Star Wars: Daimon's Story-Chapter 27: Order of the Balance Keepers
Chapter 27: Order of the Balance Keepers
Thousands of years ago, before the Republic existed, and when Coruscant was called Notron, there existed the Zhell, a species that lived on Coruscant alongside the Taungs. However, these two species didn't get along and ended up fighting each other for centuries.
The Zhell had created the Battalions of Zhell to fight the Taungs over the course of several centuries until a major planetary event happened. A large and powerful volcano had erupted and devasted the Taungs, killing tens of thousands of them and giving the Battalions of Zhell an advantage.
Because if this, the Zhell managed to drive the Taungs off of Coruscant. The Taungs then travelled the galaxy for a few months, until they arrived on the Outer Rim planet Roon. And for several thousand years, that's where they remained until now in the year 7001 BBY.
A strong leader had arisen and led them to conquer a new planet for themselves. This new planet was yet to be named but would eventually be named Mandalore by the Taung themselves who would also start to refer to themselves as the Mandalorians.
With the arrival of Sera and the Force sensitive children that Daimon just adopted, it was time to set up his own Force Order. He was sitting down talking with Cortana about what he should name his Order.
"How about... the Emperor's Warden's. It has a nice ring to it and fit perfectly." Cortana suggested. Thinking about it, it wasn't a bad name, yet he wanted to hear all the options they would come up with.
"I'll keep that one in the back of my mind. What about something else?"
Cortana sighed as she had just come up with the perfect name, yet Daimon wanted something else. "Alright, then how about the Balance Keepers or the Eternal Guardians," Cortana offered even more suggestions. Daimon sighed and leaned back into his chair thinking about the two names.
"Balance Keepers is basically perfect as it's neutral," he said. "And Eternal Guardians just sounds like a group of vigilant do-gooders. So, I say we go with Balance Keepers as the main central Order, while we can create something like sub organizations within the Order."
Glad that they finally came up with a name, Cortana had already created a plan for what Daimon said about sub organizations. "So, the Balance Keepers would be like the central Order where everybody goes to train and learn Balance, then we can have something like the Emperor's Warden's which is a path that one could take after they have achieved balanced."
"Sounds good to me," Daimon replied. "Different paths will nurture different strengths. The Warden path will be a hard path to follow as they will be chosen to carry out my will and protect me. Other paths could include training to be Officers in the Military or as Diplomats. There are a lot of things we can do to make sure the Order has various paths for people to take and Paths that will put strong leaders in various positions throughout our future empire."
"You know, I've been waiting a long time to finally start building our own empire. I have already created our own ships and technology that we will create for both military and civilian use," Cortana said. Rebuilding the Gen'Dai would be a long process since just 20 years ago, they lived in semi-primitive industrial society.
And now they were essentially being controlled by a leader who used Dark side weapons and artifacts to control them. A lot of work would need to be done in order to usher in a new era and get rid of the stain that would be left by Kaelor.
"Well, it was going to happen eventually, all we needed was to wait for me to develop my abilities first before I decided to take over an entire species and rule them for the next thousands of years." Daimon responded.
Cortana nodded as she knew that him getting stronger would help them in the long run. And because of his current strength she also wanted to suggest something else. "Since your abilities will elevate you to a higher existence, I think it would be extremely beneficial to form a religion around you,"
Daimon almost choked on his drink as he heard Cortana. "A religion? Around me?" He believed her to be joking. But Cortana's expression was dead serious.
"Yes," she said. "Think about it Daimon. A religion would cement your status and inspire loyalty among the masses. It will instill in them a sense of unity and purpose beyond the political or military structures we put in place."
"I suppose," Daimon understood why she suggested and saw that it could work especially considering how beneficial the idea of creating a religion is. Influence was something else that he needed to be mindful about as well as power.
"We could use your ideas and principles of balance to give birth to a religion that will be used to unite people under you while promoting positivity and betterment," Cortana elaborated.
Daimon thought about this for a while before he came to his decision. "Alright," he conceded, "Once we retake Veldari we will create the religion."
Glad that Daimon saw the benefits, Cortana started creating what she envisioned a religion set up around Daimon would look like.
After talking with Cortana, Daimon went back to his training which he had about 3 years left before his body and mind could fully utilize everything the Force has.
3 years passed quickly, and each day Daimon made a ton of progress. His knowledge expanded, his powers grew, and his understanding reached a level much higher than any Force User in history.
Sera and her training were going well, though she was still about a year out before she met Daimon's requirements and became the first person to ever be promoted in his new Order.
