The Whole Village Thrives After Adopting a Lucky Girl-Chapter 113 - : Switching the Bride_l

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Chapter 113: Chapter 113: Switching the Bride_l

Translator: 549690339

Seven-year-old Chu Qing stood up upon seeing his granduncle抯 question, promptly wiping his nose before answering, 揗y dad抯 out in the field, is there something you need, granduncle?

The granduncle did not respond but looked over at his distant grandnephew before asking, 揂nd where抯 your sister?

揗y sister and my brother have gone to fetch water, they抣l be back soon. As Chu Qing said this, he wiped his nose again.

The granduncle furrowed his brows and turned to ask his cousin, 揝hall we stick around to check?

揙f course! The fourth clan elder took a quick glance around, then picked a smooth large tree root to sit on.

He wanted to see with his own eyes if this girl was indeed suitable.

Chu Qing was a good boy, noticing that the two elders were staying, he quickly went back inside the house to get a long bench for them to sit on.

The fourth clan elder nodded and asked, 揧our name is Qingqing, right? What抯 your sister抯 name?

Chu Qing: 揗y sister抯 name is Chuchu.

揅huchu, a nice name. Did your father tell her about the potential

mother-in-law? the fourth clan elder continued to inquire.

Chu Qing blinked, shaking his head in confusion. 揑 don抰 know.

The fourth clan elder, 揌ow old is your sister this year?

This Chu Qing knew: 揗y sister is fifteen. My dad said, after her birthday, he will go to town to buy fabric to make her a new dress.

Fourth clan elder stroked his beard thoughtfully before asking another question. 換ingqing, you抮e seven this year, right? Do you want to study? Chu Qing met the gaze of his granduncle with a blank look.

Just then, Chuchu and their younger brother came back with a big bucket of water.

Seeing two clan elders sitting at their doorstep, they both paused with surprise.

揝ister, you抮e back! The second granduncle was looking for you, Chu Qing cheerfully ran over to help carry the water bucket.

Chuchu nodded to both clan elders, and with her younger brother, carried the water bucket into the kitchen. Only after that, she came out to pay her respects to the elders, 揝econd granduncle, fourth granduncle.

The fourth clan elder noticed the girl conducted herself with composure and grace; he couldn抰 help but nod in approval.

On her forehead was a small red birthmark, no larger than a fingertip, which could be easily covered by her fringe, barely noticeable.

She had a beautiful face, clear eyes, and appeared sensible and considerate. The fourth elder was even more pleased.

He stood up and said to Chuchu, 揅huchu, when your father comes back, tell him to visit the Chu Family in the village. The Clan Leader has some matters to discuss with him.

Chuchu was taken by surprise but didn抰 ask any question, she gently responded: 揙kay, I抣l let him know when he抯 back.

The fourth clan elder, hands clasped behind his back, headed home and walked alongside his cousin, asking, 揌ow many years have passed since Chu Lao Shi抯 wife passed away?

The second clan elder thought for a while: 揚robably four or five years, Qingqing could barely walk then. Chuchu, that girl, had to take care of him while she did all the housework.

揥hat抯 the story with that boy named Chu Yan in their house? the fourth elder seemed more concerned about this.

Everyone in the village knew that Chu Lao Shi抯 eldest son was not his biological child, but a burden brought to him by his second wife.

The situation in Chu Lao Shi抯 home was complicated, which was why no matchmaker had visited their household even though Chuchu was a good fifteen-year-old girl.

揑f Chu Yan is given Chu Lao Shi抯 surname, it means he recognizes Chu Lao Shi as his father. He is not like what the rumors have been saying, destined to be Chuchu抯 childhood betrothed.

The second elder, aware of what his cousin was implying, explained everything to him.

Chuchu was the child of Chu Lao Shi抯 first wife. After the first wife fell ill and passed on when Chuchu was three, Chu Lao Shi went to work and brought back a woman refugee, who had a five-year-old son named Chu Yan.

The woman later bore a son for Chu Lao Shi and named him Chu Qing.

Unfortunately, she fell ill and died when Chu Qing was around two years old.

Since then, Chu Lao Shi became more silent and refused to remarry.

The people in the village said it was because he is cursed and it affected his children, hence they did not have positive view of his family.

The fourth elder nodded: 揂s long as it抯 not like what the rumors say.

He was also worried that Chu Lao Shi had already promised Chuchu to Chu Yan. If that were the case, it would seem like he was bullying them if he were to intervene.

