To Deprive a Deprived Person-Chapter 326: Alchemy Guild

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Chapter 326: Alchemy Guild

Guilds――if you ask what the first guild on the continent of Ream was, the guild of commerce and industry is probably the most popular theory, although there are many theories. The guild was made up of merchants and industrialists, or craftsmen. Over the next few hundred years, the guilds were divided into merchant guilds and blacksmith guilds.

There are many guilds, large and small, on the Ream continent. The most famous guilds are the Adventurers' Guild, the Blacksmiths' Guild, the Alchemists' Guild, the Merchants' Guild, the Mercenaries' Guild, the Thieves' Guild and the Assassins' Guild. Some of the guilds are small, like mutual aid societies where members help each other, while others are large enough to be involved in national politics. One organization has the power to not just petition the country, but to speak out to make demands and voice opposition. That's how much they contribute to the nation, of course. The adventurer's guild is responsible for exterminating dangerous beasts and monsters, gathering valuable plants and selling rare magic tools, armor, and jewelry that can only be found in labyrinths. The merchants' guild is responsible for the distribution of goods between nations. There's no need to explain what happens to a country that is abandoned by its merchants. All of the above guilds are the backbone of a nation's industry. And let's not forget――――

Set Republic. In the capital city of San Salem, there are museums, ruins, religious facilities that have existed since before the country was founded and art-related buildings everywhere. However, if you were to ask the locals to name the most famous place, eight out of ten would say the Alchemy Guild. There are Alchemy guilds scattered all over the Ream continent, not just one per nation. There is always an alchemy guild in every major city. In fact, the alchemy guilds are so involved in the core industry that the nations demand the establishment of their own branches. Just one of the main products, potions alone, from the royal family, the military and the wealthy, how much demand and supply――how much profit will it bring? The alchemy guilds are the ones who decide the distribution to each country and the amount of money they receive affects the tax revenue of the country and changes the national budget. It is not surprising that many countries give preferential treatment to the alchemy guild.

The headquarters of the alchemy guild is located in a prime location in the capital city of San Salem. The massive, historical brick building has been treated with magic by alchemists in every corner. It is a fortress with a high level of defense capability. In the conference room on the fifth floor of the headquarters, the heads of the branches of the various countries were gathered together.

"It's not so peaceful to call an emergency meeting"

"It's good, isn't it? It's not often that you get together unless you have an opportunity like this. After all――everyone is devoted to their own research and fundraising"

"Huhahaa. No doubt"

A well-toned, middle-aged man and a beautiful woman are chatting in a conference room with a heavy atmosphere. The other members of the group were enjoying their conversation as well. If you look around the conference room, you will notice that there are people of all ages. It's not just men either. There were also women here and there. Surprisingly, the Alchemy Guild is a meritocracy, not a seniority-based one. This is a rare system in the Ream Continent, which is basically male-dominated and female-dominated. However, only humans are allowed to join this guild and other races are not even allowed to belong to it.

"What are we discussing today, I wonder?"

"Potions, I suppose"


"You see, it's circulating among the commoners"

"Aah. Yes, I know. That inferior product...seems to be selling like hotcakes"

"Umm. That inferior product is sure to be on the agenda. But some people haven't shown up――it seems that the chairman has arrived"

A corner of the conference room buzzed. Everyone was greeting the newcomer. The light blue based robe that person is wearing is made of silk and threads of arachne, a spider demon and it's not only light and comfortable to touch, but it's also resistant to heat and cold. The monocle, bangles, rings and other ornaments were all created by him and their value is immeasurable.

"President, I've been waiting for you"

An old man greets the young man.

"Vice President, thank you for waiting. It seems I'm the last one"

The young man's age was probably in his late twenties at most. This young man was the head of the alchemy guild. Two years ago, the previous head of the guild had announced his retirement and his successor was not the vice head of the guild, who had a lot of experience and was highly respected by all the branch leaders and alchemists, but 『Dawn Laran』, who was called the best alchemist in the Udon Kingdom. No matter how meritocratic the alchemy guild was, this was met with bewilderment and dissatisfaction from within and outside. At the time, this was a topic of conversation not only within the alchemy guild, but in many other countries as well. It was said that the previous generation was too fond of the rare alchemist and made the wrong decision. Naturally, it had a great impact on the factions within the alchemy guild and even today, the anti-president faction accounts for about two-fifths of the guild.

