MTL - I [Imperial] Am This Type of Man-Chapter 54 Conquer the Light Knight (4)

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Ji Jinrong opened his eyes the next day and saw Douglas' face close at hand.

Ji Jinrong stared at the old man with a smile, raised his hand and put a cleanup magic on himself and Douglas! When the two of them became instantly refreshing, he raised his hand, and a tiny stream of water poured from his fingertips, squeezing a handful of hair raised by Douglas's forehead.

Seeing that Douglas hadn't woken up yet, Ji Jinrong thought that the raised hair just now was very cute, and could not help but frost the hands that were sticking to the hair into ice, so that the hair would rise up--

Oh oh, this knight grown up looks less serious!

Ji Jinrong finished appreciatively and was about to quietly remove the dross on the forehead of the knight, but found Douglas open his eyes suddenly.

Ji Jinrong retracted his hand.

Douglas said, "Enough to play?"

Ji Jinrong was so smart: "Enough to play! Enough to play!" He glanced at Douglas's scum on his head, and couldn't help laughing. He has no interest in becoming a teacher, and only likes these little magics that are not useful in the eyes of others. Rayler has always hated iron and steel. Now it seems that these little magics are really interesting! Ji Jinrong took hold of Douglas and kissed him on the cheek. "Good morning, Lord Douglas."

Before Douglas reacted, Ji Jinrong ran away again.

Douglas sat in the tent, suppressing the inexplicable heat in his blood.

His physical condition is different from many people. Although he is an adult, he has never given birth to such things as desire.

But when he woke up in the morning, Douglas found that he had the urge to crush the person in his arms hard under him.

When Ji Jinrong was on the rise, Douglas woke up long ago, just to avoid being embarrassed, she didn't let Ji Jinrong know.

I didn't expect this guy to really play on his own!

This guy seemed open-minded, but actually more naive than many of his peers-as long as he released a little bit of coercion, this guy carefully retracted his claws that he had rubbed out.

At first glance, he grew up spoiled by people.

Douglas touched the cheek that was kissed.

With such a look, I have no protection against people. I hugged people to sleep and hugged my relatives, and I was wiped away when I met others?

If he is the one around this guy ...

Douglas suddenly thought of the "Rayle" in Ji Jinrong's mouth.

The guy was quite strong, and Ji Jinrong also trusted him so much that he could hand over the compensation of 10,000 gold coins to the other party.

Douglas sank.

Douglas went out and saw the "weak" mage greeting the knights. Obviously his eyes were blocked by the mage's hat, but the knights could still be infected with his happy mood, with a smile on his face.

The whole morning seemed to be very beautiful.

Douglas was ready to go to Irving.

Ji Jinrong saw Douglas's figure and waved happily: "Oh, Lord Douglas, you woke up? Good morning! You are so beautiful today too-oh no, Yingwu Junlang!"

In order to pursue the growth of the Cavaliers, he deliberately understood many love stories of this era, and remembered many sweet words-he found that many stories have mentioned this: even a partner who has been with for many years must not always Forget praise!

Ji Jinrong feels very reasonable, and actively uses the skills she has "learned" in pursuing partners and managing relationships.

Knights: "..."

I always think there is something wrong with Master Gary!

Douglas twitched his forehead.

Don't think that he didn't hear the "beautiful" that guy just said! Did this guy bring over the lines from the play? Even if he doesn't like these things anymore, he knows that this is the most popular line in love with Caroline! Those nobles will talk about this stuff when they get together, and greet their lovers every day will imitate the tone in it-just like Ji Jinrong just now!

Seeing that Douglas's face was not right, Ji Jinrong stopped looking at the tiger's whiskers and went to Brown to prepare breakfast.

After the party was full, they set off to return to Huangdu.

In the evening, the Knights of Light arrived safely.

Douglas asked Irving to send His Highness His Highness back to the palace. Instead of letting down Ji Jinrong, he took him back to the Knights of Light.

The knights were already amazed.

Ji Jinrong knew why Douglas brought him back.

Douglas was a man of words. Since he said he was responsible for the injuries on his hands, Douglas would definitely be responsible for it!

Ji Jinrong followed behind Douglas step by step and came to Douglas' residence in the Cavaliers.

