Reborn with Steve Stand-Chapter 750: Kartel (4)

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Chapter 750: Kartel (4)

"It seems that negotiations are no longer possible."

Seeing Fang Mo raise the giant sword, Landilus' tone gradually turned cold. "In that case, I will personally eliminate trash like you."

As he spoke, Landilus suddenly shouted, "Prepare for defense!"

Probably having communicated with logistics via radio, the mechanical device on Landilus' chest quickly lit up, forming a spherical energy shield.

Immediately after, with a confident expression, he charged toward Fang Mo.

"In fact, another pronunciation for 'trash' is 'lè sè' [a play on words]."

Fang Mo, however, did not seem angry. Instead, he smiled and raised the Sea Sword in his hand. "Are you ready to face the waves... Sea Cannon!"

As soon as the words fell, a torrent of water suddenly erupted.

The water cannon pierced through the atmosphere, shooting straight toward Landilus. The earth was torn open by the wind pressure, leaving a terrifying rift.

Landilus didn't even have time to react; his entire body was blasted back by the terrifying water cannon, slamming heavily into the nearby mountain wall. As the high-pressure water stream continued to bombard him, his body was forced deeper into the rock, and the sound of shattering stones echoed all around.

As the water flow collided violently with the energy shield, the high-tech device on his chest emitted an unbearable noise, with sparks continuously shooting out.

"What... what's going on?"

To be honest, Landilus was a bit stunned by the scene. "That water cannon... did he actually fire it himself? How is that possible!?"

Yes, although Landilus was a mercenary, he was, after all, from the Empyrean Realm.

For hundreds of years, the Empyrean Realm had placed great emphasis on technology and machinery. Landilus had noticed the water cannon earlier but assumed it was some sort of secret weapon from the imperial army—probably a wicked weapon researched by those gunners, like a heavy pressure water cannon used for siege-level attacks.

Of course, his logic was clear.

A high-pressure water stream capable of destroying half a mountain... must have significant limitations.

It must either be too large to move easily or have a low attack frequency. In any case, this thing must have some fatal flaw; otherwise, the imperial army wouldn't have been repeatedly defeated by him, right?

So, in Landilus' mind, this thing could never be used for individual combat.

There had to be a hidden support unit, coordinating with the guy in front of him to attack his command post.

That was how it should have been...

But after being blasted by the water cannon himself, Landilus finally began to question reality. How could this guy spew out so much water... this isn't scientific at all!

Of course, these thoughts aside, his actions weren't slow.

"Provide support!" Landilus shouted into the radio, then immediately tapped his chest, switching the defense field mode.

The force field generator he equipped was strong, able to withstand even missiles, but facing this mountain-shattering water cannon was too much. Landilus knew that if this thing overloaded and exploded, he would be crushed into a pulp instantly.

So, he quickly activated another defense mode.

Soon, the red energy shield around Landilus began to turn yellow.

With a 'boom,' the water cannon penetrated the shield and struck him directly. The immense force caused his skin to rupture, and his capillaries began to spew blood.

But that was the extent of it.

The defense field absorbed most of the water cannon's kinetic energy.

So, Landilus began to slowly crawl out of the mountain, pushing against the water flow.

At the same time, the air-dropped support he had just called for arrived. Fang Mo, who was still firing the water cannon, was startled when two giant robots suddenly crashed to the ground nearby. Fang Mo was fine, but Summon was taken aback.

Although they were called robots, anyone who played the game knew...

The robots in this game generally had very crude designs, especially the ones created by male mechanics, as they were often used for self-destruction. The style was rough.

And the support Landilus called for was no exception.

Rather than robots, they were more like two huge rectangular metal boxes, equipped with wheels at the bottom and an auto-targeting sensor at the front. As soon as they hit the ground, they moved toward the two people.

"What... what are these things?"

Being from the Demon Realm, Summon had obviously never seen such high-tech creations and curiously took a step forward.

"Don't go."

Fang Mo immediately grabbed her with one hand. "These are magnetic rods."

"Mag... what rods?"

Summon was momentarily confused.

But in that moment of confusion, the robots suddenly accelerated and charged toward them. Fang Mo swung his hand back, tossing Summon aside like trash.

In the next second, the robots exploded.

"Boom! Boom!"

Two dull explosions followed, and flames shot up into the sky, leaving a large smoking crater at the site.

"Hey... are you okay!?"

Summon, startled by the explosion, quickly called out.

Fortunately, as the smoke cleared, the figure remained unharmed, standing in the crater. She finally breathed a sigh of relief and slowly got up from the ground.

Due to the explosion, Fang Mo stopped firing the water cannon.

With the water flow gone, Landilus, covered in blood, crawled out of the mountain cave. His entire face was a bloody mess, blood dripping from his hair, making him look as if he had just crawled out of hell—a terrifying sight.

"You monster..."

Landilus wiped the blood from his face and looked up at Fang Mo.

"Hey? Changed your tune, huh?"

Fang Mo appeared relaxed and even had the mood to mock him. "Weren't you just calling me 'lè sè'? What... can't laugh anymore?"


Landilus said nothing but coldly drew a rocket launcher from his back.

He pulled the trigger.

Several rockets immediately flew toward Fang Mo.

But unlike before, Landilus now knew how terrifying Fang Mo was. So, without hesitation after pulling the trigger, he performed a backflip and pressed a button on his left arm. Instantly, three drone-like devices flew out from a distance.

"Let me show you the true power of Kalet!"

Controlling the drones, Landilus pulled out another gun to fire. "Die..."

"Oh, really?"

But at that moment, Fang Mo moved.

