Pokemon Trainer Vicky-Chapter 19
The next morning I blearily popped my head out of my tent looking around the plains that I had camped out on. Where was I? No idea. Arcanine had run and run. Exploring to her heart’s content. Until eventually she had found something that caught her interest, and that was that.
Looking over to my pup who was currently on her side fully asleep made me giggle, because she was covered in Growlithe.
We had found a wild pack of puppies running through some wide plains, their barks and howls had attracted Arcanines attention, and so we had veered off to meet them.
The Pack had loved Arcanines appearance, yipping and dancing around her, and thankfully although they had been wary of me at first, they soon accepted my appearance. And I got to enjoy the feeling of being buried in yippy happy puppies.
Hence why I was now exhausted. We had stayed up super late under the moon playing.
I grumbled tiredly now I had to get up and feed my crew.
I walked past Milotic and Dragonair who were happily snoozing in their own pile near my tent, and Chansey as usual was more than content to just snuggle up with puppies. Since she had given all of them checkups and even healed up some minor injuries she was now as part of the pack as Arcanine.
I grabbed my supplies, and got ready to cook a whole lot of puppy chow. It was the least I could do for Arcanines new friends. The smell of food earned lots of tired puppy eyes as they looked around trying to figure out what smelled good, before all coming over to lay near me, puppy faces begging for a meal.
Of course I couldn’t resist, and while I received payment in petting soft puppy fur, I would slip them bits of chow before the meal was done, meaning that by the time Arcanine woke up tail wagging at the smell of food, I was nearly piled on by a horde of wild and hungry Growlithe all looking for a treat.
Of course Arcanine was a puppy at heart still, I oofed, as she plopped her head into my lap literally laying on some of the pups, looking up at me with big pleading eyes.
Which I couldn’t resist. Slipping a coop of food onto her tongue which she eagerly licked up.
"I really shouldn’t spoil you like this. You do know it’s really bad puppy training." I told her, but the way her tail instantly started wagging a bit more told me we both knew I wasn’t super good at resisting cute dogs.
I stroked her head a few times, clearing out her crusty eyes from her night sleeping, as I waited for the food to finish cooking. I had to shoo the Growlithe Puppies away a few times. At least some of them had Flash Fire as an ability just like Arcanine. Meaning fire wasn’t a fear for them and sticking their head into a pot of cooking food was just as good as anything else.
Silly puppies.
"C’mon out you go, it’s not done just yet." I grumble at the eager pups. Their little tail fluffs wagging around eagerly.
"Miii?" I heard a questioning tone from Milotic and I grinned at the two lovers.
"Yep, food for you guys is almost done too." I told him with a thumbs up. Getting a pleased wiggle in return. Dragonair was still cuddled up with him, more than willing to simply stay with her lover.
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Chansey was still napping on the ground, but I would have a morning meal ready for her too.
Of course such things are interrupted when I heard hooves.
I blinked. Hearing more than a few hoof beats breaking up the morning quiet, I couldn’t quite see over the tall grass around us, but suddenly the Growlithe were growling and alert, swiftly gathering up into a pack. Even Arcanine looked surprised.
But before she could join the pups we heard it.
"They are here! Don’t let them run!" A man’s voice ripped out as the sound of the horses barreled down onto us. I yelped as a Rapidash nearly ran over my tent only barely avoiding me and Arcanine as it deftly dodged to the side Dragonair, and Milotic were both rising up ready to defend themselves, but it was the Growlithes who reacted first.
Fire types gonna Fire.
I winced as the tall grass burned, immediately beginning to spread.
"No!" I called out. The Growlithe began firing Flamethrower all around them in an attempt to attack the Ponyta and Rapidash riders.
"What? A girl? Holy Reverse world. Is that an Arcanine!?" One of the men yelped as Arcanine rose up and growled, The Rapidash the man was riding, rearing at Arcanines ’sudden’ appearance in their midst.
The group of five men riding horses all started freaking out, dodging away from my girl, but I had something else I needed to focus on.
