzling Gleam[E],
- (TM) Protect, (TM) Shadow Ball, (TM) Will-O-Wisp, (TM) Thunderbolt, (TM) Thunder Wave, (TM) Helping Hand, (TM) Focus Blast [E] , (TM) Reflect [E], (TM) Light Screen, (TM) Safeguard, (TM) Charm, (TM) Icy Wind, (TM) Hyper Beam [E], (TM) Guard Swap, (TM) Mystical Fire, (TM) Psych Up, (TM) Substitute
Pokรฉmon: Ditto
LV: 49
Type: Normal
Abilities: Imposter (Hidden ability)
Gender: Genderless
Potential: Gold
Moves: (Innate Talent) Transform [E]
Pokรฉmon: Bastiodon
LV: 51
Type: Rock / Steel
Abilities: Sturdy
Gender: Male
Potential: Shallow Diamond
- Protect, Tackle, Metal Sound, Take Down, Iron Defense, Swagger, Ancient Power, Block, Endure, Sleep Talk [E]
- (Perfect Talent) Rock Polish [M], (Perfect Talent) Flamethrower [M]
-(TM) Taunt [E], (TM) Rock slide [E], (TM) Rest [E], (TM) Earthquake [E], (TM) Flash Cannon [E], (TM) Substitute, (TM) Bulldoze, (TM) Roar, (TM) Toxic [E], (TM) Ice Beam, (TM) Thunderbolt, (TM) Double Team
Pokรฉmon: Blaziken
LV: 51
Type: Fire/Fighting
Abilities: Speed Boost (Hidden Ability)
Gender: Female
Potential: Shallow Diamond
- Growl, Scratch, Ember, Sand Attack, Peck, Double Kick, Flame Charge, Quick Attack, Bulk Up, Blaze Kick, Focus Energy, Sunny Day [M], High Jump Kick [E], Slash
- (Perfect Talent) Attract [M], (Perfect Talent) Overheat [M]
- (TM) Protect, (TM) Flamethrower [E], (TM) Rock slide [E], (TM) Will-O-Wisp [E], (TM) Poison Jab [E], (TM) Solar Beam [E], (TM) Dig, (TM) Facade, (TM) Helping Hand, (TM) Brick Break, (TM) Acrobatics, (TM) Shadow Claw, (TM) Low Sweep, (TM) U-turn, (TM) Swift, (TM) Substitute
Pokรฉmon: Umbreon
LV: 51
Type: Dark
Ability: Synchronize
Gender: Female
Potential: Shallow Diamond
- Growl, Tackle, Tail Whip, Quick Attack, Double Kick, Sand Attack, Bite, Swift, Take Down, Double-Edge [E], Helping Hand, Charm, Baton Pass, Work Up [E], Pursuit, Moonlight, Mean Look, Last Resort, Guard Swap
- (Perfect Talent) Rest [M], (Perfect Talent) Sleep Talk [M],
-(TM) Toxic [M], (TM) Shadow Ball [E], (TM) Facade [E], (TM) Protect, (TM) Attract, (TM) Psychic [E], (TM) Substitute, (TM) Snarl, (TM) Payback [E], (TM) Psych Up ,(TM) Return, (TM) Taunt, (TM) Hyper Beam
Pokรฉmon: Alolan Ninetales
LV: 46
Type: Ice / Fairy
Ability: Snow Cloak
Gender: Female
Potential: Shallow Diamond
-Powder Snow, Tail Whip, Roar, Baby-Doll Eyes, Ice Shard, Confuse Ray, Icy Wind, Payback, Mist, Feint Attack, Aurora Beam, Extrasensory [E], Safeguard, Ice Beam, Sheer Cold, Howl [E], Dazzling Gleam [M]
-(Perfect Talent) Hex [M], (Perfect Talent) Blizzard [M]
-(TM) Protect, (TM) Hail [E] , (TM) Return, (TM) Double Team [E], (TM) Facade, (TM) Substitute, (TM) Payback, (TM) Psych Up, (TM) Toxic
Pokรฉmon: Banette
LV: 46
Type: Ghost
Abilities: Cursed Body (Hidden ability)
Gender: Male
Potential: Shallow Diamond
- Knock Off [E], Screech, Night Shade, Spite, Shadow Sneak, Will-O-Wisp, Feint Attack, Hex, Shadow Ball, Embargo, Destiny Bond [E], Sucker Punch
- (Perfect Talent) Curse [M], (Perfect Talent) Phantom Force [M],
-(TM) Protect, (TM) Calm Mind, (TM) Toxic [E], (TM) Taunt [M], (TM) Thunderbolt, (TM) Psychic, (TM) Payback, (TM) Thunder Wave, (TM) Dazzling Gleam [E], (TM) Substitute
Pokรฉmon: Deino
LV: 44
Type: Dark/Dragon
Ability: Hustle
Gender: Male
Potential: Deep Gold
- Tackle, Dragon Rage, Focus Energy [E], Bite, Headbutt, Dragon Breath, Roar, Slam, Dragon Pulse [E], Work Up [E], Dragon Rush
-(Innate Talent) Crunch [E], (Innate Talent) Earth Power [E], (Innate Talent) Draco Meteor [E]
-(TM) Protect, (TM) Toxic, (TM) Thunder Wave, (TM) Taunt, (TM) Facade, (TM) Thief,(TM) Psych Up, (TM) Dragon Tail [E], (TM) Substitute, (TM) Dark Pulse [E],
Pokรฉmon: Seadra
LV: 44
Type: Water
Abilities: Sniper
Gender: Male
Potential: Deep Gold
- Bubble, Smokescreen, Leer, Water Gun, Twister, Bubble Beam, Brine, Agility [E], Dragon Dance
