Record of a Thousand Lives-Chapter 23
Chapter 23
The thirdfloor of theChimera Dimensionwas wider than the first two floors.
“Summon Sally. Summon White.”Kang Yoon-Soo summoned the two andtook outsomeadrenaline potions fromhisbackpack. He drank one, thengave one each to the twosummons.
“Papa, what is this?” Sally asked.
“Potion,” Kang Yoon-Soo replied curtly.
“Is it yummy?”
“Wow!” Sally exclaimed as she drank the potion.
However, her face crumpled after drinking the potion.“It’s not yummy… it’s bitter!”
“Bitter is delicious.” Kang Yoon-Soo said somethingstrangeto thechild.
White growled at Kang Yoon-Soo and refused to drink the potion—ithadthe pride of a boss monster. It had no plans to drink anything given by a mere human.“Korunok!Urnokra!”
“Rimakurel,”Kang Yoon-Soo replied.White flinched after hearing Kang Yoon-Soo’s words, and drank the adrenaline potion in one gulp.
“What did yousay?” Shaneth askedcuriously.
“That it’s good for sexual stamina,” Kang Yoon-Soo replied.
They started their hunt.
“Kyarururuk!”The chimera spat an annoying set of vines out of its mouth. The chimeras starting from the third floor had a binding skill to tie their targets down.
Kang Yoon-Soo avoided the vines with his agile movements,swinginghis greatsword.
His greatsword split thelarge chimera’s skullin half, andits bodylet out a fountain of blood before lying dead on the ground, spasming.
“Fwoooooh!”Sally fought while breathing out an intensely hot fire. Her form was no longer that of a young girl; rather,she had morphed into a fire lizard.
[Salamander Sally has morphed into a lizard.]
[Thesalamander’s fire breathis stronger in lizard form than in human form.]
[The salamander’s movement speedacross flat terrainhas increased.]
[The fire breathburnshotter in the desert.]
[However, flame magic cannot be used in this form.]
Thespirit’s flamesstarted to burnmore fiercely in her lizard form.Shaneth had alsotakenup her scythe and started to cut down the chimeras.
Whitewenton a rampage that resembled a one-sided slaughtermore thanan actual fight. The title of the Yultika Ruin’s boss was befitting of the ferocity with whichit massacred the chimeras.
However,one personstood out when it came tothe speed at which he hunted chimeras..
‘Who the hell is he?’Shin Han-Yul and his party could not hide their admiration as they watched the battle.
It was at that momentthattragedy fell upon them.
The wrist devices on all of theTravelers started to vibrate, and a horrible messageappearedon the screen in bold redletters.
[A strange flow of mana has caused changes in the dimension.]
[The A-Grade Forbidden Area, the Chimera Dimension, has been closed.]
[Entry into the dimension has been restricted.]
The Travelers wereshockedbythe message, and one man ran hurriedly toward the exit. One could normally leave theChimera Dimensionafter crossinga shining path that resembled a trail of stars. However, the shining stars had disappeared into the darkness, and the exithaddisappearedwith them.
The man shouted in a panic, “What the hell is this?! We were just about to leave!”
That panicinstantly spread among the adventurers inside the dimension.The chimeras did not miss theopportunityto charge atthe adventurers.
Two people were instantly ripped apart by the chimeras’ vicious claws.The fact that the adventurers could no longer leave this place caused panic and distress, affecting their combat ability.
However, that was not the caseforKang Yoon-Soo. He knew the way to escape from theclosed-offChimera Dimension.He just coldly observed the situation, thinking,‘So it has begun.’
Then, he shouted loudly, “Everyone, stay calm. We can leave this place if we kill the bosson thetop floor.”
“How do you know that?”
However, theadventurerstook out their anger on himas they remained skeptical;but for Kang Yoon-Soo, he had no reason to convince them otherwise. He simply said, “You’re freeto believe it or not, but that’sthe only way to escape from this predicament. Fight if you wish to live.”
This was all he was willing to do for them. These people were actually supposed to die in this place; they were supposed to die trapped in the dimension. The fact that he had told them the way toleavewas more than enough. Giving themanything more than thathad no benefit to him.
