Spiteful Healer-Chapter 53: Crafting Mastery
Chapter 53: Crafting Mastery
“Mom, where the heck are you?” Eli asked through the Simbox communicator as he stood in his living room in front of her Simbox. Brushing his teeth caused his voice to be somewhat muffled.
“A class quest!”
“A class quest? Which class? I thought you’d meet us in Orm. Are you going solo?” Aegis asked hurriedly.
“No, but you can’t expect me to play without even having a class yet! I’m not telling you which though. I’ll be in Orm in a little bit, almost done!” She replied with heavy breathing, giving Eli the impression she was fighting something as they spoke.
“Ok, I’ll be around there a bit longer. Got some more stuff to sort out anyway.” Eli shrugged. He finished brushing his teeth over the sink in the bathroom before making his way back to his Simbox. Just as he was about to hop in, he heard a ringing from his phone and saw a popup in his peripheral vision appear telling him Shinji was calling. He lightly tapped his ear to accept the call.
“Hey, Shinji here. Is everything alright?” Shinji asked over the phone.
“Yeah, no problems here.”
“Ah, ok, good, I was worried you stopped streaming because of the news.”
“The news? No, I’ve just got it turned off for a bit while I sort things out.”
“Oh, ok, great! Looking forward to seeing what you get up to next then. Nevermind me, take care.” Shinji hurriedly ended the call. Eli shook his head to himself, preparing to climb back into the Simbox, but hesitated for a moment. Curiosity got the better of him and he turned to the television still mounted on the wall of the living room, tapping his wrist a few times to activate the interface and turn it on.
“We were all expecting it, just, not this soon.” A newscaster on one of the popular Shattered World Online networks spoke to his co-host as the footage of Makaroth battling through a large dungeon alongside his guild was playing behind them.
“No kidding, and I’m glad Makaroth is broadcasting it all because lord knows I won’t be reaching high enough level to start my Advanced Class Quest anytime soon.”
“Given that he’s only just started the quest and it does seem to be quite the endeavor, do you imagine that other players will be attempting to beat him to be the first ever Advanced Class player?”
“No doubt they’ll try, but I doubt anyone will beat him, and his guild, the Sages of Destiny, they’re just too good!” The other caster replied with glee, the two were not facing the camera but rather staring wide eyed at the footage that played behind them.
Eli saw enough and flicked the television off.
“Heh.” Eli mumbled to himself, standing idly over his Simbox for a moment, gently tapping it with his fingers, before eventually pulling himself into the Simbox, booting up the Shattered World Online, and within seconds he was once again standing in the village of Orm, not far from the town center. Standing and waiting for him was Darkshot, Lina, and Amlie. Lina was in the middle of showing Amlie her daggers when Aegis’ appearance interrupted them.
“So?” Darkshot asked expectantly.
“She’s doing a class quest somewhere, won’t tell me which, but she said she’d be here in a bit. I’m going to hang and prepare for the journey to Rene anyway. You guys probably have some stuff you want to do, right?” Aegis asked, looking at the three of them. They all paused, glancing between one another for a moment before blankly staring back at Aegis.
“What about Rakkan?” Amlie asked anxiously.
“I’ll talk to him. But it’s probably better if I do it alone.” Aegis replied calmly.
“Great. Then what should we do while we’re waiting?” Darkshot asked.
“How should I know?” Aegis looked at him with an overexaggerated shrug.
“C’mon, you’ve gotta have some plans by now for your land right? Should we do some prep work too?” Darkshot asked.
“I don’t want to trouble you guys with all that boring crafting stuff… I was going to do it by myself to level my crafting skills.” Aegis replied.
“Aah, well, if it’s work on your land, it works a bit differently. My old guild had land so I know a bit of how it works…” Lina interjected. “The person who owns the land usually assigns Leaders to complete the tasks. It’s the Leader’s skill that will decide the outcome of the construction or the craft, but the Leader can have workers. The workers utilize the Leader’s skill level and materials, and in return they get a portion of the experience. It’s how guilds handle major crafts and constructions. That’s why most guilds are sure to have at least one player with a high level in each of the crafting skills. Of course, the higher the Leadership skill of that person, the more that their crafting skill will affect the outcome, and the more experience the workers will get.” Lina explained with enthusiasm, enjoying the chance to show off her game knowledge to Aegis.
