Pokemon Trainer Vicky-Chapter 63

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The next day I swapped things around. Morning training was with the little ones at the stable.

"Alright! Dragon Pulse!" I called out, and Dratini nodded. He shimmered for a moment, and then roared, a purple energy leapt from his mouth, arcing out and shifting around, a dragon-like figure seemingly leading the energy and then it smashed into the water.

The beam kept up for a few seconds before Dratini couldn’t keep it up anymore. Huffing tiredly he looked up to me and I gave him my most gigawatt smile.

"Amazing job!" I cheered, jumping into the air, and then rushing over to lift him up and jump around with him. Earning happy giggles from the little dragon.

I had taken on some direct work with Dratini because as I spun him around I saw why Dragonite was a little distracted. She was helping not just Brave, but an entire horde of Goomy learn Dragon Pulse.

Brave now had a white pokeball.

She had agreed and was on my team, and needed to catch up to Jangmo-o, and Dratini who were both at the point of managing Dragon Pulse. Being taught it really made it easier to pick up.

But as Brave had been invited to learn Dragon pulse along with the other dragon kids. She had hurried off and come back with an entire dollop.

They had all wanted to learn.

Even if they weren’t on my team, the Goomy still wanted to get strong. In response to their desires Dragonite had put her hands on her hips and nodded.

Then got down to teaching.

It would be a while before the Goomy got it, but I really looked forward to seeing the Goomy all shooting Dragon Pulses together. I bet it would look amazing.

"Tini!" I turned back to my little noodle and rubbing my nose against his own.

"Yeah buddy you did it. Want to go show your Papa?" I asked, and Dratini perked up and nodded rapidly. I laughed as I ran off, Dratini laying over my shoulder to Milotic who was lazing around but still doing important work.

Milotic was working with Gible today.

I had realized as important as it was for me to help socialize her, I also needed some help.

Dragonite was a great main choice. The large dragon had wrecked Garchomp, and even Gible was aware of her in a way she wasn’t other pokemon or people.

Milotic though, wasn’t weak either. And he could throw down Dragon power like the best of them.

Right now I had Gible and Milotic spending time, as Milotic was supposed to be talking to, and trying to get her interested in things.

As I ran up, I could see the plan was rather doomed to failure, but at least Gible wasn’t trying to bite him anymore.

No, instead she was on her back snoring curled up in Milotic coils as Milotic shirked his duty and napped too.

"Tini!" Dratini called out as he caught sight of it, and slithered off my shoulder rushing forward.

The little guy instantly slipped up into Milotics coils and made noises for attention.

Oh? Was Dratini actually being jealous? Did seeing Gible sleep with his Papa strike him as wrong and make him want to kick her out for taking what is his?

Nope. He instantly rubbed against his Papa and then cutely yawned and curled up too.

I slowed to a stop as I realized all three of the pokemon were now napping.

Staring for a moment I felt myself just chuckling at the situation.

I guess for once Milotic would get a pass.

If everyone over here wanted an early nap…

If you can’t beat them, join them right? Slipping up onto Milotic who opened a big eye before stilling as he realized it was me.

I just ignored his sweating as he realized he had been caught, and instead slipped over to Gible, gently slipping in beside her, I made sure to reach out my hand wrapped around her horn in case she woke up and chose violence, I could hold her back and then curled up into the cuddle pile for my own nap.

Milotic breathed out in relief and then laid his head back down nuzzling me and Dratini. The wind was cold, but the morning sun, and dragon scales were warm. I soon found myself dozing off.

It would have been great if we weren’t interrupted.


"’M sleepn’" I mumbled back, opening my eyes a little to see, not just Grandpa Roy. "Oh, right." Upon opening my eyes I saw the reason I was having morning training with the kids today.

Besides Grandpa Roy stood two men, two men I had met before.

"Lance. Cigarette guy." I greeted them as I started to gently detangle myself from sleeping pokemon.

Milotic finally opened his eyes as well, and he glared as he rose up to his full height looming over us.

His coils shifted, and I had to grab Gible as I was pushed to my feet. Dratini wrapped around his Papa’s neck glanced around to see what had caused the end of his nap.

Milotic pushed into Lance’s space, glaring down at him. And then huffing just once, the air escaping from his neck with a faint whistle of warning.

