Pokemon Trainer Vicky-Chapter 56 (Interlude)

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Mossui Town Hunter

"Why do you continue to not hear me! A small foreign girl came across a Mimikyu! We should be looking for her body!" He argued growing heated as once again his words left no impact on the older man.

"The girl and the other as well, are not one of us. I will not allow another to head into the deep forest just to find a body." The elder offered with a sigh. "Yuki-chan. Let it go."

"I fled! I tried to grab her and drag her out of there but she fought me so I… I left her." He admitted to the Elder sitting across from the older man, both of them at the Elders home sitting out on his porch watching the fields.

"I know Yuki. You mustn’t blame yourself, or hold such blame in your heart. You did what you could. They were children, but they were odd. They did things differently from us. If our warnings are not heeded… We can do what we can to help, but we can’t take up the lives of all people on our shoulders."

"I regret it. She was so young. So small."

"Then let her spirit not haunt you, but lift your shoulders. Use her memory as something to grow from."

"I will try… I will try." Yukito stared out over the fields. He had lived his entire life here in Mossui, had chosen to become a hunter to explore. To get away from the confines of the village.

But perhaps he wasn’t meant for this.

"The other girl is likely still alive." He muttered trying not to sound petulant.

"If she is, and she needs help, then Mossui will be open to her." The Elder offered looking conflicted even as he spoke. "To allow children to travel so far from home alone? What madness exists out beyond the mountains?" He asked more to himself, but even Yukito didn’t know.

They sat there quietly, in the morning air wondering what was going on with the world. What insanity would send children so young into the wilderness. Mossui rarely had the strongest pokemon trainers, like other regions, but its children all grew up!

Yukito had met a Sinnohan trainer once. A man that had been at Stormpoint Port at the same time that Yukito had been with a trade caravan. Mossui had one truck that it used to transport rice and apples up over the mountains to the coast and bring back everything they needed.

But that man had scared Yukito. He had been challenged out of nowhere to a pokemon battle, which had baffled Yukito. Pokemon battles were never done anywhere but at the safest times. No one battled outside the village!

Even if Stormpoint Port had been pretty safe, it was obvious that Yukito was a traveler.

Yet, his own ardor had pushed him on. He had agreed, it was the first time Yukito understood the difference between Mossui and the rest of the world in truth.

This man, just a random wanderer from a great region, had defeated both of his pokemon without effort. It had been disappointing all around for both teenagers.

Yukito had fled in embarrassment after the battle.

The foreigners were so strange. So powerful, and yet it was like none cared about Kitakami.

The sound of rushed footsteps disrupted Yukito’s wandering mind.

"Really, Hideko? You know better." The Elder said turning to glare at his granddaughter, but the teenaged girl breathing heavily and rushing up onto the porch ignored the reproach.

The only person in the village that did with such casual ease.

"Look! Up!" She gasped and pointed and Yukito did so before gasping and feeling his knees going weak.


"No… No!" The Elder gasped, hands trembling and afraid.

Because above their village. Highlighted in the first light of morning was a Gyarados.

A flying Gyarados.

Impossible. Those beasts when roused from the rivers rampaged with such power. The only beasts that worried the villagers more was the Ogre, or the Great Matriarch of the mountain.

The Garchomp that ruled with brutal force.

"No no! Look!" Hideko called out and pointed up but Yukito wasn’t sure what she meant. He had very much noticed the flying disaster.

A disaster that should not be able to fly!

"No, look at its head! Don’t you see the gold?" She demanded and then Yuki looked less at the entire moving calamity.

There. "Wait." He muttered then as the realization sunk in he spoke louder. "Wait!"

"That’s the foreign girl." The Elder spoke with surety the words that Yuki wasn’t sure he could say.

"She’s alive."

"I’ll say she is more than just that." Hideko said, looking up. "We noticed her as we were picking up apples at first light. She’s not moving very fast, but that’s her, the foreign girl."

"Lord Arceus. Truly you treasure some more than others." The Elder spoke a snippet of an old prayer. "Be thankful Yuki, it seems your actions did not end in death after all… Even the evil Mimikyu, would not have challenged such a beast after all."

"Yeah." He said quietly, looking up at something wondrous and impossible and wondering.

Why? Why could he not reach such strength but foreigners could?

Perhaps… Perhaps it was time to find out.


Richard Brushfire

Chief of Kanto Ecology for the League

He really wished he could smoke.

Another meeting, another waste of time, but that was his life. He spent half his life in these meetings so his men could get some actual work done.

The big heads all demanded another meeting, as if they didn’t have the same report he had already made on this topic.

Nope they wanted a face to face meeting. Richard honestly wanted to one day ask them all if they were even capable of reading.

Maybe on his last day before retirement? Yeah that sounded good.

"We all know what this means! Garchomp! The powerhouse of Sinnoh here!"

