Reincarnated as a Duck: A beast progression litrpg isekai-Chapter 201: Ozeki

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Armies in Hellscape acted as dubious protectors for the past few days, and this concerned almost everyone at some level. The safety net for the denizens and matters around this Gate had to remain calm, but some things were clearly not possible due to the nature of places close to Hell.

It wasn't surprising. The Hunt hadn't started, yet many beings thought it already did because it was taking way too long and their hopeful targets were moving as if this place was a joke. Most hated that idea and it worked wonderfully because almost nothing was stopping anyone in private stakes.

Something could. Rules could change. Words would shift the world.

Helltrim city was much more relaxed after Razmudn left it days ago, deciding to cause chaos in some other place where Illak ruled with no iron fist. He had other issues than that; Razmund feared some Overlords or Extremes of the military would stop his moves from an outside perspective, but nobody and nothing did. Even when some nasty gangs and some personal attacks from the military came to him, he cut them down without a shred of doubt.

It was a good time, all things considered, yet much more savage between everyone.

Mindarch and Illak described it. He was following the rules, after all, and didn't stick foolishly around the people like an idiot. He attacked and fought those who wanted his neck and even if it meant they went against the rules of the Hunt or this place, it was fair. This place was always like this: full of chaotic beings and where respect had its merit as long as worth or power was apprehended.

Some mishaps went along with that, of course. It couldn't be helped, for the situation and his personal hunt had changed. That one time when Godi Gang protruded themselves before him, pledging work but no allegiance, was quite something.

Razmund nearly accepted their demands, but when they surrounded him in a tight spot, things got almost out of his hand. Some members even held Laws, and half a dozen other fools were around his level. They wanted no Pledge but all of his belonging, Token included.

Amid that pressure, no limits, and certainly no Goldsteel Titans before him, Razmund unleashed his might much more clearly, killing everyone since he didn't have to care about the consequences because he asked for a duel and they accepted. That would have been harder without his trials and time in the Islands of Greatness, or much easier if he had his Voice or other reasons.

For both, he should be thoughtful of Murai, but he had no clue that his little target was the reason for everything.

Alas, Razmund was still petty and impatience about a lot of things; he had much more willingness to be like that than not, so things got so much worse than he predicted. Everything kept going, working with or without him, and one way or another, his failure, the tense situation over the Hellspace, and his lack of Voice kept him cautious and tensed.

He had his way of gathering intel and touch, so he knew what happened with Murai and what kept him busy. Just bits were enough. That was all it took for the whole prospect to change.

Those Helpers and rumors about everything did leave their marks.

Lost Brothers didn't pester his progress immediately, but he had to be sure where he stood at this Gate. It stopped his journey for a whole day already since he decided to drastically shift his attention. Razmund's forceful acts changed when his Side got someone helpful and powerful in many ways.

That came from no plan but sheer power and selection. It wasn't a move that moved along his arrival or announcement of the Encounter. It was a choice that happened when he was looking for a way to revise his ideas.

That was who Ozeki was, and he didn't care for Razmund too much. He was like the Lost Brothers, and he had his desire and hope when seeing Razmund. Even now when he was on his side, a devil might be more flawed. He was an old devil who felt the limits of his Bloodline for a long time, and his heart was strange, to say the least.

Yet, getting him was the moment that changed the greater tides in the Hellscape, Mindarch, military, and many gangs. It stopped so many steps, Razmund should have been cheerful, but he hadn't laughed once since he left Helltrim City.

Surprisingly, even Levandis herself hadn't expected Razmund to act this way, and Mindarch wondered what exactly was it that Ozeki thought. To do what he had done required no conviction, but nearly forfeiting his life, dedication, and ideas. Working with Named Devil was never a good thing for Centralis, let alone any normal man. It reeked of countless problems when they were essentially enemies for blood and all that was right. Razmund should have not needed devils close, yet he swallowed some pride and time and felt this much was better than being alone.

It was curious, considering the Centralis Kingdom and everything that made their little heads.

