MTL - I Got Caught After Flirting with the Wrong Person-Chapter 45 act wildly

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The room card was well placed in Qiao Li's pocket, thanks to the fact that he was wearing sweatpants today, which were too loose to see what was in the pocket, which was convenient for lying.

Luo Yusen wondered how the child's classmates were just like him, what kind of friends he really made.

Qiao Li dutifully took out every pocket of his body, and then said with a bitter face: "It's really gone, brother, why don't you let Feibai spend the night with you? chant."

"What about you?" Luo Yusen asked lightly.

Qiao Li was stunned for a moment, but he couldn't see that the three of them were good, and he still remembered to care about him.

"Me," Qiao Li rolled his eyes, "I'll look for it first, but if I can't find it, I'll contact you again. Brother, when you see me on Feibai's phone, you'll be able to answer it."

Luo Yusen said "good" and picked up the flying white creak like a child.

Fei Bai moved his shoulders, still thinking about the poem recitation, and half-closed his eyes and said, "...I haven't finished the performance yet, wait for me to recite it again."

"Okay, keep silent." Luo Yusen said.

Fei Bai grunted in his throat, then fell forward, pressing his forehead a little under Luo Yusen's shoulder.

Luo Yusen knew that the child was completely drunk, and didn't expect him to walk back by himself, so he put his arms around his neck and stuck his hands around his waist, all the way The child was half-supported and half-carried to the parking lot.

The private hotel is built on the top of the mountain. It only takes less than ten minutes to drive from the parking lot. The night is quiet. With a light wind.

Luo Yusen went directly to the marathon scene during the day and had not gone through the hotel procedures. After he entered the lobby, he put Feibai on the sofa in the rest area and went to register to get the room card.

When he checked in, he hesitated for a while, looked back at Feibai, and asked the little girl at the front desk, "Is there any room available?"

The little girl said: "Is there another room, I'll help you check it."

She skillfully typed the keyboard a few times, and shook her head after seeing the results displayed on the screen: "Sorry sir, it's full."

Luo Yusen said thank you, took the room card handed by her, turned around and went to the rest area to find Feibai.


Luo Yusen has lived for 28 years and has never served a drunk. After entering the room, he threw Fei Bai onto the bed, and stood for a while thinking about what to do.

"Fei Bai," Luo Yusen called to him, "don't sleep first, go take a bath."

When his counselor came, he also kicked it.

So Luo Yusen was not prepared to be kicked by him, and there was a black shoe print on his pants.

Fei Bai frowned, pulled the pillow over his face, and kicked his feet again.

Luo Yusen was ready this time and held his ankle quickly and steadily.

Fei Bai stopped for a while, subconsciously pulling his legs out of Luo Yusen's hands.

Luo Yusen had a strong hand and held it firmly, so he didn't have a chance to succeed.

Although Fei Bai was half asleep, his limbs were still responsive. One leg didn't move, and the other leg was ready to go up from one side.

Luo Yusen is an extreme sports enthusiast after all. After years of physical training, it is more than enough to deal with Feibai's little trick. He directly bent one leg and pressed it above Feibai's knee.

"What else do you want to do?" he asked calmly.

This oppressive twisting posture finally made the drowsy Fei Bai feel uncomfortable. He casually pushed the pillow off his face, opened his eyes a few times, and saw Luo Yusen clearly His face was stunned for a while, and then he looked at his ankle in his hand, and the overlapping legs of the two.

Fei Bai swallowed a mouthful of saliva: "Senior brother, what did I just...?"

"Can't remember?" Luo Yusen didn't let go.

Fei Bai nodded: "I can't remember."

Luo Yusen said: "If you can't remember, think about it slowly."

No, think slowly with this posture? Fei Bai avoided Luo Yusen's condescending gaze, stared at the wrought iron lamps on the ceiling and said, "Brother, can you let me go first?"

"Let go of you?" Luo Yusen leaned forward slightly, and Fei Bai's leg that was held by him was sent back, "Let go of you and let you continue to play? "

Fei Bai felt a little tight in his lower abdomen, and his legs softened slightly.

He caught a glimpse of the dirty shoe prints on Luo Yusen's trousers, and suddenly remembered his habit of not recognizing the messy children as long as he was sleepy, and also knew that Luo Yusen said "play" What does it mean: "I'm sorry, senior brother, I didn't mean it. I'm awake now, and I promise not to play indiscriminately, really."

It feels like there is an electric current surging up.

Luo Yusen lowered his head and glanced at him casually, with a slightly playful tone: "Looks like he's really awake."

Fei Bai blushed, and in a panic, he reached out to pull the quilt over, trying to cover himself, Luo Yusen looked amused and let him get off the bed: "Fei Bai, you really..."

He didn't say the last half of the sentence, and probably didn't think about what to say, and finally just urged Feibai to take a shower with a half-smile and half-sighing expression.

As soon as Fei Bai walked into the bathroom, he stuck his head out of the crack of the door and asked, "Brother, why don't you take off your pants and I'll rub it for you while I'm taking a shower?"

Luo Yusen was sitting in a chair looking at his phone, and glanced at him: "You are so particular."

Fei Bai understood what he meant, rubbed his head and said, "Then I'll rub it for you after I take a shower."

Then retracted and closed the door.

Luo Yusen lowered his head and continued to pay attention to the stock market and foreign exchange trends. After hearing the sound of water rushing from the bathroom, he raised his head and glanced at it. There was some subtle meaning in his eyes.

The large glass in the bathroom facing the room is fully transparent, and there are shutters that can be raised and lowered, but the child does not know if he is really confused, and he forgot to put the shutters down, and now the glass is covered with Moisture, the delicate body of the young boy was looming in the warm light, Luo Yusen didn't even know when his mobile phone screen went dark.

The author has this to say:

Update tomorrow!