"We should implement a breeding program! With just a few females, we could have an entire host of them!"

"Don’t get ahead of yourself." Richard cut in. "Garchomp is rated purple on the ecology disaster index. Small groups are fine due to frequent infighting, and splintering into even smaller groups which make them manageable. But a powerful Alpha rising up and a trainer to keep everything settled would be a disaster of untold proportions. As outlined in my report."

The man he interrupted sent a glare at Richard, not the first time. The old war hawk. Daniel Tsunada, was a man that always attempted to create every advantage for Kanto possible. Even at the expense of Kanto’s ecological health. The man was short sighted in the extreme.

No, you moron breeding Grimer to then send to Johto is not a good idea!

But Richard didn’t say that aloud. Instead the Kanto League President cut in. "We are trying to settle tensions gentlemen, let’s keep that as our priority. Champion Lance is in agreement, so for once we have a top down press for continued peace, on both sides of the mountain. Richard, I’ve read your report, but I want your opinion of the introduced pokemon from the Kanto perspective. Issues, benefits." The president asked with hand running through his beard.

"I can’t speak on it much President Goodshow. The pokemon brought in are either semi known, or complete unknowns. The Mimikyu alone has entire teams currently looking into its scans. And into what researcher Katsu has managed to share from his experience."

"Nearly killing a grown man with a single glance? Seems like a dangerous pokemon, potentially too dangerous for a young trainer. Why was its entrance into the region allowed?" Tsunada cut in, the man stuffing out a cigar as he rumbled.

Damn Richard wanted a cigarette. Fuckers always smoked, but he wouldn’t be allowed to until it was over.

"Ms. Ferrous was approved due to her trainer rating. With all eight badges, as well as approval from both Elite Four Agatha, who specializes in Ghost types, and Gym Leader Koga speaking for her, she is rated to handle Black rated Pokemon." Richard replied instantly.

"Nonsense. A ten year old with such a pokemon is begging for an accident!"

"The girl seemed the most aware of the dangers of her pokemon. She went out of her way to warn everyone, and reacted quickly to both save Researcher Katsu’s life, as well as to make sure no further damage could be done." Which was something Richard had really wanted to ask her about.

The girl was just too confident in handling a pokemon Richard himself wouldn’t have allowed anywhere near him.

"Ms. Ferrous’s trainer rating is not up for discussion." The President cut in. "She has earned it, just as any trainer is capable of doing so, her age doesn’t enter into it." The president replied, still stroking a hand through his beard. "Richard. Moving on from the Mimikyu, will there be any issues from the other pokemon. The dragons?"

"Difficult to say Mr. President. We simply don’t know anything about these pokemon to handle such an estimation. For now, we are setting up Rangers to keep watch around their current habitat."

"Good. That should do well to give us a baseline. Such a treasure to have new pokemon in our region. I believe our League will only be all the more impressive in a few years." The President replied happily. Probably the only man in the room honestly just pleased to have new pokemon in the region for the League, and not for war potential, or for their own power.

Richard really, really wanted a cig.

"I agree." A voice called out and everyone stiffened. A chair that had been in a corner of the room spun around showing the Champion. The Champion that had been in the meeting the whole time…


"Champion. I didn’t know you were invited to this meeting." Tsunada bit out with a growl, the mans cigar smothered to ashes as he slammed it down.

"President Goodshow requested my presence, as a show of faith to the Johto half of the Indigo League, regarding the current issue."

"President!" Tsunada growled looking at Goodshow like he wished he could strangle the man. "This is a meeting for the Kanto League! To allow a Johtan to sit in, and not even inform us!"

Updat𝓮d fr𝙤m ƒгeeweɓn૦vel.com.

"Be at peace Tsunada, Champion Lance was requested for an important reason, and has my complete trust in this situation. His specialty after all." He then turned to Lance. "Champion? As the pre-eminent Dragon Master of our shared regions, what do you think of our newest additions? "

"Fascinating. I read the report, and saw the scans." Tsunada nearly growled at that reveal, but everyone ignored him. Giving the Johtans the reports and scans was part of the agreement. Why get irritated with it? Richard really wanted to know what went through these old mens heads sometimes.

"I’m familiar with Ms. Ferrous, but this is a unique opportunity. I would appreciate it if the League would approve a visit. I would like to learn more about these new dragons she brought over, before I make my own attempt to travel to distant Kitakami."

"What nonsense is this! That information should have been restricted! To allow him to know where the source is!"

"Tsunada sit down." President Goodshow snapped out, his affable demeanor gone as he glared out from around his almost famous beard. Slowly the man did so red and glaring. "The peace agreement made between leagues after the last war, was very clear Tsunada. We keep only one Champion position to keep the political pressure of trying to prove who is the best champion out of people’s minds. No need for a war with everyone sure their champion is best when there is only one champion for both regions." Goodshaw began as if speaking to a child about historical fact.

