Socially Anxious Girl Starts Hoarding Before the Apocalypse-Chapter 88

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Chapter 88

A few hours after the eruption, Wen Qian, who was asleep, heard a sound for the first time, and at the time she was unable to immediately determine the source of the sound.

But she felt uneasy, because she had no internet access, so she had no idea what was happening outside.

Due to her unease, her subsequent sleep was not very good, and early in the morning she rushed to the nearby ranch to check the news.

Wen Qian stood in place, looking at the reports and videos on her phone for a long time without moving.

She had never been abroad, and all her understanding came from the internet.

Of course, she had also seen related doomsday movies, but the disaster that was happening was different from the movie scenes, making people feel terrified.

This disaster was just beginning.

Wen Qian looked up at the blue sky and white clouds in the sky, and wondered if the sky would still be like this in the future?

The volcano was still erupting, and the highest level of volcanic eruption was level 8, which was a destructive blow.

Previously, scientists thought that if the Yellowstone volcano erupted, it would be level 8.

Now, everyone hopes the eruption level will be slightly lower.

No matter what the Earth becomes, the Earth is still the Earth, it is still like this.

It's just that the living beings on Earth will be replaced, and a new beginning will start.

Among them, humans are the ones who least want to suffer such a catastrophic disaster. After so many years of development and so many achievements, humans who have reached the top of the food chain are now plunged into endless despair.

Will humans become extinct?

This extinction is not something that happens overnight, but is a slow and painful process. With a global food shortage, even with the super-virus' reaping, there are still so many people left, and now they have encountered this huge eruption.

In the era of famine, people ate soil or strange foods, and this was not just a story, but a reality.

Now it may happen again.

Wen Qian took a deep breath, standing in the sunshine, not knowing what to think.

Is the disaster caused by the volcanic eruption the final step of her dream?

Does the heavy snow in her dream also refer to what comes after this?

People may be able to overcome the difficulties, but the prerequisite is to be able to see hope.

With a level 8 volcanic eruption, if humans can achieve self-rescue with their current technology, it will be fine, otherwise they can only wait to die. 𝔣𝖗𝖊𝖊𝖜𝔢𝔟𝔫𝔬𝖛𝖊𝔩.𝖈𝖔𝔪

The consequences of this eruption may be more terrible than the super-virus, or the still-existing super-virus can take more lives during this time.

The areas of Maple Leaf Country near the volcano are evacuating northward, while the people of M Country are rushing southward.

At this time, Cactus Country cannot stop the people of M Country from coming their way.

Domestically, the emergency evacuation of overseas personnel has begun, and various industries have started emergency meetings.

If the previous goal was economic construction and improvement of living standards, then the future goal should be to survive.

In order to survive, resource integration must be carried out at the national level, and to stabilize people's hearts, the mainstream media has begun to release news about meetings and plans.

The future direction and urgent problems to be solved, such as the commercialization of carbon dioxide synthesis of starch technology and the research of controlled nuclear fusion technology.

And before resource integration, the super-virus should be eliminated first, otherwise later on, people may be killed by the virus before the famine.

At a time of lack of clothing and food, people's physical condition will be worse, which is undoubtedly good news for the virus.

The more this happens, the more the national-level measures should tend to soothe the people's hearts and formulate methods to solve the problems.

But not all countries have the strength to implement this, and many countries have been in a state of chaos since the outbreak of the virus.

Even before Wen Qian resigned, she could see on the news that some places had had coups or terrorist attacks.

The world has never truly been peaceful, it's just that where some are born, it's stable, and where others are born, it's in turmoil.

The virus has only accelerated this chaos, but now it is superimposed with the volcanic winter brought by the volcanic eruption.

This volcano is the Yellowstone volcano, one of the doomsday volcanoes, and if the volcanic winter caused by it lasts for ten years or even longer, what will happen?

This is the real-life apocalypse, so in some places, people have started to frantically seize survival supplies in order to survive, even before the cold winter comes.

Domestically, it has also caused extreme social panic, with people crowding into every supermarket and market, trying to buy things with money.

Some merchants take the opportunity to hoard goods and raise prices, just like many years ago when people went crazy buying salt.

However, in the domestic market, these merchants were quickly investigated and fined, and although prices fluctuated, they were still affordable.

People want to spend money to buy things, but in fact they want to spend their money while they can, fearing that their money will become worthless paper later.

Especially in many countries where the currency has become almost as worthless as waste paper.

M Country, such a powerful economic system, was all covered by volcanic ash after the eruption.

The volcanic ash entering the stratosphere and staying there will form a sunshade effect that will cool the Earth.

At the time of the eruption, lightning accompanied the volcanic ash, and the high-frequency lightning in the volcanic ash cloud added to the apocalyptic atmosphere.

In areas close to the volcano, it rained stones from the sky, destroying everything.

The volcanic ash that reached everywhere turned everything gray, and this range is constantly expanding.

Polluting the environment, covering the surface of plants, collapsing people's roofs, contaminating clean water sources, and damaging the human respiratory system and eyes.

Later, it will rain, but this rain is not the ordinary rain, but acid rain, which is also extremely destructive to the environment.

The air is toxic, the water is polluted, and this is a great survival challenge for humans.

The impact of the volcanic eruption in the short term is in M Country, but as time goes on, the impact will gradually cover the globe.

The news explanations also try to comfort the people, deepen their knowledge, and some may be more pessimistic, while others may be more optimistic.

People's ideas are originally very different.

The volcanic ash impact first reached Europe, with sudden cooling and rain, and severe air pollution.

The sky presented strange colors, just as when the volcanic eruption in Iceland occurred, the volcanic ash also went there first.

Flights were canceled, the economy was damaged, and people rushed to buy anti-haze masks.

The smaller the volcanic ash particles, the greater the damage to people.

Gloomy days and violent storms, and the grain yield cannot be guaranteed.

The rain used to be able to wash away all the dust, but now it is rain mixed with dust, making everything dirty.

The initial cooling was not too large, but seeing the situation other countries were facing, Wen Qian and many others were worried about the changes to come.