Pokemon Trainer Vicky-Chapter 5

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The next day Papa, Mama, And Gram Gram piled me into Papa’s car and we drove into the city.

We were going to the Pokemon Association Viridian branch.

Apparently. Agatha had set up a meeting.

Thankfully All three adults had told me firmly not to say anything, or answer any questions without them okaying it first. That my job would be boring, but I had to be there regardless.

Okay. Boring but okay.

Honestly. It wasn’t even worth the effort. We were invited into a room with Agatha, and a few men dressed in suits and asked for Arcanine to be released. Which I did at Papa’s confirmation.

The men did lots of tests on Arcanine. Apparently to ensure she was being taken care of properly.

But otherwise half their questions were returned with "Don’t answer that Vicky." "Family Secret." or my favorite. "Stop asking my daughter, she is underage, You will ask me." Papa getting all protective was cute.

And then not long after we left. With my Trainer registration card updated with Arcanine, and apparently a confirmation she wasn’t stolen?

It was weird. But apparently Arcanine were so rare that trainers had to be checked to ensure they weren’t stolen from a preserve, or from another trainer.

I wonder what they were going to think when I gave Papa his birthday present? Growly deserved to evolve too after all. He was a good boy!


"Vicky! I challenge you to a battle!"

"No thanks." I replied, turning away as our lunch started. I was hungry, and didn’t have time for the ’battles’ the kids here tended towards…

It was pretty bad. Most of the time they only had like Pidgey or Rattata.

Which don’t get me wrong. That little rat scared me.

But not at the hands of these guys.

"Don’t run away! Vicky!"

"I’m literally not running anywhere. What do you want Kiba?"

"Fight me!"

"No." I tell him, turning to continue to walk to the cafeteria. Mama packed me some goodies this morning, for being a good girl during the Pokemon Association meeting.

Damn right I’m gonna enjoy this.

A hand tugging my arm stopped me cold as I turned to Kiba.

"Don’t be a coward! I don’t care if you have a Milotic! My Poochyena won’t lose! It’s a rare pokemon too! They don’t have them here in Kanto!" He proclaimed and I heard a few oohs from the other kids.

It was true. Here in Kanto Poochyena didn’t exist.

Because Growlithe killed them. At least that was the general consensus. Poochyena couldn’t keep up with a pack of Growlithe. Their dark time working against them. Sure a Mightyena was much more common than an Arcanine. But not all Dark types stuck together in little gangs. Poochyena weren’t quite loners, but they usually only gathered in small groups. Two or three. So a Mightyena and maybe two Poochyena running into a pack of twelve or more Growlithe? Well. Scorched Hyena was good enough for Growlithe.

"I don’t have Milotic with me right now. He is home resting with the flock. Kiba let go."

"Hah! You still have a Pokeball! Is it your Growlithe? Let’s go then. A battle between your dog and mine!"

"That wouldn’t even be a competition Kiba let go." Seriously Arcanine would be overkill on a normal pokemon. She had been trained as a police dog first after all, and she was a battle maniac, I had been run ragged working with her as a Growlithe. The power increase of an Arcanine would be too much for a school yard brawl.

"Oh! Gonna trash talk Vicky? That means you can’t refuse! That’s the rules."

I sigh. Damnit. The kids did have a rule like that. If you talked shit, you had to back it up. It was one of those weird schoolground rules the kids all followed. Like that swing was always that persons, and things like that.

"Fine. Don’t say I didn’t warn you Kiba."

"Hah!" The Brash boy laughed off my warning as he turned and headed towards the field. I followed after, swiftly gaining a following. Pokemon battles weren’t really allowed, but they were also something that inevitably happened. As long as no one got hurt the teachers let it happen.

Following Kiba’s stupid spiky shonen hair I split from him and took my position as he did the same.

"Alright. Poochyena! Time to bite!" He called out and his Poochyena burst onto the field, giving a little howl in its excitement.

"Let’s not do any bites, that might be too much!" I called out opposite Kiba, as I threw Arcanines ball.

The burst of bright light quickly grew much larger than Poochyena, and then as Arcanine solidified, she howled. But this wasn’t Poochyena’s little howl.

This Howl rattled the windows of the school, it caused everyone to back up. Although I had been smart and covered my ears it still was a bit too much.

And then Arcanine breathed in and was ready for battle.