"First of all, I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for accepting our urgent call"

When the guild leader, Laran, said his greetings at the round table, the branch leaders responded with smiles, but none of them had smiles in their eyes.

"What? Is it my imagination that I don't see some of you even though the leader went to the trouble of calling an emergency meeting?

"Well, it's true. To ignore your urgent call, this is an act of rebellion against the Alchemy Guild...or is it that you yourself don't have enough centripetal force?"

The middle-aged man and the beautiful woman who were chatting in the corner of the meeting room earlier raise their voices deliberately. As you can see from their words and actions, these two are the spearhead of the anti-leader faction. The meeting room buzzes and the old man, the vice chairman, tries to say something to them, but Laran gently restrains him with his hand.

"Don't worry. I'll explain the matter to you later"

The two sniffed at Laran, who was completely unfazed by the ridicule.

"Now, look at this"

After making sure that the buzz subsided, Laran laid out the vials on the round table. The people present were the heads of the various alchemy guilds. Without needing any explanation from Laran, they use their 『Appraisal』 skill to find out what the vials are filled with.

"It's a fake potion and a degraded potion"

One of the branch chiefs said with disgust.

"It seems that's what they're called in the Alchemy Guild. This less effective potion is popularly known as the 『Salvation Potion』 among the common people"

Laran's statement was met with a simultaneous reaction from the branch chiefs.

"It's blasphemy against those of us involved in alchemy!"

"Good grief! That's why they´re uneducated people!"

"It seems that the innocent people have forgotten how much the Alchemy Guild has contributed to the development of civilization"

The conference room, which had been quiet, became noisy again. They cursed each other and said things like that, but in the end, they really didn't want their vested interests to be violated. Laran watches them in silence. It's been two years since he was half-heartedly appointed as the head of the Alchemy Guild by the previous head of the Guild, but it's a far cry from the ideal of the Alchemy Guild he had envisioned.

(Can this be the image of those who worship the god of wisdom and seek to uncover the truth?)

Laran waited for everyone to calm down, not showing even a hint of inner disappointment. This is not the place to gently admonish children who do not understand the reason for things. This is a place where the leaders of a guild that seeks the truth gather. The fact that Laran was looking at them with a smile on his face made him feel bad. The heated debate between the branch leaders, which could hardly be called a debate, cooled down.

"You seem to be doing well. I guess I should learn from your passionate attitude as a young person"

The anti-chief people gritted their teeth. Whose fault is it that we're in this situation, you incompetent bastard! That's what they're saying.

"Well, I don't need to explain this again to everyone here, but there are differences in the things created by alchemy. For example――even if you create a potion with the same ingredients and the same procedure, it is difficult to create a potion with exactly the same effect. This is even more pronounced when more than one person is working on it. Well, it's not impossible for skilled people like us, though"

The branch leaders turned their blank eyes to Laran, wondering what he was talking about.

"Vice-chief Miroushi?"

"What is it?"

"Do you know the effects of the grade 6 potions that the Alchemy Guild sells to the Merchant's Guild?"

The middle-aged man, Miroushi, pondered the intent of Laran's words. Thinking that he might be trying to trap him in the anti-chief faction.

"Don't be so cautious, I'm not asking out of spite"

"It's around 30"

"Yes, that's correct. The normal 『Appraisal』 skill can tell you the effect of a potion, but not its value. That is, unless you have a high-level 『Appraisal』 skill or a unique 『Appraisal』 skill"

"Laran......I'm not sure what you're trying to say"

Miroushi breathes deeply to lower the blood on his head, enduring the involuntary abandonment.

"The effect of this potion, which you call a fake, is 45..."

"'Huhahaa, I was wondering what kind of intentions you have since you are so wasteful. If you wanted to, anyone in this room could create the same thing as that imitation! But if you consider the cost effectiveness, it's not worth it, so you don't create it. Yes! That's all I'm saying"

"I think the chairman himself should be well aware of that degree! Or are you doubting the abilities of all the people here?"

It was a blatant provocation and an appeal to the people around them and some of them shouted in agreement with Miroushi. However, as soon as Laran looked at them, the tone of their voices immediately dropped. The old man, who was also the Deputy Chief, coughed and his mouth closed.

"Deputy Chief Milousshi, would you be able to create this potion?"

"I can make you one or two hundred if you like!"

Miroushi replied to Laran with an exaggerated gesture, 「You didn't need us to initiate this, you destroyed yourself on your own」.

"That's right. Then, please give me about 100,000"

"I understand――100,000!?"