Ji Jinrong blinked her eyes.

He followed Douglas into it.

The door closed as soon as Ji Jinrong stepped into the room.

Ji Jinrong said: "This is where you live, Lord Douglas." It looks like Douglas's style, there is nothing extra, and even if you want to move, there is no half luggage!

Douglas said, "Yes."

He reached out and took off Ji Jinrong's hat, exposing that beautiful face and bright eyes. This guy obviously has such a face, but never thought of using this to seduce him, only boasting proudly there.

Douglas leaned slightly, his handsome face closer.

Ji Jinrong was a little excited, looking at Douglas brightly. Douglas finally felt his fiery and sincere love, ready to respond to him!

When Ji Jinrong was full of expectations, Douglas grabbed Ji Jinrong's hand and slammed them back. A rope wrapped around Ji Jinrong's wrist spiritually, and tied Ji Jinrong firmly without mercy.

Douglas leaned on the rope and threw Ji Jinrong onto the bed.

Douglas's bed was naturally not too soft.

Ji Jinrong watched Douglas alertly.

Douglas drew a soft whip. The whip was obviously a lesson. The black one had a lot of black spikes on it. At a glance, he knew it would hurt.

Ji Jinrong was shocked: "Dear Lord Douglas, do you really like this ..."

Douglas said, "That's right." He threw a whip when Ji Jinrong wasn't prepared. The whip was so ingenious that he did not touch Ji Jinrong for half a minute, but the sharp black thorns on it opened Ji Jinrong's robe, revealing his white-white chest.

Ji Jinrong narrowed his eyes.

He swallowed and fell into a fierce struggle.

Although he was determined to accompany Douglas to do what he wanted to do, he was only planning to accompany the Killing Demons to talk about love, and suddenly it became such that he could not accept it for a while!

It turned out that Douglas is single because he likes to play like this! This is too scary, especially the whip on his hand! The black thorns can even cut open the mage's robe. If it falls on a person, it must be flesh and blood, and the flesh is blurred!

Ji Jinrong said, "It's not good ..." He was really hurt! Ji Jinrong's eyes were begging, "If we take it slowly, it's just like this-so-"

Douglas stepped forward, glanced down at the mage's robes that were open on both sides, and saw everything inside. He didn't feel that he was too much, and the whip arrived at the side of Ji Jinrong's face, gently rubbing Ji Jinrong's delicate skin, his voice raised slightly: "So what?"

The sharp black thorns made Ji Jinrong's hair grow up.

This guy turned out to be such a beast!

Ji Jinrong quietly broke open the rope and was always ready to escape.

Before he could pull his leg, Douglas had thrown his whip away, and the whole man arrived.

That intense sense of oppression came from Douglas again.

Ji Jinrong knew that Douglas was intentional.

Douglas is stronger than him, and the coercion from his body alone can completely suppress him!

Ji Jinrong pretends to be clever: "Master Douglas, you were just scaring me! I almost believed it!"

Douglas trapped Ji Jinrong between his hands and said, "If you didn't meet me, your experience could be a thousand times worse than before. Master Gary, don't play this game anymore, or you will lose yourself in."

Douglas is not a nosy person, but this guy looks too easy to be cleaned. This kind of guy who thinks he is very smart will not listen to him if he doesn't give him some lessons.

Ji Jinrong heard Douglas' words stupefying.

The face close at hand was still so cold.

However, this kind of advice to a person who has been entangled with himself can be seen that deep in his heart is very soft and very gentle.

Obviously always tired of his "pursuit"-

It doesn't matter who you become or who you are.

Ji Jinrong stretched his hands around Douglas' neck, buried his head in Douglas's neck, and said happily, "Master Douglas, I like you more and more."

Douglas: "..."

Douglas a little regretted that he hadn't whipped the guy just a few moments ago.

In that case, this guy would never dare to hold him like this!

Douglas said coldly, "You can't hear me at all?"

Ji Jinrong vowed: "Of course I can hear it! Lord Douglas, I firmly remember every word you say!" He turned his head and kissed Douglas's side face affectionately, "But you are not others. Rest assured, I They will never do this to others, they can't even see my face! "

Douglas thought of that "Relle".

That guy can also see this guy's face.