I could see Kiba’s throat swallow as he was forced to face a Pokemon that was as big as a grizzly bear, and much much smarter.

Arcanine took a moment to look over her foe. The Poochyena was frightened but had its teeth bared. It would fight. For a moment Arcanine looked over her shoulder to me, and I could feel her exasperation at this match.

But that was okay, I had a way to keep her interested.

"Arcanine. This is a practice match. Goal is as follows. Don’t get hit. Don’t hurt the Poochyena to knockout." I called out, loud enough for Kiba and his Poochyena to hear. A moment later Kiba cleared his throat.

"You heard her Poochyena! This is accuracy training. Start it off with a scary face!"

"Extreme speed into double team. GO!"

While Arcanine wasn’t happy not to be able to go all out. She did love challenges. So the moment I called it out, she was gone. A burst of embers left in her wake as she suddenly started running.

With double team, after images of her began appearing, and I sighed in relief that Scary Face didn’t work. But the biggest boost came from the small training we had done so far. After all Arcanine was always wanting to do more. Extreme speed was Quick attacks big brother. Better in every way but much harder to learn. Unless you are an Arcanine.

So of course first thing I had done was get her to start using it less as an attacking move. And more as a combo. Bursting into the movement of extreme speed but turning it into another attack… we didn’t quite have it yet, but moving fast into a double team? That she could do.

"Howl to power up Poochyena!" Kiba called out.

"Disrupt it with Roar!" I responded. It was something I had seen in an elite battle before. Roar was a fear effect it caused wild Pokemon to flee, but it didn’t work on trainer Pokemon. At least it didn’t make them flee.

But it was still something that caused them to jerk.

Arcanines roar washed over the starting to howl Poochyena, causing it to swallow its howl in shock and jerk away from the much bigger Pokemon.

"Great job! Agility!"

"P-Poochyena! Uhh… I know! Roar back! And then bite!"

The idea was good. Poochyena’s roar was loud and it did cause Arcanine to still for a half moment, but it wasn’t enough.

"Extreme speed dodge!" I called out, and the moment Poochyena had created for the attack was missed as Arcanine disappeared.

"Alright Poochyena, Hit them wi-"

"ENOUGH!" The loud shout startled both of us and the Pokemon as well as everyone turned to look at the very angry teacher.

"H-hey Ms. Kurosawa."

"Victoria! Kiba! With me! Now!"

Kiba and I met each other’s eyes as we quickly returned our Pokemon and followed after the angry woman.



"Couldn’t go one day could you trouble?" Papa asked as he walked into the office. I just shrugged Innocently.

This was totally not my fault.

"Your daughters ar-Arcanine… Roared loud enough to crack some of the windows of the school. Here is the bill." Principal Fuya offered with only a hint of a crack on Arcanines name.

"We will take care of it, I apologize Principal… Kids will be kids?" Papa offered, and unfortunately while the principal did have a slight twitch of his lips at that, he shook his head.

"We have a no battling during school hours rule for a reason. Mr Ferrous."

"My Daughter is very sorry. I will ensure she is punished appropriately."

The principal huffed but nodded after "Very well. I will leave it at that. After all, a young trainer with her potential… Well no point in wasting time any further."

I actually winced at that. To be let off with a slap on the wrist because I had an Arcanine? Because I was special? Ouch… that hurt.

"It was my fault." I offer getting their attention. "Please let Kiba off. This is my fault."

"Wha? No! It was me! I’m the one that dragged you to the field, you even told me to leave you alone so you could eat! This is my fault!" Kiba offered instantly. The boy instantly realized I was trying to cover for him as well.

So I kicked his shin. Hard.

"Definitely my fault. Kiba is just still deaf from the battle… And dumb apparently." I whispered the last part, but I could tell both adults heard.

Kiba funnily enough didn’t.

The loud rattling of a door opened too forcefully brought our attention away and thankfully kept the adults from saying anything more as the door to the office opened.

"What did my brat do this time?" A woman stomped in, her hair as spiky and grey as Kibas.


"Battling during school hours that resulted in broken windows." Principal Fuya offered earning a sigh from the woman.

"What’s the damage, how much am I paying?"

"Nothing Akari. The damage was my daughters fault. It’s been a while." Papa spoke and suddenly Akari perked up as she noticed Papa in the room.

"Well hell maybe this day isn’t a complete disaster, Mr. Ferrous, You never did come over for that dinner I said I owe you." I gaped. Was she.. Flirting!? Did Papa have game!?

