Wizard World Irregular-Chapter 869: Master, We Have An Emergency [Part 2]

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Chapter 869: Master, We Have An Emergency [Part 2]

Since Ethan had specifically asked the Ancient Wendigo to look after Luna, Joanne, and Princess Ramona, Dainsleif remained by their side to protect them. frёewebnoѵēl.com

He had also deemed the camp safe enough, so he overlooked Samantha's retreat to the woods to relieve herself.

There were watchers stationed all around, and with a single scream from her, the entire camp would be alerted.

With this thought, the Ancient Wendigo remained sitting on top of Joanne's wagon, making sure that his Master's sister and lovers were safe from harm.

The first one to notice that Samantha was missing was also Dainsleif.

An hour had passed since the girl had left, but she still hadn't returned to the wagon.

Since he was unable to move away, nor did he want to disturb the sleep of his wards, Dainsleif decided to wait a little longer before he decided that enough was enough.

Using the power of telepathy, he forcefully woke up George from his sleep and told him that one of his team members was missing.

George was aware that Ethan had an Ancient Wendigo with him because the old man who went by the name James told him about it.

Still, hearing the Ancient Wendigo's voice directly inside his head wasn't a pleasant experience.

However, the situation urged him to investigate immediately because Samantha was one of his teammates.

After leaving the wagon, George headed to the place where Samantha went using a glow lamp. Its light was brighter than that of a normal lamp, allowing him to see further.

"Samantha, are you taking a big dump?" George asked in a teasing tone as he approached the trees where the young lady was last seen. "Are you constipated? If yes, please say yes. I don't want to accidentally disturb your business."

George waited for a reply, but even after a minute had passed, no reply came, which made him frown.

"Samantha, say something," George raised his voice a little higher, making the watchers glance in his direction. "I don't want you blaming me for sexual harassment, you know? Speak up if you're there."

One more minute passed, but there was still no answer.

"Fine. Ready or not, here I come!" George resolved himself to enter the thicket to look for Samantha.

Ten minutes passed, and the frown on George's face deepened as he searched for the young lady, who was nowhere to be found.

He checked the ground for footprints, but there was none to be found.

The only footprints he could see were his own, which made him feel that the situation called for emergency action.

Since he couldn't use magic unless he activated the power of his Axe, George hurriedly returned to camp and woke up Sabrina and Luna, informing them of what had happened during their sleep.

Since he couldn't leave the defenseless and magicless Luna behind, he asked her to transfer to Joanne's wagon.

Of course, since this was an emergency, he made sure to wake up the rest of the teams from Brynhildr Academy and asked for their help to search for their missing teammate.

With three teams fanning out in the surroundings and using Magic to find traces of the missing Witch, the camp burst to life.

To their surprise, it was not only Samantha who was missing.

A young Witch who belonged to the Merchant Group had gone missing as well, which made this incident a big deal.

This time, it was not only the students of the academy, who went to search. The guards of the Merchant Group also searched the surroundings for traces of their people.

Naturally, all of those who served as the Night Watch were questioned, but none of them were able to answer their leader because they didn't see or hear anything suspicious.

Just like Samantha, the other Witch had gone missing after she had left the camp to relieve herself during the night.

When morning came, there was still no sign from the two Witches found, so the Merchant Leader decided to split their team in two, ordering the first team to head to the nearest city to ask for help.

Two teams from Brynhildr Academy followed the first Merchant Team, while the second team, led by George, formed a search party, expanding their search and moving in teams of two.

Half a day later, Professor Barret encountered George and Sabrina, who were backtracking the route they took, looking for signs of passing wagons.

George's first conclusion is that this might be a case of kidnapping, often done by Human Traffickers.

But after meeting Professor Barret, he and Sabrina were told of the incidents that were happening in Grandshire.

"Professor, you mean to say that this might be connected to the incident in Grandshire?" George asked.

"There is a high chance that it is connected," Professor Barret replied. "For now, let's continue the search until sunset."

George and Sabrina nodded and followed Professor Barret's lead.

Using a variety of magical artifacts at his disposal, Professor Barret searched for clues, but they didn't show any satisfactory results.

In the end, they were forced to regroup with the Merchant Group in the nearest city and plan their next course of action.

"Since the Witches would go missing at night, everyone must stay vigilant," Professor Barret said solemnly. “All Witches are to go in pairs wherever you go. The more the better."

"Professor, what about Samantha?" Luna asked.

"We have already assigned search teams to look for her," Professor Barret replied. "The Headmaster and I thought that our students would be safe since we were only traveling along our borders, but it seems that we have underestimated the scale of this incident. "I'm not supposed to tell you this, but Ethan is part of the Elite Team currently trying to solve this case. They went to Nightfall Academy, where the cases of disappearances originated, in the hope that they would find the people responsible for it and save the Witches that have been and will be captured by the culprit.

"So for now, we will rest here. Tomorrow, all the Witches will follow me back to the academy. I will personally talk to the Merchant Head about this matter. George, you and the other Wizards will stay to complete this mission. Do I make myself clear?"

"Yes, Professor," George replied.

After realizing that Samantha and the other Witch who went missing had become the newest victims of the case of disappearances, Joanne, who looked forward to her first mission in Brynhildr Academy being filled with excitement, couldn't help but feel anxious.

Since it had already happened once, there was a possibility that she and the other Witches from Brynhildr Academy would be next.