Pokemon Trainer Vicky-Chapter 30
As incredibly fun as the diversion had been. The beach was where I needed to be. Dragonite and Milotic were still missing in action, so I just settled in to make everyone lunch. Arcanine was prancing around like the queen of the beach and I was doing my best to be supportive of her win while also not letting her ego get too big.
A losing battle that.
Mostly she earned spoon tasting privileges while I cooked. Which she took great delight in. Running over at my call and licking the spoon frantically while Chansey just tittered silently from behind her.
Chansey was more interested in looking after a Shellder she had found that had washed up on shore looking a little sick. Poor thing had definitely been poisoned. Probably Tentacool They were kinda everywhere in the Kanto sea.
Gyarados was back out of his ball and basically splish splashing in the very very shallows of the beach, barely any of the massive noodle was even in the water. His big face parked almost on the cooking fire I had made just to be close, and was just happily smelling the spicy food.
Both Gyarados and Arcanine were spice fiends after all.
And of course when Arcanine wasn’t looking I would drop a little onto his tongue. My Big Blue Heart was a big sweety after all, and deserved treats to know I loved him bunches.
Arcanine finally finished marking her territory in the sand. She came over and stretched out. Literally stretching her legs until she was belly in the sand and then exhaling as she relaxed. I petted her on the head as I passed, grabbed a bag of rice out of my bag. A little bit of rice was good for Arcanine’s digestion, and even Gyarados and Chansey enjoyed a bit of it.
Of course I was making food for all of my team, even the missing members. I uh… had a feeling Dragonite and Milotic would be hungry when they got back.
I was just boiling up the rice when I heard it. The cracking of heavy feet. I looked behind me and felt a smile come to my lips because what was coming down the road was a Ryhorn drawn carriage in an old style, and probably all of pallet town, riding Pokemon, or just walking down with beach umbrellas and beach stools or towels.
I guess I hadn’t escaped the old timer’s attention after all.
"A Gyarados too huh?" Matthew called out from atop the Ryhorn cart as he wheeled over the Ryhorn, the pokemon looked a little uneasy with the sand, but relaxed when they spun around a bit.
Though the man did this with a deft hand his eyes never left Gyarados. Looking for any sign of aggression from my big boy, but Gyarados was perfectly content.
"Yeah! This is my Big Blue Heart!" I called out, I dropped my cooking spoon into the pot and threw a big hug around Gyarados’s face which earned me a nice lick in turn.
Which immediately burned.
"Eeeee!" I yelped, rushing straight for the ocean and jumping in scrubbing at my face. "Burns burns burns! Spicy tongue!" I yelped as I came out of the ocean. Liechi berries BURNED!
Then a click clacking noise echoed over the beach and it was such an odd noise I actually stopped to figure out what it was.
Gyarados was wobbling his mouth open, and there was a clacking noise from the back of his throat. And it was the best thing ever. I would remember this moment forever and ever because my lonely blue heart?
He was laughing.
Gyarados laugh.
I stood there for I don’t know how long before it finally hit me. I didn’t care that the old people didn’t really get what was happening. Their confusion wasn’t my concern.
My only concern was my biggest laughy lovely boy!
I slammed into him in a burst of delighted laughter as we both laughed together. "You got me! You silly boy!" I told him stepping away from the hug and grabbing his big lips and tugging at his face a bit. "Is that your new move huh? Spicy tongue!? Huh!?" I pressed him laughing as he just click clacked all the louder.
"Uh? Kid?"
"Huh?" I asked turning to look behind me leaving Gyarados to his laughter for a moment. "Yes?’
There were a few of the old timers looking a little nervous.
"You okay? What-"
"Oh! I’m fine! I was cooking with Liechi berries! I gave my big boy some and when he licked me the juice burned. Also! Do you hear that!?" I asked, ignoring the rest of their concern, because my Gyarados was laughing!
"Uh yeah? Is your Gyarados okay?"
"He’s amazing! That’s laughter!" I told them waving my arms at my chuckling Gyarados. "I’ve never heard him laugh before!" I said in absolute delight. Even Arcanine and Chansey had wandered over and were looking happy. Chansey was bouncing in the sand clapping a little while Arcanine just looked pleased at the noise.
"Laughing… A Gyarados?" Matthew asked, sounding really confused. The old man pulled off his hat and rubbed his fading grey hair. "You sure that’s what it is? Looks more like he’s about to puke."
"Nah. His puke face is more like…" I reached over and climbed onto My Blue Hearts face, pulling his upper lip down and stepping a bit to adjust his bottom one, which let me do without complaint and then I slid sideways so the old timers could see. "This! But he is making his happy face."
