Top Management-Chapter 207

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TM Chapter 207

Chapter 207: Once You Start Being Swayed (5)

TL: emptycube / ED: Isleidir

“About investments.”

The project producer hung up and approached us.

“Team Leader Jung, can you open up some time? Our CEO is currently talking with Well-Made Pictures about investments and distribution, and they said that they would like to discuss it with you.”

“Well-Made Pictures?”

The wilting Forest’s CEO was the first to perk up. Well-Made Pictures was one of the top investment distribution companies in the country. They were also the main investment distribution company for Alive as well.

I readily replied,

“Let’s go.”

Well-Made Picture’s building was in the middle of Gangnam. SBE Film’s CEO, who had arrived ahead of us, was sitting in a large meeting room by himself. With his arms crossed and head down, he gave off a gloomy mood.

“Why is your expression like that? I think we can consider this is a green light if they want to talk.”

SBE Film’s CEO’s eyes shot up at the project producer’s question.

“No, back with Alive, we received a call an hour and a half after sending them the scenario. That their investment screening committee unanimously decided to invest. That is a green light.”

“The situation is different though. Alive was Director Choi Sungwon’s work, and we had Lee Kihwan and Park Saeryung already cast. City Jungle is…”

Remembering Director Oh Hyunkyung and I were present, the chatting project producer changed the subject.

“Anyways, we need to try hard to persuade them. It’s not like they are going to slam the door in our faces after making a lot of money with Alive, right?”

As soon as he sat down, the project producer asked,

“Director, CEO, what is the budget you thought about for City Jungle?”

“The budget?”

“You probably crunched the numbers.”

Director Oh Hyunkyung and Forest’s CEO exchanged looks. Soon, Director Oh Hyunkyung answered as though she was applying for a loan,

“3-2.5 billion won.”

“2.5 billion won?”

The project producer couldn’t help but laugh.

“I read your scenario, and I don’t think 2.5 billion is anywhere near enough.”

“We can trim down the number of shoots.”

“So you’re going to jump straight into the deep end? If you set your budget too low and we exceed it later, we’ll need to cling to the investor’s legs and beg for more. Just say what the initial budget you calculated was.”

“… If possible, 3.5 billion won.”

Director Oh Hyunkyung cautiously raised the amount. The project producer scratched his chin.

I listened to them discussing financial matters while drinking the coffee an employee got me.

3.5 billion won at most. It fell short of the average commercial film budget.

Well, this was because my first film was Alive, whose total production budget was over 30 billion won. Such blockbusters were rare. If I lowered my standards, there were many more films that were created below budget due to lack of funds.

“Excuse me…”

Forest’s CEO cautiously spoke,

“What if we tried talking to Director Hwang from Ant Capital?”

“The person who mocked us by telling us to do whatever we want?”

“Still, we were in talks for a 50 billion won investment…”

The project producer firmly shook his head.

“Don’t hold onto broken relationships. Also, Ant Capital wouldn’t have given you all 50 billion won. Their methods are a bit malicious.”


“They come in as the main investor and act like they are going to invest the full amount, but they’ll drop the amount when it comes time to sign the contract. That way, they hold influence and can sway you however they want. The production company and director have to film with the budget with tears.”

Forest’s CEO’s mouth was agape.

The project producer continued,

“If we had prints and advertising to the 3.5-billion budget, let’s go with 5 billion as the total budget. While it’s normal to have 30-40% of it from investment distribution company and 60-70% from partial investors, we should be able to make up the difference with partial investors if we get Well-Made Pictures…”

He swallowed his words.

A man wearing a vintage pair of glasses pushed the door open with his shoulder and came in. He was the general manager of the Korean Film Production Department at Well-Made Pictures. I had seen him at the Alive press distribution screening. He had a notebook, files, and a copy of City Jungle in his hands.

SBE Film’s CEO immediately asked,

“How was the meeting?”

“CEO, let’s sit before we discuss things.”

“Of course, please sit. How was the meeting?”

There was a hasty exchange of hands. Holding my hand last, the general manager asked,

“Do you have any thoughts on changing the lead?”

“Is that the result of the meeting?”

I asked back.

The general manager looked at the everyone before looking back at me.

“There were many comments about the director and scenario, but more people are against the male lead than anything else. With Ms. Lee Songha as the lead and SBE Film producing, investors will invest if the level of the male lead was increased. Perhaps other male actors from W&U…”

“We already handed him the scenario, and the actor agreed to do it. We can’t overturn this and hand the role over to another actor in the company. We have never done it nor have we ever been asked to consider it.”

The mood became strange.

I had never been treated like a piddling manager since Neptune was no longer considered a ‘washed up’ idol group and Lee Songha became an international star.

Well, this was expected in this place.

