MTL - I [Imperial] Am This Type of Man-Chapter 55 Conquer the Light Knight (5)

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Why not consider this cunning and abominable guy?

Douglas stared at those focused eyes, his eyes full of sincerity and anticipation, as if he really wanted to get his response. This guy is obviously twenty-three or fourteen years old, but he is half a head shorter than him, and looks really very delicate. But he is not a weak guy, but a small slippery head with a smooth mouth. There will never be a half truth in his mouth.

Douglas is a rigorous and serious person.

He was once taken away by the demons, and when he came back, he was often crowded out by people around him. There were even people who deliberately deceived him, approached him, and led him out to make people laugh, saying that he was a little monster caught by monsters. At that time, he was still young and weak, unable to fight back and refused to ask his parents for help, so his character became more and more indifferent and it became more and more difficult to believe others.

He believed in his sword and his power more than the so-called feelings.

Although Ji Jinrong vowed to express his sincerity, Douglas felt that Ji Jinrong just felt fun, and would pull away from the so-called love in his mouth at any time.

Douglaston paused, and did not shake the palm of Ji Jinrong's own hands, stared at Ji Jinrong's eyes and said seriously: "What I want to find is someone who can spend my life with me. If I give love, I will spend my whole life It will not change, regardless of glory, sorrow, joy, and happiness, only to go hand in hand with each other for the rest of their lives. "

Ji Jinrong listened sweetly. He stared back at Douglas, "So--"

Douglas said, "So what I am looking for is to treat people who are more serious about their feelings." It is not Ji Jinrong, who is frivolous, childish, and treats feelings as games!

Ji Jinrong heard what Douglas meant.

Ji Jinrong was not frustrated.

With him, he would not easily fall in love with a guy who suddenly ran out to show love to himself. But it doesn't matter. From the day Douglas returned to the Royal Capital, he has been working hard to run Gary's identity. Just like the Rose Theatre Company that appeared today-he can penetrate Douglas from all sides!

If it hadn't been more troublesome in the past few years, he could only let the substitute stay here. He could also find a way to squeeze into the college where Douglas was studying as a classmate with Douglas!

Ji Jinrong is a bit sorry.

Of course, these things must not let Douglas know, otherwise Douglas will feel that he is more deliberate.

Let everything be a coincidence!

Ji Jinrong's eyes are brighter: "I know I can't meet your partner's requirements, but I will work hard!" His soft palms wrapped Douglas' palms, and his eyes were carefully consulted, "I Does your entanglement bother you or unpleasant? "

Douglas's meal.

In the beginning, it was true.

He was very displeased with the sudden appearance of Ji Jinrong, because it made him the talker after others.

Douglas didn't like that. He didn't need others to admire him, love him, and care about his emotional life. He only needs them to obey him, to execute every command of him seriously, and does not need to get closer to them, and establish friendship beyond the superiors and subordinates.

Feelings affect one's judgment.

Douglas has always thought so.

Just like the sly adventurer in front of him, after this guy approached him in various ways and paralyzed him, he had become accustomed to let this guy hold his hand and chat so intimately.

A few days ago, this was something that no one could imagine.

Douglas said coldly, "Yes, your entanglement makes me very unpleasant."

Ji Jinrong noticed Douglas's stagnation, and naturally he would never believe it when he heard Douglas's words. If Douglas really hates him so much, he wouldn't be so persuading him so much--let him not hold his hand like he is now!

Ji Jinrong said happily, "I don't believe it."

Douglas looked at Ji Jinrong's bright eyes, feeling that his heart was burning by something.

Ji Jinrong let go of Douglas' hand, reached out and hugged Douglas, and said, "You don't hate me!"

Douglas scowled and said, "Are you ashamed!"

Ji Jinrong said, "No!"

If Douglas really hates him, throw him away!

Ji Jinrong took the opportunity to hold enough books, and released before Douglas really got into a storm. He stood obediently in front of Douglas, nonsense nonsense: "A sage once said that if you want to get a lover's heart, first of all, you have to be shameless, and shame is even more important!" He also said that the reason why young people don't get love is because their skin is thin! "

Douglas: "..."

He didn't believe which sage would say such shameless words.

Ji Jinrong reached out and held Douglas' palm, and actively invited: "The moon is so beautiful tonight. Would you like to sit in my house? My window is facing the pine forest, and the moon hanging on the pine tip will be more beautiful."

