Monroe-Chapter Three Hundred and Thirty-One. Divine. Feline. Overlord.

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Chapter Three Hundred and Thirty-One. Divine. Feline. Overlord.

New Achievement.


You are the first user of your species to evolve beyond your own limitations. You have blazed a trail for your species to follow, burdening them with purpose. Your own excellence allowed you to select multiple affinities, one of which synergized with those advantages you had selected when you forged the Paragon and Pinnacle advancements for your species. This has increased the value of this achievement.

Reward: You may select an Enduring Affinity. Enduring Affinities do not increase the resources necessary to advance.

Reward: Users who venerate you and have allocated a skill point to obtain your Enduring Skill - Mana Sight, and a skill point to gain access to your Enduring Skill - Mana Manipulation, may now spend a skill point to receive the Shadowmancy Affinity. Obtaining the Shadowmancy Affinity in this manner does not increase the resources necessary to advance.

Note: This Achievement has been modified by the Venerated Achievement.

"He got a bit taller," Jessica's voice drilled into Bob's skull.

"And maybe... leaner? I mean, he was never carrying any weight, but his veins are popped a bit," Amanda added.

"I think his veins are just darker," Dave said. fre𝚎w𝐞bn𝗼v𝗲𝐥.𝚌𝗼𝚖

"Too loud," Bob muttered as he struggled to sit up.

His head was pounding, his body ached, and he felt weak.

'Trebor, why do I feel so awful?' Bob mentally projected his question to Trebor.

'Your attributes have dropped precipitously, and the process of reincarnation has finally corrected all the tiny imperfections in the link between your matrix and your physical form,' Trebor replied. 'It will take a few moments, but the discomfort should ease, and you will, for the first time, be truly and perfectly integrated into the System.'

"Did something go wrong?" Mike asked quietly, pressing a cool glass into his hand.

Bob raised the glass and sipped the cool water, before opening his eyes carefully.

His head had cleared, and the aches were rapidly fading.

"I don't think so," Bob replied. "I knew that the System had basically patched over my damaged matrix when I brought Amber over to use as a template, and it wasn't exactly a perfect fit. It allowed me to cast spells without having to spend three times the mana to do so, so I haven't really thought about it, but apparently reincarnating actually fixed everything."

"So what race did you pick?" Amanda asked eagerly. "You still look human, more or less, although those purple eyes are devastating," she sighed and shook her head.

"The System gave me the opportunity to choose the next step for Earth's subspecies of humanity to advance," Bob stood up, and moved over to a chair, which was only slightly too small.

"It gave me the opportunity to utilize any and all of the affinities I would have been able to roll over into natural affinities from mastering those skills," he explained. "I decided on Shadowmancy, because I truly believe that understanding and manipulating mana is the key to the multiverse, Dimension, because I'd like to think that we are explorers, and Summoning, because it's one of the cornerstones of a post scarcity society."

"Three natural affinities?" Amanda asked incredulously. "Well, I suppose we'll be tier eight ourselves before you get too far along."

"I suppose you'll be delving like mad, yeah?" Jessica asked.

"Not quite yet," Bob said, taking out three affinity crystals. "I get to turn on my free Summoning School, and free Summoning Skill, at which point I'll turn on my Natural Summoning Affinity, and use my Summoning Affinity Crystal, stacking the bonuses up so that I can technically summon out a level thirty-two monsters. At level zero," he finished with a grin.

"I hate you so much," Amanda muttered.

"She's just jealous because you're out munchkin-ing her," Dave said consolingly.


Upon discovering that a more efficient, effective way to ensure energy circulation was being repressed by a society, you enacted a plan to spread this knowledge to every user. You dispersed a multitude of manifestations more powerful than yourself to gather the resources to make this possible. You distributed those resources freely, asking for no compensation. You knowingly risked being rendered inert by users of a higher tier than yourself. This has greatly increased the value of this Achievement.

Reward: You may select an Enduring Sphere. This will grant you access to all of the schools within that sphere. You will need to allocate skill points to unlock any threshold in those Schools. Users who venerate you, and have allocated a skill point in your Enduring Skill - Mana Sight, and your Enduring Skill - Mana Manipulation, may allocate a skill point to gain access to your Enduring Sphere.

Please select a Sphere by either speaking or mentally projecting the name of the Sphere.

"I select the Sphere of Arcane," Bob stated.

You have selected the Arcane Sphere. You have gained access to the following Schools.









To activate any of these schools, state or mentally project "Activate Achievement: Pedagogue," followed by the name of the school you wish to gain access to.

