Pokemon Trainer Vicky-Chapter 57

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"Mama?" I asked, surprised at what I came across when I came back inside. I had just hit the bathroom to wash all the slime off, and use a bunch of soap. I had spoken with Chansey about what to do with the bacteria covering our Goomy, and after a quick discussion, Chansey had assured me she would get what was needed.

But I still needed to clean up, and entering the house I saw Mama sitting in a nice little sitting room with Elizabeth’s mother right across from her.

The other woman was in a fancy Yukata and Mama seemed surprisingly at ease, sitting across from her, in her much simpler clothes, both women were taking tea of all things.


"Vicky, taking a break?"

"Just getting some food before getting back to it. I need to finish planning the training plan with Chansey, and do some team bonding… But I could take a break." I assured Mama, seeing the way her face had shifted to disappointment as I talked.

"Good. Melissa was telling me about a hair salon we can head to." Mama said rising up and Melissa did as well.

"I’ll escort you Haruka dear." Melissa offered with a titter, and I quirked an eyebrow because Melissa hadn’t been nearly that nice the last time I saw her.

"That would be a gift. Thank you." Mama responded and so I was quickly pulled along into the orbit of the two women. We left the main house, down the street, with people greeting Melissa… Aunt Melissa? I suppose that was accurate.

We walked down the street. Then Aunt Melissa led us into a shop on the street, inside the compound.

I blinked as we walked into a barbershop of all things.

I guess people in the compound needed haircuts too, and someone knew how to do it.

This content is taken from freёnovelkiss.com.

"Melissa! Good to see you, you’re early." A man called out, currently working on giving another younger man a shave, but I was mostly just shocked at the size of the guy’s arms.

This guy had arms the size of my torso, and yet he was gently shaving his client without issue.

His black hair was Kantonese through and through, but he actually had the same eyes as many of the Ferrous clan.

Something I was starting to pick up as they were similar to my own eyes. Only the shape being different, as I copied Mama in that respect.

"Little Victoria needs her hair fixed after a training accident Koga." She said and I almost flinched at the name, before realizing it wasn’t that uncommon a name, not that I didn’t look around for ninjas anyways.

There were always ninjas.

"Heh. Well let me finish this up, and I’ll make sure it’s cleaned up." He offered with a baritone rumble, never taking his eyes off his client, and he continued to work, and we all three settled into chairs that Melissa guided us into.

Just a few minutes later the shave was complete and the man that was practically wider than he was tall looked over and then looked directly at me.

"That’s gonna need a touch up alright. What happened, little one?"

"Oh, Gible has a snapping tendency, and my ponytail landed right in her mouth. Chomped right down on it." I explained even moving my arms up and down in an alligator snapping motion.

"Well that’s a shame. Let’s see what we can do to straighten that up. Here little Victoria." He gestured patting a chair. I did as asked rushing up and he quickly combed my hair out a bit seeing the damage that Ivy had done trying to help.

Well she certainly did more repair that Gible had, but still.

"Huh, scissors?"

"My friend Ivy helped. I still had half a ponytail… Only half."

"Ah I see." He muttered, and he had my hair on display and I winced at how rough the cut was. He asked a few more questions about looks and I nodded eventually.

I’d take what I could get.


"Still playing with it?" Mama asked as we returned to the main house.

"It still feels weird." I said back. My hand ran through my hair with a single motion. It was so short, but Gible hadn’t exactly given me a choice. Short hair… When was the last time I had short hair… Before I died?

I shook off that thought and focused on the future.

"It’s fine. Just hair. Even if I miss my ponytail. I’ll grow it out again." I said and firmed up. "I need to get back to work. Umm… Aunt Melissa, do you know where an arts and crafts store is around here?" I asked, to the other woman that had been following us back.

She blinked in surprise at the sudden strange question before nodding slowly.

"Good. I need to get Mimikyu. One sec!"


"KuKkUkuuk?" Mimikyu asked from my shoulder as he looked around the store. Aunt Melissa had pulled through, this was the perfect place.

"Yep. It’s amazing right? Anything you need. I can buy it for you. So let’s get you sorted out okay?" I asked, and was instantly wrapped around in a tear filled hug around my head as Mimikyu cried out his little heart.

"I told you, didn’t I? We’re together forever and ever."

