MTL - I Got Caught After Flirting with the Wrong Person-Chapter 44 jealous

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Fei Bai saw that he had already said it, and it was useless to hide it and pretend to be reserved, so he nodded generously: "Think."

Luo Yusen knew that the child was just bluffing with him now, and he would be so nervous that he didn't know where to put his hands and feet, so he just smiled lightly, looking noncommittal.

It was getting thicker, the wind was howling, and the leaves were swaying like gold.

As he walked, he became playful, jumped up to reach the branches stretched out beside the mountain road, and accidentally jumped too high, without touching his hand, he directly gave his forehead to the pestle went up.

He put down his hand, saw Qiao Li sitting not far from him, drinking water and playing with his mobile phone, and laughed at him by the way: "This big tree fork delayed you from taking off, didn't it?"

I don't know if it delayed him taking off, but anyway, it delayed him to tease Luo Yusen.

"Is there still water?" Fei Bai rudely reached out to Qiao Li.

Qiao Li shook the bottomed mineral water bottle: "No, go ahead and get some supplies."

At this time, a crisp voice interjected: "I have water."

Fei Bai and Qiao Li raised their heads at the same time, and saw a girl with a ponytail and a sun hat walking up to them, carrying a few bottles of water in her arms and saying, "I'm from the Marathon Association, I'm here to give you some water. ."

Fei Bai thanked him, took a bottle from the girl's hand, unscrewed the cap and poured it down.

The girl turned to Luo Yusen again: "handsome guy, do you want water?"

Luo Yusen didn't speak, she showed a bright smile again: "In exchange, I want to add your WeChat."

Qiao Li coughed, first made a "little three" mouth shape to Fei Bai, and then lowered his voice and said the second half of the sentence: "...It's quite attractive."

Just drink mine."

Luo Yusen raised his eyebrows, still took his water with great respect, and then said to the girl, "No need, thank you."

After the girl left, he returned the water to Feibai.

"You don't drink it?" Fei Bai thought about it, and then said clearly, "Oh, you have a cleanliness addiction."

Luo Yusen glanced at him and said nothing.

In fact, it was because he didn't know how much the child's classmates knew about the child's sexual orientation. Two people drinking from the same cup could easily lead to misunderstanding.

Fei Bai drank the rest of the water, Qiao Li went with him to find the trash can and threw the empty bottles, when the two walked side by side, Qiao Li whispered: "Fei Bai, don't say , you acted quite decently when you were jealous just now."

Fei Bai didn't answer immediately, and only said "yes" after a while.

Qiao Li didn't notice his abnormality, and continued to say cheerfully: "Hey Feibai, why don't you drink some wine during the barbecue at night, pretend to be drunk to entangle the little three, and take advantage of the heat Take him down."

Fei Bai said: "With the amount of alcohol I have, I don't need to pretend to be drunk."

He didn't plan to implement the plan that Qiao Li proposed to him, because in his nineteen years of life, as long as he drinks alcohol, he will refresh the record of shame experience, and the degree of mental retardation is directly full of that, such as taking He ran to the main road with a carrot and made phone calls for more than an hour, and he was still in English.

So when he is drunk, don't mention taking Luo Yusen, it's not necessarily clear whether he can say it clearly, it's fine if he doesn't kneel down and kowtow three times in a row.

But he didn't expect that he happened to be in a group with Zhong Yi during the barbecue at night. Zhong Yi saw that there were Qiao Li and Luo Yusen next to him, but he didn't dare to provoke him. , but when everyone was playing card games, they focused on Fei Bai, trying to make him lose. If he lost, he had to drink. Fei Bai was a scholar. After he found out that Zhong Yi was playing yin, he also began to compete with each other **** for tat, and finally The result is that one thousand damage to the enemy and eight hundred to oneself, both of them drink high.

also perform."

Qiao Li knew that he could do anything as a junior drinking, so he quickly grabbed Feibai: "Let's sober up, you can't dance or perform any show."

Drunken Feibai waved his hand away from him, and said with a big tongue: "Why can't I perform, I will give you one today..."

He pointed his finger in the air for a long time: "...Come on, let's recite a poem!"

Poems, poetry recitations? When Qiao Liguang heard these three words, he felt that his toes were already gripping the ground. Seeing that he couldn't control Feibai, he hurriedly said to Luo Yusen as if asking for help: "Brother, please hold Feibai!"

Luo Yusen raised his head and asked Feibai, "Can you not perform?"


After Fei Bai finished speaking confidently, he grabbed a beer bottle as a microphone and stood behind the bonfire and began to memorize: "Red crisp hands, yellow vine wine, two orioles singing green willows, long pavilion Outside, on the edge of the ancient road, a group of egrets ascended to the blue sky…”

"You rap." Qiao Li muttered.

Fei Bai glared at him: "I haven't finished reading yet!"

Qiao Li knew that the drunk Fei Bai couldn't be messed with, so he quickly followed him and said, "Okay, you can continue chanting."

Fei Bai cleared his throat: "The spring night is worth a thousand dollars, so I know that I have to do it..."

Qiao Li finally couldn't help laughing: "Don't recite Feibai, if you recite it again, it will be a mosaic plot."

Fei Bai really stopped lowering his back, because he was too drunk to stand up and sat on the ground again, Luo Yusen calmly supported his back.

"…Thank you, Senior Brother." He said dazedly.

Luo Yusen saw the shadow of the bonfire beating in Feibai's eyes, the child drank on his face, and the surrounding air seemed to be a touch of pink.

"Should I send you back to rest?" he asked.

Before Fei Bai spoke, Qiao Li had sharp ears and immediately answered: "Use, use, this is too much use, brother, you don't even know what else he can do, he just started school. When I was drunk, I ran from home to the main school building to spray all the fire extinguishers, and I thought Santa was coming in a sleigh soon."

Luo Yusen smiled and didn't answer: "He lives with you?"

"Yes, yes, I'll find the room card for you," Qiao Li pretended to take out his pocket, "Oh, no, where's the room card?"