"Yes. And make sure all effects are 45 please"

"No, that's insane! You're deliberately trying to undermine me by making unreasonable accusations――"

"It's not a false accusation. In fact, the potions on the market are all the same, with an error margin of 45 percent"

Someone muttered, 「Unbelievable」. The words that Miroushi just said were not big words. It is possible for the executives in this room to create the potions that Yuu is selling to the merchants, if the cost is not taken into account. However, it's nearly impossible to create hundreds of thousands or millions of potions with the same effect. Besides, Yuu's potions are sold at the same price as the alchemy guild. The more they compete with each other, the more the Alchemy Guild loses money――in other words, the more they lose.

"It......It's impossible"

Miroushi replied with a pained face.

"Then, how about this potion that you call deterioration? I've heard that merchants are selling them in various countries and making huge profits. Is it possible for the Alchemy Guild to smelt a similar product and sell it for Madoka?"


"You mean you can't smelt this potion that you despise as a fake and degrading? What about the others?"

Laran looks around the round table, but everyone's eyes are downcast, as if they are afraid to make eye contact.

"Sir, may I?"

One of the branch leaders raises his hand.


"I'm sure Satou...has a magic tool similar to the 『Hermes Cauldron』. Then, regarding potions with strange effects and mass forging of potions with reduced effects and reduced prices can be explained"

It is said that 『Hermes Cauldron』 was created by the founder of the Alchemy Guild or that it was obtained in a high-ranked labyrinth. It is said to play an auxiliary role in smelting, but its true performance is being kept secret. It's not only other guilds, but even royalty and nobility have never been allowed to see it, publicly or privately.

"I can't deny that possibility. But if that's the case, it's inexplicable that it's limited to only Grade 6 potions. We know that these potions are sold wholesale to merchants at a lower price than those made by the Alchemy Guild. Should we assume that there is a reason why Satou doesn't want to deal with high potions or potions above Grade 5, even though he is capable of smelting potions at a low cost or is he looking to see how we will react?"

The discussion in the conference room gradually became heated.

"Similar to 『Hermes Cauldron』――that is, the magic tool that Satou may have is similar in performance but low grade? Then it is understandable that the potion is limited to Grade 6"

"No, I have a different view"

"Hou. Let me hear"

"Isn't Satou ´s job 『Enchanter』『Alchemist』?"

These words caused quite a stir among the branch leaders.

"No way! How could Satou know about that!"

"But how can you deny that possibility?"

"Have you checked with the Adventurers' Guild?"

"You think they're going to give information about adventurers to the leaders of another guild?"

"I heard that Satou is an A-rank adventurer and more of a vanguard. So there's no way he would choose a non-combatant class 『Alchemist』or 『Enchanter』"

"Did you leak information to Satou?"


"I heard that more than thirty percent of the market in the Udon Kingdom has already been stolen. I'm not sure how much money you got in return for selling information about the alchemy guild, since your position as branch leader is in jeopardy"

"You think I'm in league with Satou!!"

The head of the Udorn Kingdom's branch office was given a cold stare. Potions other than those made by the Alchemy Guild are nothing more than imitations and the distribution of such items is an act that undermines the pride of the Alchemy Guild. It's no wonder that the other branch chiefs are very critical of the branch chief of the Udon Kingdom who allowed this to happen.

"Shouldn't we file a formal protest with the Merchant's Guild?"

"The greedy merchants will not accept it"

"Then how about limiting the supply of potions?"

"That's exactly what the Merchant's Guild wants! The merchant guilds will start selling their fake potions that they've been selling secretly behind our backs!"

"What are you going to do then? You're just going to stand by and do nothing!"

"No, that's not what I'm saying"

"What are you panicking about? Even though potions are the main product, they are only limited to Grade 6. The Alchemy Guild will not be intimidated by that!"

"You don't understand anything! As it is――"

A high-pitched clang echoed in the meeting room. It was the sound of an old man, the vice chairman, striking his wooden mallet――or gavel.

"President, please"

"Thank you very much. It's fine to discuss, but if you are involved in alchemy, please discuss logically, not emotionally. Now, you are all curious about this potion, but the situation is not so optimistic. Many of you may have heard that the merchants have started selling this potion under the name of Gel Potion"

The vials that Laran had newly placed on the round table were filled with a cloudy, viscous liquid. Incidentally, Grade 6 potions are usually blue, while those of Grade 5 are red.

