The Hunter of the Other World Who Is Being Misunderstood-Chapter 88:

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Chapter 88:

‘I found it!’

First of all, it looks fine on the outside.

‘I quickly manipulated the wind to buffer the air, but is she still alive?’


I went into the flower bed and carefully lifted up the fallen Earthling.

“Hey. Are you okay?”

Then, good news soon followed. She seemed to frown a few times while lying there, then suddenly opened her eyes.


The person who came to her senses froze for a while with a surprised face, and then said a word.



“Who are you to interfere in someone else’s business? Do you know how hard it was for me to make up my mind about this? Why did you stop me? Why did you stop me! Aaaah!”

People here treat their lifesavers in a very unique way.


It’s really the worst. How much courage it took to make that one attempt, but it ended in vain like this.


Self-employed person Gu Seohyeong gritted her teeth and glared ahead.

Anyway, nothing has pleased her since earlier. The failure of her attempt annoys her, being hungry annoys her. Moreover, she can’t find her glasses anywhere!

“Everything went wrong because of his meddling!”

Gu Seohyeong began to get angry with the man who had saved her.

“If you show pity, do you think anyone will thank you for it? No, why do you intervene without even knowing the circumstances of others? What are you going to do about this? Take responsibility!”

But what came back was an overly calm tone of voice.

“Calm down.”

Since Gu Seohyeong, who had very poor eyesight, couldn’t see anything at the moment, she had no choice but to continue the conversation relying on the voice she heard.

“You might be shocked because you just fell, so please sit down for now. How about here?”

A blond man is pointing somewhere in the distance. Squinting to see better, it appears to be the outdoor seating area of a nearby convenience store.

“Whether others are surprised or not….”

Gu Seohyeong grumbled as she sat down in the chair. As the other person had said, to be honest, her legs were shaking from earlier and she couldn’t stand up.


As soon as she sat down, she lowered her head onto the table.

But then, unexpectedly after a long silence, she heard the convenience store bell ring twice in her ear.

– Ding, ding.

When she looked up again, there was a drink in front of her that she hadn’t seen before. It was a café latte.

“I was noticed just by sitting there.”

It seemed like he had hurriedly bought it as a substitute for an apology…

Gu Seohyeong showed no signs of gratitude even after receiving the coffee. If anything, she would have glared at her opponent with a sharp eye.

“Are you not that happy that I saved your life?”

Gu Seohyeong frowned arrogantly as if strongly disagreeing. Then, the man across from her chose her words carefully after a brief silence.

“But suicide is not good.”

In the end, is he going to spout useless advice like ‘life is precious’ like everyone else?

“Oh, is that so?”

“Yes, well…”

Gu Seohyeong turned her head as if she had heard enough.


Isn’t this sentence slightly different from what she expected?

“Even though technology has advanced, there still isn’t a technology to bring back the dead in this world…”


“Shouldn’t we be cautious about these issues, at least until such skills are developed…?”

Irreversible? Technique? Skill? It seems like he’s saying that life is precious, but…

‘The word choice is so unusual.’

While she was feeling a vague sense of unease, from the blurred distance, once again, the voice of politeness echoed. A low, clear sentence from a man.

“Anyway, let me evaluate your situation from an objective perspective.”

“E, evaluate?”

“I mean, let’s consider whether it might be better for you to die as you are now. Let’s think carefully.”


“Perhaps seeing yourself through the eyes of a third party will help you find a reason to live that you never knew you had.”

As soon as Gu Seohyeong heard those words, she furrowed her brows.

“What if even you can’t find an answer in my life? What responsibility could you possibly take?”

Of course, the man answered without any sign of embarrassment.

“Then I’ll push you off the roof again.”


“You said to take responsibility. If you don’t want to fall, I’ll make sure to kill you some other way. Is that clear?”

The statement about being willing to assist in suicide if they both come to the same conclusion after thinking it over together. After hearing this, Gu Seohyeong felt a momentary chill run down her spine.


How can someone casually talk about killing another person like that? Especially someone they once saved with their own hands.

Gu Seohyeong clenched her teeth in tension for some unknown reason. However, it seemed that the other person completely failed to notice her feelings, as he continued to ask questions nonchalantly.

“Anyway, could you explain your situation? Why exactly were you trying to die?”

Having to share the story of her life to a stranger with dyed yellow hair. It’s not something she would readily do, but…

‘Yeah, I’m going to die anyway, so why not rant one last time?’

With this thought in mind, Gu Seohyeong began to explain quietly why she was standing on that rooftop.


Gu Seohyeong is an actor from South Korea. She is a former child actor, and made her debut in the entertainment industry 16 years ago when he was selected as a model for Boiler CF.

With innocent eyes, fair skin, and decent acting skills, how could such a person not be popular?

The best child of the time without any objection. This was the universal evaluation of Gu Seohyeong by society…

In a way, this was a harbinger of misfortune.

First of all, Gu Seohyeong was extremely uncomfortable with such public attention. She was born with an introverted personality.

She disliked appearing on TV and having her face become known.

