Reborn As Papa Silva-Chapter 94: Unreadable
Chapter 94: Unreadable
Just two quick things before we start this Chapter.
First, I know Lucifero is just the Italian way of saying Lucifer, but in this world, think of them as two separate beings—Lucifer changed his name to Lucifero after his fall from grace.
Second, the guy you saw at the end of the last Chapter? Yeah, that wasn't God.
Deceit, distortion, misdirection, and concealment are all lies in altered masks - Richelle E. Goodrich
House Silva, Living Room
Solid, Nebra, Dorothy, Nozel, and Sebastian—holding Noelle in his arms—all stood blankly in a neat line, taking in the sight before them.
Acier stood upright, arms crossed—the definition of smug—beaming as a pink-haired girl, about Dorothy's height and wearing a long white dress, clung to the back of her dress, peeking meekly from behind the Silva matriarch.
Acier softly reached back with her left hand, patting the pink-haired girl's head. The girl flinched, a small blush creeping onto her cheeks, as Acier parted her lips.
"This is Vanessa. She's Dorothy's sister, and from now on, she's going to live with us. Everyone, please be nice and say hello."
Before anyone could say anything, Vanessa, knees trembling slightly, stepped forward and gave a nervous smile. "H-hello, n-nice to meet you...."
As soon as she trailed off, Dorothy darted forward, startling her once again, and grabbed her hands.
"Eek—" Vanessa, about to yelp, stopped immediately as she came face-to-face with her witch sister, who gave her a shaky smile.
Eyes watering slightly, Dorothy beamed, her voice cracking as she choked up. "H-hey, Vanessa, nice to finally meet you. I-I'm your big sister, Dorothy. Let's get along."
Vanessa blinked, taken aback. From Dorothy, she felt the same inexplicable warmth she had felt from Acier—the warmth that had drawn her in and made her take Acier's hand. Her eyes watered as well, and she nodded meekly, her tension and trembling easing slightly.
Acier's smile brightened further, while Solid, Nebra, and Sebastian also smiled softly, their hearts warming as they greeted Vanessa.
Just like Dorothy, Solid and Nebra walked forward, surrounding the girl, causing Vanessa to break down in a flustered mess.
"Aga!" Noelle found it funny and started giggling and clapping in her father's hands.
The only one who didn't seem particularly pleased was Nozel, who was frowning slightly. Nozel was almost always happy when Dorothy was, so it was a bit uncharacteristic of him.
That caught Sebastian's attention. He raised a brow and whispered softly by his son's side. "What's wrong? Do you have a problem or something?"
Nozel shook his head lightly. "Of course not... well, at least not with her."
Sebastian furrowed his brow further. "Then with who?"
"Mother," Nozel responded curtly.
Sebastian froze, while Nozel carried on, grumbling and clenching his fist. "She stole my plan."
Nozel had been planning for a while now to rescue Vanessa as his betrothal gift to Dorothy. He had just been delaying, trying to figure out how to do it without getting himself killed.
Yet his mother had stolen the moment from him. Nozel felt as if his daydreams—Dorothy lunging into his arms with gratitude and love—had been ripped away.
Sebastian blinked, glancing between Acier standing with Vanessa, Dorothy, and the others, then back to his son.
Damn simp.
Sebastian held his tongue.
Perhaps drawn by Sebastian's gaze, Acier smiled and walked over to her son.
"Oh yeah, Nozel, I got a present for you."
Nozel blinked, taken aback and curious. "For me?"
Acier nodded, reaching into her sleeve and pulling out something before dropping it into his hand.
Nozel looked down, blinking again as he ran his fingers over the object—a light purple, teardrop-shaped gem with an inverted, crescent axe-like symbol in the center.
It was a magic stone. The Witch Queen's magic stone. The one Acier had taken from her.
Acier patted Nozel affectionately on the head. "Fuegoleon has one, so it's only right the heir of House Silva has one as well. You're welcome, baby."
Nozel blinked. You're welcome? You're welcome? He repeated the words in his head.
He didn't feel very thankful for the "gift," remembering how it had put a target on his cousin's back—as he had seen in his father's dream—leading to Fuegoleon losing his arm and nearly dying.