“I believe you. I just have to give it my all and fight, right?” Shaneth asked. Kang Yoon-Soonodded.
On the other hand, Shin Han-Yul and his party were flusteredbythe sudden development.One of his party members asked,“What should we do, Han-Yul hyung?”
“There’s no guarantee, but we have no choice but to believe his words,” Shin Han-Yul replied as he started to castspells.“Ice Bringer! FireFall!”
As soon as he finished casting, powerful magic started to rain down toward a chimera. The sharp ice fragments tore the chimera apart, and astrong flame burneditsskin. As soon as the chimera became incapacitated, four swordsmen ran toward it and slashedat it.
Lee Kang-Hyun was surprisedthatShin Han-Yulwasable toremaincomposed evenin such asituation.‘As expected from the White Lion Clan,’he thought as he looked at the mantleShin Han-Yul was wearing.
The mantle, imprinted with the symbol of a white lion, was something theWhite Lion Clan only gave to their members.It was composed of a sturdy cloak and cowlmade from wyvern leather,making it impervious to fire.
The only person from the White Lion Clan in his party was Shin Han-Yul, and the four of themhadtried to appeal tohim sothey too would be able to enter the White Lion Clan.
More casualties started to appear as time went by. The parties, despite holdingtheir ground andfightingwith their lives on theline, startedto crumble one by one.
“Help me!”
However, Shin Han-Yul and his party held on, and they foughtuntil the end.
[You have killed 100 chimeras.]
[Do you wish to proceed to the next floor?]
They had cleared the third floor somehow, and the party members now started to show signs of exhaustion. However, Shin Han-Yul seemed intent on carrying on. He said,“I understand the situationhasdrastically changed, but we might lose the sword to that man if we take our sweet time.”
The sword was the reason Shin Han-Yul and his partyhad beenaiming for the top floor of theChimera Dimension. He had received the information regarding the sword after clearing a secret quest from the alchemistguild.
The information had said that the boss monster on the fifth floor of theChimera Dimensionheld a rare sword. Asword witharare rating or higher wasnot only powerful; itwould also fetch a hefty sum when sold.The value of the sword would also multiply if it had high attack power or a special ability attached to it.
“We’ll die anyway if we just sit around. We’ll kill the boss on the top floor as planned—and we’ll do it before them,” Shin Han-Yulsaid.
Meanwhile, Kang Yoon-Soo cast his necromancer skill after he finished hunting the chimeras.“Mass RaiseDead.”
A hundredchimeras turned into undead, and the skill level of ‘Mass RaiseDead’ rose.
[The skill level of ‘Mass RaiseDead’ has increased.]
[The total number of summons you can keep in the summon dimension has increased to 700.]
Kang Yoon-Soo’s party had advanced to the next floor first, even though they had startedafterShin Han-Yul’s party. There was no time to lose, and Shin Han-Yul’s party went to the fourth floor as well.
They were the only people on the fourth floor. Everyone elsewasstruggling for their liveson thelower floors, orhad already died.
The chimeras on the fourth floor were large and powerful. They would use theirvines to bindatarget and use a long spear to endlessly stab at thatbound target. Thechimeras’ claws,whichhad been the length of shortswordson the lower floors, were now the size of longswords and even sharper than before.
White and Kang Yoon-Soo stood as vanguards, and their party aggressively fought the chimeras.Sallyburnedany vines shot out by the chimeras, and Shanethswungher scythe with all her strength.
Tens of chimeras had gathered in one place, and it was not an easy task to kill monstersin large groups. There were many cases of the balance of power shiftingin the monsters’ favor, causinghunting partiesto be wiped out.
Kang Yoon-Soo took the powerful bomb he had made out of his backpack and threw it at a group of chimeras. As it came into contact with them, the bomb exploded.
The chimeras shrieked in pain as theywere blown apart all at once, and Sally’s flames and Shaneth’s scythefinishedoff anyof the chimeras thathadmanaged to barelysurvivethe explosion.Kang Yoon-Soo’s party showed no signs of slowing down as they killed chimera after chimera thanks to the adrenaline potion.