"Milotic! Surf! Dragonair! Rain dance! Put out the fire! Arcanine! Put an end to this!" I call out instantly, not willing to be stuck in the middle of a field on fire. My pokemon jumped to it, As Chansey jumped over to me, guarding me from the other side that Arcanine wasn’t on.
Rain started splashing down on me, but it was Arcanine that instantly grabbed everyone’s attention.
My hands covering my ears just in time as she barked, a single echoing time catching the attention of the pack of wild Growlithe, and the men that had been attacking them.
I grimaced. They were attacking them too. What was going on?
"What is going on!" I demanded once every eye was on Arcanine. Even the Growlithe quickly rushed back to circle Arcanine. Taking courage from her presence.
"The hell is going on!" A man demanded, as he rode closer his Rapidash looked a little worn out since it had just fought against an onrushing wave of water from Milotic and now the rain.
"That’s what I said! You first!" I demand staring up at the full grown man with all of my tiny height but with the power of an Arcanine at my side. He looked like he was going to argue for a moment but eventually he waved at the Growlithe.
"I’ve been tracking this pack on my land for weeks. They have already burned down a few of my fields, and eaten some of my livestock. I’m trying to round them up!" He called out. The cowboy like man tugged lightly on his reins and Rapidash jerked around looking ready to run, or do battle.
"Well how about we all calm down, and not cause the wild Pokemon to try and defend themselves by burning down the field we are all in!" I grumble, wiping the rain from my forehead. I had left my hat in my tent… Which was now flattened, from a Ponyta running over it, and a surf knocking it around..
Dammit. I would definitely be hitting a Pokemon Center tonight to dry everything off.
"Listen girl. I don’t know who you are… Or why you have an Arcanine, but this is my ranch. I make the laws here." He demanded pointing. "I don’t even know what you are doing on my land, but I can guess you got lost. Take your Pokemon and get out of here."
"Dragonair. Cut the rain out." I call out, causing her to trill and earning the attention from the men who all jerked, and a few curses of "Arceus!" Called out as she wiggled a bit and the rain stopped.
"Absolutely not." I tell him then getting his attention, and considering I had brought to attention even more angry Pokemon right next to him. I think I had the edge of intimidation. "These Growlithe were perfectly friendly until you attacked them."
"They are not friendly… Well maybe with you and that big guy, but they have killed my Livestock. They are wild animals, and they are hungry. They need to be stopped." The man glared down from his wrinkled face, no mercy at all in his eyes.
"Well this isn’t the way to do it!" I argue but earn a swift shake of the mans head. His Cowboy hat pulled off and whipped for a moment to clear it of water before putting it back on his graying brown hair.
"You want to capture them? Do it. Otherwise back off kid. They are wanderers, I can’t even chase them off, they will just be back next year. They know food is here so they won’t stop coming back."
"Why not capture them then!? Growlithe are great Guard dogs."
"I don’t have any need in a pack of Growlithe kid. They make good guard dogs, but they also eat like a full grown Miltank, and other than these Growlithe the area is peaceful."
I looked from the angry growling pups to the group of adults. "Fine!" I grumble turning to the pack of pups and grabbing my pack from the ground and reaching into my Pokeball pocket.
Papa would be irritated, but he literally trained Growlithe for a living. Besides, Gram Gram was always saying we needed more guards for the Flock. Maybe I would expand it a bit. I bet I could hunt down some more Feebas.
It was surprisingly easy to capture the pack. Once I explained I was going to send them to a place where there would be plenty of food, something to guard, and an Arcanine there to lead them. They were all for it.
I think Arcanine being here was the biggest factor. Growlithe were pack animals. And Arcanine were their leaders. Of course they did what she wanted.
So once I was done the Cowboys and their leader nodded satisfied with the outcome. Although I knew I would be getting a ton of questions from Mama and Papa soon.
I would have to beat them to it. I bet there was a Pokemon Center nearby… Probably. Where was I again?
"Trouble, why do I have an entire pack of Wild Growlithe in my living room?" Papa asked calmly although I could tell he was irritated. One of the Growlithe was actively trying to chew on the living room couch in the background of the video call.