Biting his lip, Nozel whispered softly, "M-Mother... are you still upset about what I did in Raque? I'm working hard on a solution. I promise."
Acier blinked, tilting her head in confusion. "Huh?"
Nozel froze for a moment before shaking his head and sighing. "Nothing. Thanks for the gift."
He dropped the magic stone into his satchel, wordlessly took Noelle from his father's arms, and walked past his parents toward his siblings, fiancée, and new sister-in-law.
Acier watched him go, blinking again, noting the frustration and sadness in his steps. She turned to her husband for help.
Sebastian simply shrugged. He wasn't a mind reader, and honestly, the moment Nozel mentioned Raque, his own mind had blanked in a mix of anger and depression. He hadn't really been paying attention.
Acier clicked her tongue before smiling apologetically and whispering, "Sorry about springing this on you out of nowhere."
Sebastian raised a brow, shooting her a weird look. "Why? I did the same with you all when I brought Dorothy."
"Yeah, you did..." Acier conceded before smiling self-deprecatingly. "But after that, I said if you ever tried something like that again, give me a heads-up. Yet I kept you out of the loop."
Sebastian paused before smiling and planting a warm kiss on her forehead. "Then I guess we're even now."
Acier blushed before pouting. "It's a bit different. You brought Dorothy to save my life. I brought Vanessa just—"
She was silenced as Sebastian placed a finger against her lips.
He shook his head. "I didn't bring Dorothy into this family to save you. She's a very nice girl; she would've helped regardless. I chose to do so because she melted my heart. Vanessa made you feel the same way, so there's nothing wrong with it."
Acier blinked, her cheeks reddening slightly as she parted her lips. "So... you don't have any problem with this? Any problem with her?"
Sebastian measured up his wife for a moment before glancing past her to their children, who were swarming Vanessa.
Vanessa was a flustered mess while Dorothy, Solid, and Nebra smiled brightly, chatting her up from all angles. Noelle was absentmindedly chewing on a fistful of Vanessa's hair—something the girl might not have even noticed—and Nozel, holding Noelle, watched it all unfold with a slight smile.
Sebastian's features softened as he looked back down at his wife, locking his blue eyes with her lavender ones.
"No, I don't have any sort of problem or issue with her. Nor with this arrangement."
Acier's face lit up as she whispered hurriedly, "S-So it's fine if I add her to the family register?"
Sebastian chuckled and nodded. "Yes."
Just as Acier looked about ready to jump for joy, he clicked his tongue fondly. "But you should wait until Nozel and Dorothy's engagement is finished before we make an official declaration."
Acier blinked as understanding slowly dawned on her.
Although Sebastian had long since added Dorothy to the family register, it had been done in private—secretly—with no one but Dorothy herself, Nozel, and Acier aware. Normally, it should have waited until after the engagement ceremony, so Dorothy could be officially recognized as a member of House Silva. Perhaps even the wedding.
Because of that, Dorothy still went by Dorothy Unsworth for now. She didn't wear House Silva's traditional garments or even similarly styled clothing with silver themes.
After the engagement—when she would become an official Silva, regardless of whatever pushback or issues the nobility or aristocracy might raise—then Sebastian and Acier could officially bring Vanessa (Dorothy's actual blood relative and sister) into the house with little challenge.
No one would object to Vanessa joining House Silva. Honestly, if Dorothy had been brought in as simply a sibling instead of Nozel's fiancée and future duchess, few would have raised any issues with her either. It just wasn't worth it.
Dorothy would face far more opposition than Vanessa, but waiting a few days to snuff out that resistance before it could gain traction would spare Vanessa a lot of headaches, pressure, and hurt.
Acier understood that. Standing on her tiptoes, she beamed and gave her husband a peck on the lips. "I get it. Thank you, Sebby!"
Sebastian grinned softly, holding her by the waist before wrapping his arms around her back. He whispered again, this time directly in her ear, "We still have to ask her whether she even wants to be an official member of this house—of our family, you know."
Acier glanced over her shoulder at Vanessa, still flustered but seemingly a good kind of flustered, her smile bright.
