The Young Master in the Shadows-Chapter 353: Briefing (3)

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Chapter 353: Briefing (3)

“She has a pretty ass…” Margret commented, making Alpha unconsciously turn and look at Lily’s ass… She quickly shook her head as Victor chuckled.

“What Lord?” Lily asked, feeling a little annoyed.

“The fate lord… The one behind the fate sect!” Victor said.

“Who do you know?” Lily asked directly, frowning a bit. She knew some things about that guy who likes to always send self-fulfilling prophecies with the help of his minions.

“.. Well… I am not 100% sure…” he said. “As I had to make a lot of educated guesses… But during the last month before the wedding, the fate sect seemed to have placed a misfortune curse on this entire city… Everyone with any degree of bad luck was struck really hard!”

“Oh..” Margret opened her eyes wild. She did feel that her luck was pretty shitty lately. “Why would they do that?”

“It was as if they were searching for some anomaly or someone to surface…” he said.

“You mean Lily?” Alpha asked. “Why?”

“It has to do with her fate… Lily here has an SSS-ranked fate to rule the world!” Victor suddenly said. Hiding the fact that Lily’s fate will probably become X ranked later.

“WHAT?” all asked at the same time in shock, including Lily who opened her mouth wide.

“It is as I am telling you…” Victor said but was interrupted.

“You mean… one day Lily will be an empress or something like that?” Margret asked as she looked at Victor and then at Lily.

“There is a 99% chance… you better start licking….” Victor but was interrupted.

“Then why the fuck are we here?” Margret asked. “We just need to wait for Her Highness to achieve her fate!” she said, feeling a little jealous. As if she lost some beauty pageant before it even started because the other contestant slept with all the 70-year-old judges... Logically, she was not trying to compete with anyone for Victor, she knew her place. But Lily was so damn overpowered that she had to feel a little sour.

“Simple because fate is not absolute… In the old timeline, Lily died long before she could achieve her fate!” Victor said, looking at Alpha who should have been told by Elise about the fact that they are all here as time travelers.

Alpha just frowned… It was clear from the disdainful look in her eyes that she didn’t buy any of this. Never mind that… She will get it in time.

“Even if Lily lived, she might become a puppet empress or only stay on the throne for a few hours!” Victor explained.

“GET TO THE POINT!” Lily finally said shooting him a very dangerous glare.

“Well…With that kind of fate, Lily was supposed to be a scion, but after she was born her fate power was suppressed by her family then she was sent to survive in the world alone in an attempt to strengthen that fate!!” Victor said as Lily who already witnessed this firsthand nodded.

“Holy shit…She is a Von Krone!” Alpha asked in shock. She almost stood up. Elsie forgot to tell her this!

“Yup… And her uncle is the patriarch….” Victor said. “We will talk about that later… sit down for now…”

“..Fine…” Alpha spat as she sat while giving Lily some very dangerous glares. She always hated Lily for her stupid unreasonable devotion to Victor, and now she had a second reason! The Von Krone left her family when they most needed help, choosing to go into hiding.

“Relax! The past is the past! And we still don’t know the whole truth of what happened back then,” Victor scolded. “Now… The fate sect seems to already know that there is someone destined to rule the world, but they couldn’t tell who… If my guess is correct this was possibly because of the interference created when Lily’s fate power was restricted by her family!” he said as Lily who was the only one in the room who fully understood him nodded as her mind began to turn… No, they failed to locate her because her skill interfered with the timeline! Her trip created too many echoes as her fate was connected to Victor’s.

“Why are they after me?” Lily finally asked. “Does me being destined to rule the world hurt their plan?”

“Yup… the Fate Lord seemed to have used his power to already choose a world leader…”

“Who?” Margret was the one who asked, beating Lily to it.

“Caspian! The Fate lord was probably also the one who made him a scion!” Victor said.

“Oh…” Lily frowned. “So it was him… That’s why you didn’t kill him in the wedding as you were planning to…” she said, realizing some things.

“Yup… If my guess is correct, Caspian's fate is not stable, and the fate Lord doesn’t know why, that’s why they are investigating every fate anomaly… And by changing the timeline, we have created plenty around Vein City lately!”

“Did they send anyone?” Elise asked, squinting her eyes.