“Normally you gotta pay NPCs or other players to work for you, but you got some free laborers right here.” Darkshot replied with a smirk. “Y’know, as long as you build me something too.” Darkshot added.
“What?” Aegis asked with a raised brow.
“It’s nothing too fancy, just something to suit my style.”
“But it’s my land.” Aegis grumbled back.
“Yeah, but, who helped you get the land in the first place?” Darkshot grinned mischievously.
“Since it’s such a big plot of land, you could probably rent out parts of it to players and NPCs, since you’ll need some to maintain and protect the buildings…” Lina joined in. “You don’t need to build me anything though.” She quickly added.
“Aaand, since I helped you get it, you could let me live there for free. It’s only fair, since we’re party members.” Darkshot added more.
“I’ve already got a good idea of how it all works, and I’ve got a plan to get the land up and running, but it’s going to be a lot of work. I suppose if you’re willing to help out for the next few days instead of questing and hunting monsters, I could build something for everyone…” Aegis asked the three of them apprehensively.
“Hell yeah, the Tower of Darkshot is coming, baby.” Darkshot fist pumped the air.
“I’m not building something called the Tower of Darkshot, think of a better name.” Aegis protested.
“Darkshot Tower?”
“Tower of Mystery?”
“Domain of Darkshot?”
“Let’s focus, we’ve got work to do.” Aegis clapped his hands together loudly to cut off any future suggestions. “Darkshot, rent a wagon and start hunting Boars. Load them up on the Wagon and bring as many as you can to me, so I can level up leatherworking and harvesting, it’s the hardest thing to do efficiently especially without killing monsters myself.” Aegis commanded him. Darkshot looked like he was about to reply, but Aegis didn’t give him a chance.
“Amlie and Lina, here,” Aegis started pulling out the armor scraps and broken parts they’d collected from killing enemies in the Darxon hideout, everything left over from Aegis’ crafting binge. “Sell this stuff to anyone who will buy it and buy some spare construction tools. Stone Cutting tools, pickaxes, whatever you can. Nails and stuff would help a lot too since I won’t be able to make any myself until the forge is up, and that’ll be awhile. Rent a wagon also, if you need to.”
“Okay!” Lina nodded enthusiastically.
“And what are you going to do?” Darkshot asked.
“Pick up Stone Cutting somehow so I can make use of that ruined keep that Galanis and Eccen left behind. It wasn’t in the Craftsman Guildhall, but hopefully someone in Orm can teach it so I don’t have to go back to Kordas. Then, I’ll have a chat with a certain Orc.” Aegis replied. “We’ll be heading out around noon, everyone clear?” He finished.
“You can count on me!” Amlie joined in with more enthusiasm now.
“You’re definitely building that tower though.” Darkshot’s voice trailed off as he set out on his task, as did the other two.
Aegis made his way to the town square of Orm under the moonlit sky, the streets illuminated by lantern posts with flickering orange flames that lined the dirt roads of the village. The fountain and shops that surrounded it in the townsquare were still somewhat crowded despite the late hour, though mainly with players rather than NPCs. He spotted Sapphire, the half-bunny Demihuman, sitting on the edge of the fountain and eating a long carrot while looking over the other players doing business at this late hour.
“You’re really leaning into those ears, huh?” Aegis commented as she paused her carrot nibbling to look at him.
“I picked this race ‘cause I like carrots,” She shrugged nonchalantly before taking a loud crunching bite. “You need something?”
“Ah, well, I was looking for a place to learn Stone Cutting…”
“Oooh, are you going to cut the pretty stones, or the boring blocks?” Sapphire asked.
“The blocks to start with, I guess, does it matter for learning it?”
“Not really, but most people specialize.” She took another loud crunching bite of her carrot, her eyes wandering away from Aegis to a group of low level players that had just entered the square. “Over there. Owner of that shop, Jade Lion. He’s a pain though, really picky who he teaches, that’s why he’s not with the Craftsman guild. Good luck, if he turns you down you’ll have to go to Kordas.” Sapphire pointed to a building lining one of the streets that headed out of the Town Square, but still visible from where they were talking. A large jade Lion head could be seen protruding off the building over the door, reflecting the flickering lantern lights on the street.
“Okay thanks.” Aegis smiled and headed in that direction.
“Stay outta trouble!” She called after him. Aegis approached the front door of the small wooden building built in between several other shops. It had a small stone-carved path leading from the street up to the front door with two identical stone statues of a sitting Lion flanking the door, surrounded by a small garden of flowers whose blossoms had closed for the night. He gently turned the door handle, unsure if it would be locked for the night, but to his surprise it wasn’t and the door opened with ease with a light bell above the door jingling to signal his arrival.