Acier chuckled. "I think it's clear what she wants."
Sebastian's smile softened. "That's good. That's very good..."
He trailed off, watching the scene affectionately as he realized just how many Black Bulls he was getting involved with—far earlier than he could've ever predicted.
Noelle was his own daughter. Vanessa might very well be in the near future.
Zora was technically his classmate.
Gordon was the son of a close colleague.
Nacht, the son of another.
He had just met up with Henry and Secre earlier today.
He'd probably be seeing Asta occasionally if he kept visiting Hage.
And he had exchanged that wordless conversation with Yami days ago during the conferment ceremony.
Sebastian wondered who he'd run into next.
I hope it's Charmy.
Acier, unaware of her husband's thoughts, continued nuzzling against his chest, enjoying his embrace, while Sebastian kept his eyes on their children, swarming Vanessa.
Dorothy squeezed Vanessa's hands even tighter as she beamed. "Tonight, why don't you sleep in my room with me? And then tomorrow, I'll show you around our house—it's a very big place. Almost as large as the Witch Forest."
Vanessa blushed at the wording, our house, before meekly nodding. "A-Alright, Sister."
Nozel's smile faded at Dorothy's invitation, his frown deepening—along with his displeasure toward his mother.
If it weren't for Mother... maybe I'd be the one sleeping with Dorothy.
He kept that thought to himself as his fiancée's smile brightened. Letting go of Vanessa's hands, Dorothy spun on her heel and darted back toward Sebastian and Acier.
The couple ended their embrace, looking at her curiously—only for Acier to be suddenly caught off guard as Dorothy lunged at her, wrapping her arms around her back and resting her face against her chest.
"Thank you, Mom." Dorothy sniffled lightly.
Acier froze for a moment before smiling fondly and hugging her daughter back just as affectionately.
"I should be saying those words to you, sweetheart." Acier chuckled.
She had rescued Vanessa for two reasons: first, because she sympathized with the girl, trapped in that birdcage, and second, because Sebastian had once told her about Dorothy's deep wish to save her sister.
So Acier had wanted to do something for Dorothy—not just out of gratitude for helping save her life, but because their family had been so much happier since Dorothy joined. She had done so much for them.
Acier wanted to do something for her in return.
Dorothy sniffled against Acier's chest again before looking up with a radiant smile. "Still, I love you."
Acier's eyes turned heart-shaped as she leaned down and pressed a kiss against Dorothy's forehead. "Love you too, sweetie."
Dorothy blushed, wiggled out of Acier's embrace, then ran back to Vanessa, grabbing her wrist as they both disappeared into a swirling vortex of purple and pink hues.
Sebastian blanked.
Why don't I get a hug?
September 3, 1619
Spade Kingdom
Dante, shirtless, drenched in sweat, thirsty and drained, looked across the grand room at Samyaza. Once again, the man was completely unbothered, lounging butt naked, surrounded by countless collapsed, nude, sleeping women.
Running a hand through his hair in disbelief, Dante exhaled sharply. "H-how are you not tired? Even I, with Body Magic, am—"
Samyaza swirled the wine in his glass, taking a slow, savoring sip before offering Dante a soft smile.
"Don't be ashamed, my child. We are simply different kinds of beings. You've done well for a human."
Dante's face darkened. "I'm not your child! Stop calling me that!!!"
Samyaza sighed dramatically, setting down his glass. "Come now, my child, your words wound my heart. And dampen my spirit."
Dante gritted his teeth, ready to lunge in fury—until Lucifero's words echoed in his mind, freezing him in place.
"This lech sired many children with human women two millennia ago. Some of those children, the ones who didn't go insane, had descendants of their own. In this very land."
"Ever wonder why so many people in Spade have the talent to be devil hosts—your family in particular? It's because, although thin and diluted, the blood of this lech flows through you. Back when he was still an angel. Still divine."
"The power of an angel suppresses devils. Those who carry their blood make resilient hosts. That's why you Zogratis' can handle supreme devils like me."
"So as much as you hate to hear it... it's not wrong for him to call you his child. In some ways, he's your ancestor."