“Yes… At the wedding, there was that woman, Mirage. She is from the fate sect and was scanning everyone’s fate at the Venue!” Victor shrugged. “Thankfully Lily took my place and as I have been scanned before, she was skipped!”

“Oh…” Margret nodded. “So… Are they off Lily’s ass now?” she asked.

“Temporarily… At the wedding, I made Mirage follow a false trail using the priest, and when I left after that I scammed her to think that the anomalies around Vein City were being created as a diversion by the real imaginary emperor… So I guess we are safe for now, but we need to act more casually from now on…” Victor explained, pinching Lily’s hand under the table. “The moment Lily here gets back to her family and regains her true fate power Caspian’s fate will collapse! And they will not be able to do anything… Their enemy will be someone else.!”

“Oh…” Elise frowned and then nodded with the others.

“So that’s the hot potato you ran away with back then!” Margret exclaimed as Lily on the other hand sighed in relief, feeling grateful that Victor was holding her hand under the table. He was really looking after her all this time or she would have died long ago without knowing how and why!

“Who did you put the blame on?” Lily asked.

“A secret organization called Dark Chamber… Their agent was at the wedding too, so I thought it would be convenient!” Victor explained making Lily open her eyes wide and then nod.

“What is Dark Chamber?” Elise asked.

“A secret organization…” Lily was the one who replied. “Their goals are unknown, but they use the tactics of implementing agents in other powers then taking control of them… Are they after you?” she asked Victor.

“I already took three of their men… Two of them were high-ranking agents. So I guess they are suspecting me.” he said.

“Wow… So what do we do about those?” Margret asked, feeling strange as she discovered that she was already in the middle of a grand battle for supremacy without realizing it.

“We can’t do a thing, so for now we just play dumb appearing weak as we absorb everything they throw at us!” Victor shrugged. “The way they work is that they communicate with their agents using those mirrors, so even if one agent was caught, he would have no idea who his boss is… They are really good at cutting their tails and running away,” Victor explained.

Lily nodded, even her imperial father, despite eliminating many of their agents and pushing them into a corner failed to locate where their real base was. So that organization remained shrouded in darkness until Victor returned!

“So for now, we will just find ways to collect info about their agents and try to figure out their goal!” Victor said to Alpha. “They might have some info about what happened to your family back then… ” he added, making her nod.

“Now… Since we reached this point let’s talk about the world's other hidden forces!” Victor said, taking another group of folders.

“Hidden forces?” Margret asked.

“Yes… Like the Fate sect and Dark Chamber, there are plenty of those around. I don’t have a lot of data on them though, they are hidden for a reason....” Victor said, placing the first folder in front of him. “First is the Von Krone. Lily’s original family! We didn’t talk about them earlier!” he said, turning to Lily to do this briefing.

“The Von Krone is right now the strongest family…” Lily started talking. “20 Years ago there was a great disturbance in the world when the former officially greatest family the Von Richter was eradicated overnight after the Von Zwei fabricated evidence against them with the Von Rosen. The Von Krone who were the second strongest found threads of an internal plan to destroy them, so they decided to withdraw willingly, seemingly giving up all of their wealth and influence!” she said, glancing at Alpha who just nodded.

“They knew about the reckoning?” Elise asked.

“Yes… 100 years ago there was a prophecy about the world's destruction. Many chose to ignore it, but others didn’t... “ she said. “The Von Krone was a part of the first camp until they found some evidence of the weakening of the world’s will in some dungeons. Feeling the upcoming storm, they chose to back off, conserving their forces while starting to make connections with the other hidden forces who believed in the prophecy a long time ago and were preparing!”

“Oh…” Margret was interested. “Then… What about you?” she asked.

“As Victor explained before, The Von Krone has a way to boost their heirs' fate… To produce scions if possible…” Lily said.

“You mean all your heirs are scions?” Elise asked.

“Of course not! They can only boost someone’s fate by one degree!” Lily explained. “The method is to lock the heir’s fate then send them to the world to suffer until they are an adult when they would be taken back and given back their true fate… Pushing it to a new height!”

“It is like training with weights…” Victor explained.

“Oh…” Margret nodded.

“Most of the family has an A or B ranked fate… Only a few of them are Scions,” Lily explained. “Sometimes being a scion is not a good thing, as with great power comes great responsibility!” she added.

