MTL - Black Iron’s Glory-Chapter 30 Fire rope gun

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Chapter 30 Fire Rope Gun

This is the first time that Claude saw the arquebuses of different worlds. In the past, he saw pictures of the early arquebus on the computer, but he did not take the arquebus in his hand to play. Contrasting it in the dark, it seems that there is no big difference between the arquebus in this world and the arquebus on the pictures seen in previous lives.

Verricko said that this was the gun that his father brought back from the army when he was discharged from the army. The Gary three-type arquebus was an early vintage musket. Now the kingdom army has used the Obash type 2 firearms. The old-fashioned muskets of the Gali three have long since retired.

His father also said that the musket is still a weapon for the soldiers, but it is not very suitable for hunting. Later, with his money, his father went to the county town to ask people to rebuild two shotguns for hunting. This fire rope gun was thrown at home to make a memorial. Then Verricko grew up and seized the arquebus.

Claude is very curious: "Viro, can the musket be built privately?"

"Of course." Verricko nodded. "There is a public firearm workshop in Baromiese County. It can produce more than 47,000 guns of various types every year. It is the largest industrial workshop in the three provinces of Southwest China. There are more than 3,000 domestic helpers. They also accept private custom-made muskets and give them official numbers. However, the requirement for private customization is that the identity must be above the national level, and the price relief from the military can be obtained."

"So what is the difference between the two shotguns that your father customized and the arquebus?" Claude really didn't understand the difference. In his opinion, it was not all arquebuses, they were all shots. The gunpowder is ignited with a gun, and it’s necessary to use a strip to clean the gun. It takes half a day to put a shot, which is awkward.

"My father's custom-made two shotguns are about twice as big as this one." Verricko stroked a circle with his fingers to show the size of the muzzle: "The range is not far, but the power is increased." Several times. This gun has no problem in injuring people. When you fight, you can make do with it. You can deal with the beasts in the mountains. The killing power is not enough, because people do not have the thick fur of the beast to protect.

For example, if you encounter a wild boar in the mountain, you can use this gun to put a four or five guns. Maybe the wild boar will only have some blood, and there will be no ass, and you will chase you to catch up with the sky. Not to mention the leopards and other beasts in the mountains. If you shoot a gun without hitting the beast, you will wait for the knife to prepare for melee. There is no chance for you to put a second shot. When you pour the medicine, The beast is already close.

So my father re-customized two shotguns, one is designed to deal with the thick skin, even if the wild boar can be shot down. The other one is to fight the bullets. It is used to guard against those movements. A shot has been over, and even an agile animal has to hang it. As long as the action is slow, it will be better.

The only downside is that the two shotguns are big and heavy, and they are too tired to climb for less than half an hour. They must also be supported by a fork when aiming at the shot, otherwise they will not lift. In addition, the cost of gunpowder is also very large. I put 10 guns of gunpowder on the arquebus and less than three shots for a shotgun. So the gunpowder at home is almost gone. This time we have to pay for gunpowder. ”

Crowder carefully looked at the Gali three-type arquebus in his hand. The total length of the gun was about one meter eight. The **** made of cherry wood and the black barrel were 30 centimeters from the butt. The muzzle was a bit The horn-shaped, narrow-length gun body is made of silver-plated copper nails to connect the buttstock and the gun body. The second half is also silver-plated copper fittings, just because of the time, the silver plating on most of the fittings. It has been worn away, leaving only the dull, scratched copper surface.

Under the guidance of Verricko, Claude finally knew what the fire rope hammer, the fire rope clamping handle, the fire rope casing, the hammer spring, the bottom fire door, the medicine box, the disk cover, and the trigger were recognized. Only after Verricko simulated the process of how to launch, Claude found a very important issue.

“Why doesn’t the rifle have a sight?”

"What is a sight?" Verricko asked.

"Oh..." Claude didn't know how to explain it for a while. It took a long time for Villicro to understand that the sight was aimed at the target when firing the rifle.

"It turns out that you are talking about this, ah, you see." Verricko suddenly realized that he took the arquebus and pointed it to Claude. "We don't call the sight. We call the launching point. You see this gun." This nick on the mouth, and the nick on the back of the kit, this is the launch point. When we are ready to launch, we need to align the two points to the straight target, then ignite the rope, close the eyes, then Pull the trigger, the horn, the gun will shoot out..."

"No, I said why close your eyes and pull the trigger?" Claude couldn't understand.

Verikro smiled: "This is to protect the eyes, so that the lid on the pill box is not covered with a splash of fire. In addition, the fire rope gun will emit a lot of smoke, and the eyes will not be smoked. ""

"Can you close your eyes and still hit the target?" Claude said that he was simply not allowed to stand in front of you.

"So, to exercise, the most important thing is to be steady, not to shake, so that the target is aimed at re-closing the eye, and it will hit the target in all likelihood."

Well said it makes sense, Claude is speechless. But he remembered the old problem of aiming: "Right, Vero, you said that the two launch points and the target are in line, then if the launcher is steady, do you want to play where to fight? That is to say, hit this Are the two emission points aligned with the body parts of the target in a straight line?"