"Sit down," Douglas said.

Ji Jinrong saw Douglas return to his frosty appearance, obediently obedient.

Douglas took the wound medicine and put it on Ji Jinrong's palm.

The redness and pain there had completely disappeared.

Douglas watched Ji Jinrong's mage robe ripped off by a whip, took out a cloak and wrapped it on Ji Jinrong: "There will be no more problems with the wound on your hand, go back."

Ji Jinrong knew that it would not be easy to impress Douglas and was not discouraged. He said goodbye to Douglas happily and fastened his cloak to leave the Knights of Light.


Douglas was invited into the palace that night by his mother and queen.

His mother was a princess of the Orton Empire and a close friend of the queen. When he saw Douglas, his mother waved at him and asked with a smile: "Child, when will you bring Gary to us?"

Douglas: "..."

The queen also said, "Douglas, do n’t be embarrassed. Will and Irving have already told us. You are a kid, you do n’t tell us if you like them, and you still care about the status gap. It does n’t matter! Like, we all will like it. "

Douglas had no idea what they were talking about.

It wasn't until Douglas understood what was going on after his mother and queen had finished your sentence. It turned out that His Highness Three told his mother-in-law and aunt immediately after returning to the palace, intending to cover up his "away from home" thing.

His abacus played well, and his mother and emperor forgot to teach him and happily asked what was going on.

Finally, Owen was called to confirm.

Owen, however, consciously shoulders the "heavy task". He took out the "new ingredients promotion plan" that Douglas had clarified, and said vividly the deep affection between Douglas and Ji Jinrong, and eloquently stated that Douglas was afraid of the identity gap between the two. Too big, want to ask Ji Jinrong for a noble status.

When asked what kind of person Ji Jinrong was, Irving naturally answered honestly: the child was well-behaved, clever, and at the same time extremely enthusiastic. He was not afraid of Douglas at all, nor did he abandon Douglas' cold personality!

Douglas: "..."

To the eager eyes of his mother and queen, Douglas said, "It's not what they say."

Mother Douglas was anxious: "Are the knights of the entire Light Knights deceiving? Douglas, I didn't expect you to hide it from your mother," she took out her handkerchief, and wiped the tears that did not exist in the corner of her eyes. "You are sure Blame me for not protecting you. "

Douglas was taken away by the Demons when he was a kid, and was not rescued until he was ten years old.

Douglas didn't remember a lot of things when he came back, and since then it has become a character that is not close to anyone today, and it is completely different from the cheerful appearance when he was a child.

Douglas knew that his mother had been guilty of it, but he didn't know how to comfort and get close to her. So as soon as he heard this from his mother, Douglas could no longer refuse to stay a thousand miles away.

Douglas said: "It really isn't what they say." He frankly said, "The child is just playing. He thinks people like me will never hurt him, so he came to provoke me."

With that said, Douglas's expression was inevitably heavy and his mood was not very happy.

Douglas himself didn't find it, but his mother and queen found it. They glanced at each other, his mother said with a smile: "Tonight we invited the Qiang Opera Company to perform, and invited their heads who have not shown their faces, and you will stay with us."

To his mother's gentle eyes, Douglas could not refuse.

Douglas accompanied his mother to the auditorium, and looked at the big red curtain critically.

Soon, someone led a teenager over. The young man was wearing aristocratic clothing and aristocratic hats, his eyes were half covered by the brim, but he could still see the beautiful and beautiful color.

People around couldn't help holding their breath.

The servants leading the way introduced: "His Royal Highness, Her Royal Highness, this is Gary, head of the Rose Theatre Company."

It was Ji Jinrong who came.

With a smile on his lips, Ji Jinrong greeted the Queen and Douglas mother generously: "His Royal Highness, Her Royal Highness!"

His Royal Highness the Three Emperor, who accompanied his mother to listen to the drama, watched. After a long time he returned to God: "Oh, Gary! You look so beautiful, Gary!" After realizing what he said, His Royal Highness Three could not help but look at Douglas. Seeing that Douglas's face was very ugly, His Royal Highness Three quickly remedied, "Sorry, I shouldn't say that ..."

Boys generally don't like to be praised for being pretty.

The queen and Douglas mother's eyes brightened.

