Throne of Magical Arcana-Chapter 837 - Nightmare

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Chapter 837: Nightmare

Translator: Henyee Translations Editor: Henyee Translations

“Studies on genetics have dived deep into the microscopic domain and thus gone beyond the capability of traditional magic spells. Observation methods based on the knowledge of the microscopic domain shall take over here, say, the combination of X-ray and some magic crystals. Therefore, we also have to understand relevant arcana schools apart from necromancy. Of course, it’s pretty much a brand new area that just started a couple of years ago, so nothing major has been found yet.”

The male voice sounded both strange but somehow also familiar to Donnie. He hurriedly looked back and saw a chubby teenage boy with black hair also operating an “artificial intelligence”.

“Jones?” Donnie asked, “How did you know?”

Jones answered while still working on his project, “I noticed you were staring at the schedule. I know you don’t understand such an arrangement.”

“Besides observation methods, as our bodies also consist of atoms and molecules, we have to learn about the microscopic domain to understand life matters,” Karl responded while playing his game. “Also, there is mathematics. If you don’t know math, you’re going nowhere in arcana.

“As you’ve seen, there’s a course called Advanced Mathematics in necromancy, and it’s very systematic. The course comprises calculus, matrix, analytic geometry, complex variables functions, real analysis, and mathematical analysis, and it goes all the way through our next five-year study.” Karl added, “It’s as important as the rest of our compulsory courses like Genetics and Body Structure.”

As long as Karl started talking, very rarely would he be brief. He tended to be very specific, and his words were often very informative.

Hearing the terms, Donnie felt dizzy, and he even had the impulse to crack the “artificial intelligence” in front of him. Although he revered the leading characters in mathematics very much and he was not bad at math, he was not a genius, so learning math definitely was full of pain!

Turning to the next page, Donnie saw the course named Advanced Mathematics in Necromancy. He plucked up his courage and chose a good mentor under Karl’s suggestion.

He then finished his registrations for all courses, including those lab courses.

Because they were here relatively early, and they followed many suggestions from Karl on choosing mentors, both Donnie and Sammy had successfully found their ideal mentors for each of their courses. They were lucky to have Robert as their mentor on the Composition of Human Body because they would then automatically enroll on his Body Reform, which was an advanced course in the school of necromancy.

After this, Donnie’s timetable was ready. He had lots of courses during the day except for Sunday. One would easily suppose that most necromancy courses should be delivered during night time, but this place was the World of Souls, so the trouble could be saved. Donnie had to review all the stuff he learned during the day as there was no way that he could remember everything right away.

Seeing that more and more students were waiting, Karl forced himself to leave the “artificial intelligence”, and he took a glance at Donnie’s timetable. “We’ll have many courses together, so we can go together. Many magic towers here look identical, and there are also some illusion mazes that act as defense. You can easily get lost if you don’t have a guide. Last time I ran into several girls who got lost nearby a magic tower, and they were almost in tears…”

Donnie hurriedly asked, “You know this place well?”

Sammy was being rather sleepy again. Donnie was the only one who could stop Karl’s lecture.

“I’ve seen the map. I’m a genius at finding directions!” Karl was full of confidence. If someone did not believe him, he’d keep talking until the person believed.

Donnie hurriedly nodded. “Then we’ll count on you next Monday morning.”

“No problem.” Karl patted on his chest, but his beautiful face made his movement look cute. “I like these courses, for we can do magic experiments!”

Experiment? Karl?

Donnie turned to look at Karl’s chipper face. He became very nervous. He wondered if it was still okay to choose another mentor, or if he could apply for sick leaves during lab sections to avoid doing experiments with Karl together.

Karl kept going on and on, as if his mouth never dried from giving lectures. His speech, however, did help Donnie and Sammy remember where to find the library, Magic Exchange Office, Dean’s office, Paper office, the tower where specters were sealed, burying place, restaurants, and the dining hall. Like how the TV and radio programs were introduced, in the academy, cuisines from different countries all gathered here, which fed Donnie and Sammy very well.

Heidler Magic College was big. It already passed midnight when they came back to their dorm. Sammy leaned against Donnie as he could fall into sleep at any time. Donnie also felt exhausted. However, Karl still looked very excited and energetic.