Dante blinked, his mind blank. Slowly, he laid back down, staring at the ceiling, lost in thought.
Samyaza watched him, smiling knowingly before clicking his tongue in regret. "Such a shame your little brother refused to join us in this primal, carnal union of lust and joy. My connection with him is much stronger than with you... such a shame indeed."
Dante barely registered the words at first, but then his focus snapped back. He sat up, raising a brow.
"So that's why Zenon has such a high aptitude as a devil host? He carries more of your blood?"
Samyaza shrugged. "Perhaps. But that's only a minor part of it. Magic, mana, miracles—they all respond to desires. Strong desires."
"Your brother may seem cold and unfeeling, but his wants, his needs, are vast. Heavy. He hungers for things, even if he doesn't show it."
Samyaza's golden eyes gleamed as he leaned in slightly. "You, on the other hand... appear to be the very essence of self-indulgence. But deep down, you're empty. Hollow."
He tilted his head. "Am I wrong?"
Dante tensed. Then he scoffed, grabbing his shirt and slipping it back on. "If you're done playing mind games, how about filling me in on your actual plans?" He crossed his arms. "When are you going to shake this world to its core? When are you going to dye it black with malice—"
Dante's breath hitched.
One second, Samyaza had been lounging across the room. The next, he was fully dressed, standing right in front of him, placing a finger to his lips.
"Shhh, my child," he whispered. "Why are you so impatient?"
Dante's body seized up in horror. He couldn't move. Again.
Samyaza's expression softened as he withdrew his finger. Instantly, the paralysis lifted.
Dante staggered, regaining his composure as best he could. "W-what are you talking about?" He scowled, crossing his arms. "Are you backing out of the deal?"
Samyaza sighed deeply, running a hand through his hair with theatrical flair. "My own flesh and blood... To see you so distrusting of me truly wounds my heart. I can't take it much longer—"
He cut himself off, catching sight of Dante's dark gaze, his pupils shifting into vertical red slits.
Samyaza chuckled, rolling his neck until a soft crack echoed through the room. His grin widened, and when he spoke again, his tone was far less formal.
"Relax, Dante. Clover is a blessed land, filled with blessed people. It's not something that can fall in a single day." He swirled the wine in his glass (which was somehow back in his hands) before taking another slow sip. "I'll deal with them in due time, but there are steps to this. Various steps."
Dante narrowed his eyes, snorting. "We don't have time for games and tests. No probing or scouting or whatever it is you're trying to do. Everything can fall apart in an instant if the enemy chooses to invade us—"
"Dante, Dante, Dante..." Samyaza clicked his tongue, wagging a finger at him like a disapproving parent.
Dante's forehead vein popped.
Samyaza, of course, didn't care. He carried on, completely unbothered.
"With me as weak as I currently am, we are unmatched in terms of power. If we start a direct conflict now, it would only spell our early demise—especially if you haven't overestimated that woman you keep rambling about."
He leaned back with a sigh. "Lucifero didn't free me to eliminate Clover. He freed me to trouble them. And even if I could wipe them out... I wouldn't. Not yet."
Dante furrowed his brows. "Why wouldn't you?"
Samyaza clicked his tongue. "That's a story for another time."
Before Dante could press him further, Samyaza turned on his heel. "Come. I'll show you how to properly scheme. How to shake the world when you're in a position of weakness."
Dante opened his mouth to protest, but before he could say a word, Samyaza placed a hand on his shoulder.
And then, just like that—Dante felt the now-familiar pull, the overwhelming disorientation—before the world around him shifted.
They were no longer in the royal chambers.
The Spade Kingdom's royal library. The grimoire spire.
Dante squinted, forcing himself to suppress his discomfort. His head still spun, but he shoved it aside and shot Samyaza a sharp glare.
"Can you stop doing that?" His scowl deepened. "And how do you even do that? You have some kind of space magic?"
Samyaza blinked, tilting his head. "Of course not." He scoffed. "It's simply high-speed movement. Minor teleportation. Anyone can do it. Can't you?"
