MTL - Save the Bachelor of Heaven-Chapter 2641 2643【Intrigue】

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  Chapter 2641 2643【Intrigue】

   After meeting the members of the Sanlian Gang, Xiang Nan took Pheasant and Han Bin to meet Kazuo Kusakari, the leader of the Yamada group.

"Mr. Chen, I always wanted you to be my son-in-law, but you just refused. Today I brought my little daughter. Look how beautiful she is, and she has such a gentle personality." Kazuo Kusakari saw Xiang Nan After that, he said with a smile.

  Xiang Nan turned his head to look, and saw that Cao Mo Cai Nanako was indeed quite good-looking, and his low-browed appearance was indeed very pure and attractive.

   "Miss Kusaka is indeed unparalleled in beauty and well-educated." Xiang Nan praised.

   "In that case, why don't you marry her?" Kazuo Kusakari smiled.

   "Thank you Mr. Kusaka for your kindness, but my heart can only accommodate one woman." Xiang Nan said with a smile, "I can only regret that it was too late to meet Ms. Kusaka."

   Seeing what he said, Kazuo Kusakari couldn't help but shook his head, "Han Jun's Pearl is crying, I wish I could meet you when you were not married, alas~"

"Mr. Kusaka, you don't have to be so emotional. There are so many good men in the world." Xiang Nan laughed, "This is my brother Shanji, who is also young and promising. If you don't give up, Mr. Kusaka, you can consider him. "

  Kazuo Kusakari glanced at the pheasant, nodded, "It is indeed a young hero, well, I will consider it."

  Xiang Nan smiled, noticing that while he was talking to Kazuo Kusakari, there was a sinister look from the side from time to time.

  When he turned his head to look, the cold eyes disappeared immediately, replaced by a kind smile.

   "Mr. Kusakari, this is..." Xiang Nan asked curiously.

   "He is my adopted son Kusakari Rō." Kusakari Kazuo explained.

   "Oh, so it's Mr. Caojia, and he's really a good-looking talent." Xiang Nan nodded and smiled.


   Afterwards, Ding Yan brought Lei Fuhong, Zhong Yongbo, Jin Ye and others to pay a visit.

   After the greetings are over, the meeting officially begins.

   But in fact, the meeting is just a formality. Prior to this, Hong Xing, the Sanlian Gang, and the companies under the Yamada-gumi had already negotiated their plans.

  The cooperation plan involves so many projects, so many details, and various laws and regulations, etc., which is very cumbersome and professional.

  Just like when the heads of state visit abroad, they will reach an important consensus or sign many agreement statements. It seems that the head of state came out and made the final decision. In fact, before this, all departments have already connected, and the only thing left is the final signature.

  Xiang Nan, Ding Yan, and Kazuo Kusakari just sat down and had a chat, talking about being allies, uniting and benefiting each other, and supporting each other, and then formally signed the contract in duplicate.

   After the work is done, there will be receptions, singing and dancing, and banquets.

  Xiang Nan noticed that Lei Fuhong was accosting Kazuo Kusagari's daughter Nanako Kusagari.


   After another day, Xiang Nan, Shan Ji, Han Bin and others returned to Xiangjiang.

  Two days later, he received a call from Ding Yan.

   "Our Sanlian Gang held an internal meeting, and Lei Fuhong made it clear that he was not interested in gang business. This way, I don't have to choose to quit." Ding Yan said.

   "You are really naive." Xiang Nan smiled, "In ancient times, treacherous officials wanted to usurp the throne, and the emperor had to abdicate three times before he was willing to ascend the throne and proclaim himself emperor. He only declined once now, so you trust him?"

   "You mean... he actually intends to compete for the position of leader?" Ding Yan was taken aback, and asked hastily.

"This is not nonsense. If he has no intention of competing for the position of leader, then life in the United States will be over, why should he go back to Baodao to swim in this muddy water. Doesn't he know what virtue Lei Gong is?" Xiang Xiang Nan pouted.

   "If that's the case, then why did he refuse?" Ding Yan asked suspiciously.

  Now the two elders Zhongyong Bo and Jin Ye both support him, and even she herself expresses her willingness to abdicate, so he doesn't have to act anymore.

   "Because now is not the best time for him to inherit." Xiang Nan analyzed, "He has no advantage at all except his status as the son of Lei Gong.

   He has not made any contribution to the Sanlian Gang, and even except for the elders, other gang members do not know him. Therefore, if he happily took over the position of gang leader, who would obey him?

  That's why he has to act, to silence everyone, and to let the gang members know that it's not that he wants to take over the position of gang leader, but that the Sanlian Gang must be taken over by him. "

   "Then what do you think he will do?" Ding Yan asked immediately after hearing this.

"I noticed that he approached Kusakari Nanako during the alliance of the three factions, and I think he will probably ask the gang elders to help him propose marriage to Kusakari Kazuo." Xiang Nan explained, "In this way, it is expensive for the Yamada group Son-in-law, isn’t it enough to take over as the Sanlian Gang?”

   "Well, I noticed that too." Ding Yan nodded, "At first I thought he was young at heart, and Mu Shaoai was a lustful man, but I didn't expect to have such an intention."

   "Besides, you have to be careful that he splashes dirty water on you." Xiang Nan said again.

   "Splash me with dirty water?!" Ding Yan was startled.

"That's right, for example, he will direct and act that he is attacked. At that time, everyone will suspect that it was you." Xiang Nan said again, "In this way, the elders will be furious, and even ordinary gangsters may be angry. I will also feel pity and stand with him."

  In the movie, Lei Fuhong is an extremely insidious careerist. He clearly wanted to be the leader of the Sanlian Gang, and even wanted to unify all the gangs on Treasure Island.

  In order to win everyone's support, he did not hesitate to direct and act in the attack incident, so as to frame Shan Ji, which made Shan Ji unable to argue. In order to show his innocence, he had to voluntarily withdraw from the election of the leader of the Sanlian Gang.

  In this way, Lei Fuhong naturally became the only contender, and took the position of gang leader in a grandiose manner. Xiang Nan believed that he would definitely use this trick again.

   "This trick is indeed very poisonous." Ding Yan couldn't help being shocked when he heard it.

  If Lei Fuhong directed and acted in the scene of being attacked by someone, then she is indeed the most likely to be suspected. At that time, jumping to the Yellow River will not be able to clean up.

   "Then what should I do?" Ding Yan asked for advice.

"Simple. Didn't he declare that he is unwilling to take over as the leader of the gang? Then you also declare that you don't want to be the leader of the gang anymore, and you have to promote at least two people to run for the leader of the gang. This will make the water even more confusing, and Lei Fuhong will also It's hard to fish in troubled waters if you're stuck in the middle of a trap," Xiang Nan suggested.

  The reason why Lei Fuhong is not in a hurry now is because apart from him and Ding Yan, there is no one else competing for the position of leader. So he can pretend to act.

  But if there are other competitors, if he acts again, he may really miss the position of leader. Forced him to come up with a unique move, a quick decision.

   At that time, his true face will not be difficult to be seen through.

   "It makes sense." Ding Yan suddenly realized.

  (end of this chapter)