"Akari. As I said last time, I cannot receive gifts, while working with the Department. Or bribes to breed their pokemon together." He said flatly.

"Don’t say that! My Mightyena was saved by your little Growlithe boy. Don’t tell me he wouldn’t enjoy a little-"

"Akari. We have little ears." Papa interrupted but that only earned a giggle from me as I realized it wasn’t just Papa with game. Apparently Growly was a little stud.

"Oh is this cutie yours? Hah! Hey girly, I’m Akari, your Daddy is a good guy ya? He saved my butt from a real nasty pack of beedrill a few years back."

"Papa is pretty cool like that." I agree earning a chuckle as the woman leans up to wink at Papa. "Even your daughter thinks your cool eh? Sure we can’t get that Dinner?"

"Mooooooom!" Kiba whines and that only makes me laugh more as the sound of betrayal was too much for Kiba.

I couldn’t help but giggle at Kibas utter disgust at his mother flirting.

How funny.

"Fine, seems my pup is going to block me this time. But don’t think I’m done Mr. Ferrous. I’ll reward you some day, mark my words."

"My Wife would have something to say about that Akari." Papa offered out sounding a little tired form the womans aggressiveness.

"Hah! Invite her too then." Akari offered with a laugh as she pulled Kiba out of the office.

"Wait, did she just sneak Kiba out of here while distracting everyone?" I couldn’t help but ask, and my words earned a startled jerk from the Principal as if he was going to rush out the door before seemingly giving up.


So Arcanine was a lovely Pokemon. Her aggressive nature as a Growlithe was eased a tiny bit since she became so much more powerful in a moment, but she still had a constant need to grow stronger, and while she was more of a match for Milotic, fact was, type advantage meant Milotic still won most of the practice battles we had.

Which had swiftly punctured her arrogance.

But she had caused some other problems. News reporters had taken to watching our home trying to get new images of an Arcanine. I had heard the phrase "Home Grown Legend." Bandied all over the local news in the last few days.

An Arcanine was serious business for Pokewatchers.

All in all it really put a damper on our training. And Arcanine was starting to get irritated that even when she dragged me outside to get some exercise people were bothering us. Papa had to call the police a few times for trespassers even.

Which is what eventually led to her crashing into a tree because someone was not where they were supposed to be. Some weirdo that wanted to hug my Arcanine. Well I returned her, and then had Growly who was on guard duty take care of that, but it led me to heading into town.

Arcanine needed a visit from Nurse Joy.

Stupid weirdos! Only I got to snuggle with Arcanine!

"Nurse Joy!" I called out as I entered the quiet Pokemon Center. Sure we had traveling trainers coming through, but it was a slow period right now. Viridian was busiest late into Journeys, most people didn’t challenge Giovanni until the end.

"Oh! If it isn’t Vicky. How are you?" She asked smiling at me over the counter as I walked up with a grin.

"I’m alright. Arcanine is a little roughed up." I lean in to whisper. "Someone snuck onto our property and she was distracted while training Extreme speed. She hit a tree. Don’t bring it up, she was really embarrassed." She really was embarrassed, which was hilarious, but I had to be sensitive.

Nurse Joy has a little frown when she hears Arcanine is hurt but giggles a little at the end of the story. "I will heal her right up, and I won’t bring up how it happened… I don’t suppose?" She trailed off.

I grinned. Knowing exactly what she wanted. "I don’t have anywhere else to be. If you need an extra long examination…" I trailed off earning a brilliant smile from the pink haired woman.

"Why don’t you come on back with me. Arcanine will likely appreciate the company." She said and I followed her around the counter.

See Nurse Joy loved Pokemon. I mean. Duh. But she did have a weakness for rare beautiful pokemon. Like Milotic, and Arcanine.

Which is why I bribed her with time with my buddies so that she could do this.

"SWOOO FUFFFY!" She screamed into Arcanines mane. Arcanine was used to this by now, plus like many Pokemon had a soft spot for Nurse Joy.

So we pretended not to see the pink haired nurse snuggling face first into Arcanines fur as she hugged her.

She pulled away a bit so she was resting her cheek on the fur. "I love Chancey, she gives the best hugs out of any Pokemon, but a fuzzy Pokemon like this! I wish it wasn’t a family secret, so I could interrogate you on how I could get my own." Nurse Joy sighed.