Dante blinked back, completely thrown off. "Sure, I can warp—but only a few meters. This is completely different—"
"It's not," Samyaza cut him off. "It's simply a matter of scale. But at its core? It's the same thing. Train hard enough, and while you might never match the speed of someone using true spatial magic, you'll be more than capable of getting around."
Dante paused, then shook his head, snorting. "Whatever. What's your magic, then?"
He was growing tired of this. Tired of Samyaza treating him like a child. Tired of the constant lectures.
Samyaza's lips curled into a mischievous smile.
"That's a secret."
Dante froze. His eyes twitched.
He clenched his fists and, without hesitation, reached out through his mental link.
Lucifero, spill it.
A response came. But not the one he was expecting.
"I don't know."
Dante stiffened.
You don't know? His voice in their link sharpened. You don't know?! How do you not know the power of your so-called old friend?!
Lucifero snorted, his deep voice rumbling through Dante's mind, nearly giving him a headache.
"Why would I care about someone so beneath me?"
Dante's breath hitched.
"Angels have ranks. Samyaza—though high up—was still a nobody compared to me. If you actually think we were friends—or if the great me would ever entertain such a pointless notion—you're sorely mistaken, human."
Lucifero's voice grew darker.
"Even if I did have something as meaningless as a friend, it wouldn't be that slimy, scheming lech standing in front of you."
"Now stop wasting my time. Stop with these never ending questions! You've been testing my patience again and again these past few days."
And just like that—Lucifero shut off the link.
Dante stood there, trembling in fury.
Samyaza's knowing, nearly mocking smile did little to soothe his nerves.
Dante inhaled deeply, pushing down his anger.
He locked eyes with Samyaza—his deep green gaze meeting the angel's blood-red irises.
His voice came out steady.
"What are we doing here?"
Samyaza's smile widened, almost approvingly, before he spread his hands in a grand display.
"Well? What do you humans come to these little grimoire rooms for?"
Dante tapped his foot impatiently. "To retrieve one, of course, when we come of age. But I'm asking what you, a devil, are doing here?!"
Samyaza's smile faded. The approval in his gaze vanished, replaced by something distant. He sighed, almost poetically.
"Devils, angels, elves, dwarves, humans... Are we really so different?"
Dante frowned. Elves? Dwarves?
"What are you talking about?"
Samyaza clicked his tongue, shaking his head as he spun on his heel, glancing at the countless stationary grimoires, waiting for their eventual owners.
"You know... You humanoid races—" He trailed a hand over one of the books. "—in some ways, you have these because of me."
Dante froze.
Samyaza, uncaring, continued in an almost nostalgic tone.
"Don't thank me. It's not really something to be grateful for... But that's a story for another time."
He sighed again, raising a hand. "I'm not in the best condition right now, so I'll borrow one of you." His fingers hovered just above the cover of a grimoire. "Don't worry, my children of Hermon, I promise to put it back soon enough."
Dante's face twisted in confusion. He had no words.
Then, Samyaza parted his lips and spoke—softly. Yet his voice echoed through the entire spire.
"I am a human. A fifteen-year-old human, seeking a tome to help me control my power and take the next step in my magical journey. Please bless me, or whatever."
Dante blinked—before the entire room began to shake.
One by one, grimoires lit up in multicolored hues, flickering in a strange sequence. The tremors built, vibrating through the stone walls—until, suddenly, they stopped.
All the lights faded.
All except one.
A single grimoire still glowed, pulsing with a faint purple hue, tinged with gray.
Slowly, it floated from the shelf, hovering in front of Samyaza.
Dante's breath caught as he took in the intricate design. A large Spade symbol sat on its front and back, encircled by a spider web pattern at its center. A labyrinth-like pattern wrapped around both sides, outlined with chains and shackles.
Then, without warning—
The grimoire flipped open.
Pages turned in rapid succession, one after another, as a glowing script etched itself into the parchment. Spell after spell inscribed itself, filling every single page to the brim.
Dante stared.
He couldn't believe what he was seeing.
And then—
The glow vanished.
The book snapped shut.
It dropped into Samyaza's waiting hand, which he caught effortlessly.
Holding it up to his face, Samyaza clicked his tongue in what could only be described as a complex emotion.