"Sorry Papa. They were going to be killed! They had attacked some livestock on a ranch out here by Cerulean. Which I am at again because Arcanines and I were exploring… Anyway they were going to be killed. We ran across them in the middle of the night and spent the night with them, but then some ranchers showed up on Ponyta and Rapidash and were going to drive them off or kill them, but I was like. No way you can’t hurt my new friends! And then they stopped because Arcanine, and-"
"Okay okay. Vicky breath girl. Arceus, my daughter." Papa sighed to himself which made me pout. "Okay. I’ll call the Pokemon Rangers and get this sorted. You know you aren’t supposed to capture an entire pack of Pokemon… Again. DejaVu." Papa muttered suddenly and I realized we had a very similar conversation about the Beedrill. I was grinning when he realized it as well.
"Stop capturing packs of Pokemon!" He ordered with a pointed finger… But I’m proud of you for saving the pack. I guess I’ll have my hands full for a while."
"Arcany can help. They listen to Arcanine really well."
"Well thank Arceus for that."
"Besides we needed more Guard dogs for the Flock right?"
"Hah, tell that to your Mother. Meowth isn’t pleased." Papa tells me, and I could just see Meowths feet in the background laying out on the top of the curtains far away from the pack of eager Growlithe.
"He will get over it." I answer with a sunny smile. That Cat deserved his fate for all the trouble he gave me!
"Bored. Bored. Bored." I whispered to myself as I lay on the bed in the Pokemon Center. My stuff was all drying out still, Nurse Joy had helped me set it all up to dry but it meant I was sort of stuck in Cerulean.
Honestly I had tried everything to keep myself occupied. Play with Arcanines tail until she got fidgety.
She sat on me after to make me stop, So I guess she wins this round.
Coo over Milotic and Dragonair being lovey dovey in the corner. Even played checkers with Chansey.
She won… I think Chansey cheats at board games.
Eventually I decided the room was just too boring. Gathering my team I headed out to Cerulean city to wander around. The many rivers and streams criss crossing the town were nice, and more than once I saw Goldeen or other pokemon swimming through the crystal clear water.
Only the no fishing signs stopped me from going after a Magikarp I saw.
One day!
My wandering feet did eventually lead me to the Cerulean Gym.
Mostly because a lot of foot traffic was heading there, and I followed along the paths slowly. I could hear the cheers from inside and it took me a few moments to remember Mistys sisters did a form of Pokemon Contests.
Or were they more like Musicals? Honestly it was one of those weird things that obviously caused the idea of contests in the Pokemon world from when it first appeared, but was still totally separate and weird in the fact that ’contests’ weren’t a thing yet.
At least in Kanto. I had seen contests on TV sometimes. Rarely though. Usually mentions of them on the news and about how they were a weakening of the Battle attitudes of young trainers.
Kanto was very conservative after all.
My feet followed the crowd and soon I was paying a small price to walk into the Cerulean Gym this time not as a contender, but just to see the show.
I settled onto the bleachers surrounding the pool below as a second show began. Watching as the Waterflower sisters swam and played with their pokemon.
Dammit. I wanted a Mermaid tail too! This was so unfair! I wanted to swim around with Milotic as a mermaid!
I grumbled to myself as I watched, despite the good show. It was fun, like a mix of Waterworld, and a idol group, just without the animal abuse, or horrible control.
The show ended with a big explosion of water above the three sisters all resting on Shellder as they waved to the crowd.
With that the show started wrapping up, and I had wasted a few hours wandering and watching the show. So I figured I should go check on my stuff, see if it had dried enough. Or maybe take Arcanine on a run. She would be getting huffy soon without some exercise.
But then as I was wandering out of the Gym something grabbed me. Two arms sticking out from under my armpits as I was lifted off the ground my boots still waving as I kept trying to walk before realizing I couldn’t.
I hadn’t been paying attention.
The crowd around me had split in two as they were all looking at the two women that were holding me up in shock.
