Sanctuary Agency-Chapter 20: The Joker

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Chapter 20 - The Joker

〘Date: 2/11 - Monday〙

〘Time: 1:45 PM〙

〘Location: Texas, San Antonio - Trinity Valley University〙

Jaiden and I made our way down the halls, passing by a scattered few students hanging around outside their club rooms. Soon, we arrived at the Golden Crystals' clubroom, standing in front of a set of double doors with crystal door knobs.

Jaiden glanced between the doors and me, stepping forward to stop me for a moment. His eyes were a mix of conflict and a hint of concern for my sake. "Before we go in there, let's just think about this for a moment. These are Tony's allies, we're going into enemy territory with just you and me."

"Listen, I'm an artist and only know basic levels of combat. These are military trained nobles that live in a crystalized city, I don't think we should ally with them," Jaiden gently protested, his voice dripped with a hint of unspoken fear.

I stared at Jaiden for a moment, listening to his concerns and doubts, letting out a sigh and rubbed the back of my head. "Right now, the entire university is enemy territory. And asking outsiders to join into this war would only drag innocent families into a war."

"Sure, we can take the easy route and ask the Black Lions or the La Vierna Wolves, but getting them to acknowledge me...I can't do that with charms only. The Art of Love alone doesn't win these types of wars," I finished, opening my eyes to look at Jaiden.

"I get that, this case, they are the bad guys. They invaded another city and valley," Jaiden protested once more, his tone seeping more with weariness of the Golden Crystals.

I let out a soft exhale and crossed my arms, meeting Jaiden's gaze with a serious one. "An outlook like that is more dangerous than one thinks. Just like a coin has two sides, stories also have two sides to them. This happens to be one of those cases."

"Besides, my tribe also has two sides...Moji and Sola. And just like me, I have to choose between two sides. And I've made my choice, and in this case we can not beg and choose. You can stand with me on this decision, or you can join Allie in finding others," I finished, my gaze becoming regal with pure authority.

Jaiden grunted softly at my stern expression, a slight discomforting chill crawling into each of his nerve endings. Though he didn't agree with me, he saw where I was coming from, deciding to swallow his pride for now.

"Alright...Just be careful with your decisions, and how you do things. Right now, all eyes are on you constantly," Jaiden said, stepping aside to allow me access to the door.

"I know that," I replied, stepping forward and stood in front of the grand doors before me. "And it's because all eyes are on me, that I have to make an absolute statement. I'm not here for popularity, that is only a plus. I am here to make a change.."

With that, I reached forward and knocked on the door with confidence, waiting for anyone inside to answer. Inside the clubroom, a bit of rowdiness could be heard from inside, two people racing to answer the door.

"I got it, I got it," A male voice called out, swinging the door open and looked ahead at me, his face breaking into an immediate cold sweat.

I looked at the guy standing in front of me, eyeing him up and down as I scanned his features. He had dyed messy pale blue hair, aquamarine eyes, and a lean frame. He wore a sleeveless red hoodie with a Crystal City design covering the front.

Beside him stood a slightly taller man with cinnamon shade hair, light brown eyes, and stood with an air of confidence and nobility. He wore a casual white button up tucked into his jeans, and boots to match his attire.

"It's you... Surprised that you'd even show your face around here. You know we could just report you to Tony," The male with blue hair spoke, masking his intimidation with an air of bravery.

"I know you could, but you wouldn't get the chance to..." I replied coldly, my steady gaze never breaking from his.

The male kept eye contact with me for a moment longer, gulping lightly as he attempted to continue to stand his ground. I could sense his confidence slowly wavering down, his body slightly tensing up the longer I stared at him, unmoving.

Once he broke eye contact with me, a smirk crept onto my face and I let out a soft chuckle. "You had an ample amount of time to report me, yet you didn't. Alas, I didn't come here to fight. I came here to speak with your leader."

"With all due respect, Ryder, but you can't just come here and think we will let you in here with intimidation alone. We get you're tough, but we are even tougher than you think we are," The man with cinnamon hair spoke, stepping forward to face me head on.