"Honestly, I don't know whether you humanoids are lucky or unfortunate to have something like this."
His crimson eyes flickered toward Dante.
"I personally find it distasteful." He turned the book over in his hands. "But I won't pretend it doesn't have its merits."
Dante finally snapped out of his daze, stepping forward with a stomp.
"How did you do that?!" His voice rose. "I thought devils could only use a grimoire if a human had fallen into despair!"
Samyaza paused. Then, with a sigh, he shook his head.
"My child..." He exhaled, almost exasperated. "Things are going to get boring really fast if you lose yourself over every little thing." His eyes glinted. "Can you please stop judging the divine by the standards of you mortals?"
He tilted his head, amused.
"An angel who falls from grace is still an angel at heart, you know. These books were bestowed upon your kind by Heaven—by that bastard Gabriel, an angel." He smirked. "So why wouldn't one of us be able to take one for ourselves?"
Dante froze.
His face heated—flustered, embarrassed, and utterly at a loss for words.
Once again he found himself unable to retort.
Fortunately, Samyaza didn't let him suffer for long.
With a casual pat on Dante's shoulder, the world shifted once more.
And then—
They were elsewhere.
Deep beneath the kingdom.
A secret place.
A place known only to the Dark Triad.
Meaning—right now—only to him and his brother.
The cavern was vast, lined with jagged, crystal-like formations that shimmered faintly in the dim light. But Dante barely noticed. His eyes were drawn to the center of the underground chamber.
There, encased within two massive blue crystals, stood two terrifying beings.
One was lanky.
One was bulky.
Both were colossal—taller than mountains.
Four arms. Three eyes—the third glaring from their foreheads. Two legs. Long tails. Spines running down their backs. Their hair cascaded wildly, untamed, ancient.
The lanky one bore long, thin horns. The bulky one had thick, shorter ones.
Blood-red markings ran down their torsos, intersected by multiple horizontal lines. Dark stains beneath their two lower eyes made them appear as if they were crying.
And behind them—
Two enormous wings.
Ancient demons.
Born from the hatred of humanoids and the power of the underworld.
Dante's throat ran dry.
Long ago, in the Spade Kingdom, two royal youths had once been the closest of friends—brothers in all but blood. They had wielded phenomenally strong magic, standing above all others.
But something had happened.
Something had changed that love into venomous rage.
Into hatred.
Despair twisted their souls, turning them into demons.
They fought—nearly destroying the kingdom—until the desperate King and Queen, powerless against them, worked together to seal them away.
House Grinberryall had guarded them ever since.
Yet that was all they could do.
They could only seal them.
These monsters weren't dead. They weren't gone. They were merely sleeping.
A curse upon the land.
Their presence corrupted Spade itself, making it the prime location to open the gate to the underworld—to bring about Qliphoth.
There were only a few places in the world that could rival it:
The Land of the Rising Sun, where the Malevolent Dragon was suppressed.
Hage, where the Ancient Demon Skull lay.
Castle Clover, where the Shadow Palace was sealed.
But that—
That was a story for another time.
Samyaza sighed deeply, his gaze shifting between the two slumbering titans.
"As expected of the descendants of my Nephilim..." His voice was soft, contemplative. "Only they could turn into such beings... well sort of..."
He trailed off, before smiling gently.
"My children... The day of your liberation has come. Your centuries of tears, sorrow, regret, and hatred shall finally come to an end."
Dante's breath hitched.
Samyaza's grimoire floated beside him, glowing a deep, eerie purple.
Dante tensed—his instincts screaming—and rushed to Samyaza's side.
"W-what are you doing—?!"
He never got to finish.
The grimoire snapped open, pages fluttering until they landed on one.
Samyaza parted his lips, his red eyes gleaming violet.
And then—
He spoke.
A single word.
Dante froze.
And then—
A pair of cracks split the air.
And the Spade Kingdom began to shake.
Diamond Kingdom
Mage warriors dropped their brooms, their hands trembling.
Citizens and slaves alike fell to their knees—eyes wide, minds unable to comprehend what they were seeing.
Panic spread like wildfire.
