Undefeated God of War-Chapter 931 – Du Ke’s Fury

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Chapter 931 – Du Ke’s Fury

Translated by: Berrrybunz

Edited by: TN and DeAndreR

After studying the Holy Flame for a long time, Du Ke had more or less understood the situation, and his heart wasonly filled with admiration.

On Law Domains, he was the true grandmaster, and there were very few people that could garner his respect.

The first was Tang Tian.

Tang Tian’s strength was not laid in his profound understanding towards Law, but his ability to destroy and hisdisdain on all Laws. Tang Tian did not care how a certain Law was used, he would use the most barbaric andunreasonable method to grab all the Laws to use. In terms of Law Domains, Tang Tian was like a tyrant, hisAwakened God Armor the cage for laws.

The creator of the Holy Flame walked a different path, the transformation of Laws and Energy in his hands causedothers to be in awe. He was like a warlock of Law Domain, he pulled Laws and Energy into the shadows, andtransformed them into his own, and with his own hands, he reached the apex. The Emulated Laws, the HollowfiedEnergy had formed a miraculous equilibrium like magic, and emitted an indescribable sense of beauty.

Du Ke sighed again and again, compared to Tang Tian’s unreasonable and barbaric strength, the Holy Flamecontained a beautiful and delicate equilibrium that he obviously adored and admired more. The Beauty of the HolyFlame was a result of thousands of experiments, one could imagine how much effort the creator had put into it.

He then realized that he had underestimated Temple, and the depths of Temple truly made one to revere them.

But in the end, he was still a man who had gained enlightenment on the Law Domain, and after gaining clarity on theprinciples, he was able to counter it. With the power of the Law Domain, he stood on the grounds of being invincible.In his Law Domain, he was the God.

The Holy Flame was a form in a state between Laws and Energy, but ultimately, it had not left the profound theoriesof Laws and Energy.

A layer of blood red flame surged around his body, but as time passed, the blood flame gradually dimmed down,turning into a faint red, until it became close to colorless. The flame became colorless, and blazed so thin to the pointthat it could burn out at any moment, and did not release any warmth. This was the flame that Du Ke had graspedfrom the Holy Flame, although its equilibrium was not as miraculous as the Holy Flame, but in essence, the two hadno difference.

It too, wielded an Emulated Law inside its core and had Hollowfied Energy.

Du Ke was not pleased, compared to the gold Holy Flames, this ethereal flame that he had imitated was much morecrude. ~Alright, this is the best I can make do with for now, when the battle is over, I can slowly study and researchon it.~

With his body covered with the transparent Flames, Du Ke rushed into the sea of Golden Holy Flames.

The golden Holy Flames were blocked by the transparent flames around him. His assumption was accurate, he didnot feel any pressure from the Holy Flames. Although the Ethereal Flames around him did not merge with the HolyFlames, they had a similar aura, which prevented the Holy Flames from attacking Du Ke. The Holy Flames viewedthe Ethereal Flames around Du Ke as a similar species.

Du Ke’s idea could not be considered ingenious, but it was simple and direct, and one could tell the crux of it just bylooking at it. The creator of Holy Flames obviously did not forget the existence of the Sin Domain, and the HolyFlame’s target was both energy and laws, but the creator would had never expected that there would actually besomeone who was able to unravel the secrets of the Holy Flame so quickly, and even found its loophole.

Du Ke flew forward unhindered by the Holy Flames, which stretched out to as far as he could see.

As he flew on and on, the leisurely look on Du Ke’s face disappeared, replaced with seriousness. Initially, he hadthought that Temple had used the Holy Flames to seal the estuaries, but he quickly realized that the amount of HolyFlames was more than he had imagined. When he rushed into the Holy Flames of the Estuary and saw the fierypillars that extended into the sky, his face changed.

He had never expected that such a majestic scene would appear in the Saint Continent, ~Temple’s skill is trulysurprising.~

The further he flew, the more he felt that something was wrong, no one from Temple had come to question him,instead, the city had turned into a ghost town, and there was nobody. All around, he could see the broken walls andpillars melting due to the high temperature. There were a huge number of Holy Flames floating in the sky, all ofwhich resemble dandelions filling the sky.

~What exactly happened here in Saint Continent?~

Du Ke’s heart was filled with shock, ~Did a massacre happen here?~

He raised his head and looked at the fiery pillars and the flow of Holy Flames in the sky, then at the dandelionsfloating all around him. His gaze landed on the numerous floating Holy Flames, they were not big, majority were thesize of fingers and the largest did not exceed the size of a fist. But there were an endless amount of them like thesand in the desert, and was uncountable.

Du Ke stared at the Holy Flames in a daze, ~All of these Holy Flames are so small, which means the level of themartial artists are very low, but for there to be so many….~

Suddenly, a terrifying thought flashed past his mind, ~It cannot be….~

Du Ke felt a cold chill shot up from the sole of his feet to the top of his head, and all the hair on his body stood as hetrembled involuntarily. After returning to the Sacred Saint Galaxy, he always thought that the citizens of SacredSaint Galaxy lived a safe and fortunate life, and felt that the citizens of the Sin Domain lived in an extremely harshand brutal environment. But the scene before him shattered this impression.