"Stand down, both of you," A female voice sounded from behind the two men, both of them stepping aside for her to see me.

My gaze shifted toward the woman behind the two men, my eyes subtly twinkling as I found my target. The woman had beautiful, fair skin, back-length natural silver hair with a ponytail tied with a pink ribbon, bright, vibrant violet eyes, and a slender and graceful build.

She wore a white button up shirt, a navy blue pleated skirt, dark colored stockings, and formal low heel shoes to match. On her left hand, the faint print of an alchemic symbol could be seen if one were too look hard enough, it's designs strange and foreign to me.

The woman walked toward me with a face of confidence and nobility, stopping in front of me with her arms crossed. She eyed me up and down, scanning my entire figure. She let out a soft hum of subtle judgement, meeting my gaze once again and glanced over to look at Jaiden.

"You come here with only yourself, and one other man...a rising artist risking his career and a nobody rising up to face a losing battle. Except this nobody happens to be one of the foolish," The woman began, her tone filled with ridicule and weak venom.

I chuckled softly at her judgements and subtle attack upon my and Jaiden's characters. I slipped my hands in my pockets, shrugging my shoulders lightly in response. "Y'know... everyone who is associated with Tony just loves to call me a nobody, and yet you all are still paying attention to me."

"If I was truly just a nobody, Tony wouldn't even be paying much attention to me, Anastasia. But he knows that I am a real threat to this corrupt system everyone just lives by...he knows his cards are thinning, and he's scared by my own hand.." I finished, stepping forward to meet Anastasia's gaze closer.

Anastasia didn't back away, her gaze only growing more intense as my presence was challenging her own. Her expression was fiery, fueled with internal pride to stand up for herself.

"And I know everyone who sides with him are scared as well...change isn't always pretty, but it is necessary. And that's why I'm starting with you all...I want you all to acknowledge me," I said, my gaze never breaking away from Anastasia's.

Anastasia scoffed lightly at me, pushing me back and rubbed her wrists gently. "Acknowledge you? I am Anastasia-Aurora—"

"Reigns. Yeah, yeah. Save me the noble introduction. I've had my dose of royalty yesterday, and it's time I take action. And by taking action...I want to join your group," I interrupted, pushing the conversation straight to the point.

Anastasia paused for a moment, going a bit silent at my request and glanced back at the two men behind her to see if they also heard what she did. The two men behind her glanced at each other, all three of them just as confused as the other.

"You want to join us? And about that entire talk about wrecking everyone aligned with Tony?" Anastasia questioned, her own skepticism right in her own mind.

"I understand the confusion, and don't get it twisted...I will upkeep my promise, but I know you all are different. You are bound by a higher power, that power being Tony... otherwise you wouldn't even be in your situation," I replied, keeping my gaze on Anastasia to watch for her reactions.

Immediately, Anastasia grew defensive, shooting me a burning glare, her nerves flaring up with fiery energy. "What do you know about my situation? Tch, I can tell you just came here to mock me didn't you? Who sent you? Leonidas? Claudio?"

I let out a soft laugh at her defensiveness, shaking my head and meeting her gaze once again. "C'mon, Anastasia. You know Trinity Valley...people talk. Sing like canaries and songbirds, gossip and whisper about any drama, even drama that comes from the hierarchy."

"Everyone knows Crystal City invaded La Vernia yesterday, but I know a little more than that. I know you paid the Lo—"

Anastasia immediately covered my mouth, gripping my lips and digging her nails into my skin. Her entire body broke out into sweats, peeking around to make sure no one was looking. She turned back to the blue haired man, pointing her thumb at Jaiden.

"Cameron, take Jaiden inside and keep him there. Tell everyone that I will be right back," Anastasia said, dragging me along with her down the hall by my lips.

Jaiden grunted softly as Anastasia dragged me away, his body tensing as Cameron and the cinnamon haired man grabbed him, snatching him inside the clubroom. They covered his mouth, keeping him from causing commotion and closed the doors.