The shop was small with a light green carpet leading from the door to the counter several feet in front of him with no one in sight. On either side of the door stood two shining suits of armor, both wielding longswords, but neither were hanging on Armor racks. It gave Aegis pause as he looked to his left and right to stare at the beautifully detailed iron suits with detailed depictions of Lions and other symbols and markings etched into the iron. Seeing something so magnificently crafted began to flood Aegis with ideas on how to make his own armor, but he was snapped out of his daydreaming when he spotted a finger on one of the suits of armor moving.
“S-sorry, I didn’t mean to stare at you like that. I didn’t know anyone was in there.” Aegis stepped away scratching his head.
“There isn’t anyone in there.” A male voice spoke, Aegis spinning around to see a tall Elf now standing behind the counter staring at him. He had short curly black hair that did little to hide his large pointed ears, and wore fine green and silver colored silk robes with a beautiful silver necklace carrying a jade emblem of a lion. [Las’oiux - Level 30] was above his head in white text. “They’re enchanted suits of armor, to protect the merchandise. How may I help you, Priest of Eirene?” Las’ouix asked this as Aegis caught him eying up his vestments.
“Ah, well…” Aegis now spotted the rest of the items in the shop, the shelves behind the counter were filled with glass cases containing rings, necklaces, bracelets, pendants and large cut gems all on display. “I was hoping to learn Stone Cutting.” Aegis asked.
“Of course you were. You are planning to build a grand Statue in the name of your goddess, no doubt.” He replied with a friendly smile, his eyes squinting shut. Aegis opened his mouth to reply, but hesitated, looking carefully he saw a hint of annoyance in the Elf’s face. Remembering Sapphire’s warning, he stopped himself, leaving an awkward pause in the conversation as he looked around the shop - apart from the statues out front, there was little to no Stonework in the shop, only Jewels.
“No, actually…” Aegis improvised as he fumbled around in his inventory. “I found this ring on a recent adventure…” He pulled the ring that Eccen and Galanis had given him out of his inventory, it’s black onyx stone paled in comparison to the beautiful shimmering gems of the shop, but he saw the expression on Las’ouix’s face turn to intrigue, so he figured he had the right idea and continued.
“It’s nothing special, but it got me interested in possibly cutting my own in the future, should I come across any good stones while mining. Seeing how amazingly you cut gems, it would be an honor to be able to learn from you.” Aegis tried his hand at flattery.
“Ah, finally, such a relief to talk with someone interested in the true value behind the art of Stone Cutting.” Las’ouix smiled. “Of course, I’d be willing to teach you. I only ask for a gift in return.” Las’ouix motioned with his eyes to the ring in Aegis’ hand. Aegis hesitated, wincing for a moment - he hadn’t even yet taken the time to look at what the ring did, but eventually gave in, figuring he’d be able to make his own jewelry soon enough.
“Of course…” Aegis gently put the ring down on the counter, and Las’oiux quickly snatched it up, pulling out an eyeglass to inspect it for a moment before pocketting it and turning his attention back to Aegis. From under the counter he pulled out a box and opened it to reveal the tools of a Jeweler, a kit designed for cutting and polishing small stones, including tools made for small engravings.
“Most people think of stone cutting as carving out large stones from a quarry to build towers, and all that drab. However these are the true tools of the trade, cutting on a smaller scale, the finer details. Here is a plain quartz stone. Barely of any value on its own. It is our job to turn such rough and unusable stones into a thing of beauty and elegance.” As Las’ouix spoke he pulled out two lumpy jagged white quartz stones, placing one in front of Aegis, and holding the other.
“Watch a demonstration, then try your hand at it yourself. If you can cut that Quartz into something worth in value equal to this jewelers kit, I’ll consider you worthy of the craft and the kit is yours. But each failed attempt will cost you 1 gold piece.” Las’ouix instructed him as he began carving the stone in his hand first, and a quest pop-up appeared in Aegis’ peripheral vision.
Quest: Cut Raw Quartz into a Stone of 20% Quality or higher.
