MTL - Rebirth Married The Control Group Fulang-Chapter 32

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Seeing the Fei family members coming to the door, Liu Xianglan's mouth was almost cracked to the base of her ears, and she didn't even say hello when she saw Zhang Fangyuan's carriage passing by outside, and led the Fei family members into the yard. Xu Shaochun was ashamed and excited at the same time, after taking a few peeks at Fei Lian from the window, he quickly hid in the room.

"Fei Xiucai sit down quickly, Mrs. Fei, have some tea. I just bought new tea from the tea shop."

These days Fei's family is much sought after and boasted about, and for Liu Xianglan's enthusiasm, he can barely return a good face. To be honest, Fei's mother's vision is much higher, and she has been looking at other families' children for a while, but compared to Xu Shaochun, she is still almost meaningless.

However, a matchmaker from the city also came, and she was very moved. The girl's family is not bad, she guards a shop, and the money is naturally richer than that of the farmers, and the dowry is also generous. People are greedy, but it is a pity that the girl was spoiled and raised She didn't want to come to the village to take care of it, and she wanted Fei Lian to be his son-in-law, so how could she be willing.

After all, Xu Shaochun is more suitable.

"Ms. Xu, you are being polite. Is your parent, Brother Ren, feeling better?"

Liu Xianglan thought to herself that she had been hurt for so long, so she didn't come here to ask, when did she ask, it was too perfunctory, but she didn't say anything, just smiled: "It's much better, now I can move on the ground. One or two."

"That's good." Fei's mother said: "Our family's Lian'er has been selected as a scholar. These days, he is really busy with socializing, and he puts all the big things behind. He just came to the door today. I really can't bear it."

"Oh, what Miss Fei said is that a man's career is the most important thing. We have already talked about it and settled it. We are both honest and down-to-earth people. Maybe it will be destroyed or not. We must trust each other."

"I just love talking to Mrs. Xu."

The two chatted politely. Fei Lian saw that the Xu family had lost a lot of people, as if they had lost a lot of things. He fell in love with the scene for a while, he was a little absent-minded, and didn't say much. On the contrary, things like kissing are approached by the woman in charge, so what can a man say without him.

It wasn't until Xu Shaochun was called out, and the beautiful girl who was as beautiful as a flower spoke to him softly, that he pulled himself out of his grief.

Xu Shaochun specially dressed up today, and he is a little more beautiful, Fei's mother is also brightened, seeing that her son is not as depressed as at home, she feels a little relieved. After the hatchback met, Fei's mother and Liu Xianglan went alone to talk about the bride price.

Fei's mother said bluntly: "Since we are a family, I am not afraid of jokes. Lian'er has spent a lot of money on studying these years, and this time he spent a lot of money on entertaining teachers and guests. Money is really tight. I know the Xu family You are a kind family, so they definitely don’t care about dowry gifts, they only hope that the child will be well and have a good home.”

After listening to Liu Xianglan, the Fei family only came up with a bride price of two thousand and eight. She stared straight at her eyes, and couldn't believe her ears, it was so much less than the butcher of the Zhang family. The marriage proposal brought by Fei's family was the same, she thought that there would be more returns in the bride price, but unexpectedly it was the same amount.

No matter how accustomed she is to the Fei family, she still can't bear this tone: "Miss Fei, when our Brother He married the Zhang family, that **** always offered more than 3,000 yuan as a bride price. Even if you said that you hoped for the child's well-being, I never Raising the price is embarrassing. But the gift you gave is lower than that of ordinary households in our village. Not to mention the quality of our Shaochun family, you gave me so little, I am afraid that you want me to be disgraced by the villagers. What a joke."

Fei's mother pondered for a moment: "Miss Xu, you can't just look in front of your eyes. Our family Lian'er is already a scholar now, and you know the benefits. Right now, the betrothal gifts may be less, but when your family Shaochun After entering the door, will there be many bad days?"

However, Liu Xianglan sneered: "Since there are so many benefits, how can I be better than a butcher if I do it? Miss Fei is not afraid of the villagers' jokes."

Fei's mother turned pale.

"Three thousand. If it weren't for seeing the two children have affection, I wouldn't be able to relax."

However, the price was still far lower than Liu Xianglan's expectation. With Shaochun's appearance and popularity, they could charge at least 4,000 yuan.

She said forcefully: "Miss Fei thinks that there is no good family for us in Shaochun if it is not Fei's family? Since my husband's family is not sincere, then my daughter will not rush there. Madam Fei, please."

Fei's mother couldn't help being annoyed when she heard the words, the Xu family didn't look at her family, she was silent for a while: "Since that's the case, then there's nothing to say, sorry to bother you."

After all, if you call Fei Lian, you will really leave. Liu Xianglan's pupils dilated in shock, and she really didn't intend to stay when she said she was leaving, but the kid from the Fei family didn't say a word, she was so angry.

Xu Shaochun was dumbfounded, seeing Fei's mother's strange expression, it was obvious that the conversation was about to collapse, she anxiously pulled Liu Xianglan: "Mother, what's going on! Didn't you just say it well!"

Liu Xianglan said irritably: "The Fei family is too deceitful to give such a little gift!"

"Give less and give less, it's not a big deal." Xu Shaochun lowered his voice: "Does mother care about that little money so much?"

Liu Xianglan was even more annoyed when she heard the words, and said loudly: "I gave you less than Zhang Fangyuan begged Brother He, you are willing to marry me and you can't afford to lose that person!"

Xu Shaochun was also shocked when he heard this, and he couldn't believe it: "It's less than... than Brother He..."

Seeing the Fei family's mother and son leave the courtyard, Liu Xianglan hesitated a few times, but finally stopped her unwillingly. She also knew that the marriage of Fei's family would be completely ruined if the Fei family left the house today, and Xu Shaochun might not know for sure How to make trouble with her.

"Add another two thousand dollars, and the two children belong to my family. There can't be any right or wrong."

Fei's mother paused, Liu Xianglan's reason was reasonable, she glanced at Fei Lian beside her: "What do you think, son?"

"Listen to mother."

Fei's mother immediately changed her expression, and turned around: "Look at the trouble, it was originally a happy event."

The two parties sat down at the table again, and discussed the matters of getting married. The Fei family spent a lot of time, asking this and that, and talking about dowry. Liu Xianglan felt more and more how straightforward Zhang Fangyuan was before, waiting for others After leaving, she immediately lost face again.

Liu Xianglan was very upset, she had been hanged for so long without saying anything, and now she still wanted to marry Shaochun back to their family for such a little thing, it was really an abacus that could be heard outside the village.

Although Xu Shaochun felt uncomfortable in his heart, he was so excited by Xu He's marriage that he was dizzy. Now that he only saw the marriage being settled, he was more happy than unhappy.

Seeing that her daughter was so useless, Liu Xianglan was annoyed. If it wasn't for looking at her daughter's good life in the future, or finding a random family, she would get more gift money than Fei's family.

There was a sense of failure in her heart.

At this time, the chickens in the yard were still clucking, the ducks were also quacking, and the pigs in the pigsty in the backyard were not fed, and they were already banging on the door of the pen, making loud bangs. She was so annoyed that she was about to pull her hair out.

"Why didn't you let the chicken out so early in the morning? The ducks have to go to the river!" Liu Xianglan was so loud that she subconsciously wanted to scold Xu He. There was a lot of mess left, so she had to turn to Xu Shaochun: "The pig food is not cooked, this pig is about to jump out of the pen!"

Xu Shaochun felt that her mother's complexion had changed so quickly, and she felt aggrieved. She was obviously happy when Brother He got married, but now she is not happy when the marriage is done.