"Sorry. Gram Gram was firm."

"Oh I know! Please don’t think I am actually asking. Us Joy have a firm neutrality when it comes to information we might learn when helping Pokemon. In exchange of course we are paid well for our duty." She offers smiling as Arcanine nuzzled her a little in turn.

Like I said Pokemon love Nurse Joy.

"Oh Vicky… There was something I wanted to speak with you about. Do you remember your request about purchasing a Chansey?"

My eyes widen as I sit up from where I had been slouched on the couch as Nurse Joy snuggled Arcanine. "Of course! Did you hear back from your cousin?"

"I did. I’ll… I’ll admit to you Vicky. I hope this doesn’t hurt your feelings. I didn’t really make it a priority at first. Chansey are not exactly something we eagerly try to trade out of the Clan, even if they aren’t Clan Secret Pokemon or anything. But when you showed up with this girl." Nurse Joy said stroking Arcanines chin, causing the big girls eyes to roll up at the feeling. "I realized you deserve the chance."

I took in her words for a moment and shrugged. "I get it. I’m not even on my journey yet. Milotic aside, I was nothing special. Although even Arcanine doesn’t really make me special…"

"Well it made you special enough for me to put in a call. You are also in luck. There are some requirements though, if you are still interested."

"Of course! Chansey is so strong! And she would be so useful even outside of battles."

Nurse Joy titters. "I can’t say I have ever heard of a strong Chansey, but I am glad you respect them. We have a Chansey that would be willing to head out with a trainer. But the price is high. A lot less Chansey have been found in the wild in the last few years."

"Well Nurse Joy. As long as the price isn’t too obscene. I think we have a deal. A Chansey would be huge for the training plans for my team."

"Well in that case. I will ring her up. She will give you a call in a few days. Once the trade is complete. We can have her Pokeball transported over."

I gave a dopey grin. Pink blob! I couldn’t wait!


"Are you sure about this Vicky… You are going on your journey in less than a year. You really don’t need to buy Pokemon… Especially ones so expensive." Mama asks concerned.

We were taking a momentary pause from the Video conference with Nurse Joy… The other Nurse Joy. The Cousin that apparently trained the Chansey before they were sent out to assist Nurse Joy. The other one.

This world! If it wasn’t a family of twins in the thousands, with the Jenny Clan, it was the Joy Clan!

"I am. Chansey are amazing at taking care of the health of other Pokemon. They can even provide food with their Egg, they are super nutritious. Plus, I need one for a training idea."

"Very well. The Money from your Milotic is yours. I just want to make sure you aren’t spending it on things you don’t need… Or on Pokemon you can catch on your Journey."

"I don’t have any plans on buying any other Pokemon. I just need Chansey." I explained urgently. And I did. A Chansey! If I was right? If my idea worked? Well my Pokemon wouldn’t be easy to deal with at all! And even if it didn’t work I wanted a healer on hand! This wasn’t a Game. A Pokemon could get injured far from any civilization! Far from a Pokemon Center.

"Alright." Mama offered before rejoining the vid chat, and accepting the offer for Chansey. Nurse Joy… No, the other Nurse Joy. Was more than happy to transfer Chansey over to our Pokemon Center, after the cash went through.

Which is how on a lazy afternoon after school. Damn school wasting most of my day! I walked into the Pokemon center, and was handed a Pokeball.

Nurse Joy was kind enough to let me use one of the conference rooms for a bit and I released Milotic, and Arcanine first, letting them settle in.

"Now, it’s your turn, Come on out Chansey!" I called and in a flash a big pink blob was bouncing on her toes in front of me.

"Chanse-y Chans!"

"Nice to meet you too!" I couldn’t help but exhale in a rush as I smiled broadly. "I’m Victoria, But my friends call me Vicky! This is Milotic, and Arcanine!" I waved to the other two Pokemon which both called out their greetings and were greeted in turn.

I let this go on for a bit letting everyone settle in, it was important after all for my Pokemon to work well together.

"Chansey, I know it’s weird to be traded, instead of captured. But I went out of my way to have you join my team, because I am planning on going on my journey soon. When I do, I wanted someone with me that could help take care of my Pokemon. But that doesn’t mean that is all I think you can do. If you want to battle, let me know. I can definitely train you to be a strong Pokemon."

"Chansey?" The pink blob queried a little confused, pointing her little fin hand at herself.

