Pokemon Trainer Vicky-Chapter 53
The few minutes after researcher 2 pulled a real idiot move, were strange.
A few League trainers rushed in, pokeballs ready, only to find Chansey saving the researchers life and everyone pissed off or scared. Mr. Brushfire came in behind them as well looking around trying to figure out what was happening.
Then Dr. Jima calmed everything down, explaining it was a research accident. Which I argued was very much not an accident, because an accident isn’t usually something done intentionally.
But eventually an ambulance showed up, and idiot researcher 2 was picked up and rushed out. Although I think Chansey had already saved his life. Idiot got lucky.
At least he was breathing more normally and started to become responsive when he was hauled away.
And I had some confirmation on how Mimikyu’s thing worked.
It had been instant once the researcher had peeked, and it had sort of looked like a mix of massive fear, and a heart attack.
Everyone had been too busy at first dealing with researcher 2, but as he was now pulling out of the room on a stretcher two Machops holding each end as the EMS worked on the guy. Finally what I knew would happen happened.
Papa turned to me. "Vicky? Your new pokemon…"
"Mimikyu is my friend Papa. He stays with me." I said firmly, I could tell Papa was feeling out the situation, and he sighed at my words.
"That may not be up to you." Mr. Brushfire broke in. "A pokemon like that could be labeled as too dangerous for integration."
"I hear Sinnoh is nice." I answered back simply with a dark edge to my voice. I wasn’t going to be bullied, and I wasn’t going to let someone bully my little buddy!
He had been despondent in my arms ever since it happened, barely moving only to sniffle quietly from time to time. I was pissed about it!
"Ms. Ferrous, please understand, this is a… complicated time between Johto and Kanto. A pokemon with such a strange effect could cause some problems, that might lead to all the work that’s been done over the last decade to unify the regions to fall apart."
"Your researcher did something I explicitly said would cause him harm! I’ve had Mimikyu for a while and never even came close to looking under his disguise. Ivy either! Would a researcher stick his head in a Feraligators mouth after being told not to? What kind of researchers are we dealing with? Mimikyu isn’t dangerous! They hate that seeing them hurts people!"
Dr. Jima, walked back into the room having followed his colleague out of the room, but as he did he came in half way through my rant at Brushfire. Dr. Jima cleared his throat. "Again Ms. Ferrous I do apologize for my colleagues actions. You did an excellent job breaking down the dangers of your pokemon, and it was our mistake in not listening."
"A pokemon that can kill someone just by sight, is a bit more serious than a pokemon with sharp teeth." Mr. Brushfire argued, looking stressed and rubbing at his chin. The way his fingers twitched told me he really wanted a cigarette.
"Pfeh!" A voice called out and everyone twitched as suddenly in the corner there was an old woman leaning on a cane.
"Oh hey Agatha." I greeted.
"Little brat. I see you found something interesting." She agreed and stepped forward.
"Ms. Agatha." Brushfire greeted her respectfully. "You know that the department of Ecology is the one in charge of inspections. It’s up to our decision in the end."
"Pfeh. You don’t even know what you are looking at. A Ghost and…"
"Fairy." I answered while rocking Mimikyu in my arms.
"Huh, guess that’ll get those researchers rushing around to prove or disprove that claim. Let’s see." She said as she walked over and peered down into my arms.
"He’s a little sensitive right now, Agatha." I explained. I liked Agatha, but she could be a bit brusque, and for Mimikyu I would tell her to fuck off just as quickly as I would the researchers.
"So I see. A bit sensitive for a ghost, but I suppose that comes with the Fairy typing. Hello there little thing." She greeted, with an offered hand, and to my surprise Mimikyu reached out to her hand, his claw accepting her handshake.
"KuKku." He spoke and even Agatha blinked in surprise.
"Heh… Heh, Hehehehe!" She chuckled, then broke into cackles much to my own and Mimikyu’s confusion. He looked up at me and then back to her.