The two very familiar women.
"Look Violet! You were right!"
"Of course I was Lilly! See Daisy! It’s the Milotic girl!"
"I do see sisters! Excellent spot!" The eldest of the girls appeared infront of me, still wet from the pool, but now having legs rather than her mermaid tail.
Oh it was three…
"I think I need an adult."
"Don’t be silly! We are all adults!" The three girls chirped in unison as they dragged me off despite my kicking legs! Curse my tiny stumps!
"So that’s the deal." Daisy offered with a big smile as she offered a hand to me. Which I immediately pushed away.
"Bzzt No deal!" I tell her in immediate denial. "Milotic is busy we are battling."
"Ugh, that is such a shame! Such a beautifully handsome Pokemon doesn’t deserve to be stuck fighting constantly! Let us show off to the world his beauty!"
"No." I deny instantly arms crossed in front of my face as an X. "He isn’t a toy to play with, he is my partner."
"Aww." Daisy pouted trying to puppy dog eyes me, but hah jokes on her!
I only gave in to real puppies that do that.
"How about one show?" Lilly offers after a moment. "Let’s do one show with your partner! Even just one will be an amazing experience for him!"
I hesitated at that. This time she hadn’t said it would be good for her, or her family, but good for Milotic. That was actually tempting. Of course I wanted Milotic to have fun, and do whatever his heart wanted.
"Fine. One show, only if he wants to do it. I already know it will take some time for training him up right?"
"Not too long! We will just have him help move us around during the show! Oh this will be so fun!" The sisters all cheered together as I rolled my eyes. Eventually I was led into the center of the Cerulean Gym and released Milotic.
"So we got an offer Milotic, they want to know if you want to take part in one of their shows. You remember fighting their Gyarados right? Well they also do shows with Pokemon. It’s a way to show off, and people come from all over to see beautiful Pokemon… And these girls I guess." I added purposefully just to poke the three sisters that were all looming over me.
Milotic made a humming noise for a bit as he seemed to think it over. "You only have to do one show if you want, Or whatever you want really. But lots of people will be watching."
"Milo. Milotic, Mi mi Milotic."
It took me a few seconds to process what he had just said, until I finally understood. Aww! How cute!
"Of course Dragonair will get to see the show. I am sure the sisters will make sure you look very handsome for her." I added a little loudly making sure they all heard.
Which was probably a mistake.
"Eee! He wants to show off to another girl!? Girls! We have to do our best!" Daisy offered eyes practically glittering in happiness, the other two girls both nodded fiercely as they passed messages to each other back and forth with their eyes.
Milotic would definitely be in for an experience. Let’s hope it goes well.
I sighed.
The new week was spent hanging around Cerulean. It was pleasant enough. I mostly spent it taking Arcanine into the woods so she and the rest of the team could blow off some energy.
Milotic though spent his days at the Cerulean Gym which I would visit every day as well. No way was I letting my partner out of my sight for too long.
His training was interesting, the girls were definitely Kanto-style Coordinators. I could even see some of the way they said things, it felt more like they were using Coordinator lingo for things. "Appeal" was a word I heard often when I sat in their practice.
I had a feeling they did their best to hide any mention of it to outsiders due to Kanto’s conservative outlook on Contests.
But well, whatever. If someone wanted to do a contest they should do a contest. It was annoying that such a popular thing wasn’t done in Kanto.
At least not yet. I did know eventually there would be contest halls. Or at least there had been.
The down time made me reflective. I grumbled as I watched the sisters make a combo move with their Pokemon leading to Milotic dancing in a water pulse dance with Daisy on his back.
I grumbled a bit at that. That was my spot!
Still… Oak.
What to do with that massive fuckup. Oak was dead. I struggled to take in just how much that changed the world. Oak did so much, I mean… He was the guy that focused on Human Pokemon Friendships. His thesis had altered humanities understanding of Pokemon to a huge degree. He trained a ton of other Professors.
He created the Modern Pokedex. He broke the monopoly of knowledge.