~This is too…..too cruel!~

He had seen all sorts of cruelty in the Sin Domain, but not one was comparable to the scene before him, which madehim feel fear. He was unable to comprehend, what kind of lunatic would be able to do such a sick and disgustingthing?

After the shock and fear, his expression became serious.

~If I continue to underestimate and disregard this lunatic enemy, I will most probably be digging my own grave.~

Du Ke hastened his speed, looking for signs of Tang Tian all over. He firmly believed that Tang Tian would not be so easily defeated, although the Holy Flames were outstanding, but Tang Tian was definitely not a weak martial artist. Du Ke had never seen such a powerful martial artist like Tang Tian. Furthermore, Tang Tian was a natural genius when it came to battle, he had the instincts of a ferocious beast, and with his calm and astute mind in battle, he was the strongest fighting machine.

Tang Tian might lose in terms of techniques or realm, but in a real battle where blades and spears were involved, DuKe firmly believed without hesitation that Tang Tian would come out on top, like himself.

Du Ke took a deep breath, as though a regiment of flames was burning in his heart.

He had always desired for Tang Tian to win. And he always desired to participate in a battle with Tang Tian. Thecitizens of Saint Continent were Temple’s children, whether they were alive or dead did not matter to him, but hewas still furious.

That’s right, fury, it was a fury that surged from the deepest parts of his heart.

The sky filled with Golden Holy Flames emitted a divine aura, but it made Du Ke disgusted.


At the highest command of Southern Alliance.

“The time for a full force attack has come.”

Bing was different from usual, he did not hold onto any cigarettes, he stood in front of the map with a solemnexpression. His gaze swept across the various generals in front of him, the majority of them still had naive andyouthful faces. But all of these youths were already veterans and experts on the battlefield, they had abundantfighting experiences and their reputations were well known. In the entire Sacred Saint Galaxy, no one dared to lookdown on them.

Their eyes flashed with excitement, but their faces maintained steadiness.

Xie Yu An was in deep thoughts, the last time, he had sensed that Master Bing’s emotions was not right, and he hadconfirmed the conjecture. To him, the time for the full force attack was not right, Mo Xin, Qiu Xu Hua and GouCheng WenDao had misgivings towards each other, but they were still able to maintain their self control.

The internal strife in Temple had caused an intense unrest, the arousal from the conflicting views still required timeto ferment, and if they were to make their move, they could easily force the already breaking down enemies to bandtogether again.

Xie Yu An firmly believed that if he could see it, Master Bing would be able to see it as well. But Bing was stillpersistent in doing it, and it was obviously a forced matter. And in the Southern Alliance, there was only one manthat could make Bing make such a decision, and that was the leader of the Southern Alliance, Tang Tian!

Xie Yu An could roughly guess that Master Tang Tian was probably in a dangerous situation, while Bing wasplanning to make use of the full force attack to draw the attention of the Honorable Martial Continent to ease thepressure on Tang Tian.

He did not speak out, but instead, supported Master Bing’s decision. Although the current situation was not themost optimal for a full force attack, but Master Tang Tian’s importance far outweighed the potential loss.

The period of Tang Tian’s disappearance led to Bing managing the daily work. Bing’s term of work was thorough andmethodically sound, the results were apparent, and the Southern Alliance’s strength took a qualitative leap.Compared to it, Master Tang Tian did not seem to have any existence. But the core members of the SouthernAlliance knew that Tang Tian was irreplaceable in the Southern Alliance, no matter how well Bing performed, he wasunable to replace Master Tang Tian.

Although Tang Tian was not around, his influence on the Southern Alliance never stopped. Privately, everyone knewthat Master Bing was able to connect to Master Tang Tian in a mysterious method.

Master Bing was an outstanding commander, but not an outstanding leader.

Thinking about that, Xie Yu An suddenly felt puzzled, ~Usually, I don’t even feel the existence of Master Tang Tian,why do I keep thinking that Master Tang Tian is a good leader?~

There was no doubt on Tang Tian’s importance to the Southern Alliance, and for his sake, it was even acceptable forthem to lose a few armies. But if something had truly happened to Master Tang Tian, no matter how muchadvantage they had in the battlefield, it was useless for the entire situation.

Furthermore, Xie Yu An had a guess that he never told anyone, in which he suspected that Master Tang Tian hadinfiltrated the Honorable Martial Continent. He guessed it out from a few clues, for example, Master Bing’s dispatchof armies over the battlefield seemed to be intentionally attracting Honorable Martial Continent’s attention. He hada feeling, that if Master Tang Tian was in Honorable Martial Continent, he would definitely annoy the hell out ofHonorable Martial Continent and create complete confusion.

~Alright, maybe I’m thinking too much…..~

Xie Yu An threw all of the complicated thoughts to the back of his mind, and placed his focus back on the battlefield,his mind working quickly. Even when he was at the backlines, he had secretly kept in contact with the frontlines.Although they were not in an optimal time to launch a full force attack, but it was not as terrible as one might think itwould be. Furthermore, from another point of view, the enemies were in much more terrible situations, if they wereable to overwhelm the enemies, they could probably incite the fall of Honorable Martial Continent.

Within his calm eyes, a rarely seen excitement flashed, and the blood within his body started to boil.

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