- (Innate Talent) Clear Smog [E], (Innate Talent) Focus Energy [E], (Innate Talent) Outrage [E]
-(TM) Protect, (TM) Blizzard [E], (TM) Hyper Beam, (TM) Double Team, (TM) Facade,(TM) Substitute, (TM) Flash Cannon [E], (TM) Surf [E], (TM) Rest, (TM) Sleep Talk, (TM) Toxic
Level up (more than 2 Monate):
Crobat: 1
Scizor: 1
Gardevoir: 1
Ditto: 1
Bastiodon: 2
Blaziken: 2
Umbreon: 1 (almost 2)
Banette: 3
Deino: 6
Seadra: 6
Moves that improved in Moves Mastery:
Bastiodon: Taunt
Blaziken: Sunny Day
Umbreon: Toxic
Ninetails: Dazzling Gleam
Banette: Taunt
Deino: Dark Pulse, Dragon Tail
Seadra: Flash Cannon, Blizzard
Learned new Moves:
Horsea: Dragon Dance
Deino: Dragon Rush
Alex sits in the kitchen of the guest room in Steven's mansion and eats his breakfast together with his Pokemon.
He checked the information from his Pokemon, like every morning, to see if anything changed from the last time.
'Fuck, it really wasn't enough.'
When Alex looked at the potential of his three starter Pokemon, he saw that they still have deep Gold Potential.
Yesterday these three Pokemon each consumed their last item and they still could not improve their Potential.
He divided all the items he bought for his three starter Pokemon so that within a month, his Pokemon could absorb the energy from these items into their bodies.
'I half expected it, but...the total of 320 million Pokedollars worth of Pokemon items isn't enough... is really...'
However, Alex doesn't think he has to give up much more money so that his Pokemon finally improve their Potential.
After all, for Bastiodon it only costs around 50-65 million Pokedollars worth of Pokemon items and the difference between a Born Deep Silver pokemon and a Born Shallow Gold Pokemon is most likely not ridiculously bigger.
Alex didn't think he had to spend more than 130 million Pokedollars per Pokemon. Or he hoped not.
The biggest problem is that his three starting Pokemon have started leveling slower than his other Pokemon.
Alex looked at his three starter Pokemon with an uneasy expression.
If he doesn't quickly improve the potential of his three starters, they will be overtaken by all other Pokemon. He also needs to find an item from a full-blood legendary Pokemon to improve Ditto's mediocre potential.
But when Alex looked at his other Pokemon, he started smiling again.
Ninetales, Banette, Bastiodon, Blaziken, and Umbreon all trained a move to the Master rank in about two months.
[Training non-Innate Talent Move to the Master-rank takes only 2 months for an SS-ranked Pokemon in the optimal training circumstance.]
Seadra and Deino have also made great progress. Especially the two new moves these two Pokemon can now use brought great joy to Alex.
[Dragon Rush] is an extremely powerful Physical Dragon-type move and extremely useful once Deino evolves into Zweilous.
[Dragon Dance] is the move that drew the most attention from Alex.[Dragon Dance] is not only extremely good in the game but also in this world.
This ridiculous move was one of the many reasons why Dragon-type Pokemon are so popular and strong in this world.
Even if it's not an Innate Talent move, Alex plans on training this move to the Master rank as soon as possible.
After Alex and his Pokemon finished their breakfast, they made their way to Steven's training room where they will, today, hold their rematch.
Steven and Alex had agreed on this day weeks ago and were each preparing for this fight.
Although Alex lost his last fight against Steven, he doesn't think this time will be as obvious as last time.
After a Pokemon reaches level 45, it starts leveling up much more slowly than before. The same thing happens at levels 50, 55, and 60.
Steven's Metagross will still have a level advantage, but it's not as big as it was last time.
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