Now I was facing a world where even basic stuff was unknown. In my bag is a certain notebook I tended to doodle in whenever I thought about it. was now burning a hole in my pocket.
I had started with just the Kanto Pokedex. Writing all of the Pokemon I remembered, their evolutions, and what battle strategies I could remember to an extent as well. But it had been their evolutions that I knew would cause a massive issue.
I knew all the weird and exotic evolutions. At least all of the ones for multiple regions of rare Pokemon.
Although I had immediately deleted the entry on Unknown once I wrote it. Best to leave that particular disaster alone. Still, there was that option on my brain. And since I was sitting watching my Pokemon Train without my input I was given time to consider it.
Do I release the information?
I was distracted as Milotic did a really cool leap into the air that turned into a really pretty corkscrew that caused water drops to glitter around him. Before splashing back into the water.
I cheered, distracting myself from my worries.
Eh. That was a problem for future Vicky. All I needed to worry about was the Indigo League Journey for now.
The cheering of the crowd was nice. I had a front seat view to the show as three mermaid girls were playing in the water with their pokemon.
And my partner. Dragonair was actually with me. Part of my requirements for Milotic taking part was Dragonair getting to see her husbando showing off.
She hadn’t been interested at first, until Milotic started getting into it, and then I kept catching her eye sliding towards him.
It was adorable.
Milotic was full of energy and was enjoying the cheering crowd. He was such an attention Ponyta.
The crowd was also keeping an eye on Dragonair though. Wondering if she was part of the act, but Milotics show was definitely the center of attention.
I ignored the crowd though. Milotic was my only focus, as I cheered him on whenever he did something cool. I had to support my boy after all!
The act continued Milotic releasing Water Pulse to the applause of the crowd as it caused hanging water droplets in the air that sparkled under the lights, as some of the other pokemon released Bubbles, or bubble beam to create more atmosphere. The sisters were singing as they played, literally acting like mermaids.
I wasn’t jealous that I didn’t have a mermaid tail thing. No way. I just really wanted a mermaid tail thing!
Still the act was fun, Milotic was having fun, and that was all I cared about. Slowly the show came to an end. All three sisters together on Milotics back as he leapt out of the water, his aqua ring now coated in bubbles floating around him as he released an aqua pulse nearly rattling the windows above me as it burst out in a corona of water splashing against the walls of the gym, although only a few drops landed on the crowd most of it sliding down the gym walls into drains.
The sisters knew that stuff would get wet here after all.
And that was it. The final move left the crowd cheering as Milotic floated above the water glittering like a beautiful prince.
Which is exactly when Dragonair had enough. She was smart enough to see the show was over.
She burst from beside me with a loud "Pree!" Milotic jerked from looking around the crowd taking in the cheer to focusing on her, and with a little bump, the three sisters who had been using his back as a ride were bumped off, all three of them giving a little surprise sound as they were dropped ten feet into the water.
Honestly the crowd immediately burst into laughter at what had just happened as three grumpy Mermaids surfaced to see what was going on.
Only to be forced to watch as above them two noodles began dancing.
Dragonair who had learned Water Pulse from her beloved was releasing the attack around, not quite hitting Milotic, but I alone knew that was just how the Dragons mating dance began.
You have to prove your strength after all, but it was absolutely fascinating that she wasn’t using Dragon type attacks! For Dragonair to use Water moves instead?
Even I wasn’t sure what the meaning was.
Milotic responded back in kind, Water pulses were soon echoing around the Gym as the two began spinning together, Dragon dancing causing an aura to glow from both of them, as they spun and spun in the air. Although with how much water was being thrown around it was almost like they were still underwater.
And then they came together, swirling so closer you couldn’t make out where one ended, and one began, just two lovers dancing together in happiness.
"Pleeeease please please!’
"No." I grumble trying to keep walking out of the Gym, but these grabby sisters were trying to pull me back in.
"Just one more show! We will include your Dragonair this time pleeeease!"