"I have no idea." I whispered, but Agatha slowly stopped her laughter.
"That is a lovely Ghost type. I can’t wait to see you train him into a real fighter. You, brat!" She said pointing her cane at Brushfire. "You’ll be getting a call from your boss soon enough. Pick it up." And then Agatha moved away, stopping only briefly to chat with Gram Gram.
"Really Agatha?"
"What? These fools have no idea at all what your little brat brought with her! That Ghosty is going to traumatize an entire generation of poor brats! I can’t wait to be the most feared type again!" Agatha cackled as she walked out of the room.
Just not through the door. She just walked into a wall, and disappeared into darkness.
"Okay, that’s actually really cool. I’mma gonna need to learn how to do that." I muttered and Mama instantly put a hand on my shoulder.
I just shrugged because Mama couldn’t stop me! But the amusement disappeared when Mimikyu shifted in my arms.
"Don’t worry Mimikyu, you aren’t going anywhere. Forever and ever remember?" I told him and that earned me a whine of need as he hugged me again even tighter.
"Well then." Brushfire said, still looking like he wanted a cigarette. "Please give us a few minutes before we continue the inspection."
I nodded and settled onto the bed with Mimikyu in my lap and just continued comforting my sensitive little guy.
Eventually Dr. Jima finished going in and out of the room as he responded to calls or issues.
"Good news, Dr. Isu is stable and expected to make a full recovery. He is still unconscious now, but he woke up and was responding normally."
I nodded only caring about the man’s fate for the academics of it. Telling someone not to touch fire, and then watching them stick their hands into the flame sort of destroyed my sympathy for them.
It did make me want to try it myself at some point, with Chansey on hand… No, it was too soon for that. Mimikyu would definitely cry.
"So… Shall we continue?" Dr. Jima asked, clapping his hands together and trying to seem positive as if a massive fuckup hadn’t just happened.
"As long as you don’t peek under Mimikyu’s disguise too." I grumbled, and the Doctor nodded, Practically bowing.
"I will heed your warning about your pokemon Ms. Ferrous."
I nodded a little pleased at the man’s deference to my words.
"You ready to continue Mimikyu? I’ll be right here. I promise." I whispered to him and he sort of snuggled in tighter, before eventually gathering himself and bravely nodded.
"That’s my guy." I whispered back proud of him for being so brave. Then I placed him on the bed, and Dr. Jima walked over and adjusted the scanner above Mimikyu.
"Just a moment then… Done." He said having walked over to the computer and pushing the button. "Well that’s the scanning done. The report on Mimikyu will of course…" He went quiet as a phone rang.
"That hag." Brushfire grumbled as he pulled out his phone. I almost laughed because it was one of the massive bricks that first generation cell phones looked like. He quickly answered the phone and then walked out.
"Oh my. I hope Ms. Agatha didn’t cause another issue." Dr. Jima added and I had to snort at that.
"I don’t think Agatha does anything without causing an issue." I responded and Gram Gram chuckled at my words.
Not long after Brushfire returned and nodded. "The visual hazard of your pokemon is going to be ignored as long as no intentional use is recorded." Brushfire added and I blinked.
"That’s dumb, of course I’m not going to do that! Mimikyu is shy, and doesn’t want to hurt anyone!" I snapped, but Brushfire just nodded and waved at Dr. Jima.
"Well then, let’s continue."
"I’m up next then!" Ivy called and this time I knew what she was going to pull out.
"Phan?" Phantump asked as he appeared in such a strange space.
It kinda made me giggle at how confused the pokemon from Kitakami were at just being inside a building. Nervous at how everyone was looking at him, Phantump looked for Ivy and then floated over to her, sticking himself halfway behind her and even cutely putting his hand into his mouth like he was sucking on his thumb.
"Oh. Is it another Ghost type? Ivy?" Aunty Ami spoke first. Everyone had been surprised at the little guy’s appearance.
