The Last Experience Point
The days where adventurers would roam the land and grow strong are long gone. More than 99.9% of the world's population is level 1, and in fact, leveling just isn't something people think about anymore, as almost every spawn point on the planet has been gone for close to a thousand years. Only the elites, the super rich, or the super lucky have access to spawn points, and because of this, they are like Gods among men: like superheroes. For people like Zach, life is a mundane, ordinary experience of getting up, going to school, working, and then going back to bed. But that's all about to change when he stumbles upon one of the only unknown spawn points in existence. And in doing so, his life is about to descend into a wild chaos he never could have expected. (Lit RPG, fantasy, action, slow burn)
- C.175: Jimmy’s HatredNEW
- C.174: Mare of the Primordial VoidNEW
- C.173: Broken HeartsNEW
- C.172: The ArgumentNEW
- C.171: The Rule of the SystemNEW
- C.170: ResponsibilityNEW
- C.169: Elemental ShiftNEW
- C.168: How Jimmy Got his Groove BackNEW
- C.167: The Fate of Shadowfall CoastNEW
- C.166: YesNEW
- C.165: The Path of DestructionNEW
- C.164: A Will That Burns Hotter than FireNEW
- C.163: The Angry Little ManNEW
- C.162: TicketsNEW
- C.161: EmpathyNEW
- C.160: The Ritual SacrificeNEW
- C.159: Powerful AmbitionsNEW
- C.158: All-InNEW
- C.157: Calamity of StarsNEW
- C.156: The Rescue Pt IIINEW
- C.155: Noon UltimatumNEW
- C.154: The Rescue Pt. IINEW
- C.153: The Rescue Pt INEW
- C.152: The Demon CommanderNEW
- C.151: One-Man ArmyNEW
- C.150: Raid Leader Pt. IINEW
- C.149: Technical IncompatibilityNEW
- C.148: This is War. This Happens in WarNEW
- C.147 - Raid Leader Pt. INEW
- C.146: The Return to Shadowfall CoastNEW
- C.145: LEAVE!NEW
- C.144: A Dream come TrueNEW
- C.143: An Uncertain WorldNEW
- C.142: IndoctrinationNEW
- C.141: Zach’s First Press ConferenceNEW
- C.140: The True Value of ItemsNEW
- C.139: Weekly HaulNEW
- C.138: MushkieNEW
- C.137: ImpishNEW
- C.136: The Ancient RulesNEW
- C.135: The Third DominoNEW
- C.134: BittersweetNEW
- C.133: BreakthroughNEW
- C.132: A CommitmentNEW
- C.131: MistakesNEW
- C.130: Breath of InvigorationNEW
- C.129: HatredNEW
- C.128: TrackersNEW
- C.127: Finding a PurposeNEW
- C.126: The Guy who Knows EverythingNEW
- C.125: BoomNEW
- C.124: LaunchNEW
- C.123: Current EventsNEW
- C.122: Official DutyNEW
- C.121: Global CrisisNEW
- C.120: Call to ArmsNEW
- C.119: Twenty Hours to DoomsdayNEW
- C.118: From Ruby to RubyNEW
- C.117: A Mistake in the System?NEW
- C.116: A Million GoldNEW
- C.115: A Life DisconnectedNEW
- C.114: The King of the Slug ClanNEW
- C.113: The Island of ElendrothNEW
- C.112: Doom PhaseNEW
- C.111: BreakNEW
- C.110: The End of an EraNEW
- C.109: Blood in the WaterNEW
- C.108: PowerNEW
- C.107: The Way ForwardNEW
- C.106: Bitter EnemiesNEW
- C.105: GET’CHA!NEW
- C.104: The King’s CourtNEW
- C.103: Nightmare’s EndNEW
- C.101: The Dragon’s SpiteNEW
- C.100: Zachys Calador vs. Ziragoth the AwokenNEW
- C.99: The ReunionNEW
- C.98: Ziragoth the Awoken Part IVNEW
- C.97: Ziragoth the Awoken Part IIINEW
- C.96: Ziragoth the Awoken Part IINEW
- C.95: Ziragoth the Awoken Part INEW
- C.94: Battlegroup 7NEW
- C.93: Hero of Greed: How Zachys Calador Accidentally Saved the Entire PlanetNEW
- C.92: Kill-StealNEW
- C.91: The Boy in the WoodsNEW
- C.90: Project RejuvenationNEW
- C.89: The Room in the BackNEW
- C.88: A Chance EncounterNEW
- C.12: Quest Accepted and the Greatest Ally in HistoryNEW
- C.11: The God Slayers GuildNEW
- C.10: Exertion DebtNEW
- C.9: A Friendly ChatNEW
- C.8: TrashNEW
- C.7: Unwanted VisitorNEW
- C.6: Flavor TextNEW
- C.5: Spawn CampingNEW
- C.4: RoyaltyNEW
- C.3: Water MonsterNEW
- C.2: PermadeathNEW
- C.1: RespawnNEW