"Vicky-" Grandpa Roy started but Lance cut him off.

"I don’t think he likes me very much."

"Dragonite is his wife." I explained simply as adjusted Gible into a baby carry. She was still snoring away completely unconcerned with anything going on.

"I see?" Lance offered seeming more confused than anything as Milotic breathed out heavily into Lance’s face before floating off.

Today was the day Lance, and Brushfire were going to visit. Lance wanted to see the new Dragons, and ask me questions about Kitakami. Something apparently the League had told Uncle Leo that they wanted us to allow this.

And so here we were.

Lance looked away from Milotic, having noticed Dratini around his neck, to look at me.

Our eyes met.

"We should have a battle." I told him, and he blinked at my sudden words.

Yet instead of turning me down, his chin tilted up and he smirked.

"I would like that, but it wouldn’t be fair to battle you now. Win the Conference, and prove yourself against the Elite Four. I will give you a battle you will never forget then." He offered back a look shared between us that I had to respect.

He wasn’t just bullshitting, actually telling me to reach the peak.

"I’ll see you there then." I said dead serious. Then I looked back to the area around us. "Right. You’re here to learn about the new dragons, and you’re here for an inspection… No smoking." I demanded and Brushfire’s shoulders slumped, but he nodded to me.

"Indeed I am very curious about the new species… Your Gible? Hmm, she’s small." Lance spoke looking down at Gible in my arms.

"Gible was the runt of her family. I’m pretty sure she’s only a few weeks or so old, and she’s a bit of a weird one." I answered Lances’ question. "I’m still working with her to not just bite and stuff everything into her mouth. So don’t touch her." I ordered and despite my warning it did look like Lance had to hold himself back from doing the opposite.

I couldn’t blame him for that. Resisting petting a pokemon was hard for me too.

"It’s rare to have that issue with Dratini. They are often gentle, almost skittish as children." He offered and I nodded.

"I can see it. C’mon, I’ll show you where the kids are." I jerked my head towards where the sound of explosions could still be heard.

I walked ahead, gently rocking Gible, actually pretty happy at how comfortable she was acting with all the motion, and noise.

She was pretty cute like this, mouth wide open and breathing in and out cutely.

We turned through a copse of trees and there it was.

The pond we were making through repeated attacks. Dragonite was greeting Milotic and Dratini and the others were all there. Jangmo-o still working on his attacks, alongside the Goomy horde.

"Hoh?" Lance muttered as we approached his words completely taken over by his stare at Dragonite.

"What?" I demanded a little petulantly, daring him to call her weak again.

"Your Dragonites muscle definition is extraordinary." He stated simply, his voice showing nothing but respect. "I’m interested in your training methods for her." He said, in a way that sounded like the words escaped him before he could think of them.

Before I could respond, intending to scoff at him, Dragonite had noticed us. She stomped over and this time she made sure she was right in his face and standing at her full height, arms crossed.

The sound of her stomping had jerked Gible awake, or maybe something else. Sensing a rampaging dragon? I soothed her in my arms, but I had to admit I was impressed with Lance’s response.

"You’re beautiful." Lance offered, and the words caught Dragonite off guard. Her defensive attitude shifted as she was so confused as she looked at me.

"I don’t know." I replied back with a shrug not sure what Lance was up to.

"When I saw you last as a Dragonair you were healthy, but not a battler. Now?" He asked, and Dragonite huffed a bit at that. "You’ve grown magnificently. Although I can still see the hallmarks that you aren’t of our line." He explained.

I wasn’t really sure if I could imagine how Dragonite used to be as a Dragonair. She was how she was for me.

"We train a lot. To beat you." I explained and that got Dragonite back on task, puffing up with her arms recrossed looking down at Lance.

"You think you are ready for that?" He asked, and Dragonite huffed, nodding and glaring.

"Come on out. Partner." Lance offered, and instantly the atmosphere changed.

A Dragonite appeared.


Like really really big. I’d seen this Dragonite before of course. This was Lance’s Ace. I’d literally watched him battle before, but it was one thing to see something on TV and another to have it right next to you, and be able to compare.

Lance’s Dragonite was a full head larger than my girl. Wider too. But he wasn’t dumpy. No he just was bigger. Fuller.

At the appearance of such a powerful dragon there was a reaction among my friends. Gible froze eyes locked ahead in my arms. Her whole body tense.