"Grass and Ghost. Phantump ran into us in Kitakami, and well… He was out in a storm, Vicky picked him up while half asleep and brought him inside and then dumped him on me… But he’s a sweetheart!" Ivy added, as she quickly wrapped her arm around Phantump holding him up like the baby he was.
"I see… But a Ghost type?" Auntie Ami hesitantly added, obviously uncomfortable. Everyone looked a little concerned as well, staring at the little stump ghost with some obvious hesitation.
As Agatha had just mentioned. Ghosts were the most feared type for a lot of people… But wait?
Slowly Phantump was introduced to Uncle Mori, and Aunt Ami, and soon they were both cooing over the cutie.
His inspection went by quickly, and then it was back to my turn.
"Oh so… If we caught a lot of a pokemon, how do you want to do the inspection?" I asked, looking into the Goomy pocket in my bag.
Mimikyu climbed up to my shoulder as I tried to work and I gave him a smile for freeing my arms.
"Oh? Did you catch a lot of a particular species?" Dr. Jima asked looking interested.
"I got like forty Goomy in here." I explained, as I grabbed one of the balls and then I hesitated not releasing one.
"Ms. Ferrous? Is there a problem?"
"Goomy, are very shy, and they won’t have any idea what is going on in here. Ivy? Can I get a few leaves?" I asked as I grabbed a plate out of my bag and then set it on the bed, and then grabbed my canteen to pour a little water into it.
"Phantump?" She asked, and the little guy plucked a leaf off his stump.
"Thanks cutie!" I said at Phantump, and then placed it into the plate.
Then I released a Goomy.
"Gooo?" It cooed out in surprise as it looked around.
"Hi Goomy." I greeted drawing his attention. "Do you remember me? We’ve traveled really far from Kitakami now. We are in a building right now okay?" I watched as they looked around, taking i n the sights of all the people and the fact they were inside something that wasn’t a cave.
"We have to do a quick check up for you, and then you and your family will be released at my stable okay? Are you thirsty? Hungry? I got a little snack for you." I offered.
"That’s… Interesting?" Dr. Jima spoke, and I could see everyone looking at Goomy in curiosity.
It was a pretty unique looking pokemon!
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"Goo? Goomy." He… She? Seemed to be a little scared, but they did scoot over to the plate and slip inside, cooing a bit as they sucked up the water.
The leaf was quickly gathered up and chewed up and they looked a lot happier after.
"I see, I see. How interesting." Dr. Jima spoke, gathering Goomy’s attention. "Hello little one." He spoke and Goomy sort of woogled a bit nervously at his presence. "Poison typing? It resembles Grimer to an extent." He muttered to himself as he sort of crouch around inspecting the new pokemon.
"Pure Dragon actually. All three stages of it’s evolution are pure Dragon." I answered with a shrug.
"What?" The gasp came from many of the adults around the room. But it was Brushfire that I was focused on, his jaw had dropped. "That’s a Dragon type?"
"Yep! Goomy! They start off very small, but they grow big and strong when they evolve." I answered, reaching out and while Goomy was a bit nervous at my approaching hands, I gave its cheeks a squeeze as I lifted it up a bit letting it stretch out and then let go, letting it wiggle as its weight brought it back down.
Instantly giggles were my reward.
So I did it again.
"Goo! Goomy!" They squealed in delight as I played squeeze the Goomy slime.
"They don’t look like a dragon type." Brushfire, added, but Dr. Jima waved him off.
"Pokemon looks can be a distraction. Young Ivy showed us one just earlier with her Fomantis. It is a very unique specimen though. You said you had forty of them?"
"Yep! They weren’t treated nicely by the people of Kitakami, they were hunting them down." I explained frowning. "Goomy are herbivores, so I think there was once a crop issue with them, and so the people in Kitakami reacted badly. But they are cute little Dragons that just want friends." I said smiling at my giggling Goo.
