MTL - Save the Bachelor of Heaven-Chapter 2642 2644 [Everything is under control]

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   Chapter 2642 2644 [Everything is under control]

   Sure enough, when the sky turned around, Ding Yan nominated two people to participate in the competition for the position of gang leader.

  One is Long Da, the master of the black dragon. In the movie, after Lei Gong died, Ding Wei usurped the throne and was killed by a pheasant. The Sanlian Gang also suffered civil strife, so he was able to break away from the Sanlian Gang and founded the Black Dragon Club by himself.

  However, in this timeline, Ding Yan successfully succeeded to the position of leader, and has been doing so impressively. Long Da had no chance to stand on his own, and was still the head of the Black Dragon Hall.

  But his ability is quite good. Heilongtang has been made famous by him, and he has made great achievements repeatedly, so he has a high status in the hearts of the gang.

  One is the elder Zhong Yongbo. He is Lei Gong's old brother and the most respected elder in the gang, and he is deeply supported by the Sanlian gang.

  In the movie, after Ding Yan's death, Uncle Zhongyong has been serving as the leader of the Sanlian Gang. It can be seen that his ability and prestige are indeed able to convince the public. However, he believes in loyalty and is loyal to Lei Gong. As soon as Lei Fuhong returned to Treasure Island, he immediately gave up the position of leader.

  Ding Yan nominated the two of them to participate in the competition, and immediately created two strong enemies for Lei Fu.

  If Lei Fuhong continues to put on a show, then, there is a real possibility that he will lose to him by two.

  After the nomination, Ding Yan ran to Xiangjiang to stay out of the matter in the name of recuperation, waiting for Lei Fuhong, Zhongyong Bo, and Long Da to compete for the position of gang leader.


   "Brother Nan, tell me, will Lei Fuhong really participate in the competition? I'm a little skeptical, he looks so good, so innocent, how can he be so good at pretending." Ding Yan said to Xiang Nan.

   "If you don't believe me, just wait and see." Xiang Nan laughed.

   A week later, Ding Wei received a call from Lei Fuhong. He really hoped that Ding Wei would come forward and help him propose marriage to Kazuo Kusakari.

   "Okay, Cao Mo Cai Nanako is indeed beautiful and virtuous, and she is a good match for you, a perfect match." Ding Yan smiled, "Okay, I will help with this."

  After hanging up the phone, Ding Yan looked at Xiang Nan in surprise, unexpectedly he was right, Lei Fuhong really intended to marry Cao Mo Cai Nanako.

   "Then do you think I can help him?" Ding Yan asked.

   "It can help." Xiang Nan nodded and said, "A person like him is extremely good at disguising. If he is not pushed to a high position, he will not expose himself easily."

  Ding Yan nodded, "Will Kazuo Kusakari betroth his daughter to him? If so, wouldn't he be able to hold two trump cards?"

   "It's not that simple. Kazuo Kusakari is not an idiot. If Lei Fuhong can't become the leader of the Sanlian Gang, how can Kazuo Kusakari marry his daughter to him? At most, he will make a marriage contract with him.

   At that time, it would be good for Lei Fuhong to be the leader of the gang. If he can't become the guild leader, Kazuo Kusakari has a thousand ways to deal with Lei Fuhong. Xiang Nan laughed.

   Ding Yan heard it and felt that it made sense.


   Afterwards, Ding Yan really helped Lei Fuhong to propose marriage to Kazuo Kusakari for Lei Fuhong.

   As expected, Kazuo Kusakari readily agreed, but did not immediately agree to marry his daughter to Lei Fuhong, as Xiang Nan expected.

   It's just that as Xiang Nan said, only one wedding date has been set, and the wedding date is still scheduled for one year later. A year later, the election of the leader of the Sanlian Gang must have come to light.

  If Lei Fuhong becomes the guild leader, at that time, Cao Cao Cai Caizi will naturally be able to get married in a grand manner. But if Lei Fuhong cannot become the gang leader, then Kazuo Kusakari can naturally break the contract.

