The Hunter of the Other World Who Is Being Misunderstood-Chapter 73:

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Chapter 73:

Yeah, actually.

Their real plan was to collaborate with influential politicians who watch their backs and influence the political landscape. However, isnt it a bit extreme to go as far as killing S-Class and causing national chaos?

They couldnt help it. Rep. Kim was in such a corner that he needed such a shocking incident.

Lead the way.

Yes, Sir!

A small villa deep in the mountains. A secret meeting was soon held in the drawing room there.

And after a while.

Im leaving now~


As Su Yehwi stepped into the reception room, he relaxed his shoulders. From now on, everything will be entrusted to the leader. That politician had a tendency to listen to the words of young people like himself.

When did you last get your badge, and now youre acting all icy, Representative.

Su Yehwi mumbled his dissatisfaction and left the hallway.


Representative Kim.

To tell the story about that man, they have to go back seven years from now.

The dungeon shock in the past really changed many lives. The only daughter of a wealthy family suddenly becomes an orphan. An abandoned person locked in a corner of his room can become a relief pitcher to protect the world.

In this way, Rep. Kim was one of those whose life changed according to the great flow of the times. Although he didnt mean it in a good way.

[Modern version of The Ancestors Four party lawmakers flee the country. Citizens outraged']

When the gate first appeared, Rep. Kim made a decision he would regret for the rest of his life after hearing a report that the weapons of the Korean military were ineffective against the monsters in the dungeon.

The only monster-free country where no gates had occurred. He departed for Germany.

Monsters are pouring in one after another.

The bullets are ineffective.

Moreover, just three days after the shocking incident, even the underground bunker of the Blue House was occupied by these strange beings. Now, who can we trust?

Everyone lives their own life.

Rep. Kim thought he was just doing his best to protect himself and his family.

[News Special Report: [Full Video] Strange phenomena discovered one after another in major cities such as Texas and Washington]

[The existence of superpowers!!]

[World Security and Cooperation Organization announces international name Awakener]


Until that concept appeared

Damn it!

In elementary school, it is commonly taught for convenience that the appearance of gates and the emergence of awakened individuals happened around the same time. In fact, if they examine the process of events closely, theyll find that the birth of awakeners actually came later than expected. Humanity only began its first evolution ten days after dungeons appeared.

How did I, a novice in politics, end up in this mess because of such nonsense!

As a representative, there had never been anything more bewildering for Kim than this.

[Breaking News: The successful recapture of the northern border of Seoul on the 7th, thanks to the operation of the new Awakener, Choi Jin (22).]

The war situation on the Korean Peninsula, which was no different from a living hell, was overturned by one awakened person.

[Dungeon Shock Decrease Trend Continues]

He never thought that the seemingly endless onslaught of monsters would be broken without warning.


Rep. Kim hurriedly returned home after seeing the changed situation. However, his brief mistake left a stigma that cannot be washed away. He was heavily criticized for fleeing overseas during the by-election held shortly afterward, associated with the Dungeon Shock incident from the past.


[When life is at stake, peoples true colors come out. Its really disappointing.]

[When the country was turned upside down, he ran away to a foreign country to live. Is it not possible to return the salary paid so far to the treasury-]

Representative Kim lost in the last election. Furthermore, this could be a problem that could end his political career.

The Dungeon Shock was a major disaster that caused everyone to lose a lot. Since theres nowhere to vent their frustrations, theres no point in cursing the beasts of the dungeon. 𝚏ree𝚠𝚎𝐛nove𝚕.com

The people directed their anger at the same person, hoping that someone would take responsibility for the situation.


Rep. Kim fell into despair. He felt like his political career might come to a complete end, and a deep sense of melancholy overwhelmed him. And during this most unstable and rough time, the person that Rep. Kim met was

[Tak Gwangjo]

One day, he received a phone call from a high school classmate whom he had forgotten about.

Tak Gwangjo.

The phone call was from the current leader of the Rakshasa Temple.


Collusion with politicians.

Thats good.

Establishing close ties with influential figures can yield benefits far beyond the initial investment.

With our churchs countless votes and blind money, we can determine whether a person wins or fails.

Su Yehwi thought briefly as he adjusted his raincoat.

Especially if it is a by-election with low voter turnout

Who could have expected?

Demonic beasts are angels who test mankind.

A new holy land will be established in this world. Or so claims a religion that merely spouts nonsense about accumulating merit to enter the illustrious 4444, when in fact theyre planning something like this.

Dungeon break terrorist incident.

Take advantage of the chaos to assassinate politicians with monsters

Conducting by-elections and manipulating public opinion related to Rep. Kims faction.

As such, their main purpose was to increase Rep. Kims chances of being elected. The terrorist attacks so far have been nothing more than a dry run to make this plan a success. In fact, besides such troublesome methods, there are also options to collaborate with individuals already firmly established in the political sphere

Rakshasa Temple is a latecomer in this arena, a fledgling company. The big names who can coexist with pseudo-religions and have so-called influence are already so deeply connected to native religions that there was no room for them to interfere.

So, they had no choice but to pick up and use duck eggs from the Nakdong River, like Rep. Kims faction. As these are people who were famous at one time, if they are revived well, it will be helpful in many ways.