"Yeah. You. Chansey are really strong, and if you use a few specific moves, you can beat a lot of pokemon out there. But only if you want. I know not all Chansey like to fight."

"Chanse! Chansey." She offered waving her arm back and forth.

I couldn’t help but giggle at that. "Well we can train you a bit, and if you like it, we can do some test battles, but if you end up not wanting to, that’s fine… But I do have plans to have you help train my other Pokemon. It’s gonna be a little tough on you, even if it will be really tough on them."


I giggled at her questioning tone, it sounded like. ’Me?’ "Yeah Chansey, you’re going to be super important to training my team. Arcanine wants to become a Legend… More than she already is, and we will need your help with that."

"Chansey! Chanse."

My smile was wide as I hugged the pink blob.


As much as I wanted to start on my secret training plan. I still had a life outside of training. School took up most of my day, and of course I still wanted to spend time with Mama and Papa, and Gram Gram.

Which is why after school a few days after picking up Chansey I headed over to Gram Grams house to see her. She had taken to inviting me over to visit at least once a week.

I mean, Gram Gram had loved to have me over before, but not only did she really enjoy chatting with me now about different topics, but it was also a lot easier to get there.

Get out of school. Release Arcanine. Ride Arcanine to Gram Grams.

It let Arcanine stretch her legs, and I got to visit Gram Gram. Plus I loved hanging out by her pond. It meant, we could have tea surrounded by our Pokemon. Milotic resting in the Koi pond, Arcanine acting as a big pillow, and Gram Grams Persian cuddled up.

I loved it! Plus I had to introduce Gram Gram to Chansey!

But this time it was weird. First off, there was a car in the driveway. And it wasn’t Papa’s or Agatha’s. Weird!

I slid off Arcanine and returned her, as I headed inside.

"Gram Gram! I’m here!" I call out as I enter, stepping into the living room only to still because Gram Gram had company.

A family in fact. I blinked as I was the center of attention from the family that were all wearing really fancy Kimono.

Did I just step into a period drama? I wondered for a moment, but it was only when Gram Gram gave me a look that I must have said it out loud.


"Vicky. Come in, sit. We have guests. I doubt you recognize them, but this is your Uncle Leopold, and his family. His wife, Melissa, and your Cousin Elizabeth. They are visiting from Fuschia city."

I blinked. Oh yeah, the man in the old style Kimono did look a bit like Papa. "Huh. Yeah I do recognize him, Gram Gram has a picture of you. Right over there in fact." I say pointing to a table Gram Gram kept a bunch of pictures of the family on. Right up front was a Picture of Papa, and his brother when they were younger.

"Well it’s nice to actually meet you!" I offer with a chirp although I sensed the tension rather quickly.

"Yes, it is nice for my good for nothing son to show up for the first time in more than a decade to see his mother." Gram Gram offered with a hint of fire in her tone. "Or see his niece for the first time."

"Mother. My job doesn’t give me much off time. Not like Victor."

"Pfeh." Gram Gram mocked simply.

Oooh. That wasn’t an, I’m being silly and acting like a grumpy old lady Pfeh, that was I am actually a grumpy old lady Pfeh.

I learned over the years to tell the difference.

"I suppose that makes us cousins." A voice spoke, as a girl probably five years older than me stood from the couch. The pretty Kimono she was wearing was adjusted without a misstep as she stepped over offering me a bow.

This 𝓬ontent is taken from freeweɓnovel.cѳm.

"Elizabeth Ferrous, of the Fuschia Ferrous Clan." She bowed in greeting.

"I didn’t know there was a Fuschia Ferrous Clan… Or that we were a Clan… I like your Kimono though. Very pretty." I said with a smile, but I definitely hit a nerve somewhere because she was hiding a glare behind a blank face.

"Thank you. It’s nice to meet you Victoria." She offered with a stilted uptick making what she said sound utterly fake. The fact she looked over me for a moment after hinted that she was trying to insult me.

But jokes on her. I have no shame! Ponytail in a tangled mess from the Arcanine ride. Growlithe T Shirt that Papa had bought me a while back… That still fit, because my body refused to grow. A pair of shorts cause they were comfy and easy to wear. And clean socks. Cause Gram Gram would kill me for tracking my dusty hiking boots in her traditional Kantonian home.

So of course I just smiled brightly. "You can call me Vicky! We are family after all. Elizabeth huh? Do you prefer Liz, or Beth? Or Eli? No Eli would be weird I think… Right?"

