Pokemon : Rewind
"Crobat I choose you" said KogaStrength : Elite levelAs our new Ash/Oliver saw this he is feeling nostalgicNow that he thinks about it should he choose Pikachu or Charmander?************This is a translation of Pokemon : Wisdom series
- C.492 - 80: The Battle of Ecruteak GymNEW
- C.491 - 79: The Person Chosen by Ho-OhNEW
- C.490 - 78: EnteiNEW
- C.489 - 76: Advertising and Big SalesNEW
- C.488 - 75: Resounding SuccessNEW
- C.487 - 74: The Agreement Between Two HeartsNEW
- C.486 - 73: Brock Gives UpNEW
- C.485 - 72: Brock’s Strong RivalNEW
- C.484 - 71: Hello SuzyNEW
- C.483 - 70: City of BonitavilleNEW
- C.482 - 69: GuidanceNEW
- C.481 - 68: Ma’s Martial Arts SchoolNEW
- C.480 - 67: Unwilling ChigusaNEW
- C.479 - 66: HitmontopNEW
- C.478 - 65: Kenzo-RyuNEW
- C.477 - 64: The Martial Arts Gym in the MountainsNEW
- C.476 - 63: Brock’s ThoughtsNEW
- C.475 - 62: It’s a Tree... That’s WeirdNEW
- C.474 - 61: The GiftNEW
- C.473 - 60: The EndNEW
- C.472 - 59: Bug Catching ConferenceNEW
- C.471 - 58: Hello CaseyNEW
- C.470: Side - : Pikachu’s Day in the SpotlightNEW
- C.469 - 57: National ParkNEW
- C.468 - 56: The Plain BadgeNEW
- C.467 - 55: The Ghost vs. the TankNEW
- C.466 - 54: BlisseyNEW
- C.465 - 53: The Power of HaunterNEW
- C.464 - 52: Goldenrod Gym BattleNEW
- C.463 - 51: InvitationNEW
- C.462 - 50: WhitneyNEW
- C.461 - 49: Goldenrod RanchNEW
- C.460 - 48: Swap MeetNEW
- C.459 - 47: Victory and PromotionNEW
- C.458 - 46: The Tauros ConferenceNEW
- C.457 - 45: Ilex ForestNEW
- C.456 - 44: UnexplodedNEW
- C.455 - 43: The GapNEW
- C.454 - 42: Azalea GymNEW
- C.453 - 41: The Enigma of the GS BallNEW
- C.452 - 40: KurtNEW
- C.451 - 39: DroughtNEW
- C.450 - 38: Richardon’s RequestNEW
- C.449 - 37: A Sudden AtmosphereNEW
- C.448 - 36: The Clash of CharizardsNEW
- C.447 - 35: Richardon’s HopeNEW
- C.446 - 34: Charizard Versus CharizardNEW
- C.445 - 33: Totem of the ValleyNEW
- C.444 - 32: Charicific ValleyNEW
- C.443 - 31: LizaNEW
- C.442 - 30: Charicific ValleyNEW
- C.441 - 29: Personal BrandNEW
- C.440 - 28: A Devastating MoveNEW
- C.439 - 27: The Strength of GyaradosNEW
- C.438 - 26: The Power of GyaradosNEW
- C.437 - 25: The Strength of LaprasNEW
- C.436 - 24: Falkner’s ExpectationsNEW
- C.435 - 23: Violet GymNEW
- C.434 - 22: Violet CityNEW
- C.433 - 21: Victory in the First BattleNEW
- C.432 - 20: QuagsireNEW
- C.431 - 19: The Strong-Willed SpiritNEW
- C.430 - 18: Rustling LeafNEW
- C.429 - 17: Cherrygrove CityNEW
- C.428 - 16: Instant CoaxNEW
- C.427 - 15: Joining the TeamNEW
- C.426 - 14: HeracrossNEW
- C.425 - 13: The Real Protagonist is Online AgainNEW
- C.424 - 12: Pinsir and HeracrossNEW
- C.423 - 11: Depressed Forest AreaNEW
- C.422 - 10: WorshipNEW
- C.421 - 9: ShortcomingsNEW
- C.420 - 8: Coaching ClashNEW
- C.419 - 7: Casey Loves BaseballNEW
- C.418 - 6: CaseyNEW
- C.417 - 5: Distribution and LotteryNEW
- C.416 - 4: Gifts and RemunerationNEW
- C.415 - 3: The Figure in the Thick FogNEW
- C.414 - 2: Professor ElmNEW
- C.413 - 1: The Town Where the Wind of Beginning BlowsNEW
- C.412: Side - : The Talent showNEW
- C.411 - 93: The Lineup Heading to JohtoNEW
- C.410 - 92: The Impenetrable GS BallNEW
- C.409 - 91: Return to Pallet TownNEW
- C.408 - 90: Goodbye BrockNEW
- C.407 - 89: Lapras’ ChoiceNEW
- C.406 - 88: PalaceNEW
- C.405 - 87: Trump CardNEW
- C.12 - : PromotionNEW
- C.11 - : Winged Dragon of RaNEW
- C.10 - : InheritanceNEW
- C.9 - : DepartureNEW
- C.8 - : AgreementNEW
- C.7 - : Pikachu vs. SquirtleNEW
- C.6 - : The First BattleNEW
- C.5 - : PikachuNEW
- C.4 - : Gary’s RivalryNEW
- C.3 - : Ash’s DilemmaNEW
- C.2 - : The Defeated KogaNEW
- C.1 - : Elite ChallengeNEW