Su Yehwi has put in a lot of effort so far. He completely hid Rep. Kims existence from members of the same church and refrained from sharing their knowledge of gate manipulation with others.

To the believers, he simply gave a vertical command, saying, This is necessary for a new era.


So far, this has been fine. In fact, the groups true purpose has been well hidden until now.

This God-given ability is very convenient.

All that remains now is to worry about how to create counterterrorism that will overturn the political world. Its been a long time since Su Yehwi already gave that answer.

It was all meticulously planned. Everything. However, as the plan approached its final stages, he suddenly felt uneasy.

Kim Kiryeo.

Kim Kiryeo.

An unknown hunter who didnt come up with a single article even when he searched on the Internet. Somehow, Su Yehwi couldnt shake the feeling that there was something suspicious about that person.

The rank disguiser who made Pyo Nagil scared

So Su Yehwi made a decision.

Now I cant just stand by and watch anymore.


Su Yehwi took out a feature phone from his pocket and made a call somewhere.


Hello? Ah, Mr. Broker. Its me. Yehwi.

The place he contacted was none other than a broker who connected him with a professional hitman.

Last time, you boasted that you had a very capable Awakened person on your side, right? Id like to see their skills for myself.

He spent a lot of money hiring assassins to eliminate the thugs.

In short, this is how a guest came to visit Kiryeos house


-Kiiiek. Kieeek.

What a piece of shit!

I cursed and looked up at the ceiling. Even at this moment, the barrier was breaking apart little by little. Of course, as long as the cores power is alive, the barrier can be restored many times.

Im so nervous I could die!

Still, scary things are scary. How can you sleep when someones been trying to break into your house for four days straight?

I covered my head with puffy eyes.

-No, some awakener tried to sneak into my house?

-Not anymore.

-Thats because they ran away after seeing the police! They will definitely come again at night. Please catch that b*stard.

Ive already called the police several times, but its useless. The nameless visitor always left when someone came to my house.

-Ha. Sir, were also busy people. There is nothing we can do for you now. So please, stop bothering us, and if something serious really happens later on, then you can report it

The police officers looked at me as if I was a liar, gave an irritated warning, and disappeared. They also stopped responding to calls.

Damn it.

So, is this why Kang Changho questioned whether to trust the police?

-Crack, crack.

Judging by the magical power felt, the identity of the intruder seemed to be a high-ranking awakener. Not up to S-Class, but roughly A-Class. And if such a powerful person is determined to enter someone elses home, their intentions are clear.

It cant be a good purpose.

Kidnapping or murder.

It must be one of the two.

I put my hand on my forehead and groaned.

How long has it been since I left that pseudo-group that my life is already in danger again?

No, fundamentally, is it because I escaped that place that I was able to survive?

I can also get a glimpse of the background of the visitors.

Kang Changho, Jung Haseong, etc. These two, with whom I have an uneasy relationship, are formidable individuals with skills approaching S-Class. Its hard to imagine they would entrust a job to such lowly thugs.

If youre an S-Class Hunter, its much more efficient to handle things directly yourself.

The options are greatly narrowed. Frankly speaking, now its just Park Juntae, or whatever, the crazy Earthling I met in the park, and the Rakshasa Temple left.


I briefly considered seeking help from Seonwoo Yeon but quickly abandoned the idea. The unwelcome visitor is clearly a much more skilled individual than Seonwoo Yeon. What would happen if the associations employees were clumsily dragged in?

Crack, crack.

At this moment, once again, part of the barrier is being damaged.


I stared at the damaged barrier spell for a long time, then muttered to myself.

Enough. Whats the point of all this hard work?

It was a vain voice.

I want to stop. Im tired

Okay, lets assume I manage to handle this situation somehow on my own. Lets say I put in the same relentless effort as I always have and manage to overcome it. But what difference would that make?

I have already been seen as a thorn in the side of some organizations.

So even if I solve this problem, a new threat will come sooner or later.

Then whats next? How do I handle the situation after that? Can I really continue to ensure my own safety going forward?

With this trash body.

The constantly occurring problems made me tired. So, I decided not to bother with this anymore. Unable to withstand the pressure, I eventually gave up trying.

Living in Alphauri for so long, and a few months on Earth. Ive lived enough for now.

Its okay. In a way, Ive thought its okay to die anytime. Just experiencing freedom in the body of Kim Kiryeo was enough to fulfill my wish.

Yeah. I might as well just die.

Beep beep beep.

I took out my cell phone and I immediately contacted a hunter.

Why would someone whos resolved to die suddenly call?

Still, the name of a great magician is worthy. If I were to fall into the hands of such a baseless rascal, what good would it do? My life will be used for something more worthwhile.


Its more like taking a reckless gamble in a fit of rage.

Say it.

Eventually, the call connected, and I calmly answered the voice coming through the receiver.

Hello. Hunter Kang Changho.

Come to think of it, this is exactly what Jung Haseong said before. A wizard with valuable skills but no power. What on earth does such a person need most?

These are security personnel.

Do you have a moment? I have something to discuss in person.

So, I guess I should hire a bodyguard at this point.

Is the offer you made last time still valid?

I continued speaking without hesitation while rolling the core, which was the center of the barrier, in one hand.