"Elizabeth, I don’t use nicknames." She offered with a fake smile.

"Riiiight." I offer in return before just walking past her. "Nice to meet you." I gave a small bow to Melissa who was apparently my Aunt. That was cool. It looked like she was going to spurn my greeting but since Gram Gram was right there she gave a head nod

"Nice to meet you." She offered back, although it didn’t sound sincere.

"Pfeh. Trouble, come sit. You had a good day at school?"

"It was okay! I’m still in detention from the Kiba fiasco last week. But we can talk about me later! Hello family, what brings you all to Viridian?" I asked, looking toward the family all dressed up like they were in a period drama.

How exciting!

Finally after a moment of stillness my Uncle responded. "We are here visiting-"

"Come here to sniff around for money." Gram Gram interjected immediately. "I called the family about the new family secret, if not what the secret is. Apparently my good for nothing Son wants to be more directly involved."

"Oh! They want to know how to get a Milotic?"

"Oh no dear. My worthless son and his money grubbers want to take over the flock and move it to Fuschia city."

"Fuschia is on the ocean, it will suit Water Type Pokemon far more than the small rivers and lakes you have here in Viridian Mother, and we can help protect the flock better than Victor can. He still only has the one Pokemon left does he not? He couldn’t even finish his Gym run."

Oooooooh! Family drama! I almost wished I had popcorn! Was this a certain bitterness between brothers! And was my Uncle here to try and take over my Milotic! How exciting!

Of course I knew they couldn’t and Gram Gram knew that as well.

They were registered to me after all, and not Gram Gram, or the rest of the family could touch them without my permission.

"Pfeh. Money grubbing doesn’t suit you. The Flock stays here, and your Brother my worthless son has done well protecting them." Gram Gram offered. Although I blinked, realizing Gram Grams plan in an instant as our eyes met. I kept my smirk off my face, but I did wink at her, which I noticed caused her lips to twitch.

My Uncle apparently didn’t know that the Milotic were my Pokemon. And not registered under the family.. Clan? Did I have a Clan? That was weird!

"Victor has a single Growlithe. Our family still has our Pokemon teams. Elizabeth’s starter Skitty has taken her to the Indigo League. She has more than proven herself dependable. Under her, the duty of managing and protecting the flock, the new Clan resource will be well protected into the future. At least better than a Berry Farm." He said and then I was frowning a bit.

Mama’s Berry Farm was great! We supplied all of Viridian city! Hell! The Milotic adored the Berry Trees! You couldn’t push a Berry tree on our farm some days and not knock a Milotic out of it!

"No." Gram Gram said with a simple word. Denying my Uncle. "The Milotic are fine where they are, besides, the Pokemon Association will make the move difficult."

"I have connections with the Association and have already gotten an acceptance to re-home the Flock. The concerns of being so close to Johto, and if fighting starts up means the Kanto Association members would prefer the Rare Pokemon farther from the border."

"I didn’t give permission for any such move. Nor did I give you permission to even speak with the association in regards to them. You forget yourself." Gram Gram said a simple sentence without any of her usual joking taunts.

Uncle bowed his head slightly. "I simply wished to ensure that the Association would not cause any issues. They will not."

"I am sure you made no promises to them in order to gain that permission either." Gram Gram asked, her Persian on her lap no longer purring. Despite being a total baby, he did have a scary face. Something about the way his eyes were set, made it always look like he was glaring.

Hence one of the reasons he was so prized as a breeder. But right now it worked pretty well as he was glaring at Uncle who was looking a little uncomfortable about the whole thing.

"I work with the Association Mother. Of course I have had discussions about the assistance they will provide for our Flock."

I almost spoke then. He has never even seen my fishies! How dare he claim them.

But Gram Gram wasn’t putting up with that.

"They are not yours." Gram Gram said, glaring now as well. "The very fact you would move behind your family’s back is why you will not have them."

"Mother! I am looking out for the future of our Clan! Elizabeth is responsible! She has proven her strength in battle, and she-"

"Has nothing to do with this conversation."

Ouch. Gram Gram bringing some heat.

"I disagree. Victor has made his interests in the Clan clear. I have expanded the Clan and set up a true clan home. My daughter has done everything to prove herself a member of the Ferrous Clan including ending up within the top eight of her last Indigo League attempt. More than high enough to earn respect from any battler."