Meanwhile, Anastasia continued dragging me down the halls, shoving me into a janitor's closet and stepping inside as well. She closed the door behind us, locking us inside then placed an alchemic seal around the door knob to seal anyone from entering and leaving. She also placed a reflective wall of energy on the door, making the room soundproof.

"Geez, at least take me out to dinner first before you shove me into a private location," I mocked exasperatedly, fixing my clothes and wiping my lips.

〔Charisma EXP +300〕

Anastasia rolled her eyes at my jest, turning on the light inside the closet and crossed her arms. "You were about to expose some serious ALLEGATIONS to everyone. Are you crazy?"

"Oh, so you did pay the Lost Syndicates to raid the mines of La Vernia. Tch, typical desperation from nobles like you. And yet, I'm the failure?" I scorned, looking her up and down with critical judgement.

"How do you even know about the Lost Syndicates invasion? No one knows about that!" Anastasia scoffed, her body tensing extremely as she glanced at me with a mix of judgement and curiosity.

"I know about that because I was there...I was there to stop the Lost Syndicates as The Ace. And then you try to strike La Vernia again when they found Natural Orichalcum. Your own cousin..." I answered, revealing a truth only she would hear for now.

Anastasia's eyes widened at the revelation, taking a step back in disbelief. Her heart rate began to increase, her muscles tensing with physical shock. "...w-what..? You're... associated with The Agency..?"

"Not so much for a failure now, huh..?" I asked, titling my head up with subtle arrogance, my tone a mix of subtle taunt and a hint of pure superiority.

Anastasia lowered her head, her bangs shadowing her face with hidden regret and disgrace. She bit her lip gently, balling her hands into fists, her nails digging into her skin. "So... what's your true motive on joining us, now that you have this leverage..?"

"You plan to destroy my image? Destroy the entirety of Crystal City? For what? Just to weaken Tony's playing field? All you're doing is just cracking the surface of his power! You will only be like the last guy to stand up, exiled and left on the side like trash!" Anastasia lashed out, shooting a burning scowl at me and growled lowly.

I stared at Anastasia with a quiet gaze, a smirk forming on my lips as I listened to her outburst. "That was a fine speech you gave. Are you done with your tantrum?"

Anastasia physically flinched back at my dismissive tone, shaking her head with vivid disbelief and blinked a few times, recalibrating her mind to figure out if I was talking to her. "What..?"

"You know, I could do everything that you said. Erase your name, your lineage's name, everything you have will be gone—" I began, snapping my fingers. "—Just like that. In an instant, you and your entire city falls."

"But, I'm smarter than that...You nobles are only just now moving your pawns around while I have already won the game. While I don't have all the tools to win the war, I know I've beaten you before you could move your first pawn. Hell...your first pawn tried to face me, but couldn't because he was too weak within my presence..."

"Tch... don't you call Cameron a pawn..! None of my people are pawns!" Anastasia retorted, her words barely holding any bite, her tone holding on a thread to keep any speck of composure she had.

"And yet, your people don't know you made a dark deal with the Lost Syndicates? Hm... Now I can see why Juliet thinks so lowly of you all," I shot back, my words piercing through her emotionally like arrows.

Anastasia's body trembled lightly, her walls crumbling under my harsh tone. She hugged herself, leaning her back against the wall and lowered her head again. "I...didn't want to do it. I had to...he made me..."

"Who did?" I pressed further, my eyes gleaming with interest as I knew I was starting to break through her noble exterior.

"Tony..." Anastasia mumbled softly, sliding down the door to sit on the floor, hugging her knees with visible guilt. "The Rich Family upped their tarrifs on Crystal City...making us pay him more money to continue receiving his benefits and protection. Crystal City has nearly mined through its natural resources for this month..."

"We need the money...or else..." She continued, her voice softening even more as she leaned her forehead against her knees.

I looked down at Anastasia, my gaze softening a bit as I learned the truth. As my suspicions were correct, the two invasions were connected, but Tony's involvement made things more complicated and sinister.

