MTL - Black Iron’s Glory-Chapter 31 Night hunting

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Chapter 31—Night Hunting

Four people walked silently through the sparse woods.

Crowder suddenly remembered a question: "Right, Vero, when I read the history book, the history of the mainland recorded that there were muskets more than five hundred years ago. How long has it passed us or the fire rope? gun?"

In the memory, the development process of the firearms in the past life seems to be not so slow. From the emergence of the arquebus to the modern advanced automatic rifle, the process will be two or three hundred years. The military forum that passed through the front said that now countries are already developing more advanced individual weapons, and what laser guns are developing in miniaturization. But this is the different world of Faslan. In the past five or six hundred years, technology seems to be stagnant. The arquebus is still a rifle. The most important armies of the mainland are equipped with weapons. Even the war cannot promote the renewal and development of weapons.

Next to Bokeer laughed: "What do you need without a rifle, bow or knife? The war has long proved that the arquebus is the most reliable and sharp weapon in the hands of the soldiers. Without the arquebus, the kingdom has long since perished."

"I don't mean that, stupid." Claude slammed Bok Al: "I mean, why not improve the arquebus, make it easier and faster to operate, or cancel the flamingo, using a more reliable ignition method, For example, meteorites, as well as post-loading bombs..."

"There is improvement, the kingdom has been working hard to increase the range of the arquebus. Now the latest version of the Obash II type musket is said to have a range of 350 meters, the effective killing distance is 244 meters, and the muzzle is still You can install a bayonet and use it directly as a spear. You don't need soldiers to take the arquebus and the weapon of the hand-to-hand combat on the battlefield..." Verricko snorted in front of him.

It’s not... The light improvement range has a fart, and it’s not easy to play... Claude feels that he is almost a chicken and duck, and the partners’ thinking is not in line with themselves. He decided to change the way: "I think it is too inconvenient to launch with a fire rope. We should improve the way the firearms are fired. Didn't the people who made the gun workshop think about it?"

"This my father said before." Verricko thought about it: "Our kingdom has four gun-making workshops, and our gun-making workshops in the county are the smallest. The four gun-making workshops are produced every year. Nearly 200,000 firearms of all kinds, in addition to private custom-made muskets, their share of firearms and drawings are issued by Wangdu's Guns Institute, and must be produced in strict accordance with the requirements of the drawings.

My father said that he had been a vigilant soldier for two years at the Guns Institute of Wangdu. He said that many of the guns research institutes were mad, and the strange fire guns were invented. Like what you just said about the igniting of the rock, the post-loading bomb is not without, but in the range and power is not as old as the oldest arquebus.

In addition, safety is also a problem. They warned that there were 17 soldiers who went to test the guns because the guns were blown up and injured. So my father applied to transfer to the frontline troops, so that he would not be as disabled as his comrades. The ending. It’s just that he’s not lucky. When he’s over to the front line, the war is over. He’s standing in the rear...”

In the original kingdom, there was also a gun research institute specializing in the research and improvement of the musket. It was only in the past years that in addition to improving the range and power of the musket, there was no further improvement of the arquebus, and even the rifle could not be produced. It was simply Incompetent.

"In addition to this Gundam Institute of the King, there is no other person to invent the musket? For example, some private gunmen?"

Claude remembers some of the information that previous lives have seen on computers. One of the two most important factors in the development of firearms is the need for war, enabling more advanced weapons to be used more quickly in war. The second is Those firearms enthusiasts, who used various whimsical ways to improve their weapons, made an indelible contribution to the development of firearms from the arquebus to the automatic rifle era. It seems that the famous weapons manufacturers and arms companies of previous generations were originally developed from a small private workshop.

"Maybe there..." Verricko said: "My father should also be a private gunman. His two shotguns were designed by him. Only the privately designed muskets will eventually go to the kingdom. The workshop is customized, which requires the design drawings to be reviewed to ensure that no safety incidents will occur and that an official number will be given.

If you find a blacksmith shop to build it privately, it will violate the ban of the kingdom, and both the commissioner and the builder must be arrested and sentenced. So those blacksmiths have nothing to do with swords and bows, but it is a big sin to build a musket privately. Of course, some people have customized the fire gun from the gun-making workshop and then take it home to rebuild it, as long as it does not destroy the number on the gun. ”

There was also a ban on the creation of firearms, and it should also be the kingdom’s measures to control the firearms. Only in this way, invisibly limits the further development of the musket. As for the Guns Institute of Wangdu, it seems that it has gone in the wrong direction. Crowder really doesn't understand why the research on the range and power of the musket is in the first place. Shouldn't it be more convenient and faster to shoot and load? Increase the range and power should go to study bullets instead of muskets...

Claude is silent. The world is a bit weird. Just like being a student, there is no physical or chemical course in the courses. I ask the students and classmates. They ask themselves what this physics and chemistry is... ...

It’s no wonder that five or six hundred years still use arquebus...

The front of Verricko suddenly waved twice, which means that everyone stops. Claude listened to the ear and turned to the place. Just now I was thinking about it, I didn’t even notice the sound of running water.

"Okay, go there and ambush." ​​Verricko looked for a long time, pointing to a bunch of rocks not far away and said softly: "Do you see that big rock? We are hiding behind that place, that place The view is wide and the vent is open. The animals come over and drink the water and can't smell our smell. The stream just turns a corner beside the rock, and the creeks within 50 meters are in the range of my rifle shooting. I can't see it, I hope we can have a good luck..."