"This gel potion is a well thought out and innovative product. By applying it to the wound like an ointment, it can heal the wound more effectively than ever before. I regret that the Alchemy Guild did not come up with this idea before"

"What are you talking about? What do you mean! You're the head of the Alchemy Guild!"

One of the branch leaders stands up and makes a loud voice, but when Laran looks sharper than before, he snarls his mouth and sits down again.

"Please hear me out. I'm not accusing you of anything, I'm just saying that you're the one who ordered the gel potion from the merchant. I'm not accusing you of anything. I'm not blaming you. It would be strange for us people involved in alchemy not to be interested in it"

After confirming that more than half of the branch leaders nodded, Laran continued his story.

"So, has anyone been able to alchemize this gel potion?"

A silence enveloped the meeting room. That's just as well. Unbelievably, none of the executives of the Alchemy Guild had been able to recreate the gel potion. The materials used are known through 『Appraisal』. However, they could not smelt it. The people here, out of pride, hid this fact from even their own disciples and went through endless trial and error.

"Were you able to refine it, president?"


Everyone was stunned by the fact that he had succeeded in cultivating the gel potion without difficulty, even though they thought it was the rare genius 『Dawn Laran』 that the Alchemy Guild is proud of.

"Y, You really think you could do it?"

"How can you tell a lie in such a situation?"

"As expected of you, president. If you don't mind, I'd like to know"

As if to represent the feelings of everyone, Miroushi spoke up. Above all, Miroushi himself wants to know. How to cultivate a gel potion that he did not succeed no matter how much he cultivated.

"It's not that big of a deal. The reason you can't succeed is because you don't have enough materials"

"What are you talking about? I used 『Appraisal』 to get all the ingredients used in the gel potion and then I smelted it"

"Me too.

"Me too. I'm sure you can find the exact ingredients――――wait!! N, No way......"

"What's the matter, my lord?"

The old man who called himself old man came to an idea while wiping the sweat from his forehead with a handkerchief. He hoped he was wrong, but he couldn't help but check with Laran.

"A......Are the gel potions concealed or disguised to a degree that we cannot detect?"

The old man was talking to himself and Laran nodded with a smile.

"You are correct. The gel potion is concealed. The only thing that's missing is the bodily fluids secreted by a demon named Cure Slime, according to my research with my unique skill, Marvelous Eye. I also had a hard time getting hold of this demon's bodily fluids"

"What are you laughing at!!"

"Th, That's right! It's been concealed in a way that even the appraisal skills of the branch leaders present here cannot detect!"

"Please don't raise your voice so loudly. Don't shout so loudly. I've already confirmed that a level 5 appraisal can detect the concealment. It's just that it's a bit tricky to conceal"


"No, it's not good. Chairman, isn't the 『Concealment』used in the gel potion similar to the technique the Alchemy Guild is applying to the item pouch......?"

"Ms.Dana is correct"

Laran readily admitted to Dana's question, who was a member of the anti-chief faction along with Miroushi.

"It's not surprising. I'm sure they were all expecting this, since they were able to refine such a large amount of potions and then distribute them to the market without delay. I thought they might have detected the secret technology of the item pouch"

The item pouches that the Alchemy Guild sells to the market have 『Appraisal』 measures. However, Yuu knew from 『Evil Eye of the Spirit World』 that Benantos's stomach was needed to create the item pouch.

"I don't want you to take this lightly. Even if the secret technology of the item pouch has been detected or leaked, it is still possible for Satou to smelt the item pouch, isn't it?"

"If you're asking if it's possible or impossible, I'd say it's possible. If you have a good amount of alchemy LV and materials, it's not that difficult to make an item pouch"

"Everyone, do you hear what I just said? This is what the head of the Alchemy Guild has to say? It can be said that the head of the guild is partly responsible for failing to make proper judgments and instructions in dealing with the widespread use of such inferior potions in the market. Presidentーーno, Laran. If you feel any responsibility at all, I suggest you resign from your position and vacate your seat right here and now"

"Yes! If you continue like this, the name of our historical and glorious alchemy guild will fall to the ground"

As Miroushi spun his words to follow Dana's, not only the anti-chairman's group, but also the neutral group condemned Laran. The old man, the vice chairman, tapped his gavel, 「Silence!」 but even the sound of the gavel was drowned out by the angry shouts. The reason why the Alchemy Guild couldn't move in the first place was largely due to the interference of the anti-chairman faction, including Miroushi and Dana. Knowing this, the two of them who blamed Laran were planning to take advantage of this opportunity to take over the position of chairman.