"Again. Elizabeth has nothing to do with this. The Flock does not belong to you."

Oh man. I really wanted Popcorn. This would be great with Popcorn.

Uncle Leopold looked like he was about to blow a blood vessel in his forehead.

"The Association has concerns about the protection of the Flock. This can be a simple fix, Mother. Settle the Flock in Fuschia. I will even move you there if you wish. I am sure you will enjoy spending time with your family."

"I do. Which is why I am confused why my Good for Nothing son appears now of all times. Interesting that it is only now, when a large cash cow falls into our laps. You certainly didn’t come for any of the holidays over the last fifteen years."

"I was in Fuschia city, and busy Mother. I was ensuring our family had not just a home, but a compound open for all of the family when needed."

"I don’t remember any invitations to this compound before now." Gram Gram wasn’t joking anymore. And Uncle Leopold didn’t quite flinch, but I think he realized he had trapped himself a bit.

"I am now."

"Not interested. I’m not leaving my home. The one your Great Grandfather built."

"Mother. We are getting into details that aren’t important. You know as well as I do that the Ferrous Clan can’t continue as it used to. We are making too much money now. Too much attention. The Pokemon Association likes having a contact within each of the important Kanto Clans. We are on that list now. I know Victor won’t do it. I don’t know why you would even allow him to handle such an important resource!"

"I never had any issue with dealing with the Association." Gram Gram sighs. "This conversation is over Leopold. You aren’t getting what you came here for. Are you here for anything else, or was your Greed the only thing that brought you home?"

"This isn’t my home!" He snapped and I blinked at that, his family also looked surprised at his outburst.

"Ah." Gram Gram says simply. "So it is still about that."

His fist clenched, and I could see him restrain himself. "No. I am no longer a child. Nor will I act like one. Mother. I am trying to do what is best for the family."

"My Son. You are trying to do what is best for your family, at the expense of your brothers. You still can’t get over your grudge against him. Just because he left, does not m-"

"This isn’t about Victor!" Leopold snapped. "You have the greatest prize our family has ever had standing almost unprotected in a farm pond! Don’t you see how foolish this is! Let us take them to Fuschia! They will be safe and support our clan for centuries! We can be the second Blackthorns!"

"Okay. This back and forth was fun for a while, but it’s gotten a little too real." I interrupt. "I think I’ll step in. My Milotic aren’t going anywhere. They love the farm. The trees provide lots of extra food for them. We literally have to poke them out of the trees somedays." I interrupt popping Gram Grams plan. She was looking pretty upset, like real upset. So I think it has gone past fun.

"Your Milotic?" Elizabeth asked with a noise closely resembling a scoff. "You mu-"

"Yep. All of the Milotic, all eleven of them are registered to me. I’m their Trainer. So bothering Gram Gram isn’t going to get you anywhere." I say earning a surprised look from Leopold.

"Pfeh. I wasn’t going to tell them Trouble. I planned on leading them around for a long time with that." Gram Gram offered, but I could tell her joking tone was flat.

"Yeah I know. But it was starting to not get fun for any of us. Listen. I’ll be honest. I don’t know you. I mean this is the first time we have ever met." I point out my Uncle’s face looking quite irritated. "If you actually mean what you said, then instead of demanding we do it your way, why don’t we all get together. I am sensing a lot of bad blood between you and Papa, but I don’t have any issues with you. I don’t mind having more help protecting my Flock."

But Uncle Leopold didn’t seem to have any desire to respond to me. "Mother. You allowed a child to register ownership of the Milotic! This is! This is preposterous!"

"I didn’t allow anything Leo. Vicky is the one who caught them. Who brought them in. She probably knows more about Milotic than any trainer alive. They are hers. She simply allows the family to manage her extended flock and take care of the finances." Gram Gram was smirking a bit. "So if you want to make any deals about their care. She is the one you need to speak to."

"That! Why!? Why would Victor allow a child control of the finances of the entire Clan!?"

"Because my Flock, my Milotic are not the resources of the Clan. I don’t know where you get this idea, but it’s wrong." I muttered, but Gram Gram surprised me with an answer.

"It’s because your father is a smart man. He knew he had no idea what to do with all the money rolling into your account, and asked me for help. I started pouring some of the money into additional investments. Of course those investments are done through the Clan so your cash is revitalizing our extended families finances single handedly." Gram Gram says with a shrug.