I walked toward Anastasia, crouching down in front of her and gently placing my hand on her head, causing her to look up at me. I exhaled softly, closing my eyes then shifted my mindset back to a peaceful one.

"Listen, don't need to fight this kind of battle. Follow Tony down a path of self-destruction...There is a way out for you, for you and your people. All you have to do is acknowledge me," I said, meeting her tear filled gaze.

Anastasia lowered her gaze, shaking her head slowly. "I can''s literally impossible for me to when I'm bound to the Rich Family. I'm trapped...and I don't have much leeway as I am Tony's Queen..."

This revelation caught me by surprise for a moment, my words getting caught in my throat. I stayed silent for a moment, regathering the words that once slipped my mind. "Alright...if that's the case then allow me to join...not as Ryder, The Ace and Rising King..."

"Allow me to join you as Ryder, The Joker and Deceptive Pawn," I offered, my fingers instinctively running through her hair.

Anastasia closed her eyes at my gentle touch, subconsciously leaning into my touch. She let out a soft sigh of comfort, opening her eyes to meet mine. "Well, as much as I would like to just tag you into my faction...all new allies within my faction have to join via initiation."

"Initiation? What kind?" I asked, raising a curious eyebrow about her condition for me to join.

"A Gauntlet Battle. It's you against five members of my faction including me. The La Vernia Wolves and Black Lions follow the same conduct. To join us, you have to be military ready," Anastasia explained, her tone now more soft and calm due to my soothing touch.

I let out a soft hum, nodding my head along with her explanation. "Alright, and that's all I have to do?"

Anastasia rose an eyebrow at me, sitting up straight in slight confusion at my uncanny confidence. "You don't seem a bit worried? The Trinity Valley Military, though dysfunctional, are three of the greatest factions of the Agency."

"Yeah, but going into war with doubt in mind is the first step to failure. I'm planning a revolution, not just a normal takeover. There is no next time for me. Every move counts, there's no getting a piece back once it's gone," I said, my tone tinged with determination.

〔Ambition EXP +300〕

〔Anastasia seemed to like that...〕

Anastasia stared at me for a few moments, seeing the resolution in my eyes with a hint of total belief in myself. She smiled softly and averted her gaze, internally agreeing with my ideology. "I share the same ideology...the same Joker persona you have now."

"Truthfully...I pride myself on being the best version of myself in five years. Sure, I will make reckless mistakes, foolish choices, but at the end of the day...I will uplift Crystal City again. All I want to retake my crown and agency," Anastasia finished, meeting my eyes once again.

"Trust won't regret having me within your ranks. And I promise to break you out of Tony's chains and shackles," I promised, my eyes lingering onto hers for a second longer.

Anastasia nodded, her heart skipping a few beats as she stared into my golden eyes. "I will hold you to your word..."

With those final words, I helped Anastasia up and we began to regroup and regather ourselves. Once we were recollected, mind and body, we made our way of the janitor's closet, being sure to not be seen.

We traversed down the halls, Anastasia walking in front so the other students didn't think I stood on equal footing to her. Once we reached her clubroom, she entered inside and left me standing outside.

"Lady Aurora, you've returned...and I see that False King is still standing. A simple Mire would dispose of such filth," A dark looking man said as he approached Anastasia, shooting a dark glare at me, his yellow eyes shining with dark brilliance.

I smirked at the man, studying him as he spoke. He had an air of dark excellence and mystery, his essence shrouded in darkness. The man had a tall physique with black hair, his bangs covering his left eye as if to hide hidden power. He wore a black leather jacket with belts attached on the sides, black jeans and shoes to match.

"Mysterious type huh..? Here to protect your queen like a good Bishop..?" I taunted, chuckling lowly as he began to buck.

"Enough, from both of you," Anastasia intervened, holding her hand out to stop the man. "Silas, you will get your chance to battle him later...he will be going through initiation.

Silas hummed softly at Anastasia's words, closing his eyes and fixing the collar of his jacket. "Is that so..? Then I hope you're ready, Rising King. We won't go easy on you, and maybe even beat you to an inch of your life for treason, Mr. Recognition..."