"I see. Let’s see what we can get from the scanner then. Since you have multiple of them, I will need a male and female for the inspection."
"Oh… Hey Goomy? Are you a Boy, or a Girl?" I asked, waving my right, and then left hand in front of them.
"Goomy." He replied tapping on my right hand.
"Heh. Handy that. Can you get a female?"
"That… Might take a minute. I’m gonna need some more water." I muttered, but looking at my hands… "I’m gonna need a sink first." I decided. My hands were a bit slimy.
"Oh, that’s quite a mess." Mama said, cringing and looking grossed out.
"It’s okay Mama. They are just slimy little boys." I teased the little guy and he looked confused, but pleased that I reached out with a care and stroked over his head, his cute little horns wiggled at my touch.
After a quick hand washing I dug back into my bag and this time pulled a few pokeballs out.
It took three before I got a confirmed female.
But this was okay because four Goomy all piled into a plate as I poured a bit of water on them to their delight, would never not be a fun time!
"Well no obvious male female differences." Dr. Jima rattled off, as he prepared a scan and I just distracted my little goo.
"Oh… Ms. Ferrous please use the anti-bacterial soap at the washing station immediately. As you say they aren’t poison types, that doesn’t mean that they are clean. Their slime seems to be teeming with bacteria."
I could practically feel Mama and Papa’s focus directed on me, and I nodded.
"Of course. They spend most of their time crawling through damp forests, or caves and drinking from stagnant puddles. I’m sure most of that will clear off with a bit of cleaning, and access to fresh water without predators constantly a worry." I added doing as asked and cleaning up.
I wasn’t that worried though. Of course you should wash your hands with soap after handling slime pokemon! That would be weird if you didn’t!
"Well, other than the bacteria issue. I’m not seeing any problems in the inspection." Dr. Jima added, and Brushfire nodded. He had been distracted making notes of his own, and seemingly itching to make a call.
"Okay Goomy! Next time I release you, you’ll be at our new home!" I called out and the Goomy perked up at my words. I guess the fact they weren’t being mistreated had given my words a bit more backing. "I’ll see you all soon." I told them and returned them.
"Okay Ivy… Your turn." I mentioned, and then very obviously walked over to Mama, Papa, and Gram Gram, tugging them away from the bed.
"Vicky?" Papa asked.
"Oh it’s fine… Just funny." I mentioned in a whisper. Then I turned to Ivy who was starting to flush a bit red.
"That’s not funny!" She hissed at me and I shrugged. Cause it was.
"It’s not bad Mom. Just… Sewaddle is a bit difficult." She said and then she pulled a pokeball from her hip and released him.
"Sew? Sew, Sewaddle… Sewaddle!" He cheered after looking around and then leapt off despite Ivy trying to keep him on the table.
And then Ivy was attacked.
"Sewaddle! Stop, we have to get an insp-Hey! That’s my hair!" She whined at him as he started sewing leaves into her hair as she struggled to bring him back to the bed.
"Well look at that." Uncle Mori spoke and walked over, and then plucked Sewaddle up off Ivy’s hair as she struggled with him. Holding him up and to my surprise holding Sewaddle firmly as he couldn’t quite escape.
"Well hello there… You aren’t a grass type? No, he is, Bug, Grass? Yeah I think you two are right. Bug Grass."
"Yep!" I called out as Ivy looked embarrassed.
"Sew?" Sewaddle finally stopped struggled to get back to Ivy’s hair and finish his project and then looked at Uncle Mori.
A moment later he was sewing Leaves into the sleeve of his shirt despite being held tightly.
"Bit of a one track mind on this one."
"Sewaddle love sewing clothes for other pokemon and themselves!" I called out adding some details. "Although I think this one is a bit more obsessed than normal! They are very nice pokemon though!"
I laughed as eventually Uncle Mori helped Ivy settle Sewaddle on the bed to get scanned by basically just sacrificing his sleeve so Sewaddle would stay still enough.