"Kuku!" He agreed, bouncing on my shoulder like an excited kid. Soon we stepped further in, going through aisle after aisle. A cart pushed ahead, I ended up delighting in picking up lots of things.

New yellow cloth was the first thing he chose. His previous disguise was rough and worn with patches in places, but I urged him to grab other colors as well. Mimikyu picked Pikachu to be loved, but I loved Mimikyu no matter what his costume showed.

So we grabbed blue, and a pink, and even a nice red. With some other colors as well. Stuffing so many rolls of cloth into the cart brought attention.

"Welcome! Do you need any assistance?" The worker asked, and I perked up.

"Yes! My little buddy is gathering everything he needs for his disguise. Do you have anything that he can replace his neck with? It makes a-" *CrRrrRackle.* The noise of Mimikyu turning to look at the woman, the costume’s neck turning a full 180 cracking the sticks he used to hold up the head.

Unfortunately, I did forget that not everyone was prepared for a Mimikyu.

The woman screamed as she leapt into the air and then crashed into a display of the cloth rolls knocking the whole thing over on top of her… Well I guess I should have expected that.

"Shit." I cursed, as I rushed forward, ignoring Mama’s glare as she did the same. Crap, I cursed in front of the parents. Not good.

"Oh my Arceus." The girl offered as we uncovered her, her hand clutching her chest. "What?"

"Sorry sorry! Nothing to be afraid of!" I called out loudly. Petting Mimikyu who had slumped over at the scream.

"Look see, it’s just sticks." I explained reaching up and into Mimikyu’s disguise. He squeaked out in surprise as I pushed my hand past his cool, not quite slimy body and grabbed one of the sticks and pulled it out. Then I worked it with my hands, and the same crackling noise echoed out.

The woman looked from my hands, to me, to Mimikyu before slowly nodding "R-Right… Right."

"Sorry he spooked you, Mimikyu, is the sweetest. I need to help him fix his disguise so people are more comfortable with him. He’s really a sweetheart."

"Kukuku?" He said quietly to the worker.

"Ah… I see… Is that handmade?" She asked, now close enough to see Mimikyu’s disguise in full.

"Kuku!" He cheered, nodding his big head floppily… Well more floppy than normal since I stole a stick. Sorry buddy.

"That’s… pretty impressive… Why does he wear it?"

"Mimikyu are a ghost type, and their true form… It’s hard to say, let’s just say people and pokemon don’t react safely to it, but he’s actually really sweet… All of them are. They wear disguises to meet people and make friends." I explain as I finally help the woman back to her feet.

"It’s uh… Very well done. A bit simple, but I’ve seen worse for sure… I think… I think we have some plastic framing that will work to help hold the neck up… Maybe some cloth paint as well? If you want to put on eyes?"

"That would be great!" I agreed as Mimikyu perked up.

I smiled as the woman calmed down and even watched fascinated as Mimikyu did some preliminary work with the plastic framing pieces to replace all of the sticks in the neck of his disguise. Making it stand up straighter, and look a lot better with just that.

"Heh… A pokemon that likes sewing and cloth hobby work? That’s cute." She said and I swear Mimikyu absolutely died. He was so excited at having another person call him cute he was practically buzzing.

As I pushed the cart full of stuff towards Papa’s car I nodded. Definitely coming back to this store again. Had to show off Mimikyu’s upgraded work in the future after all!


"You sure? You can take the time." I asked him, but Mimikyu shook his head. "Alright. Then training first it is." I said. We had just got back to the clan house and I had asked if Mimikyu wanted to work on his disguise while I went out back and got training.

But he wanted to train.

I nodded.

"Let’s get to it then." I said and headed outside. I couldn’t do everything, I wasn’t about to use Gravity training after all, but everyone needed some work on other things anyways.

I walked out into chaos, which… Yeah I should have expected that.

Dratini had climbed up onto Gyarados but was more hanging off his whisker which wasn’t geat. It couldn’t be comfortable, but I could see why as Gible was resting right below Dratini, mouth open.

Dragonite was distracted holding Jangmo-o in one hand and Riolu in the other, both of the two looking like they were about to fight.

An entire dollop of Goomy were hiding under a bush as Arcanine kept trying to get at them, her tail wagging.