Objective: 0/1 Quartz Stone [Quality: 20%+]
Quest Giver: Las’ouix of the Jade Lion
Reward: [Skill: Beginner Stone Cutting]
Difficulty: Easy
Restrictions: None
After the demonstration finished, Aegis got right to work, doing his best to imitate the diamond shape of stone that Las’ouix had cut. Unlike smithing, Aegis found using the small tools very comfortable and familiar, reminding him of the scalpel and other surgery tools he’d spent hours practicing with in his Surgery Sim programs. His hands steady and careful, he’d finished the first try within 15 minutes.
Quest Complete!
Skill Learned: Stone Cutting (Beginner)
“Incredible, you’re a natural!” Las’ouix quickly yanked the finished stone out of his hand just after the cut quality showed itself to be 64%. “To be this high quality as just a beginner, I cannot wait to see what stones you can cut in the future. Here, as promised,” Las’oiux closed the Jewelcrafter’s kit after carefully placing all the tools back in their rightful places. “As you gain more skill you will likely need more powerful tools than the ones in this kit, but for now, they should suffice.”
“Thanks.” Aegis forced a smile, he resisted the urge to yank the Quartz stone back, and instead grabbed the Jewelcrafter’s kit and put it in his inventory.
“Make sure to bring me any other fine Jewels you cut, I’d be happy to take them off your hands. Oh, I mean buy them from you, of course.” Las’ouix smiled wide.
“Right, sure thing.” Aegis smiled through his teeth. “Take care.” He ended the conversation quickly and huffed out of the building, taking one last glance at the suits of armor before stepping back out onto the streets of Orm.
Aegis paused and let out a loud sigh. “Only one left.” He let out loud as he stretched his arms up towards the moon.
“Only one left of what?” Sapphire asked curiously, leaning up against a nearby Lantern post, eating another Carrot.
“Crafting skill, I think.”
“Oh, you got him to teach you? Not bad. I was getting ready to give you directions to the Kordas guild hall.” Sapphire smirked.
“No need. He just needed a little bit of flattery.” Aegis replied proudly.
“Don’t we all. So which one is left? Enchanting? Enchanting is a pain.” Sapphire straightened herself up while gently wiggling her distractingly large bunny ears.
“Nope, farming. You wouldn’t happen to know where I could learn that in Orm, would you?” Aegis asked hopefully.
“Pfft.” Sapphire did a wide wave of her arms in the general area around them. “Take your pick. Farming’s easy to find a trainer for. ‘Specially for growing carrots.” She spoke proudly. “Why’re you going for all the crafting professions though? Aren’t you a Priest of Eirene? Priest ain't exactly a crafting class.” Sapphire motioned to his vestments.
“Heh. Yeah, I’m a bit of a completionist I guess.” He answered dismissively. “Hey, there’s no problem with duels within the city, right? If both people agree?” Aegis asked. Sapphire paused at this question and took a pronounced bite of her carrot, staring at him as she chewed and swallowed.
“No. As long as you don’t cause property damage. Or disturb the peace.” She squinted one eye at him.
“Okay, thanks!” Aegis said quickly before turning to power walk his way out of the
Quest Complete!
Skill Learned: Farming (Beginner)
Congratulations! You have obtained all beginner crafting skills.
Skill Learned: Crafting Mastery (Beginner)
Crafting Mastery - Level 1 (Beginner)
Improves your efficiency and skill when using any crafting skill or ability. This skill gains experience from utilizing any crafting skill, its maximum level is limited to the highest level crafting skill, and gains experience at a dramatically slower rate than other skills.
Proficiency Bonus with all Crafts: 1%
“Finally.” Aegis said to himself proudly as he left one of the Orm farm fields, having been taught the farming skill from one of the farmers that recognized him from the Church of Eirene. He stretched his arms up to the sky as the sun slowly crept up over the Horizon, starting a new day in the land of Kalmoore. The sound of the Orm village waking up was peaceful, as horses were tied to carts and their wheels creaked down the dirt roads around him. The birds began to fly out from the treetops of the surrounding forest and pester the villagers for breadcrumbs and other scraps of food while chirping loudly. Roosters crowed their farmers awake as they began another day of tending to their fields. After enjoying a moment of peace, Aegis pulled open his character window to get an idea of where he stood.