"Bug types are a bit more of an issue for introduction than most others, as their quick life span can cause issues, but as a male that shouldn’t be an issue. Just alert the League if any more Sewaddle are brought into Kanto." Dr. Jima spoke as he prepped everything to scan the new pokemon.
Ivy nodded, barely able to look at the Doctor as she quickly returned Sewaddle. Her face was super red from how embarrassed she was!
"It’s kinda nice to not be the one with a difficult pokemon." I said a bit too loudly, and Ivy looked at me with a glare.
"Yeah? I know what your next pokemon is Vicky! Go on! It’s all yours!" She said with a big smile as this time she grabbed her parents and moved them away from the bed.
"Pfft. Please. She’s… Fine." I waved off, but I did sort of make sure my family stayed in the corner… No reason.
"Just uh… Don’t make any sudden movements… Actually let me be clear. Stay back, and don’t make noise or move around. I don’t know how she will handle such a new place." I told Dr. Jima seriously, the man nodded slowly and took a few steps back and nodded strongly.
"Come on out Gible!" I released her and she appeared on top of the bed. I stilled because what I was afraid of happened. The new surroundings had startled her. I very slowly raised a hand to the Doctor telling him to stay back for sure.
Gibles eyes were dilated, and she was slowly panning her body around looking around mouth held open ready to attack.
"Hey Gible." I greeted gently, and she shifted to me. We stared at each other for a few moments, she was calming but before she left attack mode entirely. Dr. Jima shifted on his feet.
"Gib!" She cried as she reacted, leaping full bore mouth open towards the movement.
"Nope!" I called out snagging her out of the air by her horn and spinning her around in a circle to bleed off her momentum.
She went to bite me, but I flipped her upside down, grabbing her under an arm and started stroking her belly.
Very quickly the tension in her little body went limp.
"Yeah that’s it. Easy does it." I whispered as I settled her more firmly in my arms. "Sorry about that. It’s complicated." I explained. I did my best to ignore the looks I knew were striking right into the back of my head.
"Oh my. A Gible. That’s an excellent capture Ms. Ferrous!" Dr. Jima said in a whisper. Obviously knowing what a Gible was.
"Vicky, what was that?" Mama asked me firmly not sounding happy.
"Gible are raised in creches. Basically a rocky sandy pit. Anything that gets too close gets swarmed by Gible looking for food. It’s their instinct to bite at everything right off the bat… And Gible was the smallest, and she wasn’t treated well. So she’s… Well I’m working on her." I said and plopped Gible down onto the bed.
Funnily enough now that she had a second to think about what was going on the bed’s soft top distracted her as she reached down and started pressing into it again and again as if never seeing something like it before.
"Might want to get your scan." I muttered, and Dr. Jima quickly did just that as Gible continued to push into the cushion fascinated by terrain that was softed than my sleeping bag. Come to think of it, she had liked my sleeping bag too.
"Hey Gible. We are going back into your ball for just a bit longer okay? Then I’ll show you home. You’ll love it." I said soothingy, reaching out stroking a hand over her fin. A moment later she disappeared into her pokeball.
"Another Dragon type Ms. Ferrous?"
"Dragon and Ground yeah." I offered and looked over to Brushfire, he had been the one to speak.
"You are going to make my job harder. That was a female. You brought one of Sinnoh’s most prized pokemon back to Kanto, and a female." He enunciated her gender strongly as he looked at me with an intense gaze.
"She’s a girl yeah."
"Arceus." Papa, cursed in surprise loud enough that I heard him.
"What? I literally went to Kitakami saying I was going to bring back pokemon, why is it suddenly a thing?" I asked looking to Papa who ran a hand over his face.
"Vicky, a female means we can breed them! A new pokemon on it’s own is one thing but breeding them is another. You said they are found in Sinnoh?" Papa asked, but it wasn’t me who got a chance to respond.