"Everyone, please be quiet"

Despite herself being the cause, Dana urges them to be quiet with a graceful demeanor. It was as if she was already the chairman.

"Laran, if you have an excuse, let me hear it"

Dana smiles triumphantly, but Laran remains smiling. A hush fell over the conference room.

"Then, if Ms. Dana was appointed chairman, how would you manage this situation?"

"It's simple. All we have to do is eliminate the cause"

"What exactly?"

Dana is irritated by the lack of understanding of the head of the Alchemy Guild.

"I'm talking about eliminating Satou"

"Yes. So how?"

"Laran. You don't know that the Alchemy Guild has an exclusive assassination guild that it has been contracting with for a long time"

Dana is unconsciously emotional. For more than a thousand years, they've been sending thugs to those who would be detrimental to the alchemy guild because every executive here knows.

"I am aware of the existence of an assassination guild that only takes requests from the Alchemy Guild"

"Then it's quick. No matter how much Satou is an A-ranked adventurer and no matter how many equal alliances he has with the Udon Kingdom, if we make a request to the assassination guild――"

"Like you did?"

"Is there a problem with that?"

"Let me get this straight. You sent assassins to Satou"

"Next time, I won't fail"

Despite the revelation that she had sent assassins to Yuu, Dana was unapologetic and unconcerned.

"You...have continued this outrageous behavior even after I took over as the head of the guild"

"''It's all for the sake of the Alchemy Guild"

"Yes, it is! You irresponsible bastard, so you don't understand! We――"

Miroushi was rushing, but when Laran stared at him with his purple eyes, he got stuck in words.

"Did you wonder why some people were absent for no reason, even though I, the chairman, called for an emergency?"

"That's because your centripetal force is――"

"The absentees are all from your faction"

Dana, who should be hunting him down, becomes uneasy as Laran speaks plainly.

"What do you want to say?"

"'Actually, that's the reason I'm calling an emergency meeting. The other day I had ten potted plants delivered to my house. They were full of beautiful, bright red Laurisci flowers..."

Laran's out-of-context story was beginning to frighten not only Dana and Miroushi, but everyone else as well.

"I'm tired of your roundabout way of talking. If you have something to say, say it clearly"

"'It's a potted plant from an unknown sender and I'm not the only one who would be suspicious. The plant was much heavier than it looked when I held it, so I pried it open and found the head of a――――person inside. As you can probably guess from what I've told you so far, we found heads in the rest of the potted plants as well. There are four heads of branch leaders who are not here and the rest are probably the assassins you sent"

There was a murmur and everyone's eyes fell on Dana and Miroushi.

"Oh, yeah. No wonder you called an emergency meeting"

"One of the ten heads had a letter stuck in its mouth that said, the assassins were on time and will be returned――Satou seems to be quite good at joking"

"That's not funny at all......"

Dana's words dwindled, as if she hadn't been so talkative just now. Perhaps because of tension, her lips are dry.

"Now, I have a question. How come you're the only one that......was overlooked?"

"It's a trick we often use at the Alchemy Guild to collapse hostile organizations from within by not killing them"

Although her expression was mended, Dana's voice had lost all reserve.

"I'm sure. However, this is the move you guys will use, not the Alchemy Guild. Don't make that mistake. I've seen it done myself, but it's more effective than I expected"

"That's sophistry! What's at stake now, chairman, is your own――"

"Vice Chairman Miroushi, you're not the only one"

"What do you mean? What do you think I've done?"

"You are independently negotiating with the Merchant's Guild for the wholesale price of potions and the allocation of the Alchemy Guild. As you probably know, negotiating the distribution of profits without the approval of the Alchemy Guild Meeting is a serious violation. If you don't talk to me or the Vice President in the first place, you could be considered a rebel"

"That's......wrong. You can't me......with those eyes!"

Laran's eye――Miroushi appeals to the branch chiefs to escape from the 『Investigation Eye』.

"Don't be fooled! This is just a bunch of bullshit from the Chairman and he's just saying it on his own!!"

"That sounds terrible, but please don't worry. I've already had a discussion with the Merchant Guild. They were surprised to hear that. They thought that the discussion had been approved by the Alchemy Guild. They have no intention of antagonizing the Alchemy Guild and want to continue to be a good business partner"

"It's a lie! It's all a lie from this guy!!"

While disturbing the neatly arranged all-back, Miroushi appeals to scream repeatedly. However, the eyes of the people around him were terribly cold. Even those of the same faction were kept at a distance, saying they didn't want to be involved.