"We have had a marked decrease in conflict on our border, between our regions. Peace. Something we all crave, Johtan and Kantonian alike. This is the best step forward we have had in decades. Indigo was once unified after all, it is a shame for us to kill our own cousins so routinely." The man reminded the room, looking even at Richard who really REALLY wished he had a cigarette.

Yeah Indigo had been one, probably five hundred years ago. It had been split in a civil war so long ago, and with so much destruction that even the exact reason for the war was long lost to time.

It had led to centuries of war between the two regions. Centuries where each side had honed themselves against the other.

But with recent changes to technology. Recent changes to the League, and recent worldwide changes, with planes becoming powerful enough to fly around the world. With sea travel improving with new understanding of pokemon ecology.

His own department was responsible for the oceanic trade path across the entire coast of Yamato. Something unheard of just a century ago. Not even touching on the distant ocean trade opening up in the last few decades. Alola, Unova, there was a rumor that he hadn’t been sure of about a safe ocean liner path to Galar.

But bringing up unification was a bad call. Richard could tell.

Tsunada had calmed, his face gone suspiciously blank.

Something everyone had noticed, but not commented on.

"And yet Lance, should not be here without our awareness. That’s practically treason." Tsunada grumbled, but the president shook his head.

"There was nothing up for discussion that was private information." The president reminded everyone, giving Tsunada a look telling him that his own xenophobia towards Johto had been his own embarrassment.

"I assure you gentlemen, as I have said many times in the past. Despite my origin, I wish to make sure the Indigo experiment continues in peace. Combining our pokemon Leagues through the Indigo League is something I approved of from the start." Lance interrupted, trying to be reasonable.

"And when it fails, you will go back to Johto and then come at us with all the force of the Blackthorn."

"Or I will fight to keep the peace from the fools that are trying to stir up trouble." Lance responded. "We’ve all lost something to war with each other. Let the children fight each other safely through the League and leave the borders as they are I say." He called looking over the men. Men of the Kanto Association. Many of whom nodded along, a rare thing indeed.

Richard noted Tsunada wasn’t one of them.

"If it helps. I planned on doing an inspection of the Ferrous Clan Stable in a few days, to make sure everything is up to par. The Champion could escort me." Richard offered. Something everyone in the room understood was the exact opposite.

Richard would be escorting Lance, keeping him in sight and making sure nothing went missing on his visit.

"I approve, but I am not the one we will need to ask. Richard when you inform the Ferrous clan of the inspection, please request to bring along Champion Lance. Lance my boy, I apologize, but it will be up to them if you are welcome."

"I understand." The Champion said agreeably, shaking his cape out a bit as he shifted. "Until then. I will speak to the Silver League President about the situation, about how open the Indigo League has been regarding such a drastic shift. President. Indigo League chairmembers." He offered a small bow and turned his cape flaring behind him.

Then Lance was gone, and Richard had another headache to deal with.

"I will be reaching out to discuss today’s surprise President Goodshow." Tsunada said as he rose up in one motion. "I assure you that many of the governors of Kanto will not be pleased to hear of this!"

The President didn’t do anything, and the meeting thankfully ended. Finally time to smoke.

"Brushfire?" He stopped as the President called. Fuck.

"Yes sir?"

"Give me a moment of your time." Goodshow requested rising out of his chair and walking over to one side of the meeting room. To the large map of Kanto, so Richard followed.

"What can I do for you sir?"

"Push for the Ferrous clan to accept Lance’s meeting. No threats, but make it known that this request comes from me if you have to."

"Sir? Is it really that important?"

"Blackthorn is one of Johto’s most powerful clans, but they have old pacts with the Silver League. Pacts to join in whatever wars are called. Lance being Champion lets him exempt himself from the normal call to arms. Gives him an excuse to firmly plant himself between the regions as a bulwark as tall as Mt. Silver." Goodshow reached into his jacket and pulled a cigarette case out, offering one to Richard.

Well, never let it be said Richard refused such a generous offer. "I didn’t know you smoked." He offered candidly. Bending down he accepted the President’s light as well, smoking the crisper brand compared to his own.

"Only behind closed doors my boy, can’t let the children see a man in my position smoking away. Best they think I abhor it all, so they do as well. At least that’s the dream." He replied and Richard nodded.

"So you want to butter Lance up?"

"Not just that. I hope that Lance brings those pokemon back from Kitakami himself."

"Sir? Losing an advantage like that? Is it worth it?"

"Old thinking Brushfire. Old, war like thinking. What’s the point of an advantage you intend to never use? No. Better to sell such an ’expensive’ gift for something far greater. Despite our openness about the situation there are still grumblings from Johto. Grumblings that have been causing issues." Goodshow blew out a cloud of smoke as he stared at the map.