I let out a nose exhale at his declare, my smirk remaining on my face. "Is that so? Well, allow me to make my own declare, Dracula."

Anastasia covered her mouth at my insult to Silas, glancing over at him to see his reaction. Silas stared at me with a daze of pure darkness, his nostrils slightly flaring with brewing anger.

"Your threats mean nothing to me. And what you don't realize is I'm gonna smash you during that initiation. You don't even stand a chance against me...I may not be coming into this as a King, but by the end of the initiation and when I'm standing on your chest..." I began, pressing my thumb upon my chest.

"You will acknowledge me," I finished, raising the number one in the air to represent myself as "The One" in One Million.

Silas stared at me with boiling darkness within his veins, letting out a low, dark chuckle. He turned his gaze toward Anastasia, giving her a chilling smirk. "I look forward to breaking him, Lady Aurora. Maybe then...he will learn his place.."

Anastasia watched as Silas walked off, letting out a soft sigh and turned her gaze toward me. "If you want to join this group, you can't go around antagonizing everyone. Especially not my Advisor..."

I scoffed lightly at Anastasia, crossing my arms and tilting my head slightly. "So they can freely say whatever they want to me, but I have to watch my tongue? Not happening. That will only happen when I join. Until then, we are technically still enemies..and I will smash you as well. Now return Jaiden to me."

Anastasia's eyes flared up with a challenge, yet her cheeks also flared up as she took my statement in two ways, closing her eyes and clearing her throat. "Sure, I will return Jaiden.."

The source of this c𝓸ntent is freewebnøvel.coɱ.

Anastasia walked off into her clubroom, disappearing around the corner. I waited for a few moments, looking down at my phone to text Charlotte that I would be stopping by HQ after I get done with my errands at the campus.

After a few moments went by, Jaiden finally walked out of the clubroom with Anastasia following behind. I looked up from my phone, meeting Jaiden's gaze with a smile. Jaiden smiled back at me, walking toward me to stand by my side.

"Now that that's over with, take this...this is the location I want you to meet us at. Meet us at 3 PM sharp. Failure to show up will immediately forfeit your initiation...and we will have no choice but to see you as a permanent target," Anastasia said, holding out a piece of ripped paper toward me.

I took the paper from her hand, sealing my deal with her and the Golden Crystals. I read the address upon the small page, the words reading "Crystal Forest" in fancy, smooth cursive. I flipped the page over, noticing she had also wrote her number on there.

I didn't comment on the number, keeping that between her and myself. "Hm...I understand. I hope you can be a little lenient with the time as I do have errands to run also."

"Alright, I will give you a one hour grace period after three. After one hour is over, you're done.." Anastasia said, holding her hand out for a handshake.

I took her hand, shaking it with a confident smile. "I understand..."

Anastasia took her hand back, keeping her royal front strong and began to close the door, her gaze peeking through the crack of the door directly at me before closing. Once the doors closed, Jaiden and I glanced at each other then began to walk down the halls.

"You managed to get yourself into a Royal Battle as well as an Initiation? Two for one huh?" Jaiden teased, glancing over at me with a small hint of curiosity.

"I played my cards right and landed a spot...for now, you're gonna have to hold down our starting faction during the times I'm with the Golden Crystals. Can I trust you in being the Shadow King as my trusted Jack and Rook?" I asked, looking over to meet Jaiden's gaze.

Jaiden took a moment to think about his answer looking ahead and let out a thoughtful exhale. "I mean... yeah. I can manage the more... civilian and public side of things if you catch my drift."

"Yeah, I hear you...things would be a lot quicker with Matt though," I said, looking ahead as I rested my hands behind my head. "The three of us are always unstoppable together."

"Yeah, and soon we will get him back on our side. All it takes is you getting his sister on our side," Jaiden agreed, slipping his hands into his jacket pockets.

Our hands became more full than we initially thought, but the two of us knew we could manage the job. With our side done, all we had to do was wait for Allie to finish her side of things in the recruitment process.

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