Right. It seemed Razmund held some history with Ozeki, or... it was something that Mindarch couldn't foresee, for the Battleworld was big and his eyes weren't wide like Ravine's. Specifics weren't needed when Mindarch discovered many new possibilities through his Codex, giving Levandis some neat ideas before the Hunt, which then followed a bunch of headaches because their plans shifted nearly dozens of times since their first meeting.

It was about right to expect this much from a bunch of Blessed. They were never great to think about, and Levandis wanted to give this Hunt justice and her serenity.

Even many Overlords, curious around this temple or seeing the current time from Hell, didn't expect things to stall for so long. In fact, they should be the ones meant to solve the mess that Battleworld couldn't fix at all, and deal with the general populace, gangs, and troublemakers who suddenly thought they were beyond rules. What was even right and wrong here? The facts of the Old World were steady, and people could get wild when the tens of thousands of years of history and its power stopped working.

It wasn't up to any God or Overlord to stop or change what had stopped. They could just delay it and pretend it was wrong. And this was closer to Hell Haven and not some measly place on the Surface that had its stakes and Gods at different heights.

That wasn't a concern, nor a problem for the caretakers of this place, while Mindarch could only cheer and laugh at the current mess. It was funny seeing the world return to its former glory, even if it was temporary. This sort of thing was familiar to him, giving him a time he found funny for numerous reasons.

Levandis was similar, which many had yet to realize.

The chaos that this temple had was sufficient to keep going forever with, or without the Order in sight. It was good for Blessed like Razmund, let alone denizens and all sorts of other beings. Surface or Depths didn't matter.

So what if Razmund was from the Surface? His heart and mind were closer to the Chaos than one would see. After all, there was something unkempt and hard-to-perceive and both Sides of this Encounter had their links near.

Levandis wasn't even sure about half of them, but she lived a long life and knew this world. Primarily, she was aware of Murai's existence, similar to Mindarch. That was enough, yet not everything. She was unaware that time had already changed.

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Behind it were other things anyway, which Levandis gladly left for others to fix. For the most part, she was enjoying this old sight, complex hunt, and the moves of little fools in her backyard.

She didn't have to consider the Surface since it couldn't afford to do much right now. She was glad for that. Without their little Ravine to support their legacy, Sky can cry and watch her play her cards.

She could slaughter them; the beings in this temple and this little Encounter, and stop something gratifying, but where would be fun in that? What would be the point?

For those below, but close, this was a tricky situation that wasn't suited for many heads. Some weren't sure what to do because of Levandis, who showed much more interest in this little mortal play than in her own family affairs. Some Lurrs didn't like it in the slightest, yet what could they do to their majesty?

And for those even lower, they couldn't even think that far or high. The Encounter shouldn't even be in their home. Some wished to slaughter it with their own hands regardless of rewards because they felt challenged, invaded, and betrayed. Some tried, yet failed. Most refrained from moving after noticing defeat after more Ends, since Razmund changed the pace, while Levandis's interest was a good reason for many figures to be hesitant, and Lost Brothers were little, yet quite menacing when a great task was in their hands.

Nearly everyone in various power levels in this temple harbored ideas about this situation since it was a disaster like the lack of Boosts.

Few fools thought of it as a great opportunity and push for reputation since Old World had its merits, and seeing a chance wasn't wrong. David was one of those, but he wasn't the only one, even if he was the first and quickest to touch Murai.

Many focused on his status as a former member of the Surface, yet he was still a longtime member of the Hellscape Society. That was an essential workforce under Province 1 that came from all sorts of places on the Surface. It involved many generations of human craftsmen, companies, and businesses since this place needed them. Then, his company was another story, with few knowing exactly what they could do if they truly pushed forward.

On the extreme side of this was the Surface, which was much larger and more intense, yet it wasn't worth mentioning. Most Sky Gods had eyes in different places. Levendis and her Hell were natural in their mess, but it would be a lie she loved how this Encounter arrived at her place.