"Activate Achievement: Pedagogue, Arcane School of Summoning," Bob said.


You have introduced previously unknown scientific and technological knowledge into the System. You deliberately travelled to another dimension, one not gifted with the System, with the explicit purpose of returning with knowledge that you knew existed, but did not possess. These actions have increased the value of this Achievement.

Reward: Enduring Knowledge. Upon gaining access to a School, the user may choose one skill. This effect resets upon reincarnation.

Please select one skill from each of the Schools you have access to.


To select the skill, state or mentally project "Activate Achievement: Academic," followed by the name of the School and the skill you wish to gain access to.

He wasn't surprised when the System windows outlining his achievements appeared, following by the instructions on claiming his rewards.

"Activate Achievement: Academic, Arcane School of Summoning, Summon Mana-Infused Creature," Bob said.

His next step was to use his Endurance and Wisdom Attribute Affinity Crystals.

He allowed his mana, which had been reduced from a deep river to a tiny trickle, to flow through the crystals.

You have absorbed an Endurance Attribute Affinity Crystal.

You have absorbed a Wisdom Attribute Affinity Crystal.

Then, his Summoning Affinity Crystal.

You have absorbed an Affinity Crystal of Summoning. Please select from one of the following bonuses:

Maximum Level of the Magical School of Summoning Increased by Eight.

Maximum Level of any one Skill from the Magical School of Summoning Increased by Sixteen.

Mana Expenditure for all Skills from the Magical School of Summoning reduced by Eight Percent.

Mana Expenditure for any one Skill from the Magical School of Summoning reduced by Sixteen Percent.

Selecting the sixteen level bonus to his Summon Mana Infused Creature spell was the obvious, not to mention pre-planned, choice.

Done with his crystals, Bob brought up his System menu, where he located his natural affinities, and activated his Summoning Affinity, selecting the same bonus again.

The remaining natural affinities would wait until he was ready for them.

"Hey, buddy," he called softly, directing his voice towards the mountain of fluff sprawled across the floor.

Monroe's tail twitched.

The ball of emotions in the corner of Bob's mind read warm-sleepy-bored.

Bob stood and walked over to the smilodon sized Maine coon. He walked carefully, as he was slowly adjusting to his new size.

He reached over and started scratching behind Monroe's ears, an action that served to start the big cat's purr motor.

"It's time to reincarnate, buddy," Bob whispered. "You'll end the biggest kitty ever, but we've got to bring you back down so you can delve with me," he explained. "I won't be able to delve with the others just yet, and I need a kitty cat to keep me company."

Monroe purred his agreement loudly.

Bob tapped out a message on his armband, and Jessica came into the room a few moments later.

"Is the big boy ready?" She asked, giving Monroe a cheek rub.

"Let's do it," Bob replied.

Jessica continued to rub Monroe's cheek with one hand while she clutched a bag of mana crystals in the other.

Bob could have done the ritual himself, before he reincarnated, but he hadn't wanted to put Monroe through it without having experienced for himself.

Jessica finished the ritual.

Bob once again found himself in the illusionary copy of the ritual room in Holmstead.

"Time for you feline overlord to continue his journey toward divinity," Trebor intoned.

Your familiar has advanced to tier seven!

Your familiar is currently being targeted by a reincarnation ritual. Would you like to reincarnate your familiar as a tier seven being?

Speak or mentally project yes or no.

"Yes," Bob answered the System prompt.

Your familiar's species is Felis Catus: Maine coon, Paragon/Pinnacle of your subspecies, Earth.

Your familiar has no natural affinities.

Your familiar has qualified for the following natural affinities based on his progress and mastery:

Natural Weapons

Natural Armor



Species innate spellcasting: Portal.

You may choose to add any one of these Affinities to your newly selected species.

As the progenitor of your familiar's race, you may utilize up to four of the above affinities with his evolution, if you so choose.

You may speak the name of the species you wish your familiar to become, or you may choose to continue evolving your familiar's race. If you do not know what species you wish to become, you may say 'list' and those species you meet the qualifications of will appear.

Bob had suspected that Monroe would receive an option to similar to his own. The fact that Monroe's Stealth skill as well as his Portal spell were capped did not come as a surprise. The entire group had long been plagued by the theft of various meats and cheeses, an although they'd never been able to prove anything, everyone blamed Monroe.

How he managed to steal the sliced meat out of their sandwiches without making a mess of them, especially as big as he was, remained a mystery.

There was no doubt in his mind that he would advance Monroe as a progenitor. Natural Affinities for Natural Weapons, Natural Armor, Dodge, and Stealth would help his buddy keep up, and if having four of them slowed him down a little bit, that just meant they'd be advancing at about the same speed.