Dragonite flinched back. The Goomy all flinched away. Jangmo-o squared up, but he was definitely looking worried.

"You’ve noticed it." Lance spoke, bringing my focus back to him. "Blackthorn breeds Dragonite to make them stronger, and has done so for centuries. Our Dragonite are larger than wild caught. Their scales are stronger to enhance their defensive powers." He explained running hand across his partners side.

His Dragonite didn’t notice, because there was a Dragonite vs. Dragonite stare down.

"But my Dragonite’s stronger." I responded back. Startling the man who had been staring up at his partner extolling his virtues.

And I couldn’t allow that.

"Dragonite’s muscle definition isn’t just for looks. It’s pure power. Functional." I argued standing beside her and staring at both Lance and his Dragonite. "But that’s not all. I don’t mind sharing this, since you’ll see as I punch through the Elite Four. Dragonite is fast! That muscle isn’t just power, but speed as well!"

"Hoh? You think that’ll be enough? My Partner is the distillation of all the Blackthorn work with Dragonite over the centuries. Breeding, training, everything."

"And I’ll crush that thinking." I argued back. "All of that is fine, but it doesn’t make a strong pokemon. Bonds do. Friendship. I’ll show you how much we can grow and crush all that old thinking." I decided, and Lance broke not into a smirk, but a smile.

"Defeat me then, Victoria Ferrous. If you can."

"Pru?" Lance’s Dragonite asked, Lance turned and reached up to pat his cheek.

"It’ll be a fun challenge, won’t it partner?"


"Tini!" Dratini called out, crawling up his Mama’s leg and then around her back until he was resting on her shoulders. He glared up at the big Dragonite. "Drat! Dratini! Tini!"

"Drag." The big guy responded back, but he wasn’t angry. The big Dragonite just seemed amused.

"Your Dratini has a lot of pride in his mother." Lance offered, and I nodded.

"Of course. Dratini knows his Mama is the strongest Dragonite there is." I said and Dratini looked at me and nodded whistling cutely in agreement.

"We’ll see." Lance offered, but he shook himself lightly. "As much as I would enjoy speaking about Dragonite all day. I am here to ask you some questions about the new dragon types found in Kitakami." He said, and I nodded. Dragonite, realizing this wasn’t going to become a battle, seemed to relax a bit, but was still shooting looks of aggression at the big guy.

"Alright. Jangmo-o! Come here buddy!" I called my armored boy, and he rushed over. He hadn’t been practicing his Dragon Pulse anyways, distracted as he was by the new stuff happening.

He galloped over and then stopped staring down Lance.

Then he did a shimmy. And then another and leapt backwards in a full 360.

Lance stood there.

I stood there without saying or doing anything.

Slowly, I realized Lance wasn’t going to understand. He didn’t have the context to know what Jangmo-o was showing him. Lance knelt down which was the wrong thing to do. "Greetings little Dragon." Lance spoke, but it wasn’t right. My little guy kept glaring before he slumped and sighed, at the idiot human, before running over to me, and spinning in between my feet.

"Hey buddy." I told him as I knelt down to pet him with one hand even as I held Gible in the other.

Jangmo-o liked scratches under his scales. They were constantly growing and shifting after all, and they got itchy.

"I don’t understand." Lance explained and I nodded.

"I can’t tell you. Not directly. But when you go to Kitakami, and you find his family. I suggest you watch before approaching. Maybe if you watch long enough, you’ll understand why you lost Jangmo-o’s interest just now." I explained simply shrugging my shoulders. Jangmo-o wasn’t even looking at the man anymore, walking away as if he was completely uninteresting.

Lance nodded slowly looking confused, and also desperate to pet Jangmo-o. He was a Dragon lover…

I sighed. "If you want a clue? Don’t treat them like Dratini. Dratini and Dragonite have a completely different culture to Kommo-o. Listen and watch, and understand how they interact with each other. That’s how you must interact with them."

This time Lance nodded more firmly. "Thank you."

"It’s nothing. If you can’t figure it out, then you aren’t worthy to make friends with them." Then because Lance was kind of pathetic looking, not being able to pet any of the Dragons so far. I walked over to the Goomy horde that had all pressed together at the appearance of Dragonite.