Name: Aegis
Title: Lord of Rene [Land Rank: 0]
Race: Human
Gender: Male
Marriage Partner: Lina [+25% Experience While Grouped]
Level: 13
Class: Priest
Health: 1013/1013
Mana: 489/489
Stamina: 148/148
Hunger: 100/100
Armor Rating: 152 [-20.35% DMG Reduction]
Strength: 21
Agility: 19
Constitution: 35
Intelligence: 11
Spirit: 40
Charisma: 10
Eirene: 270
Chest: Simple Leather Armor [34 AC]
Legs: Simple Leather Pants [25 AC]
Feet: Boar King’s Treads [12 AC], [O1: -5% BST] [40% Quality]
Hands: Simple Leather Gloves [14 AC]
Back: Vestments of Eirene [1 AC] [O1: +3MP/m]
Mainhand: Copper Short Sword
Offhand: Reinforced Copper Shield [51 AC][42% Quality]
Class Skills [Priest]
Minor Heal(Beginner): Level 20 [+255HP, -35MP]
Smite(Beginner): Level 1
Cleanse(Beginner): Level 1
Bless(Beginner): Level 12 [7m45s, +13-15 dmg, 107mp]
Healing Wind(Beginner): Level 12 [33s, +25hp/3s, 54mp]
Gentle Touch: Passive [Eirene]
Pacifism: Passive [Eirene]
Basic Skills
Shield Mastery(Beginner): Level 23 [+16.5%]
Abilities: Brace, Shieldwall
Sword Mastery(Beginner): Level 2
Abilities: Parry
Leather Armor Proficiency(Beginner): Level 21 [+21%AC, +4MS]
Persuasion(Beginner): Level 1
Shadow Resistance: Level 10 [10% DMG Reduction]
Horseback Riding(Beginner): Level 1
Land Vehicle Mastery(Beginner): Level 1
Crafting Skills
Mining (Beginner): Level 13
Woodcutting(Beginner): Level 8
Herbalism(Beginner): Level 7
Creature Harvesting(Beginner): Level 10
Weaving(Beginner): Level 4
Sewing(Beginner): Level 7
Refining(Beginner): Level 16
Blacksmithing(Beginner): Level 15
Woodworking(Beginner): Level 11
Alchemy(Beginner): Level 2
Tanning(Beginner): Level 8
Leatherworking(Beginner): Level 9
Artistry(Beginner): Level 3
Architecture(Beginner): Level 1
Scribing(Beginner): Level 1
Cooking(Beginner): Level 9
Enchanting(Beginner): Level 23
Stone Cutting(Beginner): Level 1
Farming(Beginner): Level 1
Crafting Mastery(Beginner): Level 1
Simple Iron Manacles: 40% Quality
Ferrawolf Hide: 8% Quality, [-Dmg Taken from Abyss Creatures]
Broken Shards of Suffering[6]: Below 20% Quality [Unknown Effect]
Boar King Hide[3]: Below 20% Quality, [-Dmg Taken from Beasts]
Boar King Tusk: 36% Quality, [+Dmg to Beasts]
Unidentified Longsword: 45% Quality [Unknown Effect]
Jewelcrafter’s Kit: 16% Quality
Various Copper Shields[18]
Various Copper Swords[11]
Various Copper Tools[57]
Crafting Materials(Food[37], Herbs[153], Other[119])
“A bit aways from advanced. Not even intermediate in anything yet.” He mumbled to himself. “One last thing to do before the real grind starts though.” He made his way back through the village of Orm towards the church of Eirene, watching as various players headed in, excitedly taking on their beginner class quests from within the Church by talking to Clara. Aegis wasn’t interested in heading inside though, instead turned his attention towards the large gravestone where players logged in after being defeated.
A quick glance at the sky let him know that he’d only have to wait a bit longer, so he did just that, watching sometimes angry, disappointed, or eager players log back in and dust themselves off after having recently been defeated by something or someone. Some checked their inventories only to find they’d dropped several precious items. He wasn’t the only one waiting at the respawn location, as he’d occasionally catch players waiting for fallen party members to log back in and rejoin them for another shot at whatever challenge took them out.
Seeing the purity of Orm and the innocent players logging in and grouping up to just have a good time settled into Aegis’ mind as he did his best to grasp the point of view of the orc he was waiting to confront. He didn’t need to wait long though, as right on the dot of his 24h forced log out, Rakkan re-appeared in the gameworld, spotting Aegis within seconds.
Aegis straightened himself out and fastened his shield on his left arm without speaking a word, and a glaring Rakkan drew out his weapons without hesitation.
“Let’s talk.” Aegis spoke.
The source of this c𝓸ntent is fr𝒆e(w)𝒆bnovel