When she heard it for the first time, her expression wasn't calm or touched. She straight up shooed Mindarch away and went back to sleep. In the third attempt, waking her up worked after some clever Mindarch's persuasions.

This entire situation wasn't exactly what Lordis had in mind, but it happened in this manner, and situations could mend, and adjustments could come. Forcing her well-crafted home to turn into a Dungeon wasn't on Levandis's mind when she seized it, but mixing that interest into it wasn't outside of reason. She preferred Chaos, so she cherished Old One and many ideas that followed it, while the concepts of Dungeons turned old times into a new age. She agreed, so she had to accept the premise, compromises, and even old promises.

Now, it bit her to her ass, as she couldn't crash everything even if she liked, and thinking too much into it because of Lordis wasn't enjoyable at all. Couldn't she influence it in some way? It was within her rights, or close to that. Being a little bit forceful wouldn't hurt, she believed, but what if others had already done that? Amelius and Vermillion were well oblivious parts in this, and both were outsiders uncaring for rules. One was different from the other, yet both went against her Authority from different perspectives, and both were much bolder.

Both were forces that she couldn't help but overlook, even if she shouldn't. They were funny in their acts, doing shit that hadn't made sense to her yet, but in their ways, they were honest. She couldn't refute them, for the motions set in place were in her favor. Did everyone prefer playing with their prey? She did, yet with what was she playing with exactly? Murai was thinly within her mind, acting with weird interest, mentions, and warnings she shouldn't wish to try. Mindarch expressed some doubts, reality, and wisdom. He couldn't say it all; it would endanger the status quo and promise to his old master.

Perhaps it would be better if Levandis would let things go in their normal course. Too many influences could turn this situation into an even bigger madness.

Encounter was no longer an offer worth sharing, but a curse to refute and crash. Will of the Battleworld was gone, so some unaffiliated gangs and even those close to untamable military thought of opposing every fiber of this Encounter.

Even with Helpers in sight, it should be worth it. Few cared less about the Helpers anyway. This was their home! It was their Hell. It could get them dreams and power, for Levandis was their God. She was generous to those who showed results or potential, and with her riches and demands, how many thought of opposing her silence or silent authority that prevailed? Perhaps her silence was the stake she wanted to witness, though many misinterpreted it.

So when the military declared calmness with words of Pivotal Cities alone, many hesitant ones calmed down, and crazy ones felt good to take their business out of these cities. That helped Razmund and Murai tremendously and they didn't even know about it.

The start of the Encounter was like a key into incredible disarray. From what one would gather through history, many conflicts and changes were full of them, and it might as well go beyond that. There was an Origin and Reason with every Encounter, though their creators were also important, but it wasn't that obvious.

The Encounter was like a Catalyst in magic, where major elements and the flow of power in the later Parts could get rather complex. It gave rise and flavor to many ideas, giving people and Gods many opportunities.

A start would form a smaller-scale conflict with less influential groups, which would then turn into bigger involvements. It was a nice portrayal of the domino effect. Many would get involved in the Encounter to just show some interest or face, even if it meant going against its rules or flow. Doing nothing would show weakness, and many nations knew it. At least in this continent.

If some God would care for them afterward, it was good to be proactive. Many powerhouses understood that fact. Mostly in the Surface, however. Depths made that idea much worse since they were chaotic. There was nothing wrong with neither, even though it was a bit of a stretch to see their distinct features. Everyone could get involved, be it a peasant or someone from a different Sky.

Levandis didn't know what this Encounter's purpose was, or who set, forced, or changed it. Not even those going through her Hellscape knew about it, though some guessed were in a couple of heads.

Right now, amid a rundown town in Province 2 and Sector 22, Razmund took his time and decision with an unusual style.

He was sitting in a deep and dark hallway, resting behind large windows that showed vast sight of the Hellscape and Sector 22. It was night A little bit of the Helltrim city was still visible, looking like a little dot around the first slight turn of this large tunnel of a cave. Around the windows and walls were nothing but crimson silk veils dozens of meters long, showing blood without blood. It was some sort of dining or meeting hall, obvious by a large table and sturdy chairs. Razmund was at the tip of this table, sitting like a king.