"The current Sinnoh Champion has a Garchomp, the final evolution. It would be like bringing home a Dragonite… Which I guess you’ve already dealt with once." Brushfire responded sarcastically.
"Pfeh! Hehehe!" Gram Gram started cackling. "You’re damn right we did! My Grandaughter doesn’t care about what should be possible or not! Good job Victoria." Gram Gram offered and I just shrugged.
"I just like them." I answered back.
"Well, this is going to be an interesting meeting I’ll have after this." Kisuke Fujimura spoke up, and I jolted. He had been sort of blending into the wall for the last while. I had practically forgotten he existed…
Which was weird, because I had ninja training so I wouldn’t do that!
My eyes narrowed, but the man just smiled.
"It will be an interesting few days you’ve created for us Ms. Ferrous, but please do go on."
I huffed but turned to Ivy.
She realized it was her turn and nodded. Petilil appeared on the bed and looked around, before simply looking comfortable with Ivy nearby and started glancing around. Ivy’s family cooed in delight.
Petilil eventually got examined and Ivy’s parents were absolutely delighted at another pure grass type. Ivy was practically blooming under all the praise and I couldn’t help but smile in delight at her obvious pleasure at her parents pride.
"Okay this will be a double feature." I said, and Ivy did the smart thing and tugged her parents away from the bed.
"A dangerous pokemon?" Brushfire asked, and Ivy just snorted before I could say anything.
"Only if you’re Vicky."
"She’s a brat!" I confirmed and then released Riolu and Lucario.
"Rio!" Riolu delight in her new surroundings while Lucario instantly homed in on all the adults she didn’t know and seemed to be checking them out.
Riolu for once wasn’t messing with me, and instead was looking around at everything in excitement her tail starting to wag as she explored the room.
"Riolu!" She cheered as she discovered the bed had padding and she quickly climbed up on top of it and bounced around, giggling at the way the padding pushed her back up.
"Lucario and a Riolu!" Dr. Jim gasped, his hands practically danced across his notepad, and even Brushfire looked shocked.
Really guys this was like the third rare pokemon I brought back. You should be more mentally ready for this.
"Lu?" Lucario asked me and I smiled.
"Everything is okay. We are in Kanto. The government has to do an inspection of the pokemon I brought back, it’ll only take a minute and then we can go home."
"Luca." She confirmed her understanding with a nod and looked around before her eyes locked on Papa’s.
"Hi, I’m Vicky’s father." Papa greeted and Lucario nodded slowly, bowing a bit herself.
"Rio… Rio! Rio rio!" Riolu noticed and locked eyes on Papa and then bounced over to my surprise. She wasn’t bratty at all and ran around Papa in a circle like she was examining something interesting before seeming to like what she had found.
Papa, probably relying on his dog training instincts, reached out to the eager looking Riolu and patted her on the head.
"That’s a good girl huh?" He asked, and Riolu melted.
Oh no. Papa was a dog trainer! Of course dog pokemon would like him!
"Hey!" I growled out and Papa looked embarrassed for a second, probably thinking I was yelling at him for stealing my pokemon. "Don’t steal my Papa! He’s mine!"
"Rio? Rio rio rio!" Riolu responded by laughing and raising up her paws and grabbing Papa’s hand to press against her head… Then she stuck out her tongue!
"Gonna give you a Vicky Papa stealing kick if you keep this up!" I threatened and Riolu just huffed at me. Steal my Papa will you!
"Vicky, don’t threaten your pokemon! What’s got into you?" Mama asked, while Papa just looked confused.
I did the most drastic thing I could to a momma’s girl like Riolu. I walked over to Lucario and pouted at her demanding attention.
She seemed to pick up what I wanted and huffed out through her snout. But reached up and patted me on the head.
"Rio!" Riolu shouted in shock at what she saw. Growling, she looked very close to going for a Riolu Mama stealing kick herself.