Edelstein, seated upon his throne, shuddered violently. His pupils dilated in sheer terror.
The Shining Generals swallowed hard, cold sweat dripping down their faces.
Deep within the dungeon, prisoners mumbled frantically—some whispering crazed, desperate prayers, others screaming incomprehensibly.
In a certain cell—
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A man sat shackled.
Thin to the point of emaciation.
Blind, yet his empty gaze was haunted.
His lips trembled, his breaths shallow, muttering words only he could understand.
And above them all—
Hanging in the sky, casting the entire kingdom in a blood-red glow—
A massive, crimson magic circle pulsed with an ominous light.
And from its very center—
A nightmare descended.
A being of chaos.
A bulky, four-armed, three-eyed, horned colossus—a monster spoken of in legend.
A demon.
It crashed into the ground with a force that sent tremors ripping through the land.
Buildings trembled.
Stone cracked.
And the entire kingdom—
Heart Kingdom
The lush, sacred land of the Heart Kingdom was no better.
The people fled.
Not just in the streets, but beyond—past the grand magic barrier, toward the temple, toward the western coast, anywhere they could go.
Another had come.
A second demon—this one tall and lanky—stomped forward.
And it was headed straight for the barrier.
Within the castle, at the very heart of the 1,200-year-old kingdom, an old queen sat on her throne.
Her face was wrinkled.
Her body was frail.
Her time in this world, clearly limited.
Yet despite her evident age, there was an air of youthfulness—a lingering power that had not yet faded.
Before her, floating in the air, countless magic screens flickered.
Each one displayed the same scenes:
Her people, running.
The demon, advancing.
The kingdom teetering on the edge of disaster.
The queen slowly lifted her golden scepter.
Her voice, though hoarse and frail, carried an undeniable weight.
A swirl of water instantly surged beside her, forming into the shape of a tall, elegant woman.
Long, flowing hair.
A gown woven from water.
Fish-like fins in place of ears.
Pale, bluish-tinted skin.
And eyes—sharp, piercing, and frightened.
Not for the demon.
But for the queen.
The Water Spirit, Undine, bit her lip.
"Undine." Queen Isolde cut her off.
Her gaze was steady. Resolute.
"I can handle it. Let's go."
Undine's eyes watered.
And then—
She dissolved into a surge of rushing water—
A wave that crashed into the queen, flowing through her.
And at that moment—
The old queen glowed.
A brilliant, angelic blue.
Spade Kingdom – Throne Room
Dante stood beside Samyaza, arms crossed, eyes fixed on the two massive magic screens floating before them.
Both screens displayed chaos—one showing Diamond, the other Heart.
He scowled.
"Why attack those two?" he finally asked, unable to contain his thoughts. "If you were going to awaken those monsters, why not have them invade Clover—"
"My child."
Samyaza's voice cut through his words, smooth and indifferent.
"I'd appreciate it if you didn't call my children 'monsters.'"
His expression remained unreadable.
Then, he smiled softly.
"Forget about Clover for now. Just enjoy the carnage and malice, alright?"
Dante blinked.
He let out a breath, lowering his hands.
And smiled.
For the first time—he felt truly aligned with Samyaza.
Clover Kingdom
At that very moment—
Across the Royal Capital—
All in different locations—yet at the same instant—
They froze.
Heads snapping outward, gazes flickering east—then west—back and forth.
Pupils blown wide in shock.
Something was wrong.
Very wrong.
Hage Village – The Church
Loyce knelt beside a wooden tub, gently scrubbing Asta and Yuno.
His hands stopped.
A deep, visceral tremor ran through him.
His breath hitched.
His entire frame began to shake in horror.
House Faust
Draven's sharp eyes flicked up from his book.
Across from him, his devil had gone still.
"Azazel?" Draven asked, brow furrowed.
"What's wrong?"
The small, blackish imp—a goat-like creature with piercing eyes—did not respond.
It muttered.
A whisper.
A tremble.
"This mana... this presence..."
The imp's tiny frame shuddered violently.
"How... how... how is that guy free...? It can't be..."
Author's Notes:
[1] I honestly don't have anything of note.
[2] As always feel free to join the discord at: