MTL - Rebirth Married The Control Group Fulang-Chapter 31

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The next day, Xu He woke up slowly when he heard a few distant and quiet rooster crowing.

Zhang Fangyuan's family does not raise small animals, and the only thing that reminds people of dawn is the habitual waking up. I went to bed late last night, so I got up a little late this morning, and it was already bright outside.

Normally, Xu He would have a stick of incense when he went to the ground.

He moved his body and wanted to get up, but he obviously felt uncomfortable.

There is a long leg on the waist, hooking him from the waist down, the shoulders are also circled, and there is a furry head on the shoulders, like a cotton puppet that can only be hugged by a little doll to fall asleep... except …Holding his doll can sink to death.

He pushed the person, but instead of pushing, he pulled the painful part of the body. It was as if his body was bruised and sore after carrying a heavy load, and the pain behind his lower back made him blush.

Xu He thought, this doesn't seem to be much different from being beaten, it's just that the person who did it is not angry.

He really didn't understand why the married woman's little brother was still flushed and felt that life was very happy. If he had to suffer like this every day, he really couldn't laugh.

Haven't they been stabbed with a big stick? Last night he was in so much pain that he yelled out loud, but Zhang Fangyuan stopped his movements, but he was still reluctant to let him go.

Said: Let's go through the motions first, get familiar with it, and then...

what? Isn't it enough?

Now he suspects that the **** Zhang Fangyuan is teaching him, but this kind of thing is simply beyond his cognition and tolerance, how can he open his mouth to ask others whether he is right or wrong? He has no friends, no reliable relatives.

This time is really miserable.

Fortunately, he is married to Zhang Fangyuan, if it were another man, it would be better to let him die.

He was troubled in his heart, thinking that he should sleep in a separate room. Seeing that Zhang Fangyuan didn't sleep very comfortably, he slept on his body. In the past, he must have slept in a big bed and let him stretch out. Of course, he just complained a little in his heart, but in fact he can't decide this matter.

Can't push it, big man!

It was time to get up and cook, and he felt restless, so he took out a hand and wrung Zhang Fangyuan's arm hard.

"It hurts!"

Xu He's ears turned red, as if he had called out like that last night.

Zhang Fangyuan opened his eyes and looked at the clear-eyed person: "Why did you wake up so early?"

"It's early in the morning, and I'm about to put my hands and feet back, I should cook." Xu He pushed people: "Aren't you going to the city to set up a stall?"

Zhang Fangyuan rubbed against Xu He's shoulder in a hoarse voice, annoyed by getting up, "I haven't gone to buy animals yet, and I won't go for two days."

"Why not go?"

Zhang Fangyuan couldn't help pinching Xu He's faceless face: "Which man wants to run outside as soon as he gets married."

Xu He didn't answer: "Then you sleep a little longer, I'll call you when the meal is hot."

This kind of treatment is very good, but Zhang Fangyuan didn't marry someone back to serve him: "If you ask me, I will."

After saying that, he got out of bed and quickly put on his clothes.

Seeing Zhang Fangyuan alive and well, Xu He was glad that he got up with him, but he showed embarrassment. He sat up slowly, endured the discomfort, and put on his clothes slowly.

The door of the bedroom was opened, and a gust of fresh wind blew in, which made people feel comfortable physically and mentally.

Zhang Fangyuan looked back at Xu He who got out of bed: "The weather looks very good today."

Xu He responded, gritted his teeth and walked over. Zhang Fangyuan looked at the man who tried his best to cover up, but still couldn't hide the awkwardness of his walk, and his mood was not clear.

He touched the tip of his nose in embarrassment, and taught "illiteracy" the last one, resulting in terrible results for both of them.

Zhang Fangyuan walked over a few steps, and suddenly hugged Xu He up by the waist.

"what are you doing!?"

Zhang Fangyuan didn't say a word, he carried him to the middle hall and put him on a padded chair: "There are a lot of dishes left from the banquet, I just fire it up and heat it up, it's enough for the two of us to eat."

He went into the house again and took out the gift box from which he collected the gift money yesterday: "I haven't had time to settle the bill yet, so you sort it out here."

Xu He was moved, so he temporarily forgave Zhang Fangyuan, and decided that tonight...and in the future, he can sleep in different rooms.

He likes to count money very much, and the heavy feeling makes him very stable. The gifts from the blind date were copper coins, all of which were put in boxes. There were dozens of tables yesterday. Although most of the tables might be seated in one family, there were quite a few families.

Xu He patiently counted them one by one, strung them up with a hundred pieces of hemp rope, and placed them in the jar in a circle. Every household has a jar for saving money, and everyone calls the piggy bank "piggy bank".

The piggy bank of a small family is a pottery pot with a handle, with a big belly and a small neck. If you have more money, you have to use jars. Rich people put copper coins in several jars. I heard that those wealthy households even have special cellars to store money in their homes.

When he was in Xu's house, he also had a piggy bank the size of a teapot, which could hold up to three hundred Wen, but even so, he never filled it up.

Seeing so much money this time, he couldn't help but put his hand into the pile of money and feel the temperature of the copper coins for a while.

The accompanying gift received this time has a total of 2,600 texts.

"Xiaohe, it's time to eat."

Zhang Fangyuan put the empty box in the middle hall, and took a large jar of copper coins and put it aside. It is good to fill the piggy bank with copper coins. Seeing that there is a lot of money, but it is really inconvenient. It is better to exchange it for silver and silver notes. Save some.