The old man looked pretty uncomfortable, but just nodded slowly. "Right… If you’re sure. You, uh… Got that beast well trained."
"Oh he’s a sweet heart!" I denied with a waved hand. Then I started scratching his little nose and he wiggled happily flopping like a worm all through his body.
"Right." The old man just shook his head. Which was good, because I would totally be proven right!
The noise of something sizzling caught my ear. "The Rice!" I yelped, rushing over and quickly stirring the rice, saving it in time.
And as I finished cooking the beach came alive. People set up all over. A few even set up fires. Hanabi that ancient Charizard lighting a fire with an ember as well before settling in with a loud yawn and curling up.
People threw out camping supplies, and made an actual beach grill a bit further down and soon squid and calamari was sizzling and everyone was getting into it. Kids were coming down as well, carrying floaties and tugging along Pokemon.
It was… Fun. "No running from a Pallet town party kiddo." Matthew told me, having settled into a beach chair not far from my own fire with a happy sigh as he looked over the water. Although I noticed he was on the other side of the fire from Gyarados.
"I can see that." I said with a laugh. "I just had to be here in case my other two show up. They went off on their own for some… Private time." I added and the old man’s breath hitched as if he swallowed spit before he coughed and then was laughing.
"Yeah that so?" He said, roaring into laughter.
"Oh darling I simply can’t comment on the Gyarados. Interesting choice. He looks healthy though. But oh you must show me what you are feeding them." Midori said having hurried over once she had set up her own beach spot.
"Sure it’s nothing special. That’s the spicy pot. For Gyarados and arcanine. I’ll feed Arcanine off the top of it, and then fill it with super dense food for Gyarados after and he gets the whole pot after that. Then just some rice, I’m finishing that now, and of course I have people with tastebuds food here." I pointed to another set of pots.
"Two more? Quite a bit of food."
"Ah it’s just a taste thing. See the smaller one? Chansey likes bitter things, but can’t do Spicy like at all. Her whole face scrunches up and she really doesn’t like it. But my other two haaaate bitter stuff." I laughed in delight the few times the Pokemon had decided to be tricksy and try and grab food that wasn’t theirs was hilarious.
"Oh my. That’s a lot of work."
"My team are professional battlers. They work and train all day to be the best. If I’m not putting in this much work to their nutrition and tastes then I’m a failure as a trainer." I answered simply.
"Delightful! Such a good girl!" Midori declared in delight, reaching in the old woman started pinching my cheek lightly as she smiled down at me.
"It’s just the basics." I mumbled.
"Oh no Victoria. It is most definitely not the basics. But it is wonderful training." Midori said happily. "Tell me about this? What sauce is that."
"Mostly Cheri as a base for the spice, it’s cheap, and I can get a lot, and Liechi berries are expensive but also make a big difference so you don’t need a lot. I get some herb packets from pokemarts. I found some that each of my team like, and mix those in as well. Chansey actually likes a curry brand for her flavoring." I added reaching into my bag and grabbing the curry sauce mix to show to Midori.
"Very true! Bravo!"
"Oh leave her alone already Midori, the kid is working, give her space." Matthew called grumpily from his chair, and Midori scoffed.
"You just want to hog her once she is done, probably tell her all about your time as the Gym leader of the fighting Gym isn’t that right?"
"I was stronger than some of the main gyms in the day!" He said hotly and I ignored the two squabbling old timers retreading well worn arguments.
"Food’s done!" I called and Arcanine jerked up from the sand where a few children had been brave enough to come over and pet her, and then build sand castles around her.
Chansey of course was happily dancing with them, but once more broke off, this time for lunch.
I didn’t need to partition out Chanseys food. She was amazing and quickly got her own ready while I grabbed…
The Bowl.
Back when Arcanine was a Growlithe she was an aggressive little shit, and had gotten a bit food defensive.
Still was, but at least with Dratini around she had learned to chill her shit.
Not that it meant she allowed anyone near her bowl. I still sometimes had to chase her down to pull it out of her mouth after meals.
I partitioned out her meal, adding the rice, stirring it all up, almost looked like a spicy curry by the end considering how much spice was in this thing. It actually made my eyes water a bit. Arcanine was right there when I turned around, tail vibrating.
"You know no crowding me with food." I demanded and she very purposefully took two steps backwards.
But no more.
"Brat." I told her as I walked a few steps over and placed the bowl down.
Instantly it was attacked.
Ignoring that. I went back and dumped some very expensive calorie dense pokeblocks into the stew, which instantly filled it back up, added a good portion to the pot and raising the whole thing I then stirred that. A few minutes and that would be ready for Gyarados.
I heard it. The noise of whistling wind.