"No!" I struggle against their grip. This time though they had made a mistake! They hadn’t lifted my feet from the ground so I was literally dragging the three sisters behind me as they kept trying to pull me back.
But I was stronk! Three dainty girls like the WaterFlower sisters couldn’t stop me! I had a Journey to get back to!
"We have to! That was amazing! The best show we ever put on!"
"I don’t care!" I grumble "I agreed to one show! Now let me go!" I continued to stomp the ground moving forward dragging three larger women behind me much to their frustration.
Finally their grip failed and I was able to make my escape.
"Noooo!" The cries of the sisters fading behind me as I ran.
Whew, that was close!
"So what do you think Chansey? Think you can do it?" I asked once more training my team.
It really didn’t get old.
"Chanse… Chansey?"
"Yeah I don’t know how easy this one is for you to learn either." I told her. Aromatherapy was a move Chansey could learn. But only by breeding in the games. But I mean. Extreme speed was the same way for Dragonair, but she had learned it.
I refused to accept that Chansey couldn’t learn it, and franky I needed her to.
At the moment Chansey was mostly my team medic not just in battles either.
"Do you remember how it felt to use it last time?"
"Chanse, chan."
I smiled at her hesitant nod. "Remember how tough Gravity was to learn?"
"Well think like that it took us a couple of months to get it down and that move wasn’t even one you had used before! I believe in you Chansey. We just need to keep practicing until we get it."
"That’s my girl!" I cheer as she stands up looking very fired up as she begins making motions with her arms trying to activate the move.
It didn’t work, but it was keeping motivated while it didn’t work that was important.
With that I turned back towards the rest of my team. Arcanine was once more improving her special attack moves. We were doing Pressure training for her again. She was running me around between training so I didn’t want to over work her body.
That and Chansey wasn’t using Gravity on my team for once.
Milotic was doing the same, mostly keeping Arcanine from causing a forest fire.
While Dragonair? Well I had given Dragonair a different challenge.
Evolution was weird.
Some Pokemon had to feel beautiful. Some had to be held upside down. For every Pokemon there were that many weird evolutions. Most came from just strength, get stronger eventually you evolve.
Dragonair was one of those. At least that was what I had always assumed. But there was two things that made me try this out.
Dragonair was currently playing catch. About a hundred feet up, and she wasn’t allowed to use her mouth once she dropped the Rock.
She was not feeling happy right now. Dragonair scales are incredibly slippery. Not slimy, or anything, but they were very smooth, and just touching them felt like touching a frictionless surface.
Trying to wrap herself around a falling rock was an exercise in frustration.
Which is sort of what I was going for?
I mean I was only going to try this for a bit just to see if I could force it. It was another anime idea.
Ash’s Dragonite had evolved while racing down trying to rescue him. Now a few facts about that stood out to me.
First his Dragonite hadn’t even learned Dragon Dance before Ash helped her learn. That meant she probably wasn’t the strongest Dragonite in the world. Once she learned Dragon Dance she evolved almost the same day while trying to rescue falling Ash.
Previously during the episode Goh had wondered what had caused Dragonair to evolve into a Pokemon with arms. Ash had said something very interesting after.
"Dragonite evolved arms so they could rescue people!"
Something like that. If that was true. Considering Ash may be a complete idiot, he did have a strange connection to Pokemon. It meant that societal frustration could be what prompted their evolution.
Feeling unable to do something without arms.
So I was testing it. I hadn’t told her exactly what the training was for. Mostly because I didn’t want to have her think about evolving.
I mean, I had thought about jumping off a cliff or something and having her try to rescue me, but for one.
Don’t do that. That’s dangerous!
For two, she didn’t love me as much as say Milotic who falling wasn’t an issue for.
So I tried this. Turn it into training, see if she could get frustrated with trying to keep the rock in the air while constantly dropping it.
The second thing that made me think it was possible was Lance actually. See Dragonair evolve into Dragonite at level 55. But there was in fact a Dragonite that was level 47 in the games. Lance had a underleveled Dragonite. A few of them in fact.
It made me wonder if the Blackthorne Clan didn’t in fact know a way to push Dragonair to evolve.