Sighing. I went to work. Walking over I snatched up Gible with a quick motion her jaw snapped a few times but she relaxed once Dratini was out of sight.

That was going to cause trouble in the future.

Then I walked over to Arcanine. I cleared my throat but my dog was way too focused on bothering the huddling Goomy.

Well then.

"Gyarados! Water gun!" I called out, knowing my big boy would follow me. Arcanine jerked up but as her head was stuck in a bush she was blasted with water making her whine as finally broke free of the bush and sent me a hurt look, her fur waterlogged and leaking.

"Leave the Goomy alone." I told her firmly, and she pouted. Then smirked, and I knew what was coming.

"Dammit! Don’t you da-" I huddled up covering Gible as suddenly water was flying everywhere, as Arcanine started shaking. My hat shifted and I realized Mimikyu was using it to block the water from him and my face. What a good boy!

"You little brat." I told Arcanine whose tail was already wagging happily.

"Go get checked up by Chansey. Training time." I told her, and before I even finished the ’T’ word she was off.

Gible, I noticed as I rose up and wiped my face with a free hand didn’t seem to be bothered by the water, and was mostly just looking around. Seemingly enjoying being carried around. That was nice.

"You okay Mimikyu?" I asked, and I Mimikyu nodded, showing he was still dry. "Good. That was smart. Good job." I told him and he preened under the words. "Alright Goomy? Sorry for Arcanine, she isn’t going to hurt you, she just wants to play. If she bothers you again just call for help, and one of my other friends will get her away, okay?"

I asked the huddled dollop in the shadows of the bush, but none of them seemed interested in responding back. I threw them a smile and moved away. Giving them some space.

"Dragonite! If those two don’t want to cool off, go dunk them in the river for a second!" I called out as I walked past her, heading straight towards Chansey who was seemingly enjoying a light workout, dropping to the ground, doing a pushup, to push her back to her feet, and then bending down to touch her toes and then restarting.

"Chansey, we are going to do some training." I called out and she perked up and smiled happily as she hurried over.

I watched as a very wet Riolu and Jangmo-o were brought over. A fluffier than normal Arcanine appeared in a blur, and then everyone gathered around.

"Alright! Team! It’s time to prepare for the fight of our lives! In just over a month the Conference begins, and I intend on winning!" I called out shooting a fist into the sky, Arcanine jumped happily at my words, and Dragonite cutely mimicked me along with Chansey, but most of the others weren’t responding as well.

That’s fine. We would forge our bonds through training!

"Okay first off! Let’s line up. We are going to focus on pressurizing our attacks today! Yes Arcanine, that means no running around for now. I need that fire burning! Dragonite! Twister! We don’t want to go crazy with Hurricane. But try to strengthen the winds! It should carry over to improving Hurricane as well!"

She nodded and started working, but she wouldn’t be alone!

"Dratini! What are you standing around for! Time to work on twister too! Show your Mama and Papa and all your friends what you can do!" I called out, and Dratini who had been hanging around on Gyarados’s head suddenly leapt off and joined in.

I smiled as the two pokemon got to work, Dratini getting some tips from his mom.

"Milotic, Gyarados! Arcanine! All three of you are together. You boys are going to try and pump out water to put out any fire that Arcanine makes! Arcanine! I know you can burn! So burn!" I yelled out and she howled running off for a spot and the two noodle boys hurrying after.

"Don’t forget to pressurize the water!" I called out and Milotic slumped as he realized he would have to work hard too.

"Lucario!"I called out to the older Jackal that had been watching in bemusement from the porch. "Yep you! Chansey is going to run you through some workouts!" I said winking at Chansey who looked super happy, my Goddess clapping her fins in delight as she hurried over on her tiny little legs, much faster than most pokemon would expect and then since Lucario hadn’t moved grabbing her paw and just dragging her away.


"Hehehehe" I laughed ominously as I dropped a hand right onto Riolu’s shoulder. "Oh no. You aren’t ready for the hell of a full Chansey workout." I told her, holding her back, Riolu looked back with fear in her eyes.

And found no mercy in mine!

"Vacuum Wave." I told her. Pointing. "Start blasting it into Dragonite and Dratini’s Twister. I’ll come by to guide you into making your attacks more powerful. Don’t hurt yourself, if you feel tired let me know." I told her, and then as she was still looking surprised I pushed her forward.