It was a normal sound for me. Dragonite wings on the air.
I uh…
Didn’t expect the reaction from a bunch of Kanto veterans though.
"Dragonite!? Attack!?" The call whipped through and more than a few of the old trainers whipped out Pokeballs looking ready to start blasting.
"No no!" I called out as loud as I could. "It’s okay!" I didn’t quite convince all of them. And then there she was, zipping over the trees, Milotic wrapped all around her which I was thankful for.
I think that was the only reason she didn’t start taking fire from some of the old timers. She noticed the whole thing with a look of surprise, but I waved her down and she gave a little shrug and finished her flight, thankfully landing in the water so there was no spray of sand from her back blast, and then Milotic helped them both right onto the sandy beach.
Then he fell, rolled over completely belly up and made a noise like he was dying.
Dragonite on the other hand looked…
Pretty great. Were her scales a bit shinier and the smile was definitely brighter.
Oh my.
I ignored my fish for a moment and scooped out Dragonites meal which she happily came over to get, surprising me with a hug before taking the plate and just plopping down in the sand to eat.
"Dragonite is my Pokemon. She’s great." I told him and that sent a ripple through the crowd, but I did my best to focus on my team grabbing the final plate of food, and walking over to sit next to the head of my poor Milotic who was getting a lot of weird looks.
You know. Cause he looked dead.
"You okay?"
"Miii." She released a noise of exhaustion.
"That’s rough buddy." It’s really all I could offer him, as I settled the plate next to his head, and patted him under his jaw. "Why don’t you eat up, get a little energy back."
"Milo." He grumbled, before turning right side up, looking less dead already and starting to eat. I snickered. He just wanted sympathy. Dragonite must have been a little demanding.
"That’s… Well girl that is a set of Pokemon alright." Matthew uttered from his chair no longer looking at the see at all.
"Yep! This is my team. Well I have a few more but they are back home. They aren’t battlers. I still need to capture a sixth before the League starts."
"Only got a bit of time for that darling. Will that be enough to train one?"
"I have a few ideas for emergency captures to be honest. But I’m just… Trying to find the right fit. I’d rather have a pokemon that is less trained, but is meshing into my team, than just a strong Pokemon."
"Hmm. I remember being your age. Having my perfect team all planned out. It doesn’t usually work out kiddo. Find Pokemon that you can work with and train them." Matthew offered.
"Yeah I know! That’s not what I mean though. I don’t know. I guess. Most of my Pokemon I didn’t really go out and capture. We more… because friends, or decided to join together. I like that more than just battling a Pokemon into submission." I shrugged. "It’s complicated."
"Hah. Well This is quite the team regardless… The Dragonite? Is that?" Matthew asked, not quite finishing his question.
"Not from Johto. I already had the Pokemon League raise a big stink about it when she was a Dragonair, even had Lance come in and verify it. She’s a wild one."
"Really? So there are wild Dragonite out there?" Midori asked, walking up and standing beside me, as she stared at my girl chowing down. She was already nearly done, licking the plate clean as she finished.
"Pfft. As if humans have seen every inch of the world. Or have any idea what’s really out there. Arceus blessed us with a truly beautiful world." I offered, and that earned me a lot of looks.
"Hah! The great birds are the ones that filled the world with weather and brought about life!" Matthew argued humphing and I laughed because of course different regions would argue their religion was the right one.
Mama and Papa had never really taken us to any churches or anything, and I mean.
I knew Arceus existed. I knew the whole creation myth. Trying to say one Pokemon did this or that was silly when I knew whatever legendary had actually done.
I shrugged, not caring to argue.
"Amazing. A Kanto Dragonite. Who would have thought. It’s been… What since that Samuel boy?"
"Aye. His Dragonite had real potential. Think this one is a child?"
"Ah." I interrupted Midori and another woman that I didn’t know. "I can verify that Dragonite wasn’t born from Samuel Oaks Dragonite. Although… Does anyone know what happened to Oak? Or his Pokemon I guess."
The mood turned a bit somber at my question. I hadn’t thought to ask before. I mean… Agatha hadn’t said much either.
"No one knows exactly." Matthew interrupted with a gruff tone. "Johto. Probably. Damn Blackthorn. Surprised a kid your age even knows the name."
"I’ve heard of him." Was all I could really answer before shaking it off. "I know Agatha, who-"
"Ugh." Matthew groaned and Midori broke into laughter.
"Don’t bring up that old hag."
"Oh don’t be such a sourpuss Matthew, just because you never managed a win against her."
The man grumbled looking like he was grinding his teeth but said nothing more.
Ah. That was kinda funny.