If I wasn’t a team leader at W&U and didn’t have other actors in my care. If I was only the manager to Nam Joyoon, they wouldn’t have been suggested his. All I would have been able to do is wait endlessly for the meeting results. I might not have even been informed that the male lead had been changed.

This should leave a bitter taste in my mouth, but a smile crept up my lips.

Fervor surged within me.

Fervor to make the film a success and change people’s opinions on Nam Joyoon.

“This, this is a scenario Director Choi Sungwon read and said was good.”

SBE Film’s CEO said while tapping on the City Jungle scenario.

“When I told him the male lead, the artist, was Mr. Nam Joyoon, he said that there was a role he wanted Mr. Nam Joyoon to play in his upcoming work and that he needed to get a verbal agreement before Mr. Nam Joyoon’s fame skyrockets with City Jungle’s success.”

Here I thought SBE Film had agreed faster than expected.

I should thank Director Choi Sungwon later. And make a verbal agreement.

“… Is that so?”

The Well-Made general manager scratched his cheek. SBE Film’s CEO continued,

“It’s not a blockbuster needing tens of billions of won. The total budget for this is 5 billion won. It’s not that big of a burden. You already have a space to fill in next year’s lineup after Director Park Hyungil’s work fell through.”

“That’s true.”

“Ace and AK Entertainment’s lineups seem to be made up of similar works. Isn’t Well-Made’s motto ‘variety’? It’ll be good to have a polished action noir flick in your lineup. Let’s invest a small amount into its potential.”

SBE Film’s CEO slowly talked Well-Made’s general manager into it. Director Oh Hyunkyung was firm that she wanted Nam Joyoon as the male lead. Soon, Well-Made’s general manager said in a half-convinced face,

“Even if we do invest, it won’t be a lot. Everyone’s clamoring for more.”

“We need to continue looking at venture capitals and financial companies. With Ms. Lee Songha as the star.”

The project producer glanced at me and continued,

“Also, since Team Leader Jung Sunwoo said he would actively help out, there’ll definitely be more people enticed by this opportunity. We were able to easily promote Alive thanks to Team Leader Jung. He’s more a hot topic now than he was…”

“Ah, about that.”

Well-Made’s general manager abruptly cut in.

“I heard this in the meeting just now.”


“That Team Leader Jung Sunwoo developed a panic disorder due to the burden of picking his next project.”

I barely managed to hold onto my coffee cup. Other people’s gazes turned odd as they looked at me. That rumor was like a cockroach. How was it spreading outside when we finally managed to quell it internally?

“Who told you that?”

“I think it’s spreading amongst directors and production companies? Discussions about Team Leader Jung Sunwoo are of highest interest in this industry. I heard that Director Cha Jaeho, in particular, has said it on multiple private occasions.”

Director Cha Jaeho?

“The one who’s working on Supernatural right now?”

“Yes, I heard Director Cha worked hard to get Ms. Lee Songha. It seems he was upset after being rejected. I think he’s been saying how it was no wonder your sense of judgment fell after he heard you had a panic disorder. Having rejected the male lead, Mr. Heo Kakyung.”

These fellows…

“Those are all false rumors.”

“That’s what I thought. The problem is, no matter how big or small it is, a false rumor…”

Well-Made’s general manager clicked his tongue,

“Will have an effect on investors.”


While Well-Made Pictures was reviewing the investment, I attended multiple meetings SBE Film arranged. There were many who outright refused after seeing that the project had an unknown director and a supporting role male lead, but there were also some who were interested.

And, whether it was as a joke or not, the investors always brought up the panic disorder rumor. It seems that the fact I chose City Jungle over other great works, including Supernatural, gave credibility to the rumor.

It was to the point where I wondered if I should carry around a doctor’s note saying I was fine.

I even had reporters contact me about it. While the rumor didn’t spread in the media thanks to the PR Team, this still resulted in a small wrench in my plans of using my title as ‘Midas’s Hand’ to bring in investments.

While City Jungle’s production issues were being handled…

I got on track to handle other actor’s next projects.

Maybe it was because I had a change of heart, but I no longer saw other projects as flops. I sent the scenarios and scripts I reviewed and selected with chiefs to each actor. Then I asked for their opinion.

Seo Jijoon was first.

“I saw that scenario.”

Seo Jijoon suddenly said as he walked into the meeting room with Chief Lee Bongjoon.

“Which one?”

“City Jungle.”

I unconsciously flinched.

“The scenario was fun. So about that.”

Seo Jijoon slowly rubbed his lips.

“I was thinking about investing in it.”

I relaxed my shoulders. My heart belatedly started to race. In that short moment, I had thought about 20 different ways to handle the situation if he said he was interested in the male lead.

“I’m not interested in appearing on it since I’ve done a lot of serious roles. I’m currently interested in works that I can act with a smile, but I was thinking about investing because the scenario is fun. I heard other actors do this when they see good projects.”

“… How much are you thinking of?”

“Not a lot. Maybe 500 million won?”