"Brave, can you come here?" I asked, and then the goomy that was in front of the pack broke off and slimed over. Brave looked up at me and spoke.


"I’d really appreciate a few minutes." I explained and she sort of undulated a bit before jumping up into my hand that I had left open for her.

Once again I was struck that while Brave was still sort of slimy feeling, she wasn’t actually coated in it anymore.

The soap that Chansey had used, had really left them with so much less mucus over their bodies. Walking over Lance was looking at me in confusion as I sighed and waved at him.

"Go ahead and hold out your hand." I demanded and Lance looked me over obviously confused.

He looked at Goony. She had spun around to look at him and she wiggled a bit.

To my surprise, Lance’s look of confusion vanished as his eyebrows nearly slammed together. Which is saying something because Lance had really sharp eyebrows.

Without a word he held out his hand, and Brave looked from me to him before slowly crawling across the gap to land in his palm.

Lance stared down at Brave for a long while as she stared up at him, and then slowly, Lance reached out his other hand and stroked her cheek a little earning a gurgling purr.

"This is a Dragon type."

"Yep." I responded, popping the P sound as loud as I could. "Goomy is a pure Dragon type."

Lance looked up at me, finally tearing his eyes from Goomy. "Pure?"

"Yep." I responded with equally as much force, then because Goomy was getting bored I waved at him. "Do this." I said, showing my hand squeezing a bit.

It took a moment but Lance squeezed down on Goomy, earning giggles of delight as she was released.

Lance’s expression was one of understanding.

He did it again. Brave giggled happily.

Nirvana was reached.


"Not that this isn’t fascinating, but uh… We still need to finish our inspection." Mr. Brushfire called out after not nearly long enough, as Lance and I both whirled to glare at the man.

We had only finished squeezing like… Half of the Goomy! What about all the others! We couldn’t just not give them attention too!

"Mr. Brushfire, I will ask for a further moment of your time." Lance said rather strongly and then went back to squishing the Goomy.

I nodded and squished the Goomy as well.

Squish, squish, squish.

"Goo, goo goo goomy!" They giggled. Ah. This was the life.

But Lance finally broke the silence between us.

"You captured a lot of them."

"The natives of Kitakami saw them as a pest, they were being hunted. So I had to rescue them."

"I see." He muttered a little darkly, before sighing and then switching to a new Goomy that was practically bouncing to be next. "I will have to capture some myself. I don’t suppose you would share their location?"

"I honestly don’t know." I answered back, tossing the Goomy in my hands up into the air a few times much to its delight. "When I was there, this group was the only nest I found. I brought all of them with me."

"I see."

"But check caves, and damp spaces. I found them on the east side of the mountain, but there are other streams and things that some of them might live by, they eat leaves, and like dampe places."

"I will take your words to heart." He replied sincerely, and then he sighed, gently placing the Goomy onto the ground and patting its head. "As much as I wish to continue…"

I looked at him and nodded.

"Alright. Sorry everyone! We’ll play again later okay?" I asked and the Goomy that hadn’t gotten a chance slumped, but eventually started slurping away towards the nearest bush or the stream.

"Victoria. I requested to come today to ask you about Kitakami, but that wasn’t my only purpose."

"Champion, you should be careful of your next words." Grandpa Roy cut in. He had been sitting on the table on the porch watching over us, but hearing what Lance had said he had instantly cut in rising up as well.

Lance looked to him and nodded.

"Rest assured, I mean no harm. Victoria… If you were a child of Johto, I would have already offered you an apprenticeship with the Blackthorn. A few years as an apprentice and… It doesn’t matter in the end." He replied with a sigh. "You are a daughter of Kanto."

"Yep." I answered back cheekily. That was pretty sweet of him to say honestly.

Dangit. I kinda liked Lance.

He had this arrogance about him, but he had quickly started playing with the Goomy. Anyone who was friends with Goomy was a friend to me.

"And so, there will be trouble." Lance continued sighing as he looked over my pokemon all chilling around the land. "There were Johto men unhappy about your Milotic trade from the beginning, but the decision was to let it continue as Johto has a trade agreement with Kanto. We benefited as well. But this? Not just the usual warmongers are angry about the situation." He spoke simply and straight forward towards me.

Like an adult speaking to a child.

"Champion. I don’t believe I like where this conversation is going." Grandpa Roy spoke again and Lance looked to him and bowed his head.