"Have you finished counting?" Zhang Fangyuan brought over all the hot dishes on the unreturned tray, a pot of black chicken soup, a fish in sauce, and twice-cooked pork.

Xu He said the total and went to the side to serve the meal.

He put the white rice in front of Zhang Fangyuan: "How much did the banquet cost?"

"The big head is more than 1,000 Wen for pork, and there are also chicken, duck, fish, and other miscellaneous things. It is estimated that it is almost even. Even if you pay more, it will not be much. It will not be more than one or two hundred Wen."

Xu He didn't quite agree with Zhang Fangyuan's sloppy counting of money, he had to figure it out clearly, otherwise he wouldn't know how the money was spent, and he wouldn't be able to save any money.

"I'll figure it out after dinner."

Zhang Fangyuan smiled and put a piece of meat into Xu He's bowl: "Okay, listen to you. Eat quickly! You are skinny, if you don't eat more, you won't grow taller."

Only then did Xu He pick up the bowl, and he said sullenly, "I've grown quite tall, so what will I look like if I grow taller?"

"It doesn't matter if you are tall or short, what matters is your health."

Only then did Xu He nod his head. The couple ate together and got busy with their own work.

There was a big banquet yesterday, although the people who came to help had already cleaned up, but many things were borrowed and had to be returned.

Xu He wanted to go with Zhang Fangyuan to return the things, but Zhang Fangyuan was not willing to let him stay at home.

Zhang Fangyuan moved the borrowed tables, chairs, pots, pans, and pans to each family. It was a waste of work and time to travel here and there. Fortunately, there was a carriage, and the things were tied to the cart, and he ran away from home. Three or four trips are enough.

Xu He didn't go out of the house, only tidying up and cleaning at home, and the two of them were busy separately, which was quick. Xu He saw that there were still a lot of dishes left for the banquet, not to mention side dishes, there were still a lot of meat dishes, in large pots and small plates, and half a chopping board.

The villagers were eager to eat enough for three days at a time. Normally, those who served the banquet would only have some soup and water left. It can be seen that Zhang Fangyuan bought a lot of things this time, and there is still some leftovers.

He picked out all the meat, and divided the meat and vegetables into two large bowls. The boiled vegetables could be fed directly to the livestock, but he was still a little reluctant to part with the vegetables fried in oil and water. And what gave him a headache was that there were no animals at home to eat the leftovers. There were not many opportunities for the farm to have leftovers, but once there were, it would be very sad to have no animals to eat.

Although it is cheaper for Zhang Fangyuan to buy pigs outside, but now that he is here, the family still has to buy piglets to feed them, whether they are raised to sell or slaughtered for their own food.

In addition, I have to buy a few pairs of chickens and ducklings. Who doesn’t open a corner in the backyard to build a shed to raise these? Not only can they be sold for money, but they can also catch one to eat during the New Year’s festival, and when they grow up, they will lay eggs. get more.

Xu He was standing in front of the stove, washing the pot, thinking about how to spend the day, when he heard the sound of the horses in the yard, he looked out the window: "Go back?"

"Yes. Now I have returned all the things I borrowed."

Zhang Fangyuan unloaded the cart, **** the horse, and went into the house to drink a bowl of water.

"There are still a lot of things left, you can see who to give some to." Xu He pushed the meat bowl he picked out: "The weather is getting hotter day by day, and the taste is easy to change. It would be a pity if it broke gone."

Zhang Fangyuan said: "You make up your mind, send whomever you want to send."

Xu He thought for a while: "Then send some to the fourth uncle's house. The Chen family is close to the house, and those who don't look up and look down will also give some."

Zhang Fangyuan's parents are gone, and the new brother doesn't have to get up early to serve tea. The fourth uncle's family is the closest to Zhang Fangyuan. He asked if he wanted to go to the fourth uncle's house to meet the elders, but Zhang Fangyuan said no, the fourth uncle I told my fourth aunt early in the morning to let the two of them live a good life, and they will not use their status as elders to overwhelm the younger brother.

Xu He was a little moved in his heart, and felt that life was relaxed all of a sudden, and no one was overly disciplined anymore. Even so, Xu He thought it was a courtesy to meet people while delivering things.

Zhang Fangyuan nodded, put down the water bowl, and took out the bracelet that he was going to give earlier from his arms: "Put it on."

Xu He looked at the silver bracelet and didn't say anything more.

"Come on, I'll wear it for you."

Zhang Fangyuan rolled up Xu He's sleeves and put the bracelet on. He pinched Xu He's thin wrist. Except for the skeleton, there was not much flesh: "My mother's arms are thicker than yours. She didn't have so much time for you when she wore this bracelet."

Xu He touched the bracelet, looked at his darker skin and said nothing.

"It's okay, I'll take good care of it, and it will grow well in the future."

Zhang Fangyuan took the opportunity to touch Xu He's hand again, his thick eyebrows moved slightly: "Aside from anything else, following the butcher will ensure that you have meat to eat every day."

The corners of Xu He's mouth curled up indistinctly, as if he came here for these reasons.

Zhang Fangyuan squeezed Xu He's hand for a while, and suddenly remembered the time when he went out: "Just now when I went to return the tables and stools, I passed by your house, guess who I met?"

Xu He's eyebrows moved slightly: "Who?"

"The wife of the Fei family led Fei Lian to your house with some presents."

"The Fei family went to propose a marriage!" When they got married yesterday, there was no one from the Fei family. Thinking about the embarrassing situation before coming, the Fei family would not come either.

Now that Chao Fei's family finally came to visit, his mother and second sister should be very happy, and the stone in the mother and daughter's heart has finally been let go.