She disliked going to crowded filming locations filled with adults.

And she disliked repeating emotional acting until a good scene was captured, and so on. Anyway, she was filled with distaste for this work.

However, whenever she expressed her desire to quit acting, her parents were shocked and tried to stop it. Because everyone would be disappointed.

She had to endure the hardships and continue her acting career.

Even as she aged and her popularity declined, she somehow managed to persevere, witnessing younger actors surpassing her, and it had been going on like this for 15 years.

“H, Heukh.”

Gu Seohyeong finally reached her limit. At the end of last year, she was diagnosed with panic disorder caused by stress.

‘I can’t live like this anymore.’

She decided to retire from the entertainment industry.

Of course, she had her own future plans. After all, she hadn’t just earned a penny or two in appearance fees over the years.

‘A store in my name!’

Gu Seohyeong went to her parents to fulfill her long-time dream of starting her own accessory workshop.


But as it turned out, her parents had already spent all the money she had saved from her appearances.

– Mom, what did you say?

– Ahem.

She realized that she had never even touched the money she had earned in her lifetime, and it had all vanished. And it was all because of her father’s absurd investment in virtual currency.

– I’m sorry. No, but what can I do? Until last year, it was making good profits. He asked me to see how much the 10 million won he put in had increased so much, and he kept showing it to me on the computer, so I…

Moreover, it wasn’t just the fact that the money was gone. The reactions from her family members were absurd.

– Well, at least we didn’t end up in debt like others.

– Oh y, are you really getting upset over our family just forgetting a bit about that?

– Seohyeong, money is something that comes and goes anyway.

Gu Seohyeong was so angry at the two people’s shameless excuses that she cried and shouted.

If so, please make money right away, even if it means selling this house. Only then can she open a store and quit her job…

– What? House?

But the sentence that came back was extremely cold.

– Are you going to say that to your parents who raised you? How can we move the whole family out of the house? What do you mean by move?

They didn’t seem to have any intention of returning the money to Gu Seohyeong.

– And why are you suddenly quitting your job as an actor?

– ….

– Is it because there are fewer places calling you these days?

– Dad, I’m having a hard time.

– Stop talking weakly. Basically, everyone else has a hard time too.

– I want to die.

– Dad always said. If you are truly prepared to die at such a time, anything is possible?

After the incident that day, Gu Seohyeong became completely distanced herself from her family. She had lost her pillar to lean on.

Well, then, this is the situation from last year.

“After that, I left home and took out a loan.”

From now on, this is the real main reason.

“No matter how dire the situation, having my own workshop under my name… Giving up on that dream was just too difficult.”

Starting a business…

Kiryeo, who was listening to this in silence, soon spoke.

“Then shouldn’t you work hard for the sake of the store?”

Then Gu Seohyeong suddenly bursts into tears.

“Yeah. If I had a store, I would have worked hard, right? But my shop was destroyed in that massive dungeon break in August. Now, it’s really all over!”

She didn’t want to burst into tears like this in front of someone she had just met.

“Plus, the gate accident insurance I had taken out in advance turned out to be completely worthless…!”


“Sob… I’ve worked so hard, why, why am I drowning in debt…!”

Once she started crying, the sadness poured out like a dam.

“I’ve heard your situation well. Now, I’ll tell you my thoughts.”

However, Kiryeo calmly guided the conversation without being swept away by the emotions of the other party. As an extraterrestrial soul, he still couldn’t fully empathize with the emotional expressions of this place.

“In my opinion, it’s still too early to die.”

“In what part!”


Kiryeo said, clasping his hands on the plastic table.

“To sum it up, you’re saying you’re having a hard time because of debt, right?”

“So what!”

“Then, rather than dying hastily, why not try to repay that debt…”

However, the response that came back was not very good.

“My debt is a whopping 240 million won, and it even involves third-party financial institutions! Are you going to pay it off for me? You’re just talking so easily when you’re not even going to do anything!”

Gu Seohyeong wrinkled her nose and narrowed her eyes disapprovingly, as if warning not to speak lightly of someone else’s life.

“I mean, who would want to avoid paying off debts, right? But the situation is what it is. The shop’s gone, and going back to showbiz is even worse than death for me!”


“But they say personal rehabilitation is not possible because it does not meet the requirements. Anyway, seriously, I’m…”

Gu Seohyeong fell silent, half on the verge of tears, as she uttered her final words.

“What should I do? I’m just so exhausted now… There hasn’t been a single good moment since the gate appeared.”

Even an extraterrestrial being would be moved to some extent by such heartbreaking tears. But why is that?

“The entertainment industry?”

Kiryeo was silent with a cold -blooded look.

“Excuse me. I have a question.”

What eventually comes out is a short question.

“Is there a reason why you avoid the hunter industry?”


“No, it’s just that as an awakened person, you seem to completely not consider the idea of working as a hunter…”

As she opens her eyes wide as if she doesn’t understand what’s going on, Kim kiryeo belatedly realizes something about her.

“You really didn’t know that you had awakened?”

Moreover, this person… isn’t even from the usual background like Jung Haseong.