It turns out that this is "Gary"!

The child looked so beautiful, no wonder even Douglas was tempted. Douglas' mother stood up and took Ji Jinrong's hand, asked him to sit between himself and Douglas, and asked cheerfully, "Child, is Rose Theatre Company yours?"

Ji Jinrong said, "Yes," he was not humble at all, but asked like a child who wanted to invite his elders, "I fell in love with Caroline. Do you like it?"

"In Love with Caroline" is based on the true story of his Caroline sister. The beautiful, warm and brave Caroline girl is very popular with the nobles.

Mother Douglas' eyes were brighter: "Of course I like it! We've all heard it many times!"

The queen was also very satisfied. At first she thought that this child was just beautiful, I'm afraid it would be difficult to really impress Douglas, and she heard that Ji Jinrong still had such talent, she was relieved.

Douglas: "..."

Why do they think that he would like to write that kind of crap!

Douglas looked at Ji Jinrong coldly.

Ji Jinrong sensed his gaze and raised his head to smile at him.

Douglas picked up the wine on the table and drank, and stopped looking at him.

The queen and Douglas' mother looked at each other and laughed secretly. Oh, their Douglas is shy.

If you really don't like it, Douglas will definitely not look at it more! But since the child just appeared, Douglas's eyes haven't left the child much.

Not acknowledging now is just embarrassing to admit it.

Didn't Irving say that too? Douglas has already begun to consider the status gap.

The Queen and Douglas' mother were more enthusiastic about Ji Jinrong.

Ji Jinrong was obviously very good at dealing with such things, and soon they completely conquered their hearts. After watching the play, Douglas' mother ordered: "Douglas, you send Gary back. It's getting dark, and he's very dangerous."

"Mother, he is an adventurer," Douglas said.

Although Ji Jinrong has been emphasizing "I'm weak", Douglas doesn't think this guy is weak.

Dare to kiss him after he pulled the whip, how weak can this guy be? If it was so weak, he would have been crying and hiding far away, how could he dare to appear in front of him like this!

Ji Jinrong's face looked just as sad: "Her Highness, no need, I'll go back alone. For so many years I have lived alone, no problem ..."

Douglas' mother thought of Irving's "New Food Promotion Plan" and thought that the child had no father and mother and had been living in a slum. This child is very affectionate, but later he did not move out of the slums, but instead tried to improve the lives of the people around him. This is how the theater company came out. Every member of the theater company came out of the poor street. They are now They can already feed their families and live a good life on their own-this child is so kind and sensible!

With tears in his eyes, Douglas' mother wiped the corners of her eyes with a handkerchief and said angrily: "Douglas you don't send it, I'll send it! What a good boy, you don't know how to hurt people ..."

Douglas: "..."

Douglasmer silently took up Ji Jinrong's hand and quickly took Ji Jinrong away from where his mother could see.

The moonlight was very good.

Ji Jinrong said in a pleasant tone: "Thank you, Lord Douglas, for sending me ~"

Douglas looked at him coldly: "Is it fun?"

Douglas was really angry.

His mother is very kind, and she will be even more sad when others are sad. Obviously, Ji Jinrong's best is to take advantage of the softness of others. He deliberately said the words just now, just to make his mother feel bad for him-Douglas doesn't mind Ji Jinrong playing with him, but absolutely no one is allowed to take advantage of his mother's kindness!

Ji Jinrong looked at Douglas's angry face and frowned. He's the best at checking words and words, but he couldn't see that Douglas was really annoyed at this time.

He turned his head a little and realized what was going on.

Douglas was concerned that he cheated his mother.

Ji Jinrong was a little happy.

He was happy for Douglas.

On this side, Douglas has a complete family, loves his parents, has a good background and a respectable position. Douglas was cold and warm, although he did not show too close to his parents, he really loved them.

That's why he was angry with him for taking advantage of his mother's softness.

Ji Jinrong said, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean it." He grabbed Douglas's hand and raised his head to the cold look of Douglas. "I just want to stay with you for a while, not to take advantage of your mother's intentions."

Douglas looked at Ji Jinrong.

Ji Jinrong said, "However, your mother seems to want you to find the other half quickly. If you don't have another suitable candidate, why not consider me?"