There is a pile of **** in the chicken and duck pen. These animals stink to death, but if they can do it, how can she do it.

Seeing the person standing still, Liu Xianglan couldn't help cursing: "Hurry up! I'm too busy all by myself! What can I do if I raise you? I don't even know how to help the family."

Xu Shaochun's eyes were red, and he shyly went to release the duck, as if he was stepping on shit, and Liu Xianglan got angry with his cautious appearance.

It was really annoying. When Xu He was here, he never felt that there were so many trivial tasks at home. As soon as this person left, he had to get up to cook before dawn in the morning.

She really regrets it now, if she knew that she would not be greedy for the few thousand Wen and married Xu He so early, even if she paid a little more tax every year, it would be better than busying herself without touching the ground.

Xu He went to deliver things to Zhang Shicheng's house, and the couple went all the way there, sat there and talked for a while before returning.

Zhang Shicheng and his wife were very happy that they were married, and they confessed a few words that they were not annoying. The newlyweds are left to live by themselves, and there are still many opportunities to meet in the future.

"Although the land at home has been planted by Sibo's family, we still have to open up two acres of land to grow some vegetables."

As Xu He spoke, he moved the basket he was holding: "Auntie gave me a lot of vegetable seeds, go back and scatter in the field."

"I'm not busy today, just rest for a day."

But Xu He said: "It doesn't take much effort to sow the seeds early and raise the seedlings early."

Zhang Fangyuan was helpless: "Okay, I will go with you."

Xu He raised his eyebrows: "I can do this by myself, why don't you go looking for livestock?"

Zhang Fangyuan just wanted to cling to people, but Xu He was not a big man, but he was a caring heart. He sighed slightly: "Can I go early tomorrow morning?"

Seeing this, Xu He shut up, he knew that he might be bored, but he just wanted Zhang Fangyuan to feel that it wasn't wasted effort and money to marry him back.

"Then let's sow vegetable seeds together, and we can go up the mountain to dig some wild vegetables in the afternoon."

Only then did Zhang Fangyuan cheer up: "Okay, take the hunting tools up the mountain in the afternoon, the spring is warm and the flowers are blooming, maybe you can get something."

The two went home happily, one carrying a **** and the other carrying vegetable seeds to the field. Zhang Fangyuan was afraid that the sun would burn Xu He, so he gave him a small straw hat to wear.

When Zhang Fangyuan loosened the soil, Xu He counted the vegetable seeds. There are many fruits and vegetables suitable for sowing in spring. He obtained eggplants, pumpkins, cabbage, etc. from He's... Zhang Fangyuan said before that he planted green onions in Xu's house He looks good, and he specially asked for some.

He found that Zhang Fangyuan liked to eat fried pork with green onions very much, and he could eat three bowls of rice.

"Yeah, you two still come out to the field today?"

When the passing folks saw the two together, they couldn't help but stop and chatter.

"Yeah, grow some vegetables."

The folks saw that Zhang Fangyuan was quite protective of Xu He, and he came out with his husband today, thinking that the butcher's house must be the owner of Xu He's family in the future, so they made friends with Xu He: "Brother He, my aunt has loofah and bitter gourd seeds at home. , Garlic, Chrysanthemum chrysanthemum, and pepper are all there, come and get what you need.”

"Thank you, auntie, I will definitely come then."

The woman agreed with a smile, and then went to her own field with a basket on her back.

Zhang Fangyuan buried his head and shoveled the ground, and there was a smile in his eyes when he heard this.

In the distance, Xu Shaochun, who was forced to carry a basket on his back, went to his own field to chop cabbage and feed pigs. Seeing the quiet and busy couple, although he was not joking, it also made people feel that there was a breath of newlywed happiness.

Thinking of her own marriage, she couldn't help her eyes turning red.

She gritted her teeth, the newlyweds are not comfortable, and it will take a long time, she can't believe that her appearance will not be as good as Xu He's.