This place was Ozeki's permanent home and a castle he owned thanks to his former service and a long stay in the army. He was far from retirement in the true sense of that world. Unfortunately, his power was in a slumber and his level was descending year by year. There wasn't any retirement for devils like him. They all died in battles or conditions their hearts craved. Never through an old age. That was akin to an unfit End that they would accept in grievance and honest pain. Thus, many old devils were either weak, delirious, or beyond ridiculous.

Razmund knew he found an unnatural method to do this business, but in Chaos, was there some clarity? In some logic, it felt right. Ozeki stood aside from the large table, glaring through the windows behind Razmund who took his chair. As a battle-stricken devil, his figure was tall, wide, and quite majestic like that of a human king.

He was past his prime in his physical appearance, looking like an experienced general in his late years. The charming, yet older face revealed many experiences, even if some scars littered half of his face. His small mustache seemed out of place, but because of the scars, his dark hair, and his horns, they demonstrated his warrior spirit, so he didn't care for his face.

But he was still a devil. Those were always powerful in their appearance, or unique in their acts. They always looked impressive from the outside, but they could be hideous inside. Especially if one grew like an untamed beast, and had no bounds.

Ozeki was almost two centuries old, which wasn't that much in all regards, but he wasn't extremely talented. He would've looked younger if he wanted. Scars, lacking talent, and his time as the devil caused his current appearance, or did lack of heart do it all? Lisa would get what that meant, although she would hate the fact he was currently involved in the Encounter.

By the name alone, Ozeki was a famous figure from the past, as he used to be a great member of the First Legion of Levandis's Hell. Such figures shouldn't care for some Encounter, yet here he was, Pledged to this human sitting on his throne.

He did it with some hesitation, but he had to. It was a great choice, if not stupid when refused. Razmund even managed to move his heart in their little duel; it was nothing hideous, surprising, or terrible. Ozeki wanted some change for a long time and it walked towards him on its own. It was nothing short of a miracle.

However, it wasn't as if he was too happy either. He turned, glaring at Razmund with Slaughter Intent in his eyes, sparking them in little dim lights. It made his eyes deep and little red lines traveled around his red-skinned face like tiny lighting, giving his eyes, veins, and scars a new look.

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“I am thankful for this, Ozeki,” Razmund said, ignoring that Intent. He was going against Falconer's doctrine, but he didn't care if the devil, demon, or something else came to his side. No one was here to pester him, nor did he care for some charade of a game. He cheered with the glass of wine, gesturing to Ozeki to have a good time.

“Don't take my name upon your voice, human. It makes me mad,” Ozeki grunted, sounding humiliated, then anything else. He didn't lose their duel for something stupid, but he didn't win some pride either. It wasn't that simple either. Upon that "draw" and Pledge that Razmund took for a little experiment, things got different when Ozeki got a rather wonderful voice. A God promise was no small thing if it was personal and without any Judge in sight. It was no Levandis either.

Razmund doubted Helper's status worked, like Lisa who thought the same before David and the rest got their tasks and Pledge going. Now, with Ozeki aside, this was terrific. It also answered that Murai had proper great Helpers in this Gate, so Razmund decided to be ruthless.

Frankly, he wasn't good at it; he doubted it would work that great, considering what he learned. Somewhat, the stakes changed and Helpers elevated the First Part in a completely different direction. Maybe it was no longer a mouse and cat game. Maybe the mouse will grow into a wolf and the cat might have just one limb.

It was no longer fitting to call it his hunt, but more like a clash between two fitting forces. Before, his Side was the sole hunter going against Murai. Now, it changed with competitors. In vague acts alone, there was nothing wrong with it anymore, which made previous ideas wrong.

Was it that fix that Uzbek and his King predicted and didn't want to see? Razmund felt like he couldn't change or see it as regret.

It was just how the Encounters could go and change.