Douglas stared at Ji Jinrong's face. After a few seconds, he gently buckled Ji Jinrong's hat down, blocking Ji Jinrong's bewitching eyes: "Let's go."

He did not dislike Ji Jinrong's closeness, he did not hate Ji Jinrong's "pursuit", and even had a desire for Ji Jinrong. In this case, he might try to understand this cunning to hate guy--

With his current strength, no one dares to play with him like a child.

And no one can-- Douglas frowned, and some memories flashed, but he couldn't remember anything.

Douglas didn't think deeply.

The palm of his hand held by Ji Jinrong tightened gently.

If he agrees with this guy, he can let that guy like Rayler get away with it, right?

When Douglas seized the idea, he looked deeply at Ji Jinrong beside him.

It turned out that he had been in a state of anxiety since that moment.

After Ji Jinrong and Douglas went away holding hands, Douglas' mother and queen came out of the dark, their eyes filled with moving tears.

Oh, their Douglas finally fell!

Others don't know Douglas's temper, but they know it best. Replace with others, let alone hold Douglas' hands, even within two meters of Douglas will be frozen by Douglas-even their elders are no exception!

But Douglas kept Ji Jinrong holding his hand to speak!

They could see it very clearly, just now Douglas still shook Ji Jinrong's hand!

Douglas' mother was crying with joy.

She will never have to bear her son to marry his sword in the end!

The queen was also extremely happy.

At that time, the demons wanted to capture the prince to be a captive, but he did not expect to recognize the wrong person and arrested Douglas. Strictly speaking, that's a complete disaster for Douglas! Although Douglas had forgotten what happened at that time, Douglas changed his personality after being rescued-he still hated the Demons after growing up.

It can be seen that that forgotten period must be terrible!

The queen said, "Maybe we are going to start preparing for their wedding."

When Douglas' mother heard this, her spirits refreshed, and she said happily, "Yes, we are going to prepare a grand wedding for them. After Douglas clears the demons, we will let them have a wedding ceremony."


On the other side, Ji Jinrong and Douglas did not know the decision of the two elders after "peeps".

At night, there were very few people on the road, and Ji Jinrong directly led people to the residence on the poor street.

As Ji Jinrong said, a large window in the house was facing the pine forest behind. Tall pine trees stand side by side, covered with beautiful hillsides, separated a little far away, and a touch of rosin drifts with the night wind, making people feel refreshed.

Douglas looked at the furnishings in the house and found that this guy really enjoyed it.

On the short table near the window, there were messy notes and kraft paper, and there were many beautiful handwritings on it. Compared to Ji Jinrong's frivolity, his words are much more precise and beautiful, but there are many words on it that Douglas can't understand, and I don't know which ethnic language.

After only a few glances, Douglas took his gaze back.

Even if he decides to observe, he will not do anything against his principles.

Such as spying on secrets that others do not actively inform.

Ji Jinrong cooks tea for Douglas.

He said, "Sorry, Rayler is not here, and the house is a bit messy."

Douglas frowned.

What this means is that, in addition to being a member of his adventure team, the guy named Rayler is also responsible for going into the room to clean up the house for him?

Douglas picked up the black tea from Ji Jinrong.

He found that he cared more about these things than he imagined.

Douglas said, "Don't you clean up yourself?"

Ji Jin was stunned. If he heard it right, Douglas's words were a little bit angry, or-sour? After confirming that she heard it right, Ji Jinrong frowned and said, "I will! But I like it now, and I'm particularly comfortable with it. Lehler they like to clean up their home just like your place. address!"

Douglas said: "Smart tongue."

Ji Jinrong wasn't ashamed at all. She went up to grab Douglas' neck and stared at Douglas with a burning gaze, "You haven't tried it, how do you know how smart my tongue is!"

Douglas originally scolded him for his shameless behavior, but felt that he was wrapped in Ji Jinrong's warm atmosphere, and his whole heart fell into a soft and lingering net, and he couldn't think of anything.

Looking at the soft, seductive lips close at hand, Douglas found that he couldn't push the person in his arms.

He didn't want to push away.

Ji Jinrong was so pleased that he kissed Douglas' mouth.

It feels as wonderful as the sweetest honey in the world.