“As we said before, the Von Krone are destined to rule the world after reckoning, the power they have amassed is not something that any force can face!” Victor said.

“So our strategy toward them?” Elise asked.

“We will let them be… They might be the elevator we need to put Lily on the throne…” Victor said, looking at Lily. “They will probably take Lily back by the end of the year…” he added, making the girls, especially Margret, look at Lily with a frown.

“You don’t plan to tell them that she is your wife?” Elise asked. “You are going to get separated?” she asked.

“Will depend on the circumstances… But we need to do whatever needs to be done to save our powers!” Lily was the one who answered, fully aware of Victor’s thoughts. If they knew that she was Victor’s wife they might want to kill him… She was their trump card after all, and they wouldn't want her connected to some lousy young master.

Still, her uncle might try to get rid of her if she was too powerful, so her marriage to Victor might be a useful thing if used correctly.

“Oh…” Margret nodded, feeling somewhat sad yet relieved that Lily was leaving. She was totally unaware that Lily was holding half of Victor’s soul in the necklace around her neck and that Victor held her mark on his soul!

“Next is the Von Richter!” Victor said looking at Alpha, “Do you want to do the explanation?” he asked.

“Nope…” she said directly.

“Ok then…” Victor sighed, Alpha was still resisting him, he needed to find a way to tame her once and for all. Maybe some dangerous adventure? Possible…

“Wasn’t the Von Richter destroyed?” Elise asked breaking the awkward atmosphere.

“Yes, but they left a seed… Before their destruction, they collected the best of their heirs and then gave them all the memories of their family before scattering them around the world!” Victor said. “Alpha here is one of them, and so is Hana…”

“What?” Elsie asked, looking at Alpha in surprise.

“In the other timeline, their plan failed… I believe all of their riches went to Sebastian… He has the fate of collecting the Von Richter treasures…” Victor shook his head, ignoring Alpha's glares as he spoke... He was getting tired of her... should he spank her?

“Wait….WHAT?” Alpha suddenly stood up again interrupting him, she was not an idiot, with everything she knew until now she finally realized why Victor always tried to get her away from Sebastian and why he acted like an ass at the spider dungeon back then.

Although she didn’t want to believe that Victor was from the future or could see fates…. His actions could all be explained by those facts… He was fucking stealing Sebastian’s fates, including her and Hana!

“You believe me now?” Victor asked.

She just glared at him. Not knowing what to think.

“Don’t give me that look… You and Hana were destined to be a plaything… At least with me, you are free to go around and build an army to seek revenge… ” he said exposing her thoughts.

She sat down and looked away... She needed time to digest this.

“What is the plan for the Von Richter?” Elise asked, feeling the tense atmosphere.

“Leave them to Alpha and Hana… As long as they swear fealty to the empress, we will let that family survive and rebuild itself!” Victor said, making Alpha shake a little. His world also meant that if they were to stand against Lily, he would kill every last one of them!

“Good…” Elise nodded.

“Next is the demons…” Victor said. “Those vermin are two types, the first is the ones who are trying to invade this world from the outside using promises and persuasion. The second is the ones who already exist in this world, hiding in their bastions and biding their time as they also slowly try to take possession of some agents!… You girls heard Yin’s tale about what happened to her family right?”

“Um…” the girls nodded.

“Are you going to make Yin fight those?” Alpha asked finally turning to face Victor. She felt sorry for Yin. She wanted the girl to be happy after what happened to her.

“Not in the next 5 years, the girl is thirsty for revenge, but she deserves a childhood!” Victor said, making Alpha sigh in relief. “The plan, for now, is to keep off their radar, destroy if discovered, and maybe explain their existence to the other forces if possible…” Victor said directly.

“Oh…” Alpha nodded.

“Monica was invited to a cruise trip lately, I believe it is a demon’s trap to attract many VIPs and possess them…”

“You plan to go there?” Lily asked.

“I considered it… the girls need to go on a honeymoon after all… But with the recent events, I decided to leave this to others… I already gave Tulip some info about them, with that girl’s hatred of demons she would do it herself!”

“Oh…True, the cruise is near the Sanken empire’s gate…” Lily nodded. "But wouldn't we be missing some info?"

"Then send someone to keep watch..." Victor told Alpha who sighed and then nodded.