“What a tiring day. We should get some sleep now.” Walking to his bed, Karl gave himself a long stretch elegantly.

Donnie looked at Sammy who had fallen into deep sleep in his bed and believed that they should be the right people calling themselves exhausted.

At this time, he saw that Karl was slowly taking off his black magic robe. His long, beautiful neck had been revealed and then… his curved waist.

“Karl!” Donnie blurted out, feeling his nose a bit hot and his heart beating fast. “Can you… go to the changing room?”

“What? I’m a man!” Karl was a bit confused, but he smiled later on. “You value privacy, I see. You emphasize on this even more than some nobles!”

Karl followed Donnie’s words and walked to the changing room. When he came out wearing a loose white shirt and a pair of pajama pants, Donnie looked away again.

Donnie took a shower and then finally lay down. In bed, he could not fall asleep. The schoolwork was even more difficult than he thought, and some courses even made him feel very concerned. In this dorm, there was also such an “important character” living with them. He wondered how his life in the academy would be in the close future.

Donnie wished that Karl could figure out how to modify his body genetically as soon as possible so that he could feel more relaxed living with him.

Wait… Did they forget someone on their way back? The student called… J…?

“Karl? Are we all here? I think we forgot someone!” Donnie hurriedly asked.

“Thank you for asking. I was always with you all.” The unique voice came to Donnie in the darkness before Karl responded. “By the way, my name’s Jones, and I think you have perhaps forgotten about it.”

Donnie buried his head under his pillow and released a sigh in his mind. What kind of dorm it was!

The dark night sky was solemn and quiet, but its edge looked rather gray and pale. The World of Souls was always like this. No change took place here.

In the color of black, white, and gray, Heidler Magic College, surrounded by the countless tombs, looked rather creepy and also very mysterious.

The gravestones were engraved with the names of the dead, the date they were born, the day they passed away, as well as the honors that they once earned. Some of the epitaphs were amusing, and some were rather serious and solemn.

Standing in the graveyard, watching the names and the black fog rising, Donnie recalled what Mr. Dollos once mentioned—the rite of Life Traceback and the “Original Body”.

His heart beat faster and faster, as if something in the middle of the graveyard was summoning him.

Although he had sensed the danger, Donnie could not help walking further toward the center of the graveyard.

There was a huge tomb in front of him. The gate of the tomb chamber was only half closed.

Donnie walked through the gate and came to the main chamber along the passage. The dim light in this space made the atmosphere beyond dreadful.

Pushing open the gate of the main chamber, Donnie was shocked. There was a huge body, which consisted of a different intelligent creature, lying in the coffin. And the black miasma filled in the entire space.

Suddenly, the body sprang up and opened its eyes. They were just two dark red spots, and the air of death poured out from them.

Donnie felt this great paralysis in his body. He wished that he could cry out loud, but he could not. He could do nothing but watch his own body corrupting and soul dissipating. In the end, there was the eternal, silent darkness.


Donnie jumped up in his bed and gasped hard. It was sunny outside, a crisp, promising morning.

“Nightmare again?” asked Sammy in concern.

Donnie nodded, but then shook his head. “Maybe I’m just not used to this new place…”

But why this dream again?

Was it because he wanted this secret so bad?

“If it keeps happening,” Karl popped his head out from the washroom with a toothbrush in his mouth and said, “you have to go and see some mentors to make sure you’re not cursed. I once saw…”

Obviously, the toothbrush in his mouth was not going to stop him from talking.

Donnie nodded seriously and said, “Thanks, Karl. But you’d better hurry up. It’s time for the ceremony.”

The ceremony in Heidler Magic College for a new term was always very simple. Schokola, the president, only gave a short speech. Then Donnie and Karl followed the crowd and went to the classroom for electromagnetics.

“I’m your mentor for electromagnetics, and my name’s Glinton,” said a middle-aged man who looked rather well-educated, who was wearing a pair of wire-rimmed glasses and looked a bit thin. “This is our first class, and I’ll lead you to the lab to do some experiments. From the experiments, you’ll see with your own eyes some classic electromagnetic phenomena, which we’ll explain later in our upcoming classes.”

“Yeah!” Karl said cheerfully.

Donnie wondered if he could stay here…