Then the President turned and looked up at Richard. The President may be small, but he had a powerful presence at times. When he continued speaking Richard was listening.

"Troublemakers are as always spending their political capital to cause issues. What do you think will happen when Johto soon has their own new dragons? And it was because Kanto allowed it, in the spirit of peace?"

The idea framed in Richards mind. He wasn’t a politician but he could understand it.

Men and women on the other side of the mountain stirring up unrest, suddenly silenced when their champion is assisted in empowering himself.

"You want to weaken the opposition to peace, and empower those calling for it… But Sir, if Kanto is offering this boon to a Johtan champion, you are weakening the Johtan warmongers, but you might be enhancing the Kanto side."

"Yes." He agreed simply and didn’t say anything more staring at the map of Kanto.

Richard smoked that cigarette, and nothing more needed to be said. He withdrew without another word, heading to make some calls.


Elizabeth Ferrous

Elizabeth wasn’t sure what to feel.

Her little cousin seemed so delighted as Pokemon after Pokemon that Elizabeth had never heard of came out of pokeballs.

Elizabeth knew she was a strong trainer. She knew she had talent, taking Skitty to the conference and through skill and clan knowledge of cat types earning her place.

But that and this was something else.

The Gyarados alone had Elizabeth stepping well back, back up onto the porch overlooking her cousin’s stable.

The section of land behind the clan had previously been pretty small, The Fuschia ninja clan had owned the woods, and the Ferrous Clan had struggled to try and buy it.

Only with the money from the Milotic had it been approved.

The fact Koga of all people was fond of her cousin was just as weird. She had been allowed to sit in on the meeting between Daddy, and Gym Leader Koga for the land.

The Gym Leader had mentioned it would do Victoria well to have a stable away from Viridian.

So Elizabeth knew that Victoria was trouble. Knew that she was a strong trainer, with luck and skill.

But before this Elizabeth had only seen her pokemon by themselves.

Her Arcanine way back on the first day they met, the day that Elizabeth knew that the little blonde would be more than just a distant unwelcome cousin..

Then a Dragonite when she flew away after the clan meeting.

But looking over her entire team had Elizabeth assessing it objectively.

She knew more about Milotic than most since she had been helping take care of the flock that was transferred and even helping the team brought in to adjust the entire landscaping.

But Victoria’s partner? It was night and day compared to the pampered flock.

Thick muscles shone under its scales. It was larger, thicker, and longer, and moved with a grace on land that even some of the flock couldn’t get in the water.

Powerful. Elegant. Beautiful.

Elizabeth admitted her jealousy, and moved on.

Arcanine was a beast. Dragonite was a Dragonite. She couldn’t even properly assess them. They were strong though.

But the Gyarados? That had Elizabeth paying it extra attention. She had fought a trainer with a Gyarados before in the conference.

He had knocked her out. His Gyarados had been a brutal rampaging beast, even Skitty using Thunderbolt hadn’t managed to stop the beast until it crashed on top of her.

Her agile fighting style countered by overwhelming bulk.

But that Gyarados, while bigger than her Cousins was an uncontrollable beast. Its trainer hadn’t given it a single order during the fight.

He couldn’t. Even in the end, after defeating Skitty it had needed to be returned to keep it from attacking her.

The Trainer… Yaro? Yilo? Something like that. He had nearly lost his win because of it.

He had been knocked out in the next round, because he had been banned from using his Gyarados after its attack on her.

So Elizabeth had studied Gyarados, trying to figure out a method to have won the battle.

Yet… Victoria’s Gyarados didn’t rampage. Didn’t attack. Didn’t even mind when Milotic floated around it or on top of it.

It just swam there sedately, eyes locked onto Victoria with a calm intensity.

If it hadn’t just been there unmoving for the last few minutes she would have assumed it was planning on attacking.

"Blue Heart! You big cutie! You can do whatever you want of course my darling." She called out to her Gyarados who just sort of wiggled at her in response.

It made no sense. How had she done it? How had she made her Gyarados so placid? So controllable?

And who the hell called Gyarados a Darling?

Elizabeth shook her head, as her cousin ran off to chase after the littlest pokemon Victoria had brought back. Goomy? She didn’t get why she wanted so many poison types. But Victoria seemed to delight in them, and Elizabeth wasn’t going to comment on liking weird Pokemon. Her Sandslash wasn’t considered cute to most people, but Snicker was one of her best friends.

Elizabeth would need to watch her cousin. To figure out a way of defeating her, because she didn’t plan on losing the conference this year.

But she also knew that there was a gulf between them. Luck, rare pokemon… Maybe even skill. Although that one was what Elizabeth was betting she could win on. That and experience.

As she watched her cousin run back later with a Goomy in her hands. Elizabeth agreed to help.

The fact Victoria might be an enemy she faces in the conference, had nothing to do with the future of the clan.

This and that were two different things.