“Ah…. Who is Tulip and what is the Sunken Empire?” Margret asked. She felt as if she was catching up on a show at the last episode.

“Tulip is Lily’s sister. Her mother blonde to this hidden force called the sunken empire, which used a great artifact to build a giant city under the sea!” Victor said. “They are a part of a group of hidden kingdoms and empires who hide using such methods. I am not really sure about most of them. They usually have some very old heritage and have some very powerful bloodlines… They are usually slightly weaker than one of the oligarchs. Our strategy for them is to try to recruit some of their men, and maybe try to infiltrate them to use them for our cause…”

"What cause?" Amrgret asked.

"World domination..." Victor answered shamelessly.

“Noted…” Elise nodded.

“Now the last force I need to talk to you about is the Free Players Association… The FPA…”

“I heard about those… They are a new thing. They began their operation 10 years ago collecting rough players from around the world,” Alpha said. “The player council is turning a blind eye because they are keeping those players in check…”

“Yes!” Victor nodded. “And they are going to get bigger and bigger in the next five years after they discover an awakening artifact!” Victor said. “The player council will try to eliminate them but fail after they threaten to reveal the truth to the world… There were simply too many of them at that point!”

“You want to eliminate them beforehand?” Elise asked. Feeling that such a move would be a little evil, especially after knowing about the reckoning.

“Although they are annoying and have a thing against noble families, Eliminating them is an irresponsible act for all humanity. I plan to confront them by two methods! The first is to fill their ranks with my agents, and the second is to make Theta and the alphabet girls build a competing organization called The Player Guild!” he said. “It would be a shame to leave all of those players to be eaten by one force!”

“That might work… But you need an awakening…Right?” Alpha asked. Those players will want to awaken family members and such…

“There will be a chance to get such an artifact in a few months…It is a very low ranking one, but it would provide good publicity as it would be a good chance for the girls to announce the establishment of the organization at the same time! “ Victor said. “We will talk about this later… Now look at the documents and see if you have any questions…” Victor said as he gave the girls all his files.


; ; Margret and Aria

A Merchant Guild that will control the world‘s finances.


Alpha and Camellia

Generally an Information network.

Spy and secret Ops capabilities.


Lily / Yin / Assassin girls

Assassin's organization with a secret mission to eliminate demons!.



An underworld conglomerate of Criminal gangs.


Theta and her sisters.

An opposite to the Free Players association.


Mira and Monica

A conglomerate to manage different Media entities.


The Nutcracker



Vic, Lily and Lin

An army to face the demons when the reckoning comes.



Protect me and my harem in the future!






The twins, Hilda maybe?

An organization to train trusted maids and staff…


Families and powers :

; ; PLAN

Use the Victory Merchants Guild to absorb.

Use Rite to steal the Awakening artifact then plant a bomb in the main family and try to take out the top echelons.

Use Mike, Rita and the Von Geldstadt formal spy network to control them from the shadows. Use them as a cover.

Give them the Rust Blood and wait.

Ignore and keep watching

Play along

Absorb their powers

Ignore… Keep in touch with Windy then control them.

Ignore… And get the girl!

Disturb them for now… Wait for the right time to control!

Weaken and Infiltrate.

Infiltrate and control from the shadows

Control, Raid or Neutralize, depending on allegiance.

Find a weak heir and give him support.

Infiltrate,try to control.

(More info needed) Eliminate or take advantage of.

(More info needed) Eliminate at all costs.

Wait and try to Weaken

Wait and try to Weaken

Wait and try to Weaken

Ignore until info is available.

Wait until info is available.

Hide, Play along or scam.


; ; Danger








Find a way to reverse fate, then add to Harem!



Find a way to get rid of him and take his legacy.





Leave him to Lily



A bitch, Keep watching… Under control?



Find a way to scam her….



Find a way to steal her heart



Find a way to influence his demise.


Love me?

Who the fuck is this guy?



Keep an eye on him for now!



Brother in law! Try to befriend him!



Use her in the Heavenly sect rumble…










Sounds important…

"Wait... Who is Malcolm?" Lily suddenly asked as she read the last file.

"I have no idea..." Victor said, "But I may have affected his love fate..."

"Oh... I think we need to call Nora... I might just know who this one is!" Lily said with as strange look on her face.

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