"Excuse me. I apologize if I am interrupting, but the scans?" Dr. Jima asked and everyone looked at him, as the tension broke. Lucario nodded and walked forward prepared to start.
"Ah, a pleasure to meet you! Please just sit up on the bed there."
Lucario nodded, and a few seconds later she was scanned, and then she waved Riolu to come join her.
Melting slowly away from Papa who hadn’t stopped head patting her! She finally broke away and rushed to jump on the bed again.
Once they were both scanned I returned them both and pouted at Papa until he finally gave in and patted me on the head too.
That was probably the most surprising catch of the day so far." Brushfire muttered as he pulled a cigarette and only thought better of it at the last second. "Where did you find a Lucario family like that?" He asked, and I ignored him as I was demanding affection.
But Ivy the traitor answered.
"Vicky got into a fist fight with Riolu, after Riolu kicked her in the face."
"Don’t tell them that!" I moaned.
"Vicky? Ivy said that you fought that pokemon before… Are you okay? That’s dangerous you know?"
"Oh don’t worry Mama. I won that fight!" I said, smirking.
"You both got sick from fighting in a freezing stream." Ivy added, and I shot her a look. Stop tattling!
"My turn then." Ivy said ignoring my glare, as she released her Seedot. Leading to a much easier scan process than pretty much any pokemon so far. Seedot was looking around and was distracted for the entire process.
"Vicky?" Papa asked, once Ivy was done.
"Yeah I still have another." I answered, and pulled out my last premier ball.
"Jangmo-o!" The little guy cried out as he was released, and just like all the Kitakami pokemon, he nearly flinched as he took in his strange new position. His cute little paws worked at the padding under him in confusion and then as it took his interest looking down at his feet, he did it in interest.
"Okay Vicky. I’m not even going to try and guess. What is this one?" Papa asked, and I smiled at him, his voice attracting Jangmo-o’s attention. The little Dragon turned to him and then seeing people he braced into a stance, I could see the flinch in everyone expecting an attack, but then he broke into a cute little Haka dance!
He was challenging Papa, since he was such a big guy and that was probably Jangmo-o’s instinctual reaction to a strange situation.
Considering Papa had no idea what was going on I walked over, surprising Jangmo-o, but then I settled my stance, and his eyes widened in delight, at the situation following along with what he expected.
We danced at each other and I could tell that even Ivy had no idea what was going on, as I accepted the challenge, and then when we finished we stilled.
Jangmo-o’s tail was wagging in delight despite it being a challenge.
"I think you beat me on that one." I deferred to his experience and he yipped in delight and spun around dancing on the soft bed in circles. I walked over and opened my arms, mostly because it just felt right, and a moment later Jangmo-o leapt into my arms. I giggled as I spun him around.
"Vicky? Mind filling us in?" Gram Gram asked… Well she was more ordering.
"Oh right. This is Jangmo-o! He’s also a dragon type!" I confirmed as I showed him off. His scales glistened in the light as I moved him around.
"He becomes a Dragon Fighting type once he evolves!" I told them happily. "They do Haka dances to each other as a challenge. I had to take part in Kitakami, and the elder Kommo-o showed me a secret dance… When I learned it, he offered Jangmo-o to come with me."
"A… secret dance?" Papa asked and I nodded simply.
"A secret dance." I confirmed and then didn’t say anything more about it as I moved back and settled Jangmo-o onto the table.
"I’m not about to be bitten if I get closer am I?" Dr. Jima asked, and I didn’t even need to respond as Jangmo-o scoffed.
"Jang. Jangmo!" He said and then puffed up his chest and stood proudly… For a few seconds and then looked at me in confusion.
"It’s a quick inspection, Jangmo-o. Dr. Jima here is going to do a quick scan, and then we’ll be all done and we can go home! Are you excited to see your new home?" I asked him, and he did another cute little claw tap dance.
"I see?"