“How much?”

“500 million.”

This guy.

“That’s an excessive amount. You might not even get your money back.”

“Then well, I guess I was wrong about the scenario.”

He replied with a light laugh. Chief Lee Bongjoon simply shook his head at the side like he couldn’t deal with him. I decided to talk to SBE Film about Seo Jijoon’s interest in investing and brought the conversation to his next project.

Seo Jijoon’s eyes, which shined at the prospect of investing, dimmed.

“There aren’t any I really feel like I want to act in.”

“You didn’t even give the scripts a close look!”

Chief Lee Bongjoon glared at him. Seo Jijoon, who feigned ignorance, let out a sigh.

“Team leader. I wasn’t able to say this when the Team 2 Leader was around.”

“Don’t worry and you can tell me”

“I worked like a dog until now. I was thinking that maybe I could take longer breaks between projects…”

“You can.”

The eyes of the two people in front of me bulged.

Before the flustered Chief Lee Bongjoon could open his mouth, Seo Jijoon brightened.


“Yes, I think it’ll be good if you go do your mandatory military service while taking a break.”

As soon as I said that, Seo Jijoon got up.

“Of course, I have to go do mandatory service. I’m thinking about going after one more project.”

“And not take a break?”

“I need to work like a dog when I can, why would I take a break? Let’s go take a look at those scripts, hyung!”

Chief Lee Bongjoon chuckled as he was dragged out by Seo Jijoon.

Next was Im Joowon.

As soon as he entered the meeting room, he took off his shirt.

“Team leader, look at this.”

“… At what?”

“What do you think?”

“I’m not sure what you want me to say.”

He pointed to his stomach. His face looked so uncontrollably happy.

“I have a six pack! I worked so hard at the gym to make this!”

“Ah, it does seem like you have one.”

It also seemed like you don’t.

When I looked beside him, Chief Sung Uimin was smiling with a Buddha’s face.

“You know the work drawn up by IBC? The one with Bok Seoin as the male lead. He wants to do that.”

“… Why that?”

It wasn’t one of the projects we looked favorably on.

What happened to the scenarios and scripts we gave him and why did he settle on this on?

“He obstinately says he wants to do that one.”

He gave me a look, asking me to persuade him because he couldn’t.

Im Joowon was still bragging about his flat belly. He was so jealous whenever Yoon Taekyung took his shirt off for a scene during Royal Family. First, I got Im Joowon to put his shirt back on and said,

“The problem with that role isn’t your body though.”

Of course, his body was the biggest problem.

“Lee Boyeon is the female lead. I don’t think there’ll be any chemistry with you two as love interests because you look so young. Rather than showing off your manly side, it might have a negative effect.”

“… Really?”

“You’ll probably look like an aunt and nephew.”

It wasn’t that bad, to be honest.

Chief Sung Uimin dragged Im Joowon, who was intently looking at the mirror, off.

Song Inho was last.

He came with the independent film director, who was again doing reshoots and additional shoots.

The bearded directors entered the room like he was entering a tiger’s den.

“Are you feeling unwell?”

“Ah, that is. Last time I came here, Chief Jo Byunghwan said that they wanted to cancel Song Inho’s contract and were willing to pay the fee. I’ve been avoiding him since then. I don’t even come near W&U anymore.”

“It’s fine now, director. Those days have passed.”

Song Inho held the director’s arm while smiling.

Checking my expression, the director cautiously said,

“There have been people wanting to invest now that Inho’s fame skyrocketed. I would like to shoot scenes we had to skip due to budget restraints, so if you could free up Inho’s schedule a few times…”

“It might become a posthumous work at this rate.”


The director was shocked as though he felt his life was at risk.

Song Inho spoke as if trying to calm his worries,

“It’s a joke. Hyung, no, the team leader is a bit of a mischievous joker.”

“It’s not a joke.”

“… Hyung?”

“Up until that was all a joke.”

I added with a laugh. Only now did the mood relax.

“All you need to do is adjust when it overlaps with other schedules. We’re reviewing a few dramas, but as a rookie, there’ll probably be many days where he has to wait day and night on set.”

“Of course. We can definitely…!”

The concern in the director’s face was washed away. After those two left with faces like they were about to play pattycake, I organized my thoughts in the meeting room. I twirled the pen in my hand.


This was the second meeting with Well-Made Pictures.

The general manager, who had been slowly been thinking over this, finally nodded his head.

“We decided to invest in the film’s potential with a small investment. We will invest 20% of your budget. There are many employees who are against this still, so we couldn’t take out a lot of money. Let’s fill the remaining 80% with partial investors.”

“We are working hard to gather the funds.”

The project producer replied as he relaxed.

I silently listened to them before saying,

“I did think about the matter of investments.”

Their gazes gathered on me.

“How about we ask the public to invest through crowdfunding?”

Read Bailonz Street 13