I turned away from her for a moment back towards Milotic who was definitely whining.
"Milo. Milotic!"
"Arc! Arcanine Arc!" But Arcanine wasn’t having it. She was looking tired, a bit of drool around the corners of her mouth frothing up meant it was almost time for a break, but as always she wanted to train more, while Milotic was getting annoyed wanting to take a break.
It was funny how out of sync Milotic was with the other girls.
Lazy fish.
"Arcanine! Bring it in! Break time." I called out, causing her to shoot me a look of betrayal as Milotic gave a fishy laugh at her as he floated away towards the camp.
Irritated Arcanine gave me a huff as she wandered over before plopping onto the ground huffing out a huge breath as she grumpily did as I said.
I smiled, grabbing a towel and a bit of Milotics cold water to wipe her down.
I didn’t want her to get too overheated. Which despite being comfortable near volcanoes and in fires, she could get. Too much strain could cause Growlithe and Arcanine a problem.
So I cooled her off as I wiped her down, eventually her irritation disappearing as she realized just how overheated she was. She grumbled but gave me a lick in thanks as I wiped down her muzzle.
Good dog.
After that I passed out food, Dragonair coming down utterly huffy at how irritating the task I had given her was, but I didn’t say anything.
The goal was to make her frustrated after all. Although I don’t know if it was working. I figure try it once more after she finishes up lunch, if it didn’t work, I would switch her to something else.
So we all enjoyed each other’s company as usual, Arcanine eating her food quickly with the eagerness only a dog could, while Milotic and Dragonair remained cuddled passing foot to each other.
It was adorable.
Chansey of course was more than happy to just eat normally. Although as usual she was cuddling Dratinis egg. It was still in the incubator, but that didn’t stop Chansey from taking care of it.
It was very cute.
Ah, so many cute Pokemon everywhere I looked! This is the life!
I looked around while eating, hoping to catch sight of some cute wild Pokemon, but I guess our training with powerful moves had scared everything off. That was kinda sad. I mean, sure I was being a good girl and not capturing every Pidgey I could see, but I still wanted to see them!
Oh well. I would just have to live with my cute team being all cute or lovey dovey.
Afterwards we all went back to training.
Dragonair once more grumpily went up into the sky with the rock in her mouth before dropping it and trying to catch it.
Arcanine I stopped from doing more Pressure training, instead I had her switch to helping out Milotic this time.
Since Milotic was still struggling with Extreme speed. Even if I knew most of the trouble he was having was just a desire not to actually move so fast. I had Arcanine and him spar. Basically tag. Since there was no Gravity training involved, it gave Arcanine an easy exercise that I knew she would need.
She got grumpy with only light exercise.
Chansey was still taking care of the egg, which everyone on the team was thankful for. The expectant father most of all.
As we settled in I was calling out to Milotic to keep working on it. I knew even with Arcanine dogging him, if I turned away Milotic would stop trying so hard. He was so cute, as long as I was watching he did his best, even if he was lazy.
As I was calling out I was thinking of the future. I still wasn’t confident in my last few gyms. My Team was really growing strong, Arcanine alone from how she was when we first fought Brock to now had become so much stronger. She had gained almost as much mass as Arcany had. And he was old!
Honestly it made me wonder if she was gonna become some sort of Alpha Pokemon. Although I had looked into the concept there wasn’t much out there on Giant, Alpha, Totem, or whatever you wanted to call them Pokemon.
It made me once again a little annoyed at all the secrecy. I mean I understood it, I just thought it was annoying. If I didn’t have to hide Gravity training all the time, I could travel with friends more.
But I had chosen my path. If I hadn’t already said I would beat Lance, I probably wouldn’t even take part in this year’s Indigo League. I really wanted to travel and pick up some more cuties. But travel to other Regions was… Complicated. You could do it, but Pokemon restrictions meant it could be a real pain in the ass.
For example I could take my teammate Milotic out of Kanto, but if I tried to bring any of the Flock that would be a big no no.