The place where Verricko was looking for was really good. When the creek was flooded, the rocky beach should be flooded, so the surrounding rock is very clean and there are no snakes, lizards and scorpions. Four people just hid behind the rocks, and Verricko found a few feet to climb up, put the fire rope on the rock, and then revealed a head to see the movement around the creek.

Eriksson’s short arquebus guns are of no use at this time. Even if there are animals coming to the creek to drink water, unless they are within ten meters in front of them, if they are more than ten meters, the range is not enough to kill, so they can only be used for warning. .

Bok Al's Dendrobium and Claude's longbow range is enough, but neither of them has been trained in night shooting, even if they find that the prey can only aim in a general direction, God knows where they will shoot the arrow, so this The only night hunting that can really rely on is Verizro's arquebus.

The night wind is very cool, the moonlight sprinkles a little bit of clear water on the creek through the dense tree shade, the stream flowing through the stream, and the sound of creaking from time to time is like singing an endless song.

The shadow of the trees sways with the wind, and various forms change in the moonlight. The leaves make a squeaking noise from time to time. Occasionally, strange sounds are heard from the trees, sometimes sharp, sometimes rushing, sometimes chilling. Screams...

Bok Al has shrunk his head and involuntarily approached Claude.

Claude found his body shivering slightly, cracked his cracked mouth and smiled softly: "Don't be afraid, it's a normal sound, the wind blows through the treetops, some sounds in the woods are called by animals, it sounds a bit terrible……"

Thanks to the previous documentary that I saw in the past, I also watched the episode, the world of the night, recording the movements of animals in the forest at night. I don’t know, I’m scared, I saw the excitement in the forest at night, although it’s all black light, the loud one, the sounds, the infrared camera also took the leopard night. Capture the scenes of food, and the screams of those who are scared of monkeys.

Compared with the documentary, the sound in the woods here is already small, so Claude is very calm.

"You don't feel terrible at all?" Eriksson asked with amazement.

"There are some terrible things. In fact, many of them are your own associations. When you hear the terrible cry, you think of a terrible monster. You don't want to think that it is a terrible monster. It has already rushed out of the woods to catch us. It costs you flowers. So, is the big strength called in the woods for a long time? Also, wasn’t Ick caught the last time? You remember how loud the screaming, if you throw the cockroach in the woods at night, then it’s called It sounds terrible..."

"You three give me a shut up and don't talk!" Verricko was very angry and lowered his voice and shouted: "I don't know if the animals are very sensitive. They don't come to drink when they hear you talking!"

So the three people shut up and stopped talking, and continued to lie behind the big rock.

I don't know how long it took, and Claude was almost confused. He was suddenly stunned by Verricko: "Hey, don't make a noise, there is movement."

Verricko was talking to his ear almost, and Claude couldn't care. He carefully looked out from behind the rock and looked in the direction of Verrick.

Seeing the sound of the rags in the weed bushes in the distant woods, a few black shadows swayed out of the grass, and rushed to the creek to drink water, and several black shadows were still small. Playing in the creek.

Verricko sighed softly, slid down the rock, and pulled Lacroix's clothes, indicating that he was also down.

"What's wrong, don't you shoot?" Claude asked a little, whispered. Those shadows are only about forty meters away from here.

Verricko shook his head and whispered in the same way: "It’s useless. It’s a wild boar. I can’t kill this big gun. If I hit a small one, I will go crazy and ask for revenge. Now we are here at the rocky beach, big. The wild boar rushed over and we couldn’t run away..."

I dare to say that the black shadows are wild boars... Claude really didn’t see it clearly.

"But nothing, the wild boar comes to drink in the creek, and soon other animals will come to drink, we will wait patiently..."

At this time, Crowder discovered that both Bocker and Eriksson had fallen asleep together. Fortunately, they did not snoring and did not alarm the wild boars...

Verricko was right, and after more than half an hour, there was another group of animals on the side of the stream, about seven or eight.

"what is this?"

"We are lucky, this is the mountain deer..."

The two talked almost to the ear, and Verricko slowly and gently cut off the fire rope wrapped in the gun and the handle in the casing. "You take the match, I will let you point." Just click..."

Claude nodded nervously and motioned to understand.

Verricko aimed for a long time and finally said softly: "Ignition."

"哧啦", the fire lit up and lit the fire rope.

Claude only thought that time passed too slowly, the fire rope burned too slowly, and looked at it. The mountain deer in the distance seemed to be alarmed by the light here, but they did not run. Instead, they looked up and curiously watched this. side……

It seems that there is a long-lasting feeling. Claude finally heard the sound of "bang". In the distance, a mountain deer swayed a few times and planted it into the creek. The four legs were still twitching, and the rest of the mountain deer next to it. Turned back and rushed back to the woods...

Under the rock, Bocker and Eriksson jumped up: "Is it raining?"

Verricko slid out of the rock with excitement: "Hit, hit the torch, we passed."

Claude saw his face blackened by the fire of the musket.

The mountain deer in the creek is a little bigger than the goat. There are short antlers of ten centimeters long on the head. This should be a half-large deer, not a young deer, but not yet an adult.

Verricko's shot was very accurate. He went straight into his face and put a hole in his head. No wonder he was planted in the creek.

"The three of you put the torch on the ground, and then stood next to the weapon station. I was here to peel the flesh and peel it, so that it would be **** to bring it back to the camp, so we wouldn't be peaceful all night..." Verricko pulled out the short knife at the waist and said.