The God Virus-Volume 2 - 52 The Bored God 2

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He continued by saying, "Now that their journey is over and he has had enough fun because of that person who has free will almost like his own and now that he can intervene, another kind of entertainment begins, another way of not being bored."

"He is faced with creatures that have free will! They know what's going on and understand and they are almost like him in some aspects! So He sends the people who has done good deeds and believed in Him to heaven, a place he would still be entertained by watching them enjoy heaven, enjoy the blessings, while he also starts torturing the people who have done bad deeds in Hell, because that's also another way of having fun and a way of getting away from being bored."

"And now as He's finally able to intervene, He shows them the consequence of their deeds by torturing them."

"Do you understand my meaning, my lil beauty?" Virus said with a smile on his face showing the golden beauty all the dimples on his face.

"I understand master, so you're saying He enjoys the process and He's entertained by it and doesn't intervene until they are done with their decisions and they are done entertaining and surprising Him with their decision, and after they die, another kind of entertainment begins as he rewards the good and tortures the bad who has done bad things, while getting pleasure again from both torturing and rewarding." The golden beauty said with a shining light in her eyes.

"Haha, you were almost right my cute Bella. Anyway, what I wanna say is that I didn't intervene and stop the phone companies because that would be boring and dull, there would be no challenge at all. So I wait till they are done completely and then I start punishing them, as otherwise would be just too boring!" Virus said with a short laugh.

"So do you now get why I wasn't making any moves till now?" Virus asked looking at Bella.

"Yes, hehe, because master is bored and he likes to play others to death, by first giving them hope that they have won, only to take everything away from them." The golden beauty said with a cute giggle on her face.

"My cute Bella has beautiful ways of interpreting. Well, you would have understood me better just if you had lived as long as me, because when you live forever, everything starts to get boring at some point, and only some things that pose a challenge won't make you bored anymore." Virus replied with a dimpled smile.

"And to me at this point, almost only not being bored matters." He said after a little silence.

Listening to this made Bella's gaze directed downwards not wanting to show her eyes which were turning moist as time passed, she thought 'Just how much a person has to live to get to this point, to just look for something that would entertain him, what has he gone through to be afraid of being bored?'

Seeing her head downturned, Virus knew exactly what was going on in her thoughts, so he said with a tight-lipped smile, "My lil beauty, no need to be sad because I've lived for too long, or because I love to find fun and challenges in life, every person is different from each other just as I am, everyone lives by a goal just as I do, so I'm not that different from others, and I choose to continue living instead of just killing myself, because living is far better than being dead and being nothing at all."

Seeing her master trying to make her feel better, oddly made the golden beauty happy as she turned her head upwards to look into her master's devilishly beautiful eyes as she said with a broad smile, "En... anyway, master has me now and I promise I would do my best so master would never become bored ever again, until eternity."

"Hahaha, I'm sure you would keep your promise... now let's get back to those entertaining monkeys." Virus talked with a fit of laughter at the golden beauty, but then he changed the subject.

He spoke, "Tell me my lil Bella, which one would hurt more, rising to the peak just to fall to the bottom, or going downside first and then fall to the bottom, I mean falling down when you're already near the bottom yourself."

"Which one would hurt more? And destroy you more?" Then his eyes changed to that of a chilly one as he asked with an evil grin.

Seeing the light in his master's eyes change and that evil grin which charmed her unconsciously, she replied "Of course if you rise to the peak and then fall to the bottom it would hurt more.... no, it won't only hurt more, it would kill you for real, losing while you're hoping is so much more painful than just despairing even more while you're already despairing."

"That's right, these monkeys are at the peak right now, thinking they have won, savoring their victory, this is the perfect moment to hit back, it was fun watching them do stupid things that I've already predicted and prepared counterattacks for, even before they had decided upon it. Now it's time for another kind of fun to begin, the fun of punishment!" Virus responded, if anyone else was there hearing and seeing the cold and chilly look in Virus' eyes and that evil grin, that person would probably be either frightened or charmed to death, swearing never to become this person's enemy at all costs or to become his at all costs.

"Now, go call the CEO ugly and the Legal ugly to come here."

"Okay, master." Replied the golden beauty still on the couch on which she was sitting all this time exactly beside her master, then she stood up, walking towards the elevator, from which she was going to leave to another floor on the 4 Times Square for summoning the two uglies.

Ten minutes later, the golden beauty came back with the CEO and Legal uglies, after she came back, without saying anything else she just came smiling and sat beside her master again, only to sit on the couch, exactly beside her master in her previous location

The two uglies though stood at a place their master would be easily able to look at them at the time he desired.

They didn't talk at all. All they did was to bow from their waists, just to wait for further instructions from Virus.

They didn't talk because the first day, the day their first memory was engraved on their minds was still and forever as clear as the day.

They remembered clearly the day they had woken up, only to see their master's chilly wrath, which warned them not to talk before he gave them permission.


⚠Author's Note: I'm not trying to offend any religion, belief, person, or other subjects and things similar to it. So, please take no offense, as I'm a religious man myself.