"Training time!" I yelled and Riolu to my surprise nodded stiffly and ran to stand beside Dratini.

I took a moment to make sure everyone was jumping to it, before I looked at my remaining pokemon that needed training. Including Gible still in my arms.

"Jangmo-o." I called and he Perked up looking a little deflated, but at my call he jumped to his feet and puffed up.


"You don’t have any ranged attacks do you?" I asked and he deflated, practically melting into the grass as he fell onto his belly.

Was he a Jangmo-o or a Goomy!? I wanted to giggle at how cute it was, but he needed trainer Vicky right now.

"That’s okay." I told him kneeling down to push my palm into his cheek and raising his head. "It’s my job to teach you, and train you. So come on." I told him as I rose over to the porch where Papa was hanging out.

It didn’t escape me that Lucario had been hanging around papa… Again.

I narrowed my eyes at him as he sipped from a drink. "Vicky?"

"I need you to hold this." I told him pushing Gible into his lap.

"Wha- Vicky!"

"Gible stay with Papa okay? That’s a good girl." I told her rubbing her on the head in the way she liked.

"Vicky, I’m not really comfortable with this."

"Just hold her for a little, don’t put your hands near her mouth, and maybe give her some F.O.O.D if she starts getting up. She’s a baby, treat her like a little puppy." I told him, making sure to spell the food word. He looked like he was going to argue, but Gible had settled into his lap without a care.

"Gib." She said aloud. And Papa sort of petted her head causing her to open her mouth and purr.

I didn’t say anything more. It wasn’t needed. Papa was already falling for her!

Turning I got to a new space and stood across from Jangmo-o. "Alright little guy. You get special training today. Give me one second though. Mimikyu? Did you think I forgot about you?" I asked, and giggled at the little wiggle he gave.

"You are in the same boat as Jangmo-o here, so you are training together today." I told him as he hopped off and settled next to Jangmo-o. The two pokemon side eyed each other seemingly still not sure about each other.

"Okay! So we aren’t doing physical training today. You both noticed right? We are traying to enhance special attacks, usually they are ranged attacks, neither of you have a good one yet. So we are going to work on that today."

"First! Mimikyu, you are using Ghost energy, and Jangmo-o Dragon energy. Mimikyu. Gather up your ghost energy, but don’t let it go. Try to let it gather together as an attack, compress it like this." I told him making a squeezing gesture. "We are going to learn how to use Shadow Ball!"

"Jangmo-o! You have Dragon tail. Take that energy you use, and try to draw it u p through your body to your face! We are going to learn Dragon Pulse! It’s a really good ranged attack! Slow and steady! Gather your dragon energy! Let it flow through you! Learn to control it!"

I worked with both of the pokemon for a while before moving on.

"Riolu! You are just forming the attack and sending it out! Compress it down, Try to stuff more power into the Vacuum! Hold it and squeeze it with all your might, then let it go!" I called and while there wasn’t any improvement the first time Riolu nodded and set in to work. Our antagonism set aside as Riolu did want to grow stronger.

"Dratini, let the twister start, but don’t just cut it off, push more power in after." I told him as the little noddle nodded at my instruction.

Dragonite already had compression down pretty well, but we didn’t usually work on her wind control. Normally focusing on Dragon energy. "Keep it up!"

And through the crowd I moved. Checking on Arcanine, Milotic, and Gyarados, who had thankfully not burned down a forest or knocked over any trees yet. Arcanine had found a rocky spot like a good girl and was blasting it with fire, as Gyarados just emptied out on the spot.

Milotic spot spraying much smaller bursts of water.

That was good. Milotic had always been pretty good at pressurizing his attacks. But he needed to do more.

"Milotic, go bigger! I want to see lots of water!" I called out and he looked at me plaintively, but I just kept looking at him and he eventually relented his next attack, losing a lot of the pressure but being much wider.

I went by everyone. Working with my entire team as we slowly improved. Eventually Lucario was given a break so Chansey could go around and check on everyone. I walked over to the poor older dog who was laying on her back breathing crazily.

"Chansey put you through her crazy routines huh? Yeah she’s got some really tough workouts. Don’t worry. You’ll get a break soon." I told her and she just kept gasping for air, not even whining at me because she couldn’t sacrifice the oxygen.

There there.