MTL - Save the Bachelor of Heaven-Chapter 2640 2642【Thunder bombardment】

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  Chapter 2640 2642【Thunder bombardment】

   Enter into two thousand years.

  Hong Xing, the Sanlian Gang, and the Yamada-gumi cooperated more and more closely.

  Extensive investments have been made in Southeast Asia, such as real estate, logistics, goods trade, finance, entertainment, etc.

  Because of Xiang Nan's guidance, each investment has a rich return, which also makes Kazuo Kusakari more and more satisfied with Xiang Nan, wishing to marry his daughter Nanako Kusakari to him.

  In March, Xiang Nan, Ding Yan, and Kazuo Kusakari met in Tokyo to discuss the cooperation plan for the new year.

  Before the meeting, Xiang Nan and Ding Yan had a secret meeting and fought for 3,000 rounds at the hot spring hotel in Hakone.

   "Oh, I'm so sad." Ding Yan said with a sigh.

   "What are you worried about, didn't I satisfy you just now?" Xiang Nan laughed.

   "I hate it, people say it's serious business." Ding Yan said angrily, "Brother Nan, this year it's time for the re-election of the Sanlian Clan's leader."

  In 1995, Xiang Nan helped Ding Yan get rid of Lei Gong and made her succeed as the next generation leader. In 1997, through her own efforts, she successfully ran for the leadership of the gang. Now three years have passed, and it is time to re-elect the gang leader.

   "That's right, but you should be fine. You have been the leader for five years, and you have done so well. It is impossible for those leaders not to support you." Xiang Nan nodded.

   "But the trouble is that Lei Gong's son Lei Fuhong has returned, and this time he came to Japan with me." Ding Wei explained.

  The reason why she took over as the head of the Sanlian Gang in the first place was that she was Lei Gong's widow. At that time, Lei Gong's son, Lei Fuhong, was underage, so the members of the Sanlian Gang supported her as the leader.

   But now, Lei Fuhong has grown up and returned to Treasure Island, so the elders of the gang have started activities, hoping that Ding Yan will step down as the leader of the gang and let Lei Fuhong succeed him.

  For this reason, they also urged Lei Fuhong to attend the meeting of Hongxing, the Sanlian Gang and the Yamada Group.


   "I'm so angry! I have been the leader of the gang for five years, and the achievements of the Sanlian Gang are obvious to all. These old guys just refuse to recognize me because I am a woman." Ding Yan said angrily.

  She finally understood why Empress Wu Zetian received so much criticism. Even if it is done well, it will not be recognized because the identity is a woman.

   "Okay, don't be angry." Xiang Nan persuaded, "It's not worth it to get angry because of such a trivial matter."

   "Brother Nan, how about you help me get rid of those old guys?" Ding Yan begged, "I have done a good job, but they are still not satisfied. I think we can only get rid of them."

   "There's no rush. According to my idea, you can do what they want and step back temporarily." Xiang Nan waved his hand.

   "What, you asked me to quit?" Ding Yan asked in surprise, he didn't expect Xiang Nan to give her such an idea.

"That's right, take a step back, the sea and the sky will be brighter." Xiang Nan nodded, "You took the initiative to take a step back, and said that you were just reluctant to help Lei Gong to keep the family business. Now that Lei Fuhong is back, he should be the leader of the gang. inherit.

   In this way, all the elders will have nothing to say, and you can also retire with honor and leave a good name. "

   "Then I have suffered a big loss. I got the position of leader with great difficulty. If I just let it go, then my five years of hard work have not been in vain?" Ding Yan said reluctantly.

"Listen to me, the position of gang leader is not easy." Xiang Nan said with a smile, "Lei Fuhong is young and has never been a gang leader before. Now let him take over rashly and manage a large gang with tens of thousands of people. , do you really think he is a genius, can learn without a teacher?

   When he doesn't do well, those helpers will naturally think of you. After all, in the chaotic society, loyalty and loyalty are bullshit, and money comes first.

   Those elders don't have to worry about food and drink, so they can speak beautiful words. But those gangsters have to fill their stomachs. When the time comes, they will know who is really good for the gang and who is only caring about their own taste, regardless of everyone's life or death.

  At that time, they will literally bring you back with eight sedan chairs. And those veterans who are old and immortal naturally have nothing to say. "

   "But what if he really has the ability and can do well?" Ding Yan worried again, "Then I won't have a chance to go back."

"You're really smart all your life, but you were once confused." Xiang Nan smiled, "During the five years you've been in the Sanlian Gang, don't you have a single confidant? Whether he can sit on the position of the gang leader or not depends on whether you are worthy or not. "

  When Ding Yan heard this, he suddenly realized.

   During her five years as the gang leader, she has indeed supported and cultivated a group of cronies. Otherwise, how could she have the courage to continue to be re-elected.

  These cronies constitute her basic base, and they still hold a lot of weight in the Sanlian Gang. That is to say, Xiang Nan asked her to withdraw, otherwise, even if Lei Fuhong had the support of the elders, she would have the confidence to stand up to him and win the position of leader.

   Therefore, even if Lei Fuhong, with the support of the elders, takes the position of leader, it still depends on whether she is worthy or not. If she doesn't cooperate, there will be some troubles here, and some troubles there. At that time, it will be up to Lei Fuhong to deal with it.

   "Okay, Brother Nan, I'll listen to you." Ding Yan nodded.

   "Well, there is one more thing you have to remember, the abdication must be straightforward, and the more sincere the attitude, the better." Xiang Nan pointed out, "And it's best not to make any moves in the early stage. After all, everyone is watching."

   Ding Yan nodded again.


  Subsequently, the meeting of Hong Xing, the Sanlian Gang, and the Yamada Group was officially held.

  Xiang Nan brought Pheasant and Han Bin, Ding Yan brought Lei Fuhong, Veteran Zhongyong Bo, Military Adviser Jin Ye, Kusakari Kazuo attended with his daughter Kusakari Nanako and adopted son Kusakari Rang.

   "Mr. Chen, let me introduce you. This is Lei Gong's son, Master Lei Fuhong." Ding Yan introduced, "Fuhong, this is Mr. Chen Haonan, the leader of Hongxing."

   "Mr. Chen, you have admired your name for a long time, and you are like thunder. Seeing you today, you are lucky." Lei Fuhong immediately smiled and took Xiang Nan's hand.

"Master Lei is polite." Xiang Nan said with a smile, "Five years ago, I had the honor to meet the leader of the Lei clan. The leader of the Lei clan was wise and powerful, and he was full of domineering, which left a deep impression on me. Seeing you again, Young Master Lei, is really a blessing." The demeanor of the father, it is true that the tiger father has no dogs."

"Mr. Chen is too much." Lei Fuhong said with a smile when he heard it, "Actually, I'm very easy-going, and I don't have any arrogance at all. I'm not interested in gang affairs. The reason why I came here this time is completely Just drive the ducks to the shelves."

   "So it is." Xiang Nan nodded.

  Ding Yan heard him say that he was not interested in gang affairs, but a light flashed across his face.

  She was worried that Lei Fuhong would rob her of the position of gang leader, so she even wanted to retreat. Unexpectedly, Lei Fuhong had no interest in gangs, so those veterans shouldn't blame her for not going to the gang.

   "Master Lei, let me introduce you. We are from Tuen Mun in Hongxing, Pheasant, and from Kwai Tsing, Han Bin." Xiang Nan laughed.

   "I have admired you for a long time." Lei Fuhong laughed again hastily.

  (end of this chapter)