If I traveled to Johto and captured one of their restricted Pokemon, I wouldn’t be able to bring it back over to Kanto.
Which was super annoying!
Now that only counted for restricted Pokemon, and Johto and Kanto didn’t have many restrictions on each other since we were already so close and with the wars, Pokemon had been… well there were plenty of times during the wars attempts had been made to capture Pokemon and bring them over to each region.
But let’s say I want a Rookidee? Traveling to Galar would require me to get permission to travel. And if I wanted to capture a Pokemon I would have to do even more paperwork. And if I wanted to catch a restricted Pokemon? Forget about it.
Not that Rookidee are restricted, flying types rarely were, but it was a Galar symbol. Sort of like Kanto and Growlithe. We were pretty proud of our Fire Dogs. If a Johtan caught a Growlithe it would probably cause some grumbles. Even if it was legal.
I groaned a bit at the thought of the hassle just to capture a foreign Pokemon. I mean my family had originally left Galar with a restricted Pokemon. Our Meowth breeding had been what helped solidify us here in Kanto.
But that Meowth had been illegal to bring out of Galar. Pokemon poaching, if you wanted to call it that, was super illegal. And was way more restricted now than it had been back in my Great great Grandfather’s day.
Also probably a lot easier back then. The Pokemon Capture system, meant if you captured a Pokemon nowadays it was registered.
Unless you were using an illegal Pokeball.
But I wasn’t Team Rocket.
It did make me wonder what regions I could get to, and what Pokemon that I could find super useful wouldn’t be restricted. I would have to find out… Actually. That was a good idea! I grinned as I rose up Even if Professor Oak was dead… Well there were other professors! I even knew one lived in Viridian City! I could reach out and ask him questions about what regions allow travel and what Pokemon are restricted!
I giggled to myself. That could be fun! A bit of travel before I finish the gyms! I mean it would only take me a few days between Gym Battles if I raced straight towards each one!
Smiling, I was thinking about getting our camp all packed up for a run to Viridian before I heard it.
Dragonair was falling straight down. Racing after the rock.
Which was falling towards the ground. She must have completely lost control over it.
She was practically hissing as she raced after the rock, her annoyance was palpable as she had an aura of Dragon rush around her.
I think she was planning on smashing the rock more than grabbing it.
Racing down though it happened.
A bright flash filled the clearing.
"Preeeee-Preeeeeee!" Dragonair evolved. Her body shortened, but then grew, wider stronger. I could hear her voice change, grow more powerful as she suddenly disappeared from the air and then she was hovering over the ground.
The rock held between her hands. There was a heartbeat. And another before she seemed to realize what she had done.
"Onite? Dragonite Drag?" She questioned looking surprised at herself as she realized she had hands.
Then she smashed the rock into dust dropped it to the ground, and enjoyed the use of her new legs as she began stomping on the slowly disappearing rock.
I couldn’t help it. I burst into laughter at the sight of her just pulverizing the rock that had been annoying her for the last few hours.
"Miiii! Milotic Miiii!" Milotic was suddenly there, in a static-burst of Extreme Speed.
That lazy fish!
But then the two lovers came face to face, and I could see the flush go up Dragonites face as she was examined by her husband.
It was awkward for a moment. I could see Dragonite hesitate, almost cringe back at her new body.
Aww she was shy that he wouldn’t like her because she wasn’t his Dragon Eel GF anymore.
But I knew my Fish. He wasn’t just beautiful on the outside after all.
He was just as beautiful on the inside.
He slowly drifted in, and pushed his forehead against hers. His big fins reaching up and wrapping around her, as she instinctively did the same with her new arms.
It was sooooo romantic! They were staring all dreamy like into eachothers eyes. And Milotic was showing that her arms didn’t matter! Because he had fins before she had arms and she didn’t care.
Oh my Arceus it was too much for my heart!
The love between my two friends was too much! Too bright! I couldn’t look! I covered my eyes, like staring into the Sun it was too much for mortals to see!
My fingers totally split.
I saw it. I saw it all.