The Balance Keepers were created with the Core philosophy of being dedicated to maintaining balance within the Force. The Force was viewed as a flowing river, with Light and Dark as its currents flowing smoothly next to each other. The mission of the Balance Keepers was to not favor one side over the other but to ensure neither side dominates a person, as imbalance leads to chaos.
The three guiding principles were:
Duality without Division, which meant that the Light and Dark are two facets of the same Force. Both are necessary to achieve balance.
Balance over power, meaning true strength comes from harmony, not dominance.
And finally, the last principle was the Living Force which would make the Order see the galaxy as a living entity, and the Balance Keepers are the stewards.
After the guiding principles, the Leadership of the Order would be centered around Daimon at the top of the hierarchy, with a council of 6 called the Circle of Harmony below him. Most decisions that will be made by the Council would first be approved by all 6 members before getting the final approval from Daimon.
After them would be the Masters who are Senior members that guide the next generation, oversee major missions, and ensure the Order stays true to its purpose.
Starting from the very beginning of the Order would the Initiates who would range from age 4-12, then after proving to understand the basics of the Orders teachings they would be promoted to an Adepts who would begin intensive mentorship under a Master.
The Adepts, aged between 12 and 20 years, depending on their progress, would learn to apply the principles of balance in various complex scenarios.
This stage was critical for the development of an Adept because it's where they started figuring out what path they wanted to follow within the Order.
Once an Adept had reached the age of maturity and proved themselves skilled and dedicated to the principles of balance, they could then be promoted to Guardians. As Guardians, they would begin their duties in fulfilling the Order's mission across all the planets under Daimon's control.
Their responsibilities were multifaceted, including but not limited to peacekeeping, negotiations during disputes, providing aid in times of crisis and disaster and warfare.
The practices and training of the Order would involve a series of meditative trials where initiates learn to embrace both the Light and Dark sides of the Force within themselves.
A hybrid combat form combining Light and Dark techniques would be taught, including Daimon's own Lightsaber combat form. Members will train to adapt to any situation, reflecting the principle of balance.
As of now the ancient Je'daii temples would be used as training grounds until the Citadel which will be the central training grounds for the Order is created. The Citadel would be a massive building to house tens of thousands of Force Users, while the other temples would be extensions of the Citadel.
Unlike the Jedi Order, members were allowed to form attachments and create families once they reached a certain rank. Because allowing them to form emotional connections too early would hinder their personal and emotional growth. Only after reaching the rank of Guardian, where they would have established a strong foundation in the Force and have a mature understanding of their responsibilities, would they be allowed to marry and start families.
This decision was not made lightly but Daimon believed that it was essential for the emotional wellbeing of the Order's members.
For suborganizations, a separate training route would be for Daimon's own Emperor's Wardens, dedicated protectors of the emperor and enforcers of justice within the Empire.
The Emperor's Wardens emphasize unwavering loyalty to balance and service to leadership, ensuring the emperor's rule is enforced. Wardens are taught to wield authority responsibly, resisting corruption or tyranny. For this the Emperor's code would be established blending loyalty, discipline, and adherence to a philosophy.
Following them would be the Force User officers who would attend the Academy of War alongside non-Force User officers. The Academy of War would have the resources to teach both types of officers. The only difference would be the fact that the Force User officers will still originate from the Order of the Balance Keepers, while the non-Force user officers will be people recruited straight from the population and such.
Over the course of the 3 years, Daimon was not slacking and had created a secret agreement with various orphanages to adopt kids and bring them to Tython to be trained. By now the total number of children had reached 500 from the initial amount that he had.
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This was because Astralis Dynamics had not only focused on Orphanages but expanded their search into the very depths of Coruscant where crime was rampant, and children were either abandoned or left to fend for themselves. These children were given a new chance at life, pulled from the merciless underbelly of Coruscant and brought into the fold of the Balance Keepers.
Most of the trainers for such a massive number of people were specialized droids who were created through Daimon's understanding of the Force and would teach the same way he taught his own class.
It wasn't easy at first, but the children began to adjust to their new environment. The strict control structures, coupled with intense training and mental discipline, drastically changed their lives.
Gradually but firmly, they were purged of their previous mistrust and hardened outlook on life. What emerged in their place was stronger, beings of hope, power, and potential guided by a balanced philosophy.
With the Force Order formerly established and training the first generation of Force Users, Daimon had reached what he felt was the peak of his power and it was time for him to start building his army. But first the Force Priestesses had come to give him something because his body and mind finally was able to handle the immense amount of power.
A/N: Just want to let you guys or gals know that I do appreciate the support for this story and will try to produce Chapters everyday (No promises). But sometimes the Chapter isn't ready and if it's not then it will take some time. I prefer quality over quantity anyday.