"Jangmo-o, are proud warrior pokemon! They wouldn’t hurt someone without warning." I assured the Doctor. "Isn’t that right?’
"Jang!" He roared in agreement and once more puffed himself out like he was a Samurai on a battlefield.
Sooo Cute!
A few moments later, scan complete, we were done.
"Well. that was certainly a collection. I swear I’ve heard of Jangmo-o before…" Dr. Jima trailed off as he tapped his chin.
"Alola. They are native to Alola." I answered back without missing a beat even as I played with Jangmo-o. Lifting his front legs to his confusion before he realized I was helping him dance with his hind ones.
We did a little dance together, both of us delighting in it.
"That’s right! Of course of course!" Dr. Jima rushed to the computer and started typing away.
"Doctor?" Brushfire asked, and the man blinked, tearing his eyes away from the computer.
"Oh yes, pardon me, we did receive a small mention about the Kommo-o line of Dragon types from a researcher living in Alola. The data was sparse as the Kahuna still seek to keep outsiders from their private reserves. I do believe this will be the first official file on the pokemon!"
"Alright then… Ms. Ferrous, any other pokemon?"
"Just a few Milotic, I don’t think they count though, cause I believe the inspection was for foreign pokemon… right?" I asked, and Papa nodded patting me on the shoulder.
"That’s right. I read the paperwork myself." Papa said and then glared.
"Alright, just know that if any pokemon that isn’t a Milotic is sent through without approval, it’ll look bad." Brushfire added gravely.
"Why would I do that?" I asked confused and Brushfire nodded slowly before snorting.
"Yeah, that’s true."
"Then.., All we need to do is re-establish the connection between your pokeballs and the Indigo transfer service. Your pokemon will be held in the transfer service while the inspection is approved." Dr. Jima said suddenly and I jerked.
"What? Why? I want to show my Pokemon their new home!"
"Just a short time Ms. Ferrous. The inspection process is new. You and Ms. Vinewood are the first trainers to take part in it, so I assure you while we are going through some teething pains." He said looking around at the fact he was now the only researcher left in the room after losing two of his colleagues. "Well it should be a short process, with how many eyes are on the process. I suggest you go home and your pokemon should be in your hands within an hour or two." He offered with a wink.
I clutched Jangmo-o’s claws for a second before letting him go.
"Just a few hours and then I’ll show you around… Okay?" I asked, and he puffed up once more.
"Jang!" Heh. I guess I had more than one brave dragon.
"Return." I asked him, and then looked at Mimikyu, who was still hanging out on my shoulder. "You okay too?"
"K-kuku…." He said a little more despondent, but I pulled him into a strong hug.
"You’ll love it. All the new friends you can make. And we’ll be together." I told him and I got another shadow claw hug, before he finally seemed okay with returning.
Once that was done I nodded.
"I guess… that’s it."
"Excellent. I’ll go ahead and do that now…
And on my body my pokeballs shifted. All of my new friends disappeared in a burst of red light.
I looked at Ivy and the same had happened to her.
"Alright Vicky. Let’s go." Papa said, guiding us out of the building. Brushfire, and Fujimura both drove us home. Ivy and I split up, and I saw her through the window of the car as our car turned towards home first and I waved. She did the same.
Ivy and I had just finished a massive adventure, now it was time to enjoy the reward of returning home.
Family affection!
We stopped and let out, and Papa said something to Brushfire, quietly enough I couldn’t hear and then we were home!
"Hoooome!" I called out, stretching out in delight. Growlithe called back, and Milotic trilled. I was just about to run inside when Papa plopped a heavy hand on my head and tilted me towards the family car. "What?"
"We are going to the Clan compound Trouble. You want to be there when your pokemon are transferred right?" He asked, and I gasped.
That’s right! They weren’t coming here!
"Yes! We have to go!" I demanded tugging on Papa’s hand to urge him towards the car. He just laughed and let me tug him along.