"It's not the case." Verricko shook his head and said: "I also want to estimate the amount of advance, up or down. Generally speaking, when I fire the two launch points and the target in a straight line, the guns are basically launched. The distance from the **** is lower. So I want to hit the head of the target. When aiming, I have to estimate the distance of one finger to launch. Otherwise, the target is the head, but the neck is hit."

"This broken gun is troublesome, and it is not easy to launch." Claude exclaimed: "Yes, Ike, let me see the ship-type fire rope that you brought."

The short arquebus gun that Eriksson brought was also replaced by his father. As a captain, a short rifle is a necessary self-defense weapon. However, this short beggar was bought by his father. Later, there was a meeting of the captain. His father won a gilded silver commemorative version of the fire rope, so this short-cut plaque was lost by his father. At home, then became the toy of Eriksson.

"I have a short slap, but Verona has played far, with a range of only 50 meters. The effective killing distance is 20 to 30 meters. It can only be used for self-defense." Eriksson handed the short scorpion .

Verizro's three-type fire rope grab is said to have a range of 280 meters, and the effective killing distance is about 150 meters. Of course, you can't play it. However, within a hundred meters, a five-centimeter-thick wooden board can pass through. It is no wonder that the early years will become the standard equipment of the kingdom army.

The short cymbal is curved and curved, about 60 centimeters long. Except for the short barrel, the brass fittings on the gun are smaller than the accessories of the volley gun. The other is no different. The gun body is short and the accessories are crowded together and look a bit bloated.

"Right, take your guns and gunpowder. Let me see. When I bought it last time, I listened to Wakuri and said that you are a short-lived marine-type egg white. What kind of dry powder is used by Verona? Half, I see what the difference is."

What Claude didn't expect was that the gunpowder that Eriksson handed him was actually a paper tube. Even the guns were attached to the paper tube. The paper tube was made of oil paper and was waterproof. There is also a small piece of cork between the gun and the paper tube, which seems to be a little larger than the paper tube.

“What is this small piece of wood used for?” Claude wondered why he added a small piece of wood between the gun and the tube of gunpowder.

"It can be used for fixing and holding the gun. Because it is a short squat, there is no such small piece of wood when it is shaken in the hand, and the gun and gunpowder are easy to slide out..." Verricko explained.

Oh, Claude understood, he prepared to peel off the set of gunpowder paper in his hand and look at the gunpowder inside.

"Don't tear it down." Eriksson said: "When you go back, if you have more, you can take a look at it. Now, if it is useful, we will lose one shot. This is a shot. I bought fifteen rounds and spent one of us."

Seven Finney is equivalent to seven cents, plus three hairs is a Sunar, and a Riazor is ten dollars. Mr. Morsan said that his day’s wages would also be a riasao, which is equivalent to fifteen shots. This is quite expensive.

"Naviro, is this kind of gun used in your arquebus?" Claude lived from the good.

Vero shook his head. "No, I am separate. Gunpowder powder is packed in this horn, not as fixed as his gun."

"It’s much easier to fix the powder than you can, is it because it’s too expensive?”

"No, that doesn't apply to my arquebus." Knowing that Claude is a musket idiot, Vericello is patiently explaining to him: "It is convenient to fix the gun, but it remains in the gun after launch." The confetti cleaning is very troublesome. Ikea has a short rifle that is short, easy to see when cleaning, and easy to clean.

The gun body of my arquebus is very long. I can't clean it with the fixed gun. If the paper scraps are left inside, the second shot will affect the range and accuracy, and even the accumulation of paper scraps in the barrel will affect the life of the barrel. ”

Claude is somewhat confused to grasp his own head. In his impression, the protagonists of the historical novels seen in the past lives have returned to the ancient world of guns and guns to fight for the hegemony. Basically, they have set the gunpowder as a magic weapon for battlefield competition. It can effectively increase the number of fire gun launches and reduce the troublesome steps of launching a fire rope gun. How can it be impossible to get here?

Verricko stood up and took out a few rectangular pieces of leather: "Okay, we are ready to go. It is about seven o'clock. It is just a ambush to the creek to see if there are any prey." Drink water. Everyone picks up two pieces of leather, puts the calves around, and then tied them with ropes. Don't leak the gaps."

Bok Al is very puzzled: "No, Vero, do you let us tie this leather? Do you not wear trousers and hiking boots..."

"This is an anti-snake bite." Vero said: "Without this leather, the light trousers will be bitten by the snake worms. When the leather is tied, they will not bite. In the night, walk through the grass and the woods, most It’s the snake venom that should be watched and watched. Right, tie the neckline and don’t let the reptiles fall into the collar.”

"Then, then we can't ignite it, and then hit the grass with a stick..."

"H..." Verricko was laughed at: "We are going to ambush, we are going hunting, not going to the parade! You are hitting the stick with a torch, and want to have animals near the stream?"

After a while, I saw everyone tied the skin on the calf. Verricko said: "When we are ready, we will leave. I am in front, Claude and Boa are in the middle, and Ike is the last. Right. Boa has a stone shovel, Crowder brings you my hunting bow, and your bow and arrow are still shooting well at school. I have two more bows than the school practice soft bow, you should be able to Use it.

Also, everyone should be quiet when they walk, it is best not to make any big noise. When I get to the creek, I will choose the ambush point. At that time, try not to talk, lest the animals feel that they have escaped... Okay? Ok, let's go..."