Shin Han-Yul’s party, on the other hand, could not handle the attrition.“Gaaah!Help me!” a swordsmanintheir vanguard screamed as he got caught by a vine. If the vinecould not be severedin time, he would be surrounded by other vines and wrapped up.
Shin Han-Yul was busy casting ice magic, and he did not have theopportunity to castfire magic to burn the vines. The other party members were also busy fighting for their own lives, and could not afford to help the swordsman. The swordsman was bitten by a chimerainthe end.
“I’ll help you!” Lee Kang-Hyun shouted as he tried to move toward the swordsman.
However, Shin Han-Yul suddenly screamed at him when he was about to move, “Lee Kang-Hyun! You stupid son of a—! Hold your position! It’s over for us if our formation collapses!”
“But…!” Lee Kang-Hyun protested.
“We can’t sacrifice the manyfor thefew. That’sa basic part of tactics! Hold your position if you want to enter the White Lion Clan!”Shin Han-Yul replied.
Lee Kang-Hyun grittedhis teeth as he held his position, and the swordsman thathad been bittenbyachimera was killed on the spot by more chimeras.
After several hours passed,the battlefinally came to an end.
[You have killed 100 chimeras.]
[Do you wish to proceed to the next floor?]
Only Kang Yoon-Soo and Shin Han-Yul’s party were left standing on the floor after the battle—that was how intensethe fighting had been.
Kang Yoon-Soo’s level hadincreased to Level 57, and once again, he raised the dead chimeras. He now had 400 undead chimeras in his summon dimension.
The survivors were allexhausted after the battle, and the ones that had survived were covered in wounds.
“Tend to your wounds and let’s go quickly to the next floor,” Shin Han-Yul said as he took out a healing potion from his backpack; it was an expensive potion that went fortengold coins a bottle, although ithad beenpaid for by his clan, of course. He sparingly applied the potiontothe wounds of the injured party members, and their woundsslowly started to heal.
Shin Han-Yul stole a glance toward Kang Yoon-Soo’s party. It seemed that although theyhad notsustained as much damage as his party,theyhadstill takenquite a bit of damage as well.
The reason why Shin Han-Yul had shared the expensive potion with his party was to prepare for the boss fight as quickly as possible. A small injurysustained bya party membercould often havea butterfly effect on the outcome of the battle. Recovery and restwereas important as thebattleitself.
‘Everyone is tired and wounded, butwe can recover much faster than them. Even if we rest for thirty minutes tops, we’ll be the ones reaching the top floor first.’Shin Han-Yul calculated inside his head; in fact, he thought that they could kill the boss monster even before the other party would be able to enter the fifth floor, thanks to the expensive potionhe hadused.
However, contrary to his expectations, Kang Yoon-Soo indifferently took out healing potions from his backpack and appliedthem to Shaneth and Sally’s wounds.White growled as if to showits reluctance to receive the potion, but ended up submitting to Kang Yoon-Soo in the end.
Kang Yoon-Soo did not use the healing potionsparingly,and instead used it as if it werenormal water. If he felt that the wound was not healingquickly enough, he would take outanother potionand pour the whole bottle on the wound.
Sally had morphed back to human form, and she laydown on the puddle of potions, exclaiming,“Wow! I hate water, but this feels so good!”
Shin Han-Yul’s party that had shared asinglehealing potion sparingly could not help but blankly stare at them. In fact, the potions used by Kang Yoon-Soo were more effective than the one they had used. The wounds ofhis party had beenhealed in an instant.
‘Wha… What the hell is this?’Shin Han-Yul could not believe his eyes. There was no way a potion could be that effective unless it weremade by a skilled alchemist. What surprised himeven morewas the fact that Kang Yoon-Soo had not used any potionsonhimself.Had henot sustained any injuries from that intense battle?
Shin Han-Yul tried to observe Kang Yoon-Soo closely, but Kang Yoon-Soo and his party had already disappeared.They had reached the fifth floorfirst.