   "Brother Nan, you are really smart, and you have expected everything." Ding Yan said admiringly.

  Xiang Nan nodded, "An old dog can't play new tricks. Kazuo Kusakari has repeatedly wanted to marry his daughter to me, isn't it just because of my identity?"

  Although Kusakari Nanako is the only daughter of Kusagari Kazuo, for him, she is just a tool for making love.

  In the movie, he betroths his daughter to a pheasant, and the pheasant is notoriously lustful. As long as he is not deaf or blind, he can easily find out. Marrying a daughter to such a person, in any case, is not for her happiness.

   What's more, the pheasant can't even speak Japanese, and the couple can't speak the same language. Communication is a problem, and it's strange that they can get along well.

  In Xiang Nan's view, Kusakari Kazuo should be interested in the potential of the pheasant.

  He is the head of the Poisonous Snake Hall, the most outstanding young generation of the Sanlian Gang, and his brother is Chen Haonan, Hong Xing's most prominent fitter. Recruiting him as a son-in-law can deepen the relationship with the Sanlian Gang and Hongxing.

   It’s like Lei Gong actually gave his woman Ding Yan to the pheasant in order to get on line with Jiang Tiansheng.

  For power animals like them, as long as they can gain more power, let alone their own lover, even their own children, there is nothing reluctant.


   Two days later, news suddenly came that Lei Fuhong was injured and hospitalized, and it was said that he had been assassinated.

   "Brother Nan, you are really amazing." Ding Yan said with admiration when he received the news.

  Xiang Nan said before that Lei Fuhong would direct and act out the scene of the attack, and now it really started. I just don't know if he was really assassinated, or if he was acting.

   "There is no good god, if it were me, I would use this trick too." Xiang Nan curled his lips and said, "Bitter tricks always work."

   "Now, I, Long Da, and Uncle Zhongyong are all suspects." Ding Yan said again, "What do you think I should do?"

   "Simple. You also pretend to be sick." Xiang Nan laughed, "He can play tricks, don't you?"

  Ding Yan nodded upon hearing this.

  The next day, Ding Yao also had a car accident and was sent to the ICU ward. It is said that she was knocked into a vegetative state. Whether she can wake up is a problem.

  In this way, the only ones who can compete for the position of the leader of the Sanlian Gang are Zhongyong Bo and Long Da.

  Both claimed that the other party wanted to be the leader of the gang, so they sent people to assassinate Lei Fuhong and Ding Yan, and for this reason they divided into two factions to fight.

  Finally, after a week of civil strife, Long Da was weak and could not withstand the attack of Zhongyong Bo's family. In the end, he chose to run away to Thailand, which is considered to have withdrawn from the election of the leader of the Sanlian Gang.

  After Long Da ran away, Lei Fuhong, who was lying in the hospital before, was suddenly discharged from the hospital.

   Seeing his recovery, Uncle Zhongyong immediately announced his withdrawal from the gang leader election, and fully supported Lei Fuhong to take over the gang leader position.

  Lei Fuhong still insisted on refusing to pay any attention to the gang affairs, and urged Uncle Zhongyong to take over the position of gang leader.

   And just when Uncle Zhongyong was about to refuse again, he was suddenly killed on the street.

  Everyone rumored that Uncle Zhongyong was killed by Long Da. In order to avenge Uncle Zhongyong, he sent his men to assassinate him.

  But no matter who killed Uncle Zhongyong, at this moment, only Lei Fuhong is left to compete for the head of the Sanlian Gang.

   Therefore, he announced that he would reluctantly take over as the leader of the Sanlian Gang, and he would succeed the leader of the Sanlian Gang on May 20th.

   "Brother Nan, you are right on everything. He actually intends to compete for the position of leader of the Sanlian Gang. Even I underestimated him." Ding Yan said to Xiang Nan.

  (end of this chapter)