He raised one hand, catching an incoming rocket. Then, without warning, he vanished from his original position.


Landilus' pupils contracted sharply.

Before he could react, a hand had already reached out across the void and grabbed his hair.

Landilus struggled desperately, but it was useless. He tried to reverse the situation by stabbing a high-frequency knife at Fang Mo's neck, but the blade that could cut through iron merely sparked upon contact with Fang Mo's neck.

"This... is impossible!!!"

Landilus' eyes widened in disbelief.

"Nothing is impossible."

Fang Mo calmly said a few words, then shoved the rocket, with its flaming tail, into the man's mouth and immediately clamped his mouth shut.


The rocket exploded.

A blast of flame mixed with chunks of flesh spewed from Landilus' mouth. The force of the explosion sent him flying backward, tearing the skin off his head, leaving a large bald spot. This was a fatal blow, even though he had activated his defense shield.

Despite the shield, his entire mouth and throat were blown apart, and he kept spitting blood. Yet, he was incredibly resilient, managing to gesture for fire support while still in mid-air.

Quickly, reinforcements were called in, and a large number of robots flew toward them.

Meanwhile, the floating cannons also began attacking, buzzing around Fang Mo like flies, firing lasers. In addition, two missiles appeared from somewhere and flew toward him.

Facing this chaotic onslaught, Fang Mo simply waved his hand.

"...Shinra Tensei!"

A spherical repulsion field suddenly expanded, instantly tearing all the machinery to pieces. Metal fragments flew everywhere.

Afterward, Fang Mo raised his hand toward Landilus again.

"Bansho Ten'in."

The repulsion field suddenly reversed, becoming a powerful gravitational force. Landilus, who had fallen to the ground, was uncontrollably pulled back toward Fang Mo.

Fang Mo held the gravitational field with his left hand, while his right hand slowly pulled back, assuming a stance to gather strength. As he clenched his fist, a jet-black orb enveloped his hand, radiating an incredible sense of power from his fist.

"Take this, you Empyrean scum."

Fang Mo said calmly, then twisted his body and swung his fist forward.


In mid-air, Landilus felt a chill run through his entire body at the sight, a sense of unprecedented crisis overwhelming his mind. Without any hesitation, he pushed his shield to maximum power and crossed his arms in front of him.

In the next instant, Fang Mo's fist tore through the air.

As expected, the shield shattered like foam, and the force field generator on Landilus' chest overloaded and exploded.

When the force field generator shattered, Landilus' upper body was instantly pulverized into a mist of blood by the shockwave.

Only his legs, still clad in military pants, were left, spinning through the air, spraying blood everywhere, before finally crashing onto the ground behind Fang Mo, staining a large area of the sand red.

"As expected, it couldn't withstand it."

Fang Mo glanced at the blood-soaked corpse: "…So now you're not even worth trash?"

Of course, the other party was already dead.

There was no way he could answer Fang Mo now.

"Is it over?"

Seeing Fang Mo's victory, the Summon quickly approached: "Can we rescue the princess now?"

"Oh right, rescue the princess."

Fang Mo snapped back to attention and stopped paying attention to Landilus' mutilated corpse, instead focusing on his mini-map: "Let me see… where these villains have hidden my little princess..."

After a quick scan, Fang Mo soon noticed a familiar icon.

Although it was a pixelated icon, in a place like the Kartelt Command Center, an icon of a cute girl was certainly eye-catching.

Fang Mo looked up in that direction.

What he saw was something like an underground bunker with a heavy metal hatch on top, looking very well-defended.

"Let's go, this way."

Calling to the little demon beside him, Fang Mo headed toward the bunker.

"Oh, okay."

The Summon quickly followed, but then hesitated and said, "Wait, there's something I want to ask you first..."


Fang Mo glanced at her: "What is it?"


The Summon hesitated but soon mustered the courage to ask, "You said earlier that you wanted to marry the princess, you weren't serious, were you?"


Fang Mo looked at her in confusion: "Landilus hasn't been to Ghent... Have you? Where did you hear that the princess was promised to me?"

"Oh, good."

The Summon sighed in relief: "I thought you were serious…"

"This isn't even about being serious or not!" Fang Mo retorted. "If I really did that, my partner could handcraft a higher-dimensional battleship to chase me down. The Princess's Court would explode... and Marlene would probably chase me with a knife for miles."

"If the princess is really that young, I wouldn't let you off either," the Summon said seriously.


Fang Mo almost laughed at the sight of the little demon in front of him: "Other people I could understand, but what could you do? Throw a few snowballs at me like an ice puppet? Hilarious... Did you think I trained with ice pops all these years for nothing?"


The Summon opened her mouth, but didn't know what to say, finally muttering, "Anyway, I don't think you're that kind of person."

"Yeah, you're right."

Fang Mo stroked his chin thoughtfully and then suddenly turned serious: "But to be honest… despite how I look, I have a thing for older sisters, I really like girls who are slightly older than me."

"You? A sister complex?"

The Summon looked as if she had seen a ghost: "There's no way you're a sister complex."

"Sorry, I forgot to mention… I actually died once."

Fang Mo shrugged: "From the time I regained consciousness until now... uh, I don't even remember how long I've been in the MC world. Let's say around ten years, plus the time spent messing around in other worlds, my real age is only about fourteen."


The Summon was dumbfounded: "Then your partner..."

"My partner hasn't died." Fang Mo spread his hands: "So you see how mature her behavior is. That's what I like, I really can't handle anyone too young."

"That's still not..."

"Alright, we're here."

Before the Summon could finish speaking, Fang Mo raised his hand and pointed to the bunker in front of them.