"Oh cool."

"Cool… All you can say is cool?" A heated voice asked and I looked towards Elizabeth, who at that moment looked very much like her father. "You have control of the entire Clans finances because your investments are controlling the entire income stream, and you say cool? Grandmother… I agree with Father. This girl should not be in charge of such a vital resource! She is a child!"

Elizabeth stood pointing a finger towards me. "You have an entire Flock of Milotic and you are trying to call us greedy? Such a find would have spread to the entire Clan from anyone with any duty to their family!"

"I didn’t know you existed until like ten minutes ago. So maybe stop flipping out?" I asked, looking towards Gram Gram. Ignoring the way Elizabeth was not handling me telling her to calm down very well. "So the investments are done through the Clan?"

"Correct. It allowed the investments to have a much higher return. Clan Ferrous might not have the funds it once had, but we have been in Kanto for generations, and we were well respected for a long time. When I started investing, by using the Clan name, I was able to get very nice opportunities. Pfeh. If I had known it would bring this trouble. I would have just done it under your own name."


"But this way it helps the whole family? I mean. Wow. I don’t think I’ve ever met any other members of the family before. How come I didn’t know this Clan stuff?"

"Simple girl. Your father was kicked out of the clan for abandoning it!" Uncle Leopold said with a heated not quite shout. "He abandoned his duty, and so the clan excommunicated him! Mother is the only member that was willing to even talk to him!"

"Oh. Drama Bomb. I guess that explains why everyone is so worked up… The funds were put through Clan channels, so you thought Gram Gram had control of the Flock. You didn’t realize she was just trying to help me."

"Hah! You might look a little slow, but you are quick on the uptake, Trouble." Gram Gram teased earning a pout from me. I was super smart, you know! I literally had straight A’s and my teachers thought I was a genius! Adult brain is stronk!

"So if Papa was excommunicated, doesn’t that mean I’m not a member of your Clan?" I asked thinking it through. "Well I guess that means you really really can’t do anything about the Milotic can you?"

"Hehe! No Granddaughter of mine. My good for nothing son certainly can’t."

"You mean this kid has complete control of the Flock and we can’t do anything?" Elizabeth asks surprised. "But Father!"

"I am aware Elizabeth." He spoke firmly, although he didn’t snap. "I suppose as always you are enjoying your little game Mother?"

"No. I didn’t have any fun with this, my son. I thought I would, but I most certainly have not." Gram Gram says finally, quietly. Weak in a way I have never known her.

"Then we should leave. It seems our business here was… A waste of time."

"Wait!" I called out before they could move. "I don’t know the history of all this. But really. We are family right? Why don’t we all just… try to work together? If the Prism Scale money is helping the rest of the family, even if I never met you before. That’s a good thing."

"Never. I will never work for Victor. Or his spawn." Uncle Leopold said simply before turning and offering a bow to Gram Gram. His family stood doing the same, ignoring me completely before walking out, in a little parade of Kimono and hurt feelings.

"Wow. He really has a stick up his as–butt." I hastily corrected. Usually my near misses made Gram Gram chuckle, but not this time. She patted me on the head.

"Victoria. I want you to know. What your Uncle said, and whatever questions you have. Your Father did nothing wrong. He simply followed his dreams, with my blessing. But it had repercussions. You are my Granddaughter, no matter what the Clan would say."

I smiled. "I love Papa, and I love you. So I can’t really care that much about a Clan that I didn’t even know existed until a few minutes ago."

"Heh! Good. Don’t mind it at all. Live your life as you want. Your Father did that, and he is happy. That is all I want from you."

"Thanks Gram Gram. I think I wouldn’t mind learning a bit more about this whole Clan thing either. Even if I’m not part of it."

"I’ll be happy to explain it all to you my dear. Now I think we all had a busy afternoon. I know you were coming over to play, but why don’t you head home." Gram Gram said, sounding tired. But not the physical kind. I knew it well. Nothing hurt worse than family conflict.

"Sure Gram Gram. I love you the mostest." I tell her as I wiggle into a hug earning a tight squeeze before she lets me go.

I headed back outside. Noticing Uncle’s family clambering into his car as I passed. But I just shrugged. Throwing out Arcanine. And ignoring their reactions as I climbed on her and raced home.

If the Pokemon Association thought we weren’t able to keep our Milotic safe, I would just have to grow so strong that any fear was wiped away.