"We don’t know dear. No one does. Samuel Oak, was a hero to Pallet, grew up here. Planned on being a champion likely would have, but… Johto. Or maybe even some elements in Kanto weren’t happy. Him, his Pokemon." She shook her head.
"I see."
"Well we aren’t here to get morose." Matthew argued. "Sam was a good kid. Hell of a battler. Taught him a few things back in the day. Before I retired. Kid wanted every badge in Kanto before he went for the League. Heh. Don’t think he quite made it."
"Wait… How many minor gyms are there?"
"Four? Five? Changes sometimes." The man offered. "Some close down. Not enough support. Some take over the big gyms, like Saffron."
"How many did Oak get before the League?"
"Ten?" Matthew questioned but Midori just hummed to herself and ended up shrugging.
"I bet I can get them all. I’m already collecting the Star badges." The idea made me smile. Get all the badges! Gotta collect them all!
"Oh? You’ve gotten some Star badges?" Matthew asked, sitting up. "I got three back when I ran my circuit. Heh! I had more than anyone in Kanto that year.
"Yeah." I walked over to my bag and grabbed the badge carrier out of a side pocket. Flipping the sleek little case open I opened it off to show off a little standing proud as all six Star Badges were displayed.
"My goodness!" Midori responded first in an honest gasp.
But Matthew took the cake in response. He started snickering, then chuckling then full of guffawing and then turned it into a full belly laugh raised to the sun.
"I don’t think it’s really that funny." I mentioned but he shook his head, slowly regaining control.
"Girl. Vicky. No, Victoria. Yeah. Listen kid. You’re doing something right. Keep doing it." He said and nodded as if his words were great wisdom.
"Idiot." Midori offered before looking down at me and patting me on the head. "You’re a good one. Strong, and well taken care of Pokemon, and they adore you. Obvious to anyone. That’s how a trainer should be. Heh. I look forward to seeing the league this year." She laughed a little sinisterly and Matthew joined her, both old people sharing a look of sharp teeth.
"I’m surprised you took out Koga though." Matthew offered. "He’s a tough customer."
"I didn’t the first time. But he trained me, and on the second go around I knew his team pretty well I could plan for them. He taught me a lot. But… The Star Badge doesn’t feel as earned. I need to make sure I get the next two. To make sure I deserved it."
"Heh. If he handed it to you, you deserved it. But enough about us. Looks like the food is done."
"Huh? Oh!" I jerked as a new woman in an apron and a big smile walked over carrying sticks of fried squid. "For the champion of the battle!" She called out, earning cheers from everyone on the beach as she handed me the food which I took and quickly scarfed down. I hadn’t eaten yet! Yummy! "And I guess some for you." She offered, handing Matthew a stick and a pile of papers of Takoyaki.
"Hmmph!" He grumbled but took the food, and then she leaned in and kissed him on the cheek. Oh! That must be his wife.
But I really was hungry. The Squid went down amazingly, but I scooped out some rice as well, into a bowl, tossed some of the squid in, then poured the less spicy remains of the bowl over it and dug in myself.
I ended up mostly just settling in and listening to some of the old people that gathered around a fire talk about their own journeys. Hearing how it used to be sixty years ago to start a journey was both horrifying, and absolutely thrilling!
But of course as I did that my Pokemon enjoyed themselves.
Milotic eventually stopped pretending to be squeezed dry and was swimming around coming out of the ocean with all sorts of things. Shells, or interesting bits or bobs. Either for me to ooh over, or handed to Dragonite and given bashful looks in turn.
So cute!
Gyarados just hung out with me. The old folks got used to his massive face towering over them. And even relaxed when I used him as a chair.
Dragonite, when she wasn’t being flattered by Milotic, was following Chanseys lead and playing with the children which to my amusement she seemed to really like. Dragonite for all their being a dragon thing, really were some of the nicest dragons.
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Mostly. Except for Iris’s one. The jerk.
And of course Chansey was leading the children in some stretches and beach exercises.
Chansey, always working for those gains.
Arcanine of course was the queen of attention. She walked along the beach doing whatever caught her interest, whether that was chasing after frisbees thrown by the younger kids, being fawned over, or licking the absolute crap out of a little girl that had spilled a Takoyaki on her head.
I had to pull Arcanine away as the little girl was crying up a storm, but eventually had calmed down and I let her pet Arcanine as an apology so there was that.
Of course sometimes she would just go. Run off at whatever caught her attention. The sand skipping up around her as she shocked the crowd with her speed. A poor Spearow getting a little too close to the food had been chased away and it was only Arcanine being nice that let it survive as she could have easily snapped it out of the air as it fled the sudden appearance of something three hundred times its size.
It was nice, and Cinnabar can wait until after the party.