Bob knew about rule forty-two. He also knew the older adage that there was truly nothing new under the sun. Someone, at some point in time, would drag their feline overlord along with them up the tiers. While all kitties deserved adoration and worship, Maine coons had a special sort of majesty about them, so when it was more likely than not that the next kitty from Earth to reach tier seven would be of that most handsome breed.

That meant that someone, eventually, would see the name that Bob selected for Monroe's species evolution.

Bob selected the option for Monroe to become a progenitor, which generated the expected System window.

You have chosen to evolve your familiar.

As the progenitor of his species, he continues to forge their path according to your ideals.

Members of his species who chose to evolve past the pinnacle will now receive a natural affinity for Natural Weapons, Natural Armor, Dodge, and Stealth.

Would you like to name your new species? If you prefer, the System will assign a name.

Speak or mentally project the word yes, or no.

"Yes," Bob grinned. Someone, some where, was either going to laugh themselves silly, or groan in frustration. Possibly both.

Speak or mentally project the name of your new species.

"Divine Feline Overlord," Bob intoned.

Monroe didn't suffer any of the sensations Bob had endured after reincarnating, although there was a brief moment of confusion due to the reduction in attributes. But he was in a nice, warm, safe place with his human-servant, so he settled back down to napping.

"Still the most handsome kitty," Jessica said softly, digging her fingers into Monroe's ruff.

"That he is," Bob agreed, tapping another message out on his armband, summoning his friends into the room.

"He got it, didn't he?" Amanda asked.

Bob projected Monroe's achievement for her to inspect.

New Achievement.


Your familiar is the first user of his species to evolve beyond his limitations. He has have blazed a trail for his species to follow, burdening them with purpose. His excellence allowed you to select multiple affinities, all of which synergized with those advantages you had selected when you forged the Paragon and Pinnacle advancements for his species. This has greatly increased the value of this achievement.

Reward: You may select an Enduring Affinity. Enduring Affinities do not increase the resources necessary to advance.

Reward: Users who venerate him and have allocated a skill point to obtain his Enduring Attribute - Strength, and a skill point to gain access to his Enduring Attribute - Coordination, may now spend a skill point to receive either the Natural Weapon Affinity, the Natural Armor Affinity, the Dodge Affinity, or the Stealth Affinity. Obtaining any of these Affinities in this manner does not increase the resources necessary to advance.

Note: This Achievement has been modified by the Venerated Achievement.

"Four affinities?" Amanda shook her head and sighed. "Perfect kitty affinities too," she said.

"Betting is closed," Jack announced.

"Betting?" Bob asked.

"You got to choose the name for your new species," Mike explained. "We figured you'd be able to do the same with Monroe, and while we were waiting, we put a little betting pool together on what you'd choose."

"I bet you'd choose something dignified and regal," Jessica said.

"I thought you'd go full ham," Mike grinned. "I don't suppose you named his species 'The Lord God Almighty,' did you?"

Bob shook his head. "This magnificent specimen you see before you, is properly named as the first member of the Divine Feline Overlords!"

"Dave was the closest," Jack sighed, passing over a bag.

"I had 'Feline Overlord,'" Dave confessed.

"He was my feline overlord, but he's clearly ascended beyond simple mortals such as ourselves, haven't you buddy?" Bob applied both hands to Monroe's cheeks, earning himself a volume increase from the purr motor.

"Well, you're both level one now, you know what that means," Eli said.

"Time to grind," Bob replied with a smile.

Kellan smiled.

Bob was self effacing, honest, and hardworking. He was not, however, particularly adept in subterfuge. Kellan was certain that Bob and his friends had returned to Thayland to reincarnate. As Bob had done nothing but good for Greenwold, Kellan wasn't inclined to track his movements. There were other, more subtle methods.

He studied the System projection in front of him. An Enduring Affinity was no small thing.

"Thank you for keeping me informed," he said as the screen disappeared.

"We appreciate your support," Ani replied. "There are some who refuse to accept the divine nature of He Who Walks Before, despite the clear evidence provided by the System."

Kellan nodded sagely. "As long as Greenwold shelters beneath my wings, there will be a place for those who venerate him," Kellan rumbled.

"Thank you, your Majesty," Ani bowed. "If there are any additional changes, I will inform you immediately."

Kellan watched the girl leave. He recalled that during his first meeting with Robert Whitman, he'd thought the man had a potential for entertainment, but he could freely admit, he'd never expected to have this much fun.

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