"I apologize Mr. Ferrous. I simply wish to convey the situation to her. Victoria’s actions should be celebrated, but… The world is not always so kind." He continued to stare down Grandpa Roy who eventually nodded.

"I would like to hear how much danger my Grandaughter is in with Johto."

"Less than she would have been just a few years ago. I am Champion now." He stated arrogantly, but it wasn’t meant to be that way. To Lance it was just fact.

What a chad.

This content is taken from freeweɓnovel.cѳm.

"You will protect her?" Grandpa Roy asked, and Lance bowed his head.

"As much as I am able. Not even I can stop the tide of politics entirely."

"So… People in Johto are upset I have Dragons?" I asked, as the conversation went silent for a moment, and Lance refocused on me.

"Not just Dragons Victoria. New dragons. New pokemon entirely. I will be leaving on a trip to Kitakami soon. My hope is that capturing the pokemon for Johto will help calm the tensions again. Know that many in my Clan do not mind your actions, and now that we have met again I will speak in your favor… But there will always be dissenting voices."

"Yeah I get that." I said kicking my feet a bit.

How much of this was something I really had to do anything about? Should I do anything about it? What was the right choice here?

A large part of me didn’t care about the politics involved. It was dumb. What pokemon I captured wasn’t anyone’s business but mine, and certainly not a group of people on another side of the Mt. Silver that had even less to do with me.

But the thing about politics is that it didn’t care if you wanted to take part.

"How bad of a threat is it? Should I be worried about someone attacking me?"

"No." Lance said instantly, but then he hesitated.

That was explanation enough.

"So… The people that are angry with me… Any of them strong?"

"No." He responded again instantly, the arrogance of a dragon on full display. "But they are not wise."

"Hmm." I muttered thinking about the situation. "That you are telling me this at all, tells me that it’s more of a threat than you want to admit to me." I decided on saying,. And Lance’s face blanked for a moment then he bowed.

"That is indeed the truth. You have good eyes."

"So what exactly do they want from me?" I demanded, and Lance hesitated.

"Nothing solid enough for me to share."

"If you felt that I needed to be warned, then I should hear the rest. You aren’t protecting me by keeping me ignorant." I spoke back softly. Glaring at the grass.

I was starting to get angry.

Lance shifted, looking to Grandpa Roy who was still stone faced.

Brushfire was practically clawing at the air for a cigarette I noticed. This hadn’t gone the way the man had expected I assumed.

Finally Lance turned back to me.

"There is talk about Johto using political pressure to try and force the issue… Removal of the pokemon to Johto. But that will not happen, once I return from Kitakami, I will balance the scales, and the issue will end."


"Vicky. There is nothing to worry over." Grandpa Roy cut in then. "Kanto will not roll over at this demand. And neither will the clan allow it."

"Thanks Grandpa Roy." I said back with a smile, but honestly… "I’m not that worried about that though. No one is taking my friends away." I explained simply.

Instead I decided enough was enough. I rose up and stretched. "I think I’m just going to have to remind everyone who they are dealing with." I decided and smiled as the decision was made.

"And who are we dealing with?" Lance asked, and I turned to him and smirked.

"You’ll find out. Champion Lance… Master of Flying type pokemon!" I called out pointing at him. "Don’t think I don’t know! I know your secret!"

Lance looked startled at my sudden yelling before his face flattened. "That joke again?" He grumbled, and I cackled at his tired irritation.

"So I’m not the only one that knows your dastardly secret!"

"I am not a Flying type specialist." He argued, but I just laughed ignoring his argument. "Very well Victoria. I hope you take my warning seriously, but don’t let it alter your path. Your journey is not yet complete."

I opened my mouth to blow off what he said, but instead I gave him a bow. "Thank you for the warning Champion. I will take it to heart, but it won’t alter my path."

"Good. You certainly have the attitude of a Dragon Master."

Lance rose up and rejoined Brushfire, and after a short walk around the property. They both left. Lance climbing atop his Dragonite and whooshing away.

"Vicky? I don’t exactly approve, but the warning from the Champion was serious."

"Oh I know. I think… I think I need to reach out to someone, and then get back to training. I need to be so strong during the conference that no one ever thinks they can take my friends from me again."

I stomped off, I guess it was time to stop playing around.