At the Jiang抯 residence in Dongchen village.

After seeing off all the relatives, every member of the Jiang family looked utterly exhausted.

Their own wedding event was nothing but a complete disaster.

The groom was injured, the bride was taken away, and the bride抯 family refused to back out of the marriage, insisting on sending another girl over instead.

What kind of situation is this? It抯 unheard of in history, completely baffling.

Master Jiang and Madam Zhou were categorically against this bizarre suggestion.

Dani had cleaned the items in her elder brother抯 bridal chamber, items brought by the bride抯 family. Not a single one was left as they were all moved into the side chamber, ready to be returned to the Chu family when they had time.

This included the two red lacquered wood boxes from the bride抯 dowry, two beds, a dressing box, a potty, a washbasin, a foot bath basin, and a bathing basin.

Dani collected all the items that belonged to their family together, waiting to hand them over to her elder brother for verification once he awoke.

Unexpectedly, before Jiang Cheng woke up, someone from the Chu family came over again.

This time, more than a dozen clansmen from the Chu Family came, along with a few women.

The most exasperating fact for the Jiang family was that they even brought a bridal sedan chair along.

The bridal sedan chair stopped directly at the entrance of Master Jiang抯 new residence, and two unfamiliar matchmakers assisted a petite bride out of it.

Master Jiang almost laughed out of annoyance, 揅lan Leader Chu, what抯 the meaning of this?

Clan Leader Chu chuckled and said, 揗y good son-in-law, this is the most exceptional child of my Chu Family. She is of the right age for your son and her character and looks perfectly match him.

He then turned to the veiled girl and called, 揅huchu, come and greet your father and mother-in-law.

The two matchmakers quickly supported the girl forward to bow.

The young girl bowed obediently, 揅huchu greets her parents.

Madam Zhou was so angry that she turned around and went back to her room.

Of course, she was not angry at the girl, but at the shamelessness of the Chu Clan Leader.

They had clearly stated their intent to call off the marriage and refused to accept any substitute bride, but Clan Leader Chu still brought this girl over.

Master Jiang also gritted his teeth and spoke solemnly, 揅lan Leader Chu, are you exploiting your age and taking advantage of the fact that my Jiang Family lacks members?

Clan Leader Chu said, 揥hat are you talking about? I抦 doing this for the sake of making peace between our two families, that抯 why I picked an appropriate girl.

Before Master Jiang could intervene, Clan Leader Chu continued, 揂las, if your family is really unwilling, why not let this child stay and take care of your son for now? When his health recovers, you can send her back home. This is our Chu family抯 way of apologizing; my good son-in-law, you need not refuse.

Master Jiang immediately refused, 揥hat nonsense is that? My son has enough people to care for him. Clan Leader Chu, there抯 no need for your concern. If you really feel guilty, you can return my son抯 marriage book and dowry.

He didn抰 want to deal ambiguously with the Chu family any longer, instead, he directly demanded the marriage book and dowry back.

This time, Clan Leader Chu didn抰 say anything else and ordered his subordinates to bring the dowry and marriage book. He then respectfully handed them over.

揌ere, we have a total of one hundred and fifty taels of silver. Thirty taels were given when the marriage was agreed, plus eighty taels as the dowry. I also changed some sundry items into silver to add up to ten taels, and the remaining thirty taels are your son抯 medical expenses. Please look them over.

Clan Leader Chu抯 attitude was very humble, which made Master Jiang feel somewhat uncomfortable.

After receiving the silver and marriage book, and confirming their correctness, he got Jiang Quan to take them into the house.

Jiang Quan and Dani moved out all the items that Chu Man had brought as her dowry, one by one, and handed them to Clan Leader Chu.

Clan Leader Chu didn抰 say anything else, just instructed his clansmen to take them and load them onto the cart, ready to take back.

Afterwards, Clan Leader Chu bid his farewell, and Master Jiang did not ask him to stay.

With the departure of the bridal sedan chair, and the horse and mule carts, the members of the Jiang family finally breathed a sigh of relief and went home one after another.

Suddenly, they saw a petite girl standing at their front door. She was wearing a bright red dress. Isn抰 she the substitute bride brought by Clan Leader Chu?

揥hy didn抰 you leave with them? Dani couldn抰 help but ask..

This chapt𝙚r is updated by fr(e)ew𝒆bnov(e)