"I'm not lying. And there are others. We have confirmed that you have been illegally accumulating funds through the diversion of high-level potions and magic tools controlled by the Alchemy Guild, using your position to hire personnel in return and tax evasion"

"Evidence!! Do you have any evidence!!"

As if he was troubled, Laran gave a small sigh and laid out the documents that would serve as evidence of the fraud on the round table. The branch leaders immediately crowded around the documents and when they looked through them, they were in awe.

"You gathered all this evidence?"

Dana, who is still acting stubbornly at this point, asks Laran. Dana's face was bloodshot.

"I don't have to explain that to you"

"You didn't do it. I think this must have all been orchestrated by Satou, but what is your opinion?"

"I guess"

Laran affirms Dana's words that she is innocent.

"Dana, you are a very talented woman. I've been harassed in various ways even before I took office, but you never let me catch a trace of it. There's no way you would leave such evidence behind"

"Are you sure? Are you sure you want to be made to dance in Satou's hands like this?"

"I only want to correct the Alchemy Guild as it should be. I'm not obsessed with power like you are. If you want, I don't even care about the position of chairman"

"Do you really think you can maintain the organization with just your pretty words?"

"You'd better worry about yourself than me. Look, they´re waiting for Ms. Dana to explain herself over there"

Dana looks back. There, Miroushi, who was so angry that he collapsed from his knees to the floor and the branch chiefs who surrounded him were looking at her.

"I believe in you, but I don't think you're convinced"

Laran, who had a big smile on his face, turned a lonely expression on Dana for the first time.


"I've handed Miroushi and Dana over to the authorities. No matter how much they have, if there is evidence of fraud, they can't escape"

In a room at the headquarters of the Alchemy Guild, were Laran and the old man who was the vice president of the Guild. The vice chairman, sitting on a chair facing Laran, looked somewhat relieved.

"I guess that's the end of the Anti-chairman faction"

"Thank you for your hard work"

Laran pours a glass of wine and hands it to the Vice Chairman, giving him a word of appreciation.

"You don't look too happy"

"Do you understand? Yes, I do. I don't like it because it's just what Satou wants"

"Hmm. Then we'll focus on the potion countermeasure from now on――"

"No, I'm going to start rebuilding the Alchemy Guild"

"Are you sure?"

"I didn't want to cause any unnecessary confusion, so I didn't tell you"

Removing his monocle, Laran rubbed his brow.

"The potted plant that was sent to my house"

"I heard it had a live head in it. Apparently Satou is quite cruel――"

"He's still alive"

"That――――undead magic...."

"Yes. I don't know if it's Satou himself or one of his friends who is a user. I knew about its effects from literature, but it is a terrible magic. By the way, this general headquarters has a defensive magic tool that I worked on. What is installed?"

"Of course, I know that"

"Wraiths possessed a third of the branch leaders gathered here today"

The Vice President hurriedly prevented himself from spilling the wine in his mouth with his hand.

"It is said that a wraith magic practitioner can share sight and hearing with the undead they are using. For twenty-four hours, the undead have been monitoring the executives of the Alchemy Guild. I hate to even imagine how much information has been passed on to Satou so far"

In contrast to Laran, who was drinking wine, smiling and saying that he was troubled, the Vice President was distraught.

"What are you talking about lightly, like small talk?"

"Please calm down. I am arranging for the distribution of the magic tools I created to each branch manager. But that alone will not be enough to prevent it completely. Well, I guess we're stuck with what we have"

"Are you sure you want to leave......Satou alone?"

"Yes. As I said before, it's urgent to rebuild the Alchemy Guild now. And you don't need to worry about the market share of potions right now"

"But the Alchemy Guild's profits are at......."

"As for potions, it's rather up"

"No, No No. That's not possible"

"We've been approached by the government to increase the production of potions"

"We've been delivering a certain number of potions up until now. ......Which country is asking you to suddenly increase production?"

"The countries that are members of the Ream Alliance"


The face of the vice chairman who understood what Laran was trying to say became steep.

"You can expect that if there are requests from neighboring countries, they are preparing for war, but if countries all over the Ream continent............."

Laran gulped down his glass of wine with a gloomy look on his face.

"War. There may be a war on the horizon"


Author note:

Laran: The leader of the Alchemy Guild. He